
Sacrifice [Edward Elric x Reader]

You fall to the ground, unconscious. Ed's grin turns down and his eyes widen in horror. A bright yellow light fills the room. He traces the thick black vine that reached out from the machine into your heart. Ed's knees gives up from under him. Al rushes in. "Brother, what's-" Ed turns to Al, tears and desperation filling his eyes. "She's gone, Al. She's gone. And it's all my fault!" Al's eyes widen as he stares at the figure behind his brother. Your body was vaporizing slowly. Al points towards you, shaking. The yellow light swallows your body, along with the vine and Ed's machine. Ed turns and hangs his head as everything falls silent. Al stands there wordlessly. Ed blinks away his tears, determination set in his eyes. "She's gone, Al, but I won't allow that. It's not a fair equivalent exchange." Ed looks up at Al. "We're going to bring her back." ~ Something weird is up. Your powerful alchemy powers were admired all through the land, and yet no one seems to know what alchemy is. That is, until you meet Edward Elric and his brother, Alphonse Elric. The two are fascinated yet understanding of your powers, and Ed is able to teach you some alchemy, though he won't tell you how he knows. Through many hardships with the Elric brothers, you begin to grow close to them, and even start to fall for Al, but he doesn't feel the same. Ed, though, falls for you, and you couldn't help but feel bad. You don't realize how you feel about him. That is, until Ed sacrifices the most important thing to him to be able to keep you by his side. ************ This story is based on the original FMA series after the Conqueror of Shamballa movie. If you want to read one for FMA:B, I'll have one up soon, as I'm not quite done with the series yet. But for now, enjoy!

WithinTheGalaxies · Others
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chapter 25

The words echo through your mind, and you can't get them to stop.

an odd, foreign voice says


The sharp smell of wood is all you can smell as you stare at the brown wooden ceiling, bored. It was earlier today you were rescued, and you aren't in a very good state. After all, you stuck in a confined place with no food, water, or fresh air for four days.

The doctor and most of his team who had rescued earlier you had all fainted due to unknown reasons, though officials believe it might be from the rescue search earlier.

Your mind wanders to the fight that had happened so long ago, and you wince as the emotionless and scary faces of the experimented people flashes into your mind again. Before long, you're thinking about Ed.

You imagine his bright, confident smile, and the gleam in his golden eyes when he sees you. You imagine his long, blonde hair, silky smooth, and his cold, automail arm. And suddenly, something awakens in your chest, like there's always been a hibernating dragon that finally woke up. You close your eyes and take in a deep breath.

You wonder how Ed's doing. It's been four days, and he must've been worried with you missing. You hope he's okay.

Something flashes into your mind, something bad. You try to grasp at it again, but you can't remember what you just thought of. It feels like the times when you know you know the word, but you just can't remember what it is.

Suddenly, you get it. It is from a dream you had earlier, about... About Ed only using you.

Shivers run up your spine as something heavy is suddenly dropped into your stomach.

Someone knocks on the door, and you jerk your head towards the sound, arising a feeling of dizziness. The door creaks open, and a woman peeks in. She smiles sweetly at you, and you can't help but grin back, despite the doubtful thought earlier. She steps in, holding a tray of food and some bandages.

"Time for dinner, (Y/N). We also have to fix up some of your wounds and those three huge cuts on your face. " Her soft voice calms you, but all you can see is the food. After you were brought here, they didn't let you wolf down food, like you would have, but gave you smaller, more frequent meals instead, claiming it would be better for you. But they gave you as much water as you wanted, though they said there was still a limit.

The nurse sets the tray on the nightstand beside your bed and you attempt to pull yourself up to a sitting position. The nurse puts out a hand to help, and you accept it gratefully.

You gaze hungrily at the food, almost drooling. The woman brings the tray to your lap, and you suddenly start wolfing it down. The nurse chuckles.

"Woah, woah. Slow down, there."

You can't stop, though. The food is too good.

Or maybe you're just really hungry.


[December 8, 1917]

A large rings through the building, causing you to shoot up in surprise. Your head suddenly becomes dizzy, and you're eyesight darkens, so you lower yourself slowly back down.

You hear voices and yelling, and something that sounded like people struggling. A million different scenarios pop into your head.

What if a murderer is coming to kill people?

What if a thief is here to steal stuff? Maybe medicine, since they can't afford it?

What if a patient has gone crazy and is going around, causing trouble?

You roll over to look at the clock on the nightstand, and it's 1:24 am. You sigh.

But suddenly, the yelling and talking becomes nearer, and you know the automatic motion sensor triggered light outside the door is on, since the brightness spills into your room from underneath your door.

You hear heavy footsteps and a muffled yell, followed by struggling sounds, and you're scared. You don't have the strength to fight yet.

You curl up into the uncomfortable hospital bed sheets and shrink as small as you can, covering your entire body with the blanket.

And you hear the door swing open. It crashes against the wall, and you flinch at the loud sound, wondering how big the hole in the wall would be. You don't move and try to stay as quiet as possible.

"STOP!" Your nurse yells. The talking stops, but the struggling and muffled yelling continues.

"Stop, I'm going to talk to her."

The struggling person suddenly stops, and you wonder why the people have to talk to you. This isn't your problem.

You hear the familiar footsteps of the nurse's shoes, and your blanket is lifted up, exposing your eyes. You look at the nurse carefully, and flit your eyes around the portion of the room you could see. There is a group of people, but that's all you see, as the main sight is blocked by the woman's body.

The nurse leans in to talk, and as she moves, you see some familiar blond hair.

You freeze, holding up your hand. "Wait. Scoot over a bit."

The nurse gives you a confused look but obeys, moving away from the bed. And your eyes land on a familiar looking boy.

It is Ed.

But he's not looking well, with dark circles surrounding his bloodshot eyes, hair down and messy, and his automail is chipped and rusting. There're cuts and bandages all over his body.

You frown. The dream from earlier and Ed's words pop into your mind, and something doubtful grows inside of you.

Ed's eyes widen, and he makes a face so painful that you feel a pang in your heart. Your heart starts beating fast, but you can't say anything. You just stare at him, and he stares at you. The room is silent, waiting for a reaction.

"(Y/N)...." Ed's painful face melts into pure relief, and you see the glint of tears as the drops roll down his face. You watch as his knees collapse. His hands fly to his face and his long hair blocks any view of his face. He sobs, and you can hear the pain, the desperation that he must've been holding in for you.

You're speechless, the small doubt in your heart melting away.

"(Y/N)... You're okay..."


Shoot guys this is one day late wtfffff T_T Something is wrong with my time abilities helpp...

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Word count: 1095 words