

THEY REJECTED ME and I BECAME SACRED. If only that night didn't come, maybe my family will love me again, maybe I won't see hate and disgust in my parents' eyes, maybe my brother and I will become inseparable again, maybe my sister won't become a bitch, maybe he and i will be together. SO MANY MAYBE'S Rosemoon pack , I loved it and now I hate it . My family is the beta's family. They loved me until I couldn't shift that night. Everyone left me . He left me, I thought parents loved their child regardless of anything, i thought mates are meant for each other, apparently mine didn't, MY PACK DIDN'T LOVE ME AT ALL. To be in touch with me: Instagram's username: b.sowunmi. Join the discord sever to chat with the author and other readers : https://discord.gg/bkWcVw79cd

Sowunmi16 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

FIFTY (Carmen)

A guard waited for us by the door outside the hall, led us outside the castle to the battle, and I could smell blood from inside the castle.

Plenty of vampires passed Conrad and me with their families into the castle as we went outside.

I could see some with injuries on parts of their bodies and some with blood dripping from their bodies.

I faced forward immediately, reassuring myself, 'It's okay, carmen. It's not your fault.'

I didn't feel guilty then because I was not aware of Typhon, but now that I am aware, the consequences of not dealing with Typhon like what I am witnessing is guilt tripping me.

The scent of blood intensified as we neared the entrance, and what I saw was completely different from the quiet territory we came for the first time.

Screams, blood, ripped body parts and organs scattered everywhere, burnt houses, fire, innocent people dying, different warriors shouting at people to move.

I stared at the disaster one person does to destroy and get what he wants.

I couldn't hear anything apart from my heartbeat, and I tried to calm myself, but it was not working.

'Breathe. It was not your fault, carmen,' I told myself.

'It's not your fault. Remember that.' I repeated.

I repeated those sentences in my head as I tried to focus on everything happening around me.

I felt my clenched hand squeezed and knew whose scent could overpower the bloody smell on the battlefield.

''Carmen, It's not your fault they died,'' Conrad said.

I focused on his scent as I could hear everything little by little.

'Yes, it is not your fault,' I repeatedly thought as I calmed down.

I stared at Conrad and removed my clenched hands before squeezing his hand and releasing it.

I looked at the territory and took a deep breath before staring at Conrad. ''We should move.''

I looked for the guard who guided us, but it seemed he left us to help the warriors.

I ran into the battlefield with Conrad behind me and killing rogues in my way.

I ripped their hearts out of their bodies, either in human or wolf forms.

After years of killing rogues, It became an instinct to know where their heart stays in either form and rip them out.

Blood and blood splashed on me every step of the way.

We paused in an area and noticed no one there.

I surveyed the area and noticed something before turning to Conrad, ''Go and help the others. I will walk around the area.''

He paused his steps and looked at him before sighing.

''Don't forget what I said.'' He left after saying that.

I looked at his disappearing back and was sure I couldn't hear his footsteps near this area before turning back to it.

I walked for a while and stopped before talking, ''Why don't you come out, vampires?''

No one answered me.

''I suppose you don't want me to kill you there,'' I growled, looking in a particular direction.

No one answered until I could hear very light footsteps surrounding me.

I looked at them coming out one by one in their shifted forms.

Black eyes with golden iris, two sharp elongated canines touching their jaws almost at the same length as Artemis, midnight black bat-like wings attached to their black. They looked deadly.

''Why don't you come out?'' I said in that particular direction.

''I know you are there,'' I added.

The black shadow that looked like a shade moved and morphed into a person.

''It's been a while, Miss Carmen,'' Stella's mate said, smiling.

'So that is how he entered the kingdom with the creatures and escaped undetected by the barrier in the lycan kingdom,' I thought, looking at the shadow forming into his body as he smiled.

''Why are you attacking this territory?'' I asked, getting into a defensive position.

The shadow finished forming his body as he answered, ''You know, for someone with envious powers, you are not smart sometimes.''

''I thought you knew about my master's obsession with you, but it seems you don't have your memories, rather your beast's memory.'' He said with one arm folded on his chest connected to the other elbow with the hand underneath his chin.

My claws on both hands extended as I listened to him without saying anything.

When he saw my silence, he laughed, rubbing his chin, ''I can't believe the moon goddess didn't tell you anything. Master said she holds your memories, and it seems true.''

''How amusing, she threw you in a wolf's den without any clues to survive. I don't understand why you serve her when she is not your only god.''

'Only god?' I thought.

'What does he mean by that?' I added to my thoughts.

I think my face had the confusion of that sentence visible. And Stella's mate smiled knowingly.

''I would love to tell you what I know, but I have the mission to take you to the master, so no chit-chat.'' He said, snapping his fingers.

The vampires moved immediately at his command, attacking me.

''By the way, my name is Seth.'' He said, waving at me as I dodged a vampire's claw and kicked it before grabbing the wings of another one and tearing it down from its back.

Blood dripped from my hand to the ground.

The vampire screamed in agony and tried to free itself from my claws, but I didn't allow it and ripped its heart before throwing the organ and the person away.

I dodged another one and kicked it away before punching another one.

As I killed more and more, It felt like the battle won't end, but I didn't give up.

Vampires are harder to deal with, and another name for them is assassin killers. They are very silent in doing anything if they do not want to make a sound.

If I don't concentrate fully on their attacks, I could die at any moment.

And that is why I sent Conrad away because he couldn't hear them as I did because of Artemis.

I killed and killed, blood and blood splashed on my clothes. I ripped so many wings and hearts from their bodies. And finally, the battle that felt like no end ended with me surrounded by a bloodied disaster on the ground.

I heavily exhaled as I stared at the smiling Seth, who had been watching the battle like a show.

''You are heartless in killing your enemies,'' He said with a smile.

I growled lowly at his remarks as they became annoying.

He laughed at my reaction and said, ''But don't worry, you will be the first to almost die out of both of us as I have to complete this mission and take you to the master.''

We leaped up in the air and struck at each other.