

Sacred Academy by FarfalleMajesty

All about , Sacred Academy

, it is a school to train Elementals and Gangsters here in the whole world, even in the other realms. The school is hidden behind a mountain, and you have to cast a spell for you to enter.

Sacred Academy's Students

, there are three sections, the Alpha, Omega and Beta. There's a basis which section are you belong. If you have three or more deities; Alpha. You have two deities ; Omega. And if you have one deity but your abilities is incredible and a killer, ;Beta.


, Deities is the called where elementals get their power. For those who is gifted, the academy is there to train and enhance their power and use this in good. And we all know, if there's a good, there's a bad too


, the academy is allowing the elementals to live like a normal and mortal people, that's why there's a lot of gangster and mafias inside the academy. They can do whatever they want, but there's a limitation. Killing is allowed. Why not? Its fun, though!


, the academy has Head Admins, Admins and Councilors, they are the responsible to keep the peace inside the school.

Rules and Regulation

, just wear a freaking uniform and don't do something nasty that will cause an headache to the Councils