

I dont know how the world started but I know how it will end.

tttworldttt · Realistic
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12 Chs


Outside Sartaj brings a JCB and some other police inspectors to break the wall of the bunker like thing in which Gaitonde is hiding.

Sartaj: Gaitonde open the door. Your game will be over soon.

Gaitonde: Dont do this sir. My mind has never been so fucked up, and I have more to tell.

Sartaj: Well listen to the test of it in jail.

Gaitonde: There will be nothing left in 25 days. Dilbagh Singh introduced me to my third father.

Sartaj: What?

Gaitonde: I called you to return his favor.

Sartaj: Who did Dad introduce you to? When?

The JCB successfully breaks the wall of the bunker, creating a hole in it. Sartaj enters the bunker through the hole.

Sartaj points the gun infront of him and walks slowly. He is very careful and his steps are small.

Sartaj turns towars his left side. He finds Jojo dead lying on the floor. He follows the blood stains. They lead him to a room. Sartaj's shadow is clearly visible from the room.

He enters the room, points the gun at Gaitonde who is sitting infront of him holding a gun.

Sartaj: Come with me peacefully. Who did Dilbagh Singh introduce you to?

Put the fucking gun down.

But Gaitonde didn't answer the question. He instead shot his head committing suicide. Before shooting himself his memories flashed in his head.

Sartaj walks towars Gaitonde, checks his pockets. He finds a passport in it.

While he is staring at it.

Gaitonde: Its not over yet, Mr. Sartaj. I told you, I am Ashwathama. I wont die. I'm not going to go anywhere till the game is over. Come on Mr. Sartaj. Now we'll be together when it destroys us.

Katekar comes running inside the room

Katekar: Holy shit!

Ssrtaj hands over the passport to Katekar.

Sartaj: Do you believe in God?

End of episode 1

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