After transmigrating to a world similar to Earth, Jiang Qiao was approached by a former goddess—Ocean Blue. As Bluestar is also on the verge of collapse from invaders of other worlds, Jiang Qiao must find a way to save this one. With the ability to create a virtual game world, he creates the world of Sacred Souls. In order for this new world to grow, it has to devour other worlds. Thus, the greediest, most cunning, and horrible beings came into existence—Players.
Are those holy spirits all monsters?
The Gun Knight's only thought recently was this. He had been fighting with those holy spirits for three whole days and nights, in a non-stop battle.
Even though the tower spirit would restore his vitality and stamina after each battle, the Gun Knight still felt mentally exhausted.
Maybe his endurance wasn't quite up to the level of being able to fight for seven days and nights. Even worse, the abilities used by those holy spirits were truly bizarre and unpredictable.
During those three days, the Gun Knight had been bombarded by magic of various attributes, experienced swordsmanship, gun techniques, been hit in the face by giant hammers and shields, and endured strange negative statuses like poisoning, bleeding, and curses.
What really made the Gun Knight feel incredulously astonished and crazed was...those holy spirits started to crazily refresh the holy records of the first level.