
Sacrificing Mortality for Mr. Right

[Warning: Mature content] I graduated, but not just with the diploma. I was invited to live in an otherworldly realm by my professor, who surprisingly is the Dong Clan's Emperor. Yes! I agreed, to find my supernatural man out of greed. My name is Celestina Marquez, who later became Gu Muyan, the Dong Clan's princess. I never missed an opportunity, but I made a mistake by falling for our enemy. I was betrayed blindly, and used my weaknesses to defeat us easily. A strong woman like me, will never let anyone fool me. I will mark in my mind that there is no destiny of being in a relationship with my enemy. I was offered to be the princess, then became the ruler of the Dong Clan. And as a powerful ruler, I am destined to destroy the Demon Clan. As a powerful ruler, I will make them all shed their own blood for the better. POWER to POWER! SWORD to SWORD! I will protect my clan even if my life is like a double-edged sword. I don't mind their arrows; I can defend myself with my powers. I will use my power correctly to make them all disappear permanently.

AZPRETTY · History
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17 Chs

Regret and Remorse

Ling Yutu immediately laid his beloved on the bed. Once he was sure that Muyan was in a comfortable position, he gently kissed her forehead as a sign of respect.

After kissing her forehead, he began the ritual. His movements were swift, as he knew that if the treatment took too long, there was a significant chance that Muyan might not wake up. This was his greatest fear.

He was willing to lose everything as long as he didn't lose Muyan, who always occupied his heart and mind.

As Yutu started the ritual, he closed his eyes and raised his hands slightly, reciting the ritual slowly. Then he lowered his hands and formed a criss-cross gesture.

As he completed the gesture, a soft, green light emanated from his hands. This light was a manifestation of his unique power, which he used for healing.

He got this power by killing one of the healers of the Dong Clan. He used his power to forcefully extract the healer's healing ability before killing him.

His intention is that he will use it to heal others and himself during his travels. This power also played a role in maintaining their environment, from which they derived their sustenance.

Yutu's mission is to take care of the plants around him, especially those in his resting area's vicinity. If these plants died, it would disrupt the ecosystem of the immortals, and he couldn't allow that to happen.

Nevertheless, what Yutu was doing now was the only way to heal Muyan. He knew there was another reason for her unconsciousness, and it wasn't due to pregnancy. That was impossible, given that they had only become intimate yesterday.

As Yutu's hands glowed intensely, the ritual eventually came to an end. He performed the final step by touching Muyan's forehead with one of his fingers. This action seemed to infuse her with a unique energy. Yutu used all his strength to wake the woman he cherished deeply.

When the light from Yutu's hands finally faded, he was exhausted from his efforts. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see how Muyan was faring.

Finally! After performing the ritual and using his innate power, he noticed a slight movement in her eyelids. She was regaining consciousness. Yutu couldn't help but smile. 

His exhaustion seemed to vanish as he gave his energy to Muyan, knowing that his healing method was effective. His heart was lightened, but he quickly realized that Muyan's anger hadn't disappeared.

Even as she woke up, she avoided his touch. Yutu gently took her small hands in his, but she pulled them away immediately, indicating her anger.

Seeing her distance herself hurt Yutu deeply. It was evident in his eyes. While looking at her, he seemed to express regret for the pain he had caused her. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

This was his coping mechanism whenever his heart ached. He didn't know what to do anymore. Could he ever be forgiven by the woman who held his heart? What if she never forgave him? Would he blame himself forever for hurting her? His eyes welled up with tears, but he held them back.

Coincidentally, Muyan glanced at Yutu, their eyes meeting unexpectedly. When she noticed his teary eyes, she realized he was genuinely remorseful.

She saw his struggle, but she didn't let it sway her. She had been deeply hurt, and she was cautious not to give in to his attempts to gain her sympathy.

She felt a twinge of pain seeing him this way, but she remained steadfast. She had been hurt too much. She feared that if she let him manipulate her with his remorse, she would end up being the one hurt in the end. Even though she saw his pain, she kept her heart guarded. 

Muyan glared at Yutu with a harsh gaze. He lowered his head slightly, realizing that all he was receiving from her were cold looks. Obviously, he really hurt her deeply, which made him believe that her hatred for him was justified.

His earlier healing wasn't enough. He knew he was responsible for what happened to Muyan.

Yutu took a deep breath as he reflected on the truth that the woman he loved now despised him. This was the consequence of his selfish actions.

The woman he knew, who used to seek his attention, had changed due to his thoughtlessness. The pain he caused traumatized her.

He slapped his forehead in frustration. He despised the current state of his life. For fuck's sake! He's a demon. A fucking demon. But strangely, in his mind, his membership in the Demon Clan seemed to fade away when he thought of Muyan.

Despite his current appearance as a terrifying creature due to his recent actions, he found himself emphasizing his concern for her. 

On the other hand, Muyan averted her gaze from Yutu, not wanting to meet the prince's eyes. She found his presence infuriating.

She felt like she would explode with anger every time she caught him staring at her beauty. What the hell! He had his own face, and there was a mirror in the room. Muyan wondered why he couldn't just admire his own reflection.

Muyan was furious. She did not want to stay silent anymore. She took a deep breath before speaking up. "You're truly evil! Well, being a demon defines who you really are, right?" She let out a forced laugh.

"Meeting you makes me regret everything! You're truly unworthy of my love." Despite the pain she was feeling, Muyan fought to keep her emotions in check. She just wanted to be happy, but it seemed that Yutu was incapable of making her happy.

While the young woman was disappointed, Yutu, on the other hand, wanted to kiss her. This was the only way he could think of to comfort her.

He immediately summoned the dao sword, using the power of the wind, to try once again what he always did to kiss her.

He quickly held the dao sword in his hand and aimed it at Muyan. To Yutu's unexpected surprise, his plan failed again because the young woman didn't kiss him. Muyan, however, rose from lying on the bed and brought herself closer to the prince's dao sword.