
Sacred Ruins

The universe experienced chaos when a child that later would be known as the Prodigy was born during the Moon Festival. The child's presence has succeeded in destroying the stability of the ecosystem and blurring the line between the forces of light and darkness. This catastrophic accident were then broke the seal of the dark forces from the Daughters of Renum who were kept deep in the ground by the previous Prodigy. A turmoil started between the four noble families in the Land of Dawn, Beau, Renum, Sadyr and Vanya who were then locked themselves inside their high gates while the trumpet of the evil triumph echoes through the land as the cursed Renum Daughters rise from their grave of sorrow. A prophecy was sent by the sky to the the Great Witch of South Mountain. It tells a story of a female warrior who would seized the dark power and sealed them back in the depths of the ground. And if she’s lucky, she could kill The Daughter of Renum with her own hands. But that would be a question nobody dared to ask.

yourpersephone · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Quickest Decision She Ever Made

Miya landed on the bottom. She looked up, saw the seal that was wide open. Given the sequence of the event, it should have been after this that the Two Daughters of Renum would break out of the seal. The girl looked around and found three of the five doors still closed. Miya touched the surrounding walls which were full of gemstones. Maybe it's because she was in the ground.

The girl looked through the keyhole on the far left and saw a room much more like a king's daughter's bedroom than a prison for a criminal. All the furniture looked luxurious with shades of purple and silver, making the room appear even darker.

The girl turned to the next door, the room also did not look like a prison room, but rather the room of another king's daughter. With glowing red and gold shades. The girl can see a shadow walking back and forth. A person with long hair and a reddish aura.

"Ve." Call someone in the room. Miya could see it. That woman. Lo. Looks like the two sisters are still being treated like a princess down here. It's because of their very strong inner connection they would be very dangerous to be in the same room. So because of that while they were down here they couldn't be in the same room.

"Prodigy is born." She said again.

"I've heard the seal open." Answer someone from the next room. It seemed the walls in the room were so thin that the sound could be heard.

"We will meet."

"I can't wait."

"Has Moskov left?"

Vexana was inaudible for a while and then agreed, "You don't have to care about him. You should remember what his presence has done to us."

"He's still our brother."

"Fuck it."

Miya backed away in shock when she heard the sound of the lock from the door opening itself. Miya ran into one of the open doors and hid behind it. The two doors opened and from behind the door appeared two sisters who looked very old and wrinkly. As if the years of being locked really get them.

The outside wind seeps into their skin, making them age even faster. But Lo summoned her dark power and swallowed up a thousand dead souls, giving it her youth back.

She did the same to her sister and her youth returned. Ve took a black diamond from the wall next to her and summoned her strength, turning the jewel into a crown. She gave it to Ve. The woman's eyes glowed green for an instant after she touched the crown. "You'll be in trouble without your Blood Orb. Use my strength first. We'll take yours back later." Ve nodded then walked side by side with her sister to break out of the seal.

"After this we will rebuild our kingdom again. No frills Renum." Vexana said before darting up out of the seal.

Miya was silent for a moment in the darkness of the room. She should have attacked the two sisters earlier. But why is she hiding instead? Her heart raced faster everytime she heard their voices.

The girl held her breath again when she heard the sound of the door slamming open. It's the third and last one. A growl came from behind the door. Along with the sound of footsteps and the clink of armor. Someone came out of the room stretching their legs and neck. "Shit. Why it took so long?" He said.

A green fireball flew from above the door and landed near the man in the armor. The fireball then turned into a demon girl. He raised his hand and caught a boomerang that flew by from the room where he was and the man in armor appeared. "I don't know either. But how nice it would be if we could be free like this."

"Come on. We have to catch up with Young Lady Ve." Said the man in armor as he took a stance and jumped towards the door of the seal which was starting to close.

"Are we going to keep helping Ash?" Asked the little girl while creating a large cushion on the ground which she used as a trampoline. Miya immediately ran after him while turning her head towards the three glowing rooms. There were still many questions that the girl wanted to ask but she didn't have much time.

According to the prevailing regulations the memory replica will end sometime before the end of the biggest event in the memory happen. And the arrival of the Second Princess Renum was only recorded until the two women appeared on the surface and the seal was closed shut beyind them.

That means Miya doesn't have long before the replica stops and she will automatically come out of Memory Hall if she is still in this memory replica. The girl hadn't even finished her real test yet. She can fail if she doesn't immediately go to the replica of the memories she should have entered from the beginning.

She released two more arrows which blew the seal door open when the girl jumped out using the trampoline that the little girl previously created.

She landed and looked around. Everythint around her starting to fade. She doesn't have much time left. The girl turned to the two creatures who were walking away. They also started to fade. Half of the replica memories were as white as paper without ink. Miya must come out soon. The wiping of the replica memories is almost over.

The girl ran into the forest while remembering the turns she took befoee until she reached an invisible wall. The girl saw no windows or any exit. Of course the exit doesn't appear for her. She was trespassing from a window before. There were no doors from the begining.

But she knew that the invisible wall was her way out of this memory replica.

She didn't kill anyone meaningful from those memories. Which means, her score has not been recorded.

The girl stepped back and drew her bowstring and shot an arrow that glowed blue. The arrow blew up, shattering the window that had been her entrance. She jumped back into the Corridor of Memories but was surprised when the cleaning began to push into the corridor of memories too. The floor where she stood shook violently and the girl sat up, falling from her stand.

The glowing blhe floor starting to lose its color. Tge same way likr the memory replica from the window that now just a huge hole in the wall.

'Shit, I'm going to fail this test,' she said to herself. The girl turned towards the end of the corridor where there was a door that she should have entered from earlier. The girl felt she still had a chance, even though it was a small one. She immediately ran towards the end of the corridor without looking back. The girl cast a spell and opened the door. She looked back and heard the sound of the corridor cracking closer and closer to her.

She immediately entered then close the door behind her. A loud thud could be heard from behind the door. Miya was breathless and tried to digest what just happened. It seemed that because she destroyed the only barrier between the corridor and the replica, 'cleaning' was taking place in that corridor as well. She shook her head, trying to return to reality. The girl sat on the ground staring at her bow that glowed blue.

She turned towards the bag filled with arrows which also glowed blue. Nothing was missing, she thought. She slowly stood back up while cleaning her school skirt, then started walking into the replica memories, trying to learn her surroundings.

She looked around and see the different color of grass. Trees that burned and a wall of huge and intimidating fortress. It's the battle she always afraid of. She found herself in the worst and toughest replica of the memories that had ever happened in the Land of Dawn. Terraria Battle.

This damned war that created everything about Land of Dawn. The war between the low class nobles and the royal family that long time ago ruled the land the way that torture every being on the land.

The girl swallowed her saliva while drowning her fear when she saw the big kingdom that she did not know. She thought for a moment. Whom should she kill and whom should she help?

The girl could not think for long, because a golden arrow landed in front of her. The girl looked up at the silhouette of a person dressed in gleaming gold armor and a crown. The man had just fired a warning shot at the girl. The king; Miya assumed.

"The Beau family!" Shrieked the man. The girl looked around her and saw thousands of people running towards her from the direction opposite the palace wall. The girl saw that the uniform she was wearing had turned into an armor with a rose emblem, the symbol of Beau's kingdom.

She's on the side of Beau's empire in this battle.

The girl shot an arrow that glowed blue towards the entrance gate, but the explosion carried by the arrow was only a small firework on the thick iron gate. She never personally saw the Terraria battle happened. The girl was sure the horror of this replica was only half of what had actually happened. This replica is designed to run as safely as possible for the examinee but at the same time can provide somewhat a challenge. So she couldn't imagine what true warfare was.

Miya looked up at the timekeeper floating in the night sky. A few more minutes before the exam time ends. Shit, shit, shit. If she hadn't deviated earlier and finished this exam soon she could do more and of course score high for this final exam.

The girl immediately racked her brain. Right now she only had to focus on aiming at the only target that would give her maximum points even if she didn't defeat a large fleet. The girl looked up back at the silhouette of a man looking down at all the troops that the Beau family brought. Only the soldiers who attacked and defended below. Instead he sat watching with a woman next to him beyond his fortress.

Miya narrowed her eyes in annoyance. Even though that person was just a replica, the girl could still feel the arrogance of the real person only through that replica.

The girl took a few steps back, shot down a few soldiers and saw that her score had only increased slightly. Miya hit a Terran warrior with her bow once and her score still only went up a little. She aimed for the commander who rode the furthest in her sight and was surprised to see that her score had gone up much more than before. The girl had to shoot and kill people in high positions to get high scores, appearantly.

She looked at the timekeeper and sees that she only have twenty seconds left! The girl aim yet another burning arrow and hit the head of another commander.

But the score has not reached the threshold for passing the exam. Moreover, the maximum score.

He has ten seconds left. Shit!

Miya immediately carried out the only difficult idea that came to mind. She has to kill the king. With this distance, she was unsure of her choice. But the girl had no other choice. She will not have enough time to find and kill other warlords.

The girl drew her arrow as far as she could while aiming at the king who had stood up. Realized that someone from Beau's army was aiming for him. He shouted at his soldiers to focus on Miya. The shriek echoed through the land, quaking the stones and ground below them. But it's too late. The girl's arrow had shot towards the king.

Miya watched as her arrows sped off as all the Terran soldiers charged at her with spears and swords. 'It's over.' Miya thought. She's going to fail this test. That last arrow is her only chance.
