
Sabrina's life

A short story about a girl name Sabrina. she was tried of her life so she decided to make a wish to a shooting star. "I WISH MY LIFE TO BE LIKE DRAMAS" but it didn't go as Sabrina's want it to. Everything turn upside down.!!

lelouchvi · Teen
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6 Chs


Sabrina was a 16-year-old girl who lived in America with her mother.

She didn't have any siblings and her life was monotonous.

Every day, she followed the same routine and yearned for excitement and fun.

Sabrina was popular in high school and had everything a teenager could ask for - friends, a loving boyfriend, and teachers who adored her.

Her life was perfect, yet she felt bored with it all.

The only person who could bring a spark of joy to her life was her grandmother, whom she loved dearly.


One day, her grandmother came to visit her with lots of presents.

Sabrina was thrilled, and for a while, her life was exciting. However, the joy was short-lived, and soon, it was time for her grandmother to go back.

On the last night of her stay, Sabrina couldn't sleep. She was sad that her grandmother was leaving, and she was thinking about how she could change her boring life.

She went to her grandmother's room and asked for advice.

Her grandmother told her about a shooting star and asked if she had ever heard of it.

Sabrina thought it was a childish story and didn't believe her grandmother.

The next day, her grandmother left, and Sabrina forgot all about the shooting star.

She focused on her studies and her relationships. She had a loving boyfriend named Peter and a best friend named Jenna. However, not everyone loved her.

There was a girl named Kate who was jealous of Sabrina's popularity and threw a party without inviting her.

Sabrina felt sad and alone in her room.

Then, something unexpected happened. Sabrina was looking out of her window when she saw a shooting star.

She remembered her grandmother's words and made a wish, "I wish that my life will be like drama or TV show."