
Sabers Of Asguenn

Jembera · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

As my horse relentlessly kicked up dust on the road, I inspected the contents of the backpack I had been given. It contained only enough food for two good meals, and I wondered if my father had been somewhat mistaken in his assessment of my needs.

Assuming the trip would go smoothly, I hoped to reach the town of Asguenn by the evening of the next day and I was in danger of having my stomach churn with such meager provisions. At least I would not miss water because a barrel had been provided for the duration of my expedition. A few hours after my departure, the heat had already led me to take half a dozen ladles to quench my thirst.

On each side of the road, the high hills forming Bear Ridge blocked the horizon and I frequently glanced at the coniferous groves that grew on their sides in search of ambush robbers. The trees and the numerous scree slopes seemed to me as many hiding places for an ambush. My fears proved to be unfounded that morning.

I was beginning to wonder if I should take a break to let Puffy graze a bit when I saw at the last moment a man hiding behind a medium sized rock. Surprised, I pulled violently on the reins to stop my carriage while the man stood up, an iron bowl in his hand.

After my fright, I saw that he had started to prepare a lunch. Well-built, rather young even if he must have been ten or fifteen springs older than me, the man was wearing a fur cloak over a filthy shirt despite the heat and a huge hunting bow was lying not far from him. I concluded that I was dealing with one of the few trappers who worked in these low mountains. The man shouted at me bluntly.

"Whoa, boy! I'm sorry I scared you, but I'd rather hide out with all the cutthroats around here."

"Have you seen any?" I asked without succiding in hiding my anxiety.

"Not here. But a few days ago, near the Milona forest, I saw a band of horsemen who didn't look like patriots, if you know what I mean. Are you going in that direction?"

"No, I'm going to Asguenn. To do a little business."

I added, pointing with my chin to the bags behind me.

"Well, you're getting into business early, my boy!" joked the fellow, winking at me. "For a merchant, you look pretty strong, by the way."

I was looking for a clever retort but before I could open my mouth, he continued in a mischievous tone.

"How would you like to earn some money by doing me a little favor? I've spotted a bear's cave and I'm planning to kill it. But I'll have a hard time getting him out of his den on my own, and the animal has to be out in the open for me to nail him quickly. If you come with me, it will be a piece of cake! And I'll pay you for it, of course."

"Sorry, I don't mind a hunting trip, but I'm in a hurry. I have to be in Asguenn tomorrow at the latest."

"Don't worry about that, the cave is right there," he said, pointing to a spot high above the nearest tree line. "Go there, kill the bear and come back here, it'll take us an hour at the most!"

Sighing, I decided to accept to help the trapper. In any case, I would gain a little money that might be useful to me.

"Very good! Leave your load here. From up there, we'll have plenty of time to see someone who's after your cart."

I jumped down of the cart to join the shaggy man and he kindly offered me to share his lunch before climbing the slope. His stewed pheasant didn't leave me with a lasting memory, but it satisfied my stomach, as did the bottle of cider that we shamelessly drained. I was a bit worried about facing a bear but the wine dissipated my few fears and I followed Rogar, my hunting companion, with a determined step.

I was quickly exhausted as the ascent was so difficult with all these rocks rolling under our steps. But by placing my feet and hands in exactly the same places as him, I managed to accompany him to a nice overhang.

Below, my cart and Puffy looked small to me, but Rogar wouldn't let me look at the landscape. He directed my attention to an opening in the rock that reminded me of a dark, pointed ear.

"You have to go right up to the entrance. Scream, make as much noise as you can, and as soon as you hear him, come back here. He won't even have seen us before I've dealt with him."

As if to add weight to his words, he picked up his longbow and tested the string before grabbing an arrow feathered with blue feathers. Seeing that he was ready to act, I moved cautiously toward the cave, my heart seized by a certain apprehension.

Bears were not uncommon around the Refuge, and it was no accident that the Ridge was so named. But I had never ventured to get close to them...

When I reached the threshold of the cave, I opened my eyes to try to get used to the darkness. I didn't have the time to take another step or to call the animal when a bestial roar resounded in the dark, right in front of me. The beast was waiting for me and I was within reach of its claws.