
Sad Face

DHCastro · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: First murder

" Even psychopaths have emotions; then again, maybe not. " – Richard Ramirez


My legs have grown tired from running but my heart hurts so much the pain in my legs is dull. My sweat and tears are already dried up reminding me I've been running for a while.

Yet I cannot seem to bring myself to stop. this is the only way to keep me from thinking back to that dreadful moment. The wind brushing against my face and my hair blowing past is the only thing bringing me comfort. That comfort all comes to an end as my body collapses to the ground.

My heart is beating fast and I try to calm it down by catching my breath as I exhale the cold air in my lungs. If only I knew the moment my heart reverts to its normal pace I would remember what happened.

I used to believe my boyfriend was more loyal than Tasha, my best friend, but I should have known better. She would never betray me the way he did and then have the audacity to act like he was innocent. He brought this on himself, no one can blame me for his rotting corpse lying still inside of the bedroom

15 minutes ago

"Hey baby I'm going to school," I say placing plates with Ronald's favorite food pancakes.

The warm, lightly sweet breadlike aroma of the pancakes enters my nostrils reminding me of all the good times we have had.

Ronald steps out of the room still in his boxers with his shirt unbuttoned from our last session.

"Emma did you cook my favorite for our 2 year anniversary, "He says stretching his arms.

"Yes, Ronald it's to show how much I love you and appreciate you."

He walks up to me and lifts me off my feet as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his gentle lips.

"Your the best," he says looking at me with his light blue eyes.

We continue to stare into each other's eyes

Its been like a dream running away from home to live with my boyfriend and I love it. Its a shame I can't just drop out, if I did I wouldn't be able to get a decent-paying job to support Ronald with the bills.

I take a glimpse  at my watch

"Oh shit"

He lets go of me

"I gotta go Ronald"

I grab my backpack along with my mini purse then head to the door.

I wish he didn't graduate last year that way we could go to school together and graduate in the same year.

"What time do you come back again, "He says to me before I twist the doorknob.

I turn around and look at him

"How have you forgot it's always at 4:00 pm."

"Sorry I have a bad memory" he responds with a smile.

I smile back at him then open the door


I finally arrive at school after a 5-minute ride on my bike.

I get off of my bike and look for my student ID card.

"Shit I forgot it at the house without it they won't let me in."

I get back on my bike and start riding back at full speed.

How clumsy can I be maybe I got too distracted with Ronald's beautiful eyes.


I'm back home and I get off the bike open the door to the house and hear something.

The sound of something bumping into the wall enters my ear.

Is someone hurting Ronald?

could it be that gang he used to be in?

I go and open the cabinet where we keep our emergency pistol.

I tiptoe to the bedroom door load the pistol and turn off the safety. I then open the door only to be stung with pure sadness that kicks my tear ducts into gear.

I see Ronald ass being pounded by a man's

dick, Certainly not the sound I thought was being made.

Ronald's mouth covered by the hand of a dark-haired man with a stubble beard.

That man being the boy I grew up with, my brother Cole. Two of my most trusted betraying me in this disgusting act.

"Ronald what..is this?"

I say as my tears are bubbling up inside my eyes.

Cole completely freezes

"Why did you stop, "Ronald says to Cole

He reply's "oh you want more?"

"Of course."


Did he not hear me?

Shouldn't he be begging for forgiveness?

"Ronald why?" I say to him the tears still bubbling up inside my eyes.

He looks at me

"What do you mean what's wrong?"



I pressed the trigger twice piercing both of their heads without a second thought.

The tears erupt and start rolling down my cheeks and I drop the gun.

"What did I just do?"

My brother and my boyfriend are dead!

I leave the room running outside of the house with no destination in mind.


I wipe the dry tears from my cheeks

I didn't do anything wrong...Yet why do I feel so sad?

As I start to get up I  see a knife on the ground and pick it up.

A strange symbol is on its blade with the words affectus comedenti carved on it.

"affectus comedenti?" I whispered as I read the words on the strange knife.

The blade starts shining brightly forcing me to close my eyes and drop the blade.

"What the fuck!?"

Suddenly the light disappears and I open my eyes, the knife gone.

Huh, what is this feeling?

The feeling of a huge pressure being lifted from my chest.

The constant battle between my eyes wanting to cry and me resisting, trying to keep my eyes from letting any tears out is over.

I'm not sad anymore...


I've never felt so good in my life.

I don't even care that My stupid boyfriend and brother are dead.

I should probably take care of their bodies though.

I run back to the house and get a shovel from the garage.

I dig a hole right next to where I put my dead cat Bubbles last spring. I toss both their bodies in and then cover the hole.

"I gotta go to school."

There are only two weeks left and after I graduate I will get a job and then I can pay for the house bills.

At school

"Emma why were you late were you and Ronald doing it or something," Tasha says to me as we are walking to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Ew no, I broke up with Ronald" The moment I uttered those words Tasha stops dead in her tracks.

"What!!" She replies surprised and confused.

"Well yeah, I didn't need him, "I say in an easy-going tone.

Tasha and I pick up our food trays and go to sit at a table. The entire time Tasha trying to process what I just said and why I'm in such a good mood.

I start eating and the food doesn't taste as bad as it usually does. The scent of over burnt toast filled my stomach with joy along with the taste of the black crust.

"So you don't care that you broke up with a boy you were with for two years??" Tasha asks awaiting my answer like a dog waiting for a bone.

"Yeah I mean I don't care about him anymore"

I say taking bites of the burnt toast and then drinking chocolate milk to wash it all down.

"Okay... well did you hear about that serial killer's knife? "Tasha asks enthusiastically

"Serial killers knife?" I ask curiously

"Well, there is a legend about a knife that whenever it appears multiple people just die. the cops supposedly saw that knife in the hands of a serial killer they caught last week."

"Well if people die when the knife appears then why aren't they dead then?," I ask laughing

"They are..." Tasha hesitates

"After the serial killer was caught the cops guarding him were killed along with the serial killer and the knife disappeared"She replies and she gets a scared expression on her face.

"Tasha I told you to stop looking into all those fake myths, do you really think that knife just magically killed them, "I ask her face-palming myself in disbelief.

"No..I don't think that," Tasha says stuttering

"Sure..." I say not believing her

"AHHH!" We hear the scream coming from a cheerleader and immediately turn around along with everyone else.

She drops her plate and the burger that was on it falls into pieces. Revealing it's components

Bread, beef, tomato, lettuce, and a heart.