
Sad Promise

A promise must usually be fulfilled no matter what. But what happens if that promise is broken? Will you get away with it as long your powerful or have an important role in society? Who knows what punishment awaits for those who breaks a promise. ————————— Fritz Fuji a 15 year old boy that is half-Japanese and half-German. He is the descendant of the legendary Fuji family. The family is well known to produce the greatest krieger and the feats that they acquired along the years. They are also well respected from the krieger community and the society due to their kraft. The kraft that they have is a strong and one of a kind. Fritz dreams to be a a krieger like his father and the others before him. Unfortunately for Fritz. He dreams are crushed when he hit the age of 6. The doctors classsify him as a non- kraft. Not long fter the devastating news. He was sent to a far way prefecture, Sedai, He was sent there due to his father current occupation as the royal commander for the the queen. The queen herself despise non-kraft people. She would go out of her way to kill them if she knew they were a kraft. So, Fritz’s father wouldn’t want to take any chances even though the queen was on good terms with Fritz. Fritz spends most of his days either playing or studying with his childhood best friend, Sakura Yuuki. Fritz’s father asked the Yuuki family to take care of Fritz. They gladly agreed to it since Sakura’s dad and Fritz’s dad are best friends. One day, Fritz was returning home from school. He was welcomed by an unpleasant guest in his home. Crazy stuff happens and he needs to run away from the guest. This is his journey to rewrite a new promise. ————————— About the words krieger (Warrior in German) and Kraft (Power in Swedish). You’ll find out why i use it later in the story

Benggo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Nice and relaxing life

January 2nd , 2041

Let us turn back the clock a bit, and recount on how a 15 year-old boy found himself in that cruel yet unimaginable situation.

The breeze of the wind that slowly hits my face marks the end of winter and the start of new spring. The breeze somewhat refreshens me but I'm still a bit drowsy since I'm sitting under my favourite tree. The combination of the shade and soft soil makes it comfortable to sleep. I could say its much more comfortable than my bed at home.

I've been waiting for about an hour for her. I look at my watch and see the time that it is now 1.13 p.m. . She'll probably be here after a few hours since she has to attend the school clubs after school. I'll just take this time to take a quick nap since it'll be a waste not to enjoy this nice weather. I quickly took this opportunity and adjust to a much more comfortable position. While doing this I can't help but wonder how widely has this world change. The changes varies from economy, politics and much more. This changes might have been caused by those of high ranking that only wishes to take other peoples land and exploit it to the fullest. In which the locals to that land denies the action that those people do. This sparks a war and those who are strong will always come up top. The factor that changes this world the most in my opinion are the existent of kraft. Moreover, in recent years. People have perfected and come to a much more understanding to their kraft. They utilise it to the fullest such as people with a mutant type kraft that has a snake like tail. They learn to pick locks. The difference in strength of kraft also comes into factor. A person that has 19-20 rated kraft can easily tear down an army. The destroyed remnants of the war also effect the world. Most noticeable the climate change. The winter here in Japan that should've last from December to March. Only lasted a month that is December.

Well, I don't have much saying in what the government do and decide. All i can do is just be a useful citizen that abides the law but people like me are only looked as mere trash on the sidewalk. Not long after that. I quickly fall asleep from all the thinking.

Darkness. All i can see is darkness. I'm surrounded by it. Anything I do is useless. Screaming? What's the point of it if there's no one coming to help. I close my eyes since there's nothing else i can do but do that and wait. A minute passes and there's still nothing. Minutes turns to hours. Hours turns to days. Days turns weeks. Maybe it's just my mind that's going crazy as it felt like an eternity. Most likely 30 minutes have past. I felt helpless. Uneasy to breath. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest. This pain doesn't feel like a heart attack but something more. It feet it in my lungs, wait no. This pain is everywhere in my chest area. That includes the skin, muscle tissue, heart and even in the blood vessels. This pain, I don't really know how to describe it. This immensely hurts. I find myself gasping for air. My heart feels like its about to explode any moment. The pain also appear to be spreading throughout my body. I can't describe how it felt. Shortly after, the pain has reach every part of my body. By this time. I was screaming at the top of lungs, desperately calling for help. I know from the beginning that it was useless. Maybe it was because my body that reflexively did on its own to find any way it can to stop this. But deep down i know i was going to die and just scream to distract the pain and die painlessly. I guess that's it. i close my eyes and waited. To die.

"Huh?" A bright white light suddenly appear in front of me. I opened my eyes to see what produced it but it was so bright that i had to keep my eyes half closed. I also felt the pain to slowly go away. But i realised something. The air started to be filled up by smoke. The smoke was coming behind me. The most concentrated area with smoke are around my face and limbs except for the right arm. I feel sort of relieved since the pain throughout my body are gone but i can't help but wonder that what will happen next. After 1 minute, everything started to stay still even the smoke. I look around me but it was still dark except for the bright light in front. I noticed that the bright light started dimming. I started to see silhouette of something. Maybe that something is someone. nonetheless I wasn't gonna let my hopes up since it might be hostile. As it started to dim more. 4 more silhouette started to appear beside the first silhouette. 2 on each side. Not long after that, those silhouette came into my view. It was people. "Human I guess?" I whispered to myself as they don't have anything neither a face nor mouth. They only colours. All of them are white except for the furthest left. That one has a dark red colour to it. The smoke also started to clear up too except for my face and limbs. With all the smoke clear up i can finally see them much more clearly. As i look more and more, I noticed that each one of them have some type of sure emitting from them. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but looks like they aren't hostile, yet. I look at them in awe. I wonder whether they heard me screaming and crying for help earlier but that thought soon is disturbed by a loud snapping sound. *Clack* with the one sound. The smoke around my face and limbs suddenly solidify. It was still smoke but more elastic. It wrap around my limbs like a chain except for my right arm. As for my face, it completely covered my mouth. The chain started to become more tighter. I was desperately trying to get it off but it was no use. I stare in front me towards those people hoping they might do something. But as soon as I started to lay my eyes on them, the chain started to move. It was dragging me behind into the dark abyss and into the ground. I couldn't resist to it as the strength of the was too strong. As soon as i realise that I couldn't resist. I was half underground. With the last effort of surviving. I look in front to those people. The person in the middle started to move but only with his right hand. He was reaching for me. I knew it was impossible for him to reach me as our distance is so far but i still reach out for. I wanted to live. I didn't want to die. At this time, my head and right hand was the only part of me that was still not yet underground. That person was still reaching out for me. I couldn't do anything. I knew that i was i gonna die. But i at least wanted to thank them for trying to save me. I gave them one last look before being brought down.

As I thought. I couldn't breathe down here and I couldn't even see a thing not even my arms. Amidst of panicking and couldn't breathe. I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling my name. "Fritz, Fritz. Are you there?" At that time my heart stop beating and i knew i was dead.

"Fritz, wake up." I opened my eyes and the light from the sun peers into my eyes and I couldn't see anything due to my eye not yet adjusted to the light intensity. "Ah!" I screamed and I immediately sat straight up. I was shock to see that I'm still alive. " Jeez, what happened to you?". I look toward the familiar voice from where it came from.

It was my childhood friend, Sakura that has been calling my name. "Why did you sleep here?" Asked Sakura. "Sorry i was tired of waiting for you so i took a nap. Plus its comfortable". I sincerely apologise to her since she must have trying to wake me for a long time. "Why don't you just join a club since you don't have anything to do". As much i want to join a club, I know that it wasn't an option. "You know that I can't and I already told the teachers I have other stuff to do outside of school". As I look towards Sakura's face, She was annoyed that i was right and she can do nothing about it. "Hmph" With a pouting face, I honestly can just die peacefully right there from her cuteness. With me staring at her face for good second nonchalantly. She quickly snaps me back to reality out of embarrassment. "Hey where are you looking at?!". She must have think that I wasn't looking at her face but something else because soon after that, I received one of the most painful slap of my life. *Slap*. "Owhhh, Why did you do that for??". After she quickly crossed her arms tightly before turning around and answered, "it- It's nothing".

As much as i want to tease her more. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side plus she wanted to show me something. " I see, by the way what is it that you wanted to show me?".

"Oh yea, I need you something so come with me" With that she quickly shifted her emotions from annoyed to friendly. I quietly whispered to myself. "What am I going to do with this girl".

She reach out her hands as a form of getting helping get up. "C'mon let's not waste time". Without hesitation i quickly reach out to her hand and grab it. " Yes, yes my queen." She pulls me up and get me up on my feet. " I'm not a child anymore alright? So don't call me that" answered Sakura. Wait what's this?. I question myself since she usually would really mad if I call her princess. But she looks kinda embarrassed. "That's new" I blurted that out. "What was that Fritz?".

"O- oh nothing," Nervously I answered hoping she didn't figure what i said.

"If there's nothing. Then let's not waste time anymore and follow me" Answered Sakura. " Alright then, show me the way". With that, we start to leave the area. I follow behind Sakura as she leads the way. As we were leaving the park. I slowly decrease my pace, letting Sakura go further ahead. I then turn around, looking toward the tree that I sleep underneath it. I thought to myself. "That dream again..". I've been seeing that same dream for a couple of months now. I can't put a finger on how and why that particular dream is triggered. I do have different dreams here and there but mostly 'that' dream I've been seeing around 4-5 times a week. I don't know why. But i do know that dream must be telling something. It could be either good or bad. Most probably that dream is telling me something bad because the pain i felt was so real and i felt I was really dying with no help coming on its way. Granted those people did came to stop the pain but I did get pulled underground by those chains. All I can say now is just hope that dream will never appear in my sleep again.

I came back to my senses when Sakura abruptly calls out my name. "Hey Fritz! hurry up!". With her hands close to her mouths mimicking that of a megaphone. Even though we were not that far away to each other. She just had to do that to get my attention. Well, she did get it though. "Yes, yes. I'm coming. Wait for me" I quickly catch up to Sakura in a few seconds. As I caught up to her, She asked "What were you doing back there?". I didn't want to tell her about the dream i had and it might worry her, plus i didn't want to her about the dream just yet. So i quickly think about an excuse that will work on her. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that the nap i had was so good". That was the most logical and fastest excuse i could come up with in this situation. She took it well as she replied "Oh, I see. If there's nothing then, let's get going shall we?". To avoid suspicions of me lying. I quickly agreed to her by giving her simple nod. With that, Sakura turns around facing opposite of me and continue to walk. While I follow behind her.

As we walk. I wondered where we were going. So I decided to ask her. "Hey Sakura. Where exactly are we going to?". There were a few seconds of silence. But suddenly a mischievous laugh started coming out of her. She turns her head to left a bit with one eye facing me. She then lifted her hand and puts her index finger on her lips. "It's a secret" she said. She then continued to walk normally. But at that moment, my heart skipped a beat seeing her like that. My eyes were blessed by seeing her cute face. Moreover seeing the sunlight reflecting off her silky hair. Makes her look like a model. Sometimes, I really do wanna know how I became friends with her.

It's been 15 minutes since we left the park. We walked past a few buildings. Mainly small shops. But she doesn't stop to one of those shop. Usually she would stop by to buy a few stuff. But as of now, she's not buying anything. We're currently walking down an alleyway. The alleyway is a bit creepy and sketchy as it's a bit dark and the sunlight is blocked from height of the building and the sun setting. I've been hesitating to continue follow her but i guess i might as well just follow since she'll be alone if i left her and something bad might happen to her. I also put my full trust into her and she also does the same. So might as well just wait out.

We continue to walk through the alley. We past a few people. Some were friendly and some were not. But there's been something that has been bugging me since we left the park. Sakura's being really quiet. She's usually talkative and has a lot of energy. But she's like a different person. Not to mention that is has been awkward since she's usually the one that initiate a conversation with me. Something must have happened to her and I need to do something. The awkwardness is also killing me.

I think about a few things that might have happened to her. My first thought was, she maybe depress but that's impossible since she hasn't shown symptoms. She's her usual self, weither it was at school or with me. She's just herself. The kind and annoying Sakura that I know. I should probably ask her if something happened to her but I don' t want to sound like i'm worried because if I am, She'll be worried about me then. So I think about a topic that might reveal if something have happened to her.

"Hey Sakura. Can I ask you something?". With a quick respond from Sakura, She answered. "Hmm? what is it?". I breathe in as much air before i ask her again since the question that I'm gonna ask is a bit personal and she might slap me. After that, I braced myself one more time. "Are you on your period or something? because you've been so quiet since we left the park". She suddenly turns around looking a bit red accompanied by a loud expression. "HUH!?! What makes you think that?! And no I'm not on my period!". She quickly turns around while walking a it faster. But i was quite surprised since she should've slap if i said something like that. So i tried asking her one more thing in order to get the reason on why she's behaving like this. "Oh. Then, are you pregn-".

I shouldn't have pushed my luck since I ended up finding myself on the receive end of a punch in the gut. Turns out she wasn't pregnant. I should've been more thoughtful when I was picking the questions as she's much more quieter. I should probably just let her be. I don't really want to make her more upset. So I'll her cool off before she commit murder. But the more important question is when are we arriving to this 'secret' place she's talking about. I was starting to get a bit impatient. I'll just her. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm asking another weird question. "Umm..Sakura? Are we there yet?". I was expecting her to just say "not yet" or just completely ignored me but what she did was the opposite of what thought. She suddenly grabs hand and turn right into another alley but it was much more darker and it has stairs leading down. I thought she was gonna push down the stairs. So I closed my eyes and braced for whats to come. But that expectation never came.

We walked down those stairs slowly and cautiously. My hands was still being held by her. So I was waiting for the moment she would push me off. But we still continue to walk down the stairs. The atmosphere felt really strange. The rusted railing that i was holding onto on my other hand was making a creaking sound every time i lose my footing and had to rely on the railing. My eyes was also still closed at this time. So i didn't know where was the stairs were. I just relied the steps that Sakura step on by the sound of her footsteps. We continued to walk down without stopping. "Sorry you had to come follow me like this" said Sakura out of nowhere. Suddenly, the feeling of wind slowly hitting my face and the heat from the sunlight being expose to my body. It feels like were on a high place since I can finally hear the sound of traffic down below me. We continue to walk down a few more steps before arriving to the 'secret' place. "We're here. Open your eyes Fritz." said Sakura with a somewhat happy tone. I somewhat hesitated to open my eyes but i eventually open my eye a bit. The glaring sunlight makes harder to see anything. So I open my eyes even more to see where I am. "Woaahh!" I shouted. It turns out we're on some kind platform overlooking the city. It was so cool looking at the city from angle. The city was also beautiful. Not to mention that the sun was setting. Beyond the horizon was where sun was at. It was at half from fully setting. The sun streaks that had been resulted from the setting makes the city much more beautiful. This surely is a breathe taking view I thought to myself. If I was a photographer, the view surely will be enough to make me cry. I turn to Sakura to thank her for inviting me. "Wow. I didn't knew u know such a place and even showing me during the sunset. Thank you" while bowing a little. After a few seconds, I look up and see her playing with her hand. It looks like she was nervous about something but could she be nervous about? If it's not about the view then what is it. As I was thinking what might she be nervous about. She suddenly said something. "Umm... I brought you here not because of the view. Wa- wait. i mean, i did wanted to show you this.. but it's about something else too.". She smiles shyly, blushing a little. She then got her backpack and searched for something. I was a bit worried about what was she gonna show to me. Is it a report card with straight A's? She is one of the smartest kid in our school. We did have a test 2 weeks ago. I also did got my report card a few days ago. Maybe she's trying to show off that she's better than me. As that thought hit. I quickly rush toward Sakura because I didn't want to see her smug face like she did on the last test we had. As I was quickly approaching her. She suddenly takes out an envelope.Then proceeded to hand it to me. "Here, read it." said Sakura. I was shocked to see that it wasn't a report card but it turns out to be a envelope. Her face also not a smug face. More like a worried face. I slowly and hesitantly reach out for that envelop. Once the envelope was in my hands. I pulled it closer to me and turn the envelope around to see a seal that was broken. The seal was from the Ministry of Educational Kraft Japan. I look up to see Sakura's face that close to crying. I face the envelope back and quickly get the letter out of it to see what was wrong. As I open the neatly folded letter. I hoped that it isn't something bad.


Full Scholarship to Tokyo Kraft Academy

Dear Sakura Yuuki,

It has come to our attention that the last kraft evaluation test you did has exponentially exceeded those of your past evaluations. Your kraft has also evolve into something greater. This may have been from the result of your hard work and dedication In mastering your kraft. You also may have known that your kraft has been classified as a 10 rated kraft up until recently. As you may know that most the classified 10 rated students are to be transfer from their current school to Tokyo Kraft Academy. This maybe a commitment that you may not up to. You can decline the offer. Some students do sometimes decline the offer due to their own reasons. We understand if you decline it. However, if you were to accept this offer. We will prepare the expenses as you are to receive a full scholarship until you graduate. Some of your expenses may include clothes, food, accommodation, tuition fees. You would also receive a monthly allowance of 150,000 yen to help with extra expenses.

We would like you to carefully think over as only 2% of 10 rated kraft students are offered a full scholarship. You have the potential to be one of the greatest krieger from the way you use your kraft and the use of a sword.

Classes will start on the 1st of February 2041. If you accept this offer. Please let the principle know so he can contact us and get everything ready.

Best regards,

Asahi Nakamura

(Director, Ministry of educational Kraft Japan)


"Oh wow, Congrats Sakura! I didn't even knew your kraft was already a 10 rate". I was surprised to see that the letter was about a transfer to Tokyo Kraft Academy. At first, I thought it was about something that might relate to me and my identity. Turns out it's just a normal letter that's inviting her to enroll in a new school. But the thing that I'm most surprise to see is that she was in the 10 rated category, The last time I checked, she was an 8 rate and that was around 1 or 2 years ago. To see that she has improved so far, proves that her hard work paid off.

"Tokyo Academy huh? Isn't that number one school in Japan when comes to education and kraft?" I said. But no respond was given. I look slowly up to see that there were tears flowing down Sakura's face. "I don't… really…*sob*..want..to..go". She suddenly said that. "Eh? EH???… Why not? It's Tokyo Academy were talking about here. You can improve your kraft and swordsmanship " With a bit of confusion, I tried to make sense why she doesn't wanna go. "It-…it's cause…*sob*….your…. gon-..gonna be alone".

I see. That's why she was crying. It's cause that I'll be left alone with no one to be accompanied by with. She'll feel responsible that I'll be alone. She's been with me ever since that day. She needs to go.

That's why I can't hold on to her anymore. I can't rely to her anymore. She has a bright future ahead of her. I don't want her to be dragged by the likes of me. She'll improve if she goes there.

With a strong reason for her to go there. I need to convince her to go. I put up a positive face and said "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine". I closed my eyes. Truth be told, I don't really want her to go but it's for the best. If she sticks around with me, there's no telling when my identity will be found out and she'll be in trouble for it. So i guess this is for the best.

Suddenly, I felt an embrace. I open my eyes to see Sakura hugging me. "Your not fine!..*sob*.. You think.. I can't tell that your sad?". I was stunned that she suddenly hugged me. She doesn't usually do this. She even knew that I was sad. I can feel something. This feeling of sincere, kind and caring. The feeling of something genuine.

I raise my hand and proceeded to put it on her hand. "Really I'm fine. It's not like we're saying goodbye forever right? You can always visit me anytime. Your parents are also here. So i wont be that lonely. So don't cry". With that, it looks like i said enough to convince Sakura to go. " i-..if you s-say so.. then..*sob*.. I'll go. For your sake. I was a bit surprised when it was for my sake. "Ehh?? For my sake? Why's that?". I thought she was gonna say something like 'It's cause your forced me' or something like that but what she really said confused me a little. She distance herself from me a bit and rubs her eyes with her uniform sleeves to clean her tears. She then look up to me with a little smile while raising one hand and placing her index finger on her lips. " Hehe. That's a secret. I'll tell you about it some other time". Waittt. Another secret? What does she have in mind this time. I quickly ignore about the secret and just think that I'll figure that out some other time. For now. I quickly look up to her face while the sun finally set behind her. "I see. Another secret huh? I look forward to see what the secret is all about but promise me that it isn't something weird ". I also return a smile to her. We both share a little laugh before looking toward the sun with its few sun streak before fully setting.

After a few more minutes sitting there. It was time to leave. "We should get going Fritz. It's getting late" said Sakura. I check my to see that it's already 7.13 pm. "Yea, you're right. It's already 7.13". With we get ready ourselves too leave the platform.

As we were getting ready to leave, I wondered why is this place that's perfect to see the sun set is in such a discreet place that's hard to get to. I tried asking Sakura if she knew why. "Hey Sakura, How did you know this place and why is it hidden?". I looked at Sakura to see that she's ready to answer as if she was expecting me to ask her that. "Well, I founded this place on accident while coming home after practice around 3 weeks ago. As for the reason that's it's hidden. I don't really know but i did hear some people that live around here said that it was because the people here built this place illegally without the permission of the city council" said Sakura.

"Ah I see. It's illegal huh."

"Never mind that. It's already late. So let's go" said Sakura. She then started to walk up the stairs while look at the scenery one last time before following her. As we were half way up the stairs. Sakura asked if Im coming for dinner. "By the way, you are for dinner, aren't you Fritz?". I was contemplating on weither or not to come. "Uhhhh. I don't know. Maybe not?" I answered while shrugging my shoulders. "Why?? It's not like you have anything to do right??" Said Sakura while looking back at me with an angry face. The way she said that, feels like I don't have a life. "Fine, fine. I'll come". I ended up agreeing to come since i didn't want to get into an argument especially after we had an argument a little while ago. "Yay!" With a smiling face, she turns back and continue to climb up the flight of stairs until we reach the top and find a way out to the streets and proceeded to go back to Sakura's house.

While on the way back. We walked past a few houses and shops. The streets was a bit lively with kids running around to go home and adults going out to the bar. It's a kinda peaceful I would say. "Hey Fritz, we got our report card the other day right? i forgot to ask". I freeze a bit as I was just enjoying our walk together and suddenly she brings out the question of my report card. Maybe she was asking to just break the silence between us. "Uhh. Yea. What about it?". I nervously answered while continue walking and keeping my cool. "So how did you do?" answered a curious Sakura while facing me with a smug face. I just avoided her stare and gave her the silent treatment. "Wait. So you failed your test?!". Sakura might have reacted a bit over exaggerating but I guess i do understand since i was being so quiet. " It's not like that. It's just that I wasn't really trying."

"Excuses. Looks like i won again for the…actually I've lost count on how many i have won" said Sakura with a smug looking face

I sigh a bit as I can't really win against her in academics. Actually, if I think about it. I haven't won a single thing against her weither it be academics or sports. She always would win against me. "Yea, yea. You win again. Whatever you say" I said to Sakura calmly. Keeping my cool so that she'll get annoyed because I wasn't affected by her teasing. " You don't care about it?". It looks like my plan work. As I look toward Sakura, she looks a bit annoyed as I took the teasing without a complaint. "I'm already mature alright? I won't be easily annoyed by your little game of winning. It's a bit childish" i said with confident so that the she'll be the one that will be annoyed. "Huh?!? childish? It's not childish alright! Hmph!". With a pouting face, she quickly turned away from me and walked a bit faster than me. It looks like I a finally got a win for the first time in a few years. As she was getting farther than me. I thought to myself, "I hope she'll be fine in her new school". I quickly snap back to reality and catch up with her.

A few minutes later. We arrive infront of Sakura's house. It's a week since i visited her the Yuuki family house due to work at my home so I look toward name plate of the house above the letter box and it says 'Yuuki'. "Finally we're here" I said. We proceeded to walk toward the door. As we were walking, the smell of the food inside the house can smelled from the outside. "Oh, just in time. Looks like the food are ready" said Sakura excitedly with a bit of drool coming out of her mouth. "Looks like someone's hungry" I teased Sakura a bit. "Shu- shut up. I didn't ate during clubs". I laugh a bit by self while Sakura hold her stomach with a blushed face. "C'mon open the door. I'm hungry too".

Sakura opens the door and we proceeded to enter. "I'm home!" Sakura said while hurrying to get her shoes off. "Oh big sister your home! And you brought big brother too? Yay!". Sakura's little brother, Sora welcomes us home while quickly running to us from the stairs. Sora then proceeds to hug me while shoving his face into my close like he was dog that hasn't met it's owner for a very long time. I then pick him up and hold him closely "Hey Sora, long time no see. Have you gotten a lot heavier?".

"No but big sister has"

Oh damn. This kid can roast. "Haha" I laughed while sora sits in my hand innocently. I wiped my tears from laughing too hard and I looked toward Sakura if she's gonna say anything. "So you called me fat huh sora?".

Oh no. I should've known this would happen. I look towards Sora with my face scared. Sora's face too was that like mine. I then noticed that the atmosphere of the room was a bit dark. I wasn't gonna stick around to see what happens. So I quickly take my shoes off with feet. "We're gonna go eat first. Sooo Ciao!". I then quickly run into the house while carrying Sora. "Bye-bye fat sister" Sora said as we enter. "HEY!! Come back here Sora!! You too Fritz!!". Sakura looked like she was gonna kill us. I could say she looked more of a demon than a human being. "Huh? What did I do??". I quickly asked what I had to do with this. granted i am carrying Sora. It's just cause I didn't want him to get killed. So why does she looks like she wants to kill me too. "You taught him didn't you?!? So that's why your come here right this instant!".

"I did not. Right Sora??" I questioned Sora. Sora stayed quiet knowing that if he said anything, it could get worst. "See?!? Soo get here right now!".

"Never!!" I said while increasing my speed. "Get away fat demon" said Sora while sticking his tongue out. We both laugh while looking at each other. I even cried so much that i think I'm getting dehydrated. But that resulted in Sakura getting way angrier and faster. "FAT DEMON?!? YOU'RE REALLY GONNA DIE SORA". Sora shriek out of fear.

"Don't worry Sora. I have a plan" I quickly run off to the dining table to see that it's already full of food while Sakura was still chasing us. I grabbed a potato and started to eat it while going to the end of the table. Sakura was at the other end of the table.

Yep this is the perfect plan I thought to myself as I had experienced something similar with my mother chasing me with a hanger in her hand. This happened when I was still living with them cause I didn't want to my house work. Let's just say I'm an expert at running away if there's a table. "So you've finally stopped huh Fritz?….*huff* .. Hand over Sora now and I might consider your punishment". Looks like she's taking this time to get some air. I'm not lying if I say i did also took the chance to take a breather. I know that as soon as I give Sora to her, I'm gonna die also. So I quickly moved to the right but she blocks me from leaving as she also moved. "So,.. *huff*…you don't wanna give him huh?..*huff*.. Then your'e gonna die". I gulped but still kept my cool. We continue this chase around the table for few times. I can see her face getting frustrated every second. It looks like my plan worked and me and Sora were laughing the whole time.

"What's all the commotion here? Oh Fritz, you're already here" said someone. I heard it from the kitchen. I checked to see if there were someone while also keeping watch on Sakura.

I see a woman holding a plate of fried fish. "Oh, Miss Yuuki. Hello". It was Sakura's mother. It looks like she was getting the last plate of dish to the table but we interrupted her. "What's going on here?". Miss Yuuki asked with a questioning look. "They called me fat, mama". Sakura said while pointing her index fingers to me and Sora. "Aren't you fat? you have been putting on some weight lately". Me and Sora looked at each other while laughing while Sakura was frustrated that her mom said that to her.

"Hey-hey what's going on here?". With that, Sakura's father came down to see what the noise was all about. "Oh it's nothing. They were just playing. C'mon let's eat, the food's ready". Sakura announced. With that we quickly gather around the table and I put Sora down. Sora sat beside his mother while Sakura's father was seated at the end of the table. I quickly took my seating across from Sora. Sakura also took her seating right beside me. By the time I realise that Sakura was seating beside me, it was too late. While we were getting ready to eat, she stomped on my feet and whispered "That's what you get". She then gave Sora a glare before returning to her seat. Her stomped did hurt a bit.

"So is everyone ready?" Asked mister Yuuki. Everyone replied with a yes. With that, Mister Yuuki countdown from 3. "3, 2, 1". In unison, everyone said "Thank you for the food". We then started eating. I was eating rice with fish and some vegetables. As I look at Sakura's plate, she was getting a lot of dishes. So I Started to tease her. I whispered "Hey Sakura, Don't eat to much or not you'll ge-".

I got elbowed to the stomach. I shouldn't have done that. But at least Sakura looks a bit happy cause the look of a satisfying smug was displaying on her face. I told myself that she's finally happy so I returned to my food. We then continue to had dinner while conversing about Sakura's scholarship to her new school.

After about half and hour. We were mostly finished with our food. Mister Yuuki also came to conclusion about Sakura's move to Tokyo. "Sakura will be going to Tokyo but we are staying here to take care of Fritz. Is that alright with you Sakura?".

Sakura replied while looking at me "Yep, It's okay".

"What about you Fritz? Are you gonna be fine with that?" Suddenly mister Sakura asked me. I thought for a few seconds. I know I wasn't gonna be fine with it but I didn't want to hinder Sakura's progress. So I decided to pretend I'm fine with and put on a positive look as I always does. "Yea, I'm fine with that". With that mister Yuuki concluded his final decision and looks toward Sakura. "That settles that then. Later, put the letter on my desk so I can sign it.

Sora suddenly express his joy Sakura leaving. "Yay! Big sister is finally leaving. Now i have more time to spend with big brother". Everyone was surprised with Sora's sudden reaction."Guess we know who's the favourite" said miss Yuuki. We all laugh except for Sakura. "I know that" Sakura said with an embarrassed look.

After the laughing has slowed down. I look at my watch to see the time. To my surprised it was already 8 pm. I took this chance to take my leave since everything is calmed down. "If there's nothing else. I'll take my leave now since it's already 8" I said while showing the time on my watch. After hearing the time, Sakura suddenly start to clean up her plates. "Why didn't you told me sooner that it was 8?? I'm gonna be late for class!". She then proceed to pick up her plates and bring them to the kitchen to be washed. "I see, then leave your plates here and we'll wash it for you" said mister Yuuki. I kindly accepted his offer and start to get up to go get my beg. By then, Sakura was already finished washing her plates. She runs past me while saying her goodbye's. "Oh, are you going now Fritz? If yes then bye-bye". She then walk up the stairs to get ready for her sword fighting class.

She couldn't even give me a proper goodbye? "What am I gonna do with this girl". I talked to myself while putting on my bag and cleaning myself a bit. I then walk towards the door and started to wear my shoes on.I then put my hand in the door know. Before opening it, I turn around and wave goodbye to the Yuuki's. "bye everyone!. I said while they were waving back at me and saying their goodbyes. "Big brother, come back tomorrow!". Sora said with a happy and innocent face. "Of course!". With that, I opened the door and stepping out of the house. I look back one more time to them and gave them one final wage before closing the door and be on my way.

I walk towards my apartment that was 10 minutes away from the Sakura's house. I could've have lived with the Yuuki's. They wouldn't really mind but i didn't want them to get into trouble if people found out they were living with a non-kraft. So I don't really want to risk them. That's why I live separate with them. Not to mention that my work will be making a mess in their house.

I then continue to walk for a few more minutes before arriving at an overpass. I walked up the overpass and continue walking before resting in the middle of it. I rest my hands on the railing and look down towards the cars passing below me. After a few seconds of rest, I then look up to see a dojo on the left side of the road. That was the dojo Sakura's class is being held. A lot of people are showing up including Sakura that has just arrived with her attire and equipment on hand. It looks like she was grasping for air as she must've ran from home all the there. I smiled a bit thinking that she's working hard and getting stronger. With her arrived safely, I continue to walk down the overpass. After that, there were only a few hundred meters left until I reach my apartment so I took my sweet time getting home.

I continue to walk past a few people. Nothing unusual. As i was walking, I cant help but look up to see some starts. At that moment, I can't help but feel grateful that i live a life like this. Granted it wasn't like the life cool and flashy krieger lifestyle I wanted as a child but I enjoy this life as the majority of non-kraft people are treated like absolute trash. Some may call it boring, but I am truly grateful for this nice and relaxing life

Before i know it, I was already infront of my apartment. I look at my watch to see the time. "It's 8.23. That's mean I have around 3 and half hours to finish and polish my work". Excited. I quickly walk up the stairs and return to my room to finish all my work and polish it. if there's any mistake that I did i can fix it before meeting up with him at midnight. I get excited meeting him again. So I quickly open my apartment door to prepare everything.

Let me know if there's any problem

Benggocreators' thoughts