
Sacrifice [Edward Elric x Reader]

You fall to the ground, unconscious. Ed's grin turns down and his eyes widen in horror. A bright yellow light fills the room. He traces the thick black vine that reached out from the machine into your heart. Ed's knees gives up from under him. Al rushes in. "Brother, what's-" Ed turns to Al, tears and desperation filling his eyes. "She's gone, Al. She's gone. And it's all my fault!" Al's eyes widen as he stares at the figure behind his brother. Your body was vaporizing slowly. Al points towards you, shaking. The yellow light swallows your body, along with the vine and Ed's machine. Ed turns and hangs his head as everything falls silent. Al stands there wordlessly. Ed blinks away his tears, determination set in his eyes. "She's gone, Al, but I won't allow that. It's not a fair equivalent exchange." Ed looks up at Al. "We're going to bring her back." ~ Something weird is up. Your powerful alchemy powers were admired all through the land, and yet no one seems to know what alchemy is. That is, until you meet Edward Elric and his brother, Alphonse Elric. The two are fascinated yet understanding of your powers, and Ed is able to teach you some alchemy, though he won't tell you how he knows. Through many hardships with the Elric brothers, you begin to grow close to them, and even start to fall for Al, but he doesn't feel the same. Ed, though, falls for you, and you couldn't help but feel bad. You don't realize how you feel about him. That is, until Ed sacrifices the most important thing to him to be able to keep you by his side. ************ This story is based on the original FMA series after the Conqueror of Shamballa movie. If you want to read one for FMA:B, I'll have one up soon, as I'm not quite done with the series yet. But for now, enjoy!

WithinTheGalaxies · Others
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60 Chs

chapter 13


You force your eyes open. The blank ceiling was empty and a late afternoon sun shone through the window. Your neck was sore, and you raise your right hand to rub it. It comes away with blood smeared all over it and you stare at it, confused.

Your eyes narrow as you remember.

You sit up abruptly.


Your head whips to the side at the voice and you inhale sharply. When you see Al sitting on the edge of the bed, you relax a bit. Your stomach felt oddly hollow, and it growls in hunger. You smile sheepishly at Al and stand up.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat." You say, heading towards the door.


"It's okay, I can manage."

"But you have a deep cut in your neck." You stop breathing for a second. Your hand freezes on the doorknob. Without saying anything, you continue forwards.

"Take me with you."

You look back at him, wincing, but blushing at the same time. "But.. Your-"

"I can use the cane in the wardrobe."

Your head turns to the wardrobe, and you limp towards it, opening the doors grandly. The light inside flickers on and you see an umbrella, cane, clothes hangers, a shoe polisher, an iron and ironing board, and other things. You grab the cane and stumble towards Al, handing it to him. He stands up shakily pressing most of his weight on the cane.

You flinch. "It's all my fault, huh?" You look up to Al in his eyes. You open your mouth to talk, but no words came out. Instead, you offer Al your unhurt shoulder and the two of you limp towards the door, Al's foot dragging uselessly against the ground. Your eye snags on the clock, and you see it's 11:51. Hopefully, the buffet's still open. You laugh a little. "We must look like an odd pair, huh?"

Al smiles sweetly. "Yeah."

You open the door, grinning, but something you stop suddenly. You grin fades from your face as your eyes travel up the humanoid figure to its face.

Ed is standing there, facing you, his eyes boring holes into your own eyes. Your breath stops and you imagine the voice.

You clench your fist and try look away, eyes suddenly blurring over from tears, but you can't move; you're paralyzed by Ed's stare. Tears spill out your eyes, and you grit your teeth, hiccuping. Pain and guilt flashes in Ed's eyes.

You didn't know why the fact that Ed blamed you hurt, but it did, and a lot. You knew it would be better to just stop and talk to him, but you didn't. You knew that Ed felt bad and sorrowful, but you wanted to make him feel even more guilty.

"(Y/N), I-"

So you push past his shoulder, head down, and limp towards the elevator, down the maze of rooms.

You stop when you reach the elevator and hastily wipe away your tears. You hear footsteps behind you and whip around quickly, hiding your face, but it's only Al. You turn back around. "I'm sorry, Al. I don't know what happened back there."

Al doesn't say anything.

After stepping into the elevator with Al, you reach into your pocket to make sure the room card and your pocket knife was with you. You pull your hand away when you confirm the two are there.

Your eye lands on the array of buttons, and you push down the button labeled, "Buffet, Floor 3." It is silent, until you decide to talk.

"Al, do you know what I heard? There were so many voices, so much hatred and anger and resentment directed at me. I- I couldn't handle all of that. I didn't know the world hated me so much." You look away into the mirror of the elevator. Al stares at your figure in the mirror, and he catches your stare. You blink and gaze into his brown eyes, mesmerized in them.

"You're bound to have people hate you, (Y/N)." Al says. "As long as you're well known like that, people will love you, and, at the same time, hate you."

You stay silent, and the elevator dings. You and Al stagger outside, trying hard not to be caught in the elevator's probing doors. Al leans heavily on you, and you look around. It was completely empty, so you sigh. "Looks like we'll have to go out," you say.

You blush as Al suddenly grabs your hand. "Hold me up, I don't want to lean on you that much. Worry more about yourself."

The only thing you could think was,