
Sabrina's life

A short story about a girl name Sabrina. she was tried of her life so she decided to make a wish to a shooting star. "I WISH MY LIFE TO BE LIKE DRAMAS" but it didn't go as Sabrina's want it to. Everything turn upside down.!!

lelouchvi · Teen
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6 Chs


The next day Sabrina was getting ready for school. She thinks that the wish she made was a waste. She didn't think that much and goes to her school when she enter her school she greeted by her friend Jenna .Jenna was talking about the prom that is coming soon. When immediately her school nurse Lily come to the hallway with an injured student who was bleeding. Miss Lily was taking him to office when she see Sabrina who was thinking that her wishes come true something special happened. Miss lily approach Sabrina the request her to donated blood to that injured student. Sabrina agreed to donate the blood.At the same time Mr fool a history teacher was going to propose the nurse. He had a crush on her since her first day on job. Mr fool was excited as he buy a diamond ring. He put all his saving on that ring. "But we called Mr fool a fool for a reason". He put his ring behind the test papers and goes to see the lily. Sabrina was not loved by everyone she was hated too and the biggest mean girl in her life was Kate. When she see Mr fool coming out of his office she immediately goes to the office and tried to changed the test paper so she could pass the test by cheating. She open the cabinet she sees a ring. she was surprised to known that it was a diamond ring and this was the moment were she knew how to make Mr fool hates Sabrina.