
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter eight: Alicia

********Ryan POV**********

Me and mark arrived in class and as usual, the girls kept giving us flirty looks.. Mark winked at some while I just rolled my eyes as me and mark got seated in our seats.. my seat is close to the window while mark's beside mine.. I sighed and stared out the window, waiting for teacher to arrive when suddenly the door opened, I turned, thinking it was the teacher but   groaned annoyed when I saw Alicia.. Let me tell you a lil' somethin' somethin' bout Alicia Williams; Alicia is the most popular girl in our school. Her dad, Mr David Williams, is a multi- millionaire and also the owner of this school, giving Alicia the opportunity to do what ever she likes and go scott free.. Alicia is very beautiful but I don't like her; she's bossy, rude and arrogant.. Alicia walked towards my seat, swaying her hips as the guys in the class keep staring at her dreamily "hey babe" she said as she lean forward to kiss my lips but I was quick to dodge "what do you want Alicia" I asked, already pissed off "what's with the attitude baby, don't you miss me?" She pouted; I frowned a little "miss you?!.. Ha!.. I'd rather drink mark's sweat than miss you" "wait what!?" Mark swiftly turned and stared at me with widened eyes.. I ignored him and continued "and please, could you stop calling me baby?.. it's embarrassing " The whole class burst into laughter and Alicia felt embarrassed and got mad immediately "you'll pay for this Ryan" she turned and walked out of the classroom angrily.. I sighed and massage my forehead "umm... Ryan... Don't you think you're being a little bit too hard on Alicia?" I turned to mark "hard?.. no I'm not" "uh yes you are... Look ryan, why don't you give her a chance.. yunno.. to get to know her better.." I frowned a little "if you care about her so much, why don't you date her then" "nah man, that's not what I m..." "Look!, Could we not talk about Alicia" I said, already pissed off.. Mark sighed and sanked down on his seat "Aight, whatever you say man". Suddenly, our biology teacher walked in "Good morning class" "Good morning sir" the class chorused. He walked towards his desk and picked a chalk, turned towards the black board and wrote "MICRO ORGANISMS" boldly on it "alright class, today, we'll be talking about micro organisms... Open page 158 on your biology textbooks" the class did as they were instructed as the teacher started teaching...

**********Alicia POV********

I sat down in a bench in the school garden whilst crying my eyes out "licia please stop crying" Lynn, one of my girls tried to console me; "but why!!.. why is Ryan being mean to me?!!... You know I love him with my whole heart, why is he rejecting me??!!" I asked as I cried the more.. Why am I so unfortunate?.. why is it that every one I love ends up leaving me or rejecting me!.. "you know, they are many hot guys in this school aside ryan.. why don't you try them out?" Lynn suggested. I shook my head sideways "but I don't want them Lynn,.. I love Ryan only and no one can ever replace him in my heart" Lisa sighed "ok I've heard you..  but can you please stop crying?.. it doesn't suit you.. it's ruining your beautiful face" I nodded and got out a handkerchief from my purse and wiped my tears...

**********Ryan POV*********

First period was over as me and mark walked out of the classroom. It was lunch time and we're heading to the cafeteria.. I'm still a little mad at mark for the nonsense he was saying in class but who could blame him.. he's just being himself.. stupid as always.. I chuckled at my thoughts "uh what's so funny Ryan?.. why you laughing?" Mark arched a brow whilst staring at me, confused "ah it's nothing.. just thought of something funny.. that's all " I scratched the back of my head nervously.. Mark nodded slowly and faced his front... I did the same as we continued walking in the hallway.. suddenly I saw Alicia at a corner, leaning on a wall, staring up at the ceiling,lost in thoughts.. I suddenly noticed something on her face; her eyes were red and puffy, so is her face... Hmm.. looks like she's been crying.. but why?.. I suddenly remembered what mark said to me in class.. hmm.. guess mark was right.. I've been too hard on her.. I started feeling bad for her.. I've gotta apologize and maybe, get to know her better.. I mean.. she must have some good sides, right?... I sighed deeply and walked towards Alicia.. I hope I won't regret this "hey Alicia" I smiled at her.. Alicia looked at me shocked... Maybe cuz I don't normally talk to her much haha .. "h..hey Ryan" she muttered and bit her bottom lip and looked down, staring at her feet whilst playing with her fingers. I sighed "look, I'm sorry for the way I treated you this morning" "it's ok Ryan.. I deserved it anyway" she muttered and kept playing with her fingers, not looking up.. I stared surprised, Alicia's not the kind of person that admits things.. then why is she suddenly admitting?.. could it be that she's changing for the better?.. hmm interesting.. I used my fingers to rise her head to look at me "so.. we cool?" She nodded smiling "yeah we cool" I smirked "great.. so would you like to grab lunch with me and mark?" She stared at me with widened eyes "really ?" I laughed a little "yeah sure ".. "y..yes I'd love that" Alicia smiled widely. I chuckled "cool, let's go" she nodded as we started heading to the cafeteria "hey wait up!!" Mark yelled from behind.. oops, I forgot mark was still behind "well hurry up dude!" I yelled back and chuckled as he caught up with us "hahaha not funny " mark feigned a frown as I chuckled and wrapped my arms on his shoulder "stop whining and let's go" he sighed as we walked to the cafeteria