
Sacrifice: Memoirs of A Martyr

::RATED M for MATURE and adult themed scenarios: Viewers discretion advised:: _ _ "After all, the only thing that is going to save mankind is if enough people live their lives for something or someone other than themselves." _ _ Shouldering the sufferings of her people, The Laguz race, Alexandria has no other choice but let, The Beorc, that took up 90 percent of the world's population, to destroy her understanding between what's right and wrong; swallowing her innocence... "I don't understand mother...Why me!? Why us!? Why do they wish to slaughter, steal our parts and make something monstrous out of it. Then sell it as if its a commodity for wealth! I will never forgive them!" A soft, smooth hand cupped my cheek. Her thumb slowly caresses it with gentle adoration. "Listen my precious child, once you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. Since you are what you are, you do not belong to the world. However, The Goddess Hemera have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." ...They say love conquers all..that is—if there's a sacrifice! ~•~•~•~ ~•~•~•~ DISCLAIMER: - Some ideas and characters mentioned in the story belong to the game series called "Fire Emblem" - I don't own any of the soundtrack mention on the story ever!! - Plot and storyline is owned by ME - The cover pic displayed is a google search image under the tag "anime angel". All editing made in the picture including colors plus the title is made by ME. If original owner of the pic wants to get credited or wants to take it down before the edit I did, please contact me. :::: :::: COPYRIGHT 2020 Start: 04/06/2020 End: unfinished

Exstasy_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

~•Author's Note Before Reading•~



This story is a story that will hit close to home for the many; though sad, gives hope and reminds people that no matter what happens:

You're not alone.

I carefully planned this story plot for 3 weeks in a little booklet full of scribbles. It started as an idea that just randomly popped in my head when I was listening to a OST from the game series called Fire Emblem and recently watched a movie called Braveheart by Mel Gibson. This certain concept progressed in a well thought out plot as more and more ideas keeps flooding in my mind.

Before proceeding, I would like to thank you all for choosing this story. I really appreciated that you used your own precious time to read this among all the other stories, and fan-fictions. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This story is my first ever that I created. Therefore, I will remain loyal to it and won't write any stories yet before it's 100% completed. If you don't mind, I hope you readers can support me in order for this to gain more popularity and exposure. I will accept any constructive criticism including any ideas you might have in order to make this story better to your liking. Positive feedbacks and comments are my driving force. More comments and favs — the faster I will update. Upvotes for this series will be a great help and I will be so very happy if it can be done. Flames are not allowed as the series continues.

In the future, I might need a beta reader as a partner for this series. So, if you are interested or want to volunteer as my beta reader. Please message me. I will need someone to read and check each chapter before I publish it for spelling and grammar or fix anything to ensure good story plot, pacing, and consistency. But as for now, since I don't have one. I'll publish and update my story base on the feedback and if people will actually read it.

I would also like to mention that even though this novel is a fantasy fiction; this series might trigger some unwanted situations to those that are easily disturbed. Scenes such as heavy language, sexual assault, thoughts of suicide, incest, blood, brutal violence, in-depth sexual details and all other adult themes will be displayed on this story. So please viewers discretion is advised. I don't want this story to be reported and then taken down on it's early stages. I'll be pissed off.


Hahahaha! (^_^)

Well that's it for me. Onto to the next chapter! I hope you enjoy the story!


Yours truly,

