
Disobey Or Follow

Athena’s P.O.V.

“No. You didn’t disturb me, and you will never be a disturbance to me. I’m actually done with my dinner, and yes, I am already on my bed—resting with our Mama Bear and Baby Bear. Will you really be fine, huh? Please ask that inspector to take you home, okay? Be careful and text me as soon as you get home, Cristoff. I love you!”

“I love—” Dying of patience to know the truth behind what happened to him, I was in a hurry, so I didn’t wait for Cristoff to respond with the words, “I love you too.” I just ended the call.

Now, I was already sure that Drew wasn’t the one who did that horrible thing. He might throw a fit over my boyfriend saving Vanessa earlier but Drew never had the capability to ruin Cristoff.

There was only one way to find out because I knew one person who could do that. I hurried out of my bedroom but even before I could close the door, I instantly saw Daddy in the hallway of the third floor.