
Chapter One

Justice North was pacing up and down inside the waiting room, hearing Jessie's screams as the Doctors and nurses at Medical, we're delivering their baby safely into the world.

Justice couldn't help but feel like he was unable to do anything to soothe his mate's pain. Justice felt his claws digging into the inside of his palms, the sudden reaction doing something to keep himself distracted and from keeping him from barging into the delivery room to take his pregnant mate with him to somewhere safe.

Justice would slowly become feral if he had to wait outside this room any longer then he needed to be, as the urge to be with Jessie was strong. "Justice, can you hear me?" asked Doctor Harrison with a confused expression on his face trying to get the Leader Of New Species attention.

"Yes, I'm sorry Doctor Harrison, My mind was somewhere else for a moment, can I go in and out of see my mate and our son?" Justice asked Doctor Harrison who quickly nodded his head and lead Justice inside the hospital room.

"Justice, coming in here and meet our baby!" Jessie called out weakly from inside the medical room. At the sound of his mate's voice, Justice rushed into the hospital room as if his life depended on it.

"Doctor Harrison, is our baby son healthy?" Justice said looking carefully at the new-born baby in his mates arms. Jessie just chuckled at Justice before interrupting Doctor Harrison.

"He's strong and healthy, just like his Daddy."

"Could you hold him for me, I need to rest my body, it's exhausting pushing out a baby," Jessie said holding out the baby towards Justice, who cradled the newborn protectively in the crook of his arms. "We should call him Saber North.

"Justice said excitedly to his wife. "I like that name it fits him very well." Jessie says kissing Justice on the cheek before falling fast asleep in the hostpatal after giving birth to their son.

The baby was fussing in his arms but Justice didn't let go of his precious little boy, He started purring to calm their son down so Jessie wouldn't wake up from her sleep which had worked.

The nurse came into the room to weight the NS baby and then give Justice the birth certificate to sign it, as Justice reach for the pen to write his name then looking towards Jessie and his newborn son eager to get them both back to Homeland.

Looking after Saber was challenging to say the least as Jessie and Justice had to be very careful not to reveal their son's existence to the outside world or from Mercile Industries.

After Jessie's Maternity leave had finished Justice had to make a decision that any public appearances that he and his wife have to attend because they are the most watched New Speices couple that heavily in the public eyes. So Justice and his wife had no choice but to arrange someone from NSO to babysit Saber for a few hours but were under strict orders to call either of the them if their son was having any problems.


(A few years later)

"Shit!" Darkness roared loudly to himself this wasn't supposed to happen. "Darkness, did something happned with the hate group I heard guns being fired over the radio do any of our males need any medical attention?" Tiger replies through Darkness's earpiece with concern for his friend.

"Tiger, our NSO males are unharmed but the hate group's leader was a human male who had brought along a small human female with him."

"Why would the human male bring a child with him?" Tiger said to Darkness sounding confused for a moment over the two-way radio.

"The male had tried to enter the gates and was attempting to cause harm to New Species with a concealed weapon hidden under his shirt, He failed as I quickly shot him in the chest before he could use it." Darkness said firmly not caring that the male was on the floor dead just a few feet away from where he'd been standing, as this human was a treat to his kind.

"What about the small human female is she still with the dead human?" Tiger asked his voice sounding concerned for the child's well-being.

"She's outside the gates of Homeland and is crouching over the male's body crying noisily and making loud convulsive gasps into his chest." Darkness said to Tiger over the headset. "Shit, that doesn't sound to good can you or anyone approach her to calm her down?" Tiger offered a recommended to Darkness trying to find a solution to their problem.

"Tiger, I have no experience dealing with upset children, she might find me scary if I try to approach her now as I'm in full NSO uniform gear!" Darkness growls his frustration out towards Tiger through his earpiece.

"I'll give Justice North a call, I'm sure he'll know what to do when he sees the small human female for himself, he might not be pleased and this circumstance will ruin his family time with Jessie and their son but this is an emergency." Tiger said to Darkness before ending the transmission.

Darkness glanced towards the direction of the small human female wondering how the girl would respond when meeting their NSO Leader Justice North as he could tell that the girl has never seen a New Species before.

Justice North was standing in front of gates towards Homeland fully dressed in his expensive looking suit having no time to change his clothes when he'd received a call from Tiger earlier.

When Justice had first learned about the small human female situation being in an Emotional state outside the game of Homeland.

Justice had quickly told his wife Jessie who wanted to come with him but needed to stay and look after their son Saber. "Darkness, is the female child still outside and has any of our males approached her before I could arrived?" Justice North asked Darkness as the New Specise male greeted him with a nod of his head.

"No Tiger said that you'd gave us strict orders that no New Species male is allowed anywhere near her and to wait patiently until you see the female child first." Darkness says quickly to the NSO leader answering Justice's question.

"Good, I'm glade that my Instructions were followed correctly, now Darkness would you please open the gates for me enter!" Justice orders Darkness to open the gates as the Learder of New Species Organization.

When Justice North approached the small human female who was a pale skinny girl with waist-length hair and her eyes having one iris that is a different color from the other eye which was very unusual for a human.

"My name is Justice North and I promise that you have nothing to fear from me." Justice spoke in a calm soothing voice as to not frighten the girl with his appearance.

When the girl didn't reply to him that made him nervous."Is this human male your father?" Justice said trying to get the human girl to talk to him again. The girl only nodded her head once confirming Justice's suspicion to be right.

"Do you have any other family members that you can live with?" Justice said not liking the sinking feeling deep inside his gut. The human female shook her head to single that she had none being alone.

"Shit!" Justice growled low in his chest Darkness had just made an innocent child an orphan. What could Justice do, was he expected to just leave the human female outside of Homeland defenceless because she was with the Hate group.

"What's the plan Justice should we send her to the Sheriff and let him deal with her?" Tiger said asking Justice. "I'm going to adopt her as my daughter to replace the farther she's just lost." Justice announced his decision to Tiger and Darkness. "Justice do you even know the first thing about looking after a small human feamale?" Darkness said sounding worried for the New Species male.

"I'm sure Jessie and I will manage to care for her and I think my son would like having someone new to play with." Justice said as he gently picks up the girl holding her up in his arms. "What do we do with the dead human male, we can't leave him outside he might attract wild animals or News reporters?" Tiger said looking at the dead body.

"You and Darkness can bury him somewhere far away from Homeland and bury him." Justice said walking away with the small human female leaving them to their assignment. When Justice finally arrived back home the small human girl had fallen fast asleep in his arms as he could hear her heavy breathing in her chest.

The door to their home opened as Jessie appeared in the doorway smiling up at him. "Saber could hearing you from the kitchen and told me you were outside."

Jessie said letting her husband throught the door then Jessie pulls off his shoes for him as Justice had his hands full with the human female. "Is this the human girl that was found beside her dead father's body outside Homeland?" Jessie said peering to look at the sleep girl in her husband arms.

"Yes, the female is an orphan and I think that she can't speak as I don't even know her name." Justice said putting her gently down on the sofa. "We could ask her to write it down on paper when she wakes up."

Jessie suggested to Justice before leaving the room to get a piece of paper. "Good idea, I did'nt think of that." Justice said kissing his wife on the forehead and then sitting down next to the girl and stroking her waist length hair as she was still sleeping.

"Daddy, who's that human female with you and why is she in our home?" Saber said coming over to see him. "Saber, this human female will be living with us from now on." Justice said to his curious son. "Can I sit with her until she wakes up?" Saber asked his father not taking his gaze of the sleeping human female.

"Saber you can watch over her while she's sleeping as I'll go and help your Mom prepare dinner for us to eat I'm sure the human female will be quit hungry when she awakes." Justice said leaving his Son with the girl alone togther in the living cabin.

Saber was strangely puzzled by the small female napping beside him by the sofa. Saber's nostrils started flaring as he inhalied in her scent making a soft sound come from deep within the back of his throat. "Did I just purr at the human female because I like the smell of her scent?" Saber said being completely shocked by his sudden animalistic instinct towards the human female as he couldn't comprehend the reason why that was.

When suddenly the human female's eyes fluttered open and she sat up from the sofa and regard Saber with a pair of beautiful blue and green-hazel eyes he had every glimpsed on a human female before.

"Hello human female my name is Saber North, could you write down your name for me on this piece of paper here?" Saber said to the girl as he pointing down towards the pencil and paper on the coffee table. The girl then picked up the pencil in her right hand and began writing down her name before putting the pencil down and then handing the piece of paper back with her name on it for Saber to read it. Saber looked at the letters of the girl's name and began to read them out loud so that his parents in the kitchen could hear him as he doubted that the girl would introduce herself when asked to do so.

"Kisarah, that's a very unusual name that you have but it's not as strange as mine." Saber said not wanting to hurt Kisarah's feelings. "Let's go eat some food." Saber says holding out his hand towards Kisarha who placed her small hand in his as he pulled her into the direction of the kitchen.

Kisarha recognised Justice but see didn't know the red-haired women next to him. "Hello Kisarha, my name is Jessie North and it's nice to finally know your name." Jessie said smiling up at Kisarha.  "You must be hungry Kisarha, please eat as much as you'd like." Justice North said placing a plate of delicious looking food in front of her.

Kisarha sat herself down at the table and began to eat the food that Justice had offered to her feeling he's intense his gaze as she ate the food very rapidly and sliding the plate back towards Justice when she wanted more.

Justice released a growl from the back of his throut making Jessie turn her gaze towards her husband wondering what had made him so upset all of a sudden. "Justice are you okay what's wrong?" Jessie said keeping her voice very calm and not displaying any fear on her face.

"Kisarha's father had never borthered to feed his own child and was so hungry that Kisarha ate the food in mere seconds she must of been famish." Justice said looking at he's wife with worry.

"If your that concern with Kisarha's wellbeing take her to see Dr. Joyce Yards after your press meeting tommrow?" Jessie said giving her husband an idea. "I've already cancelled the press meeting for tomorrow and have scheduled an appointment with Dr.Joyce instead.

Justice said to his wife before his attention turned back towards Kisarha. "Oh, I'm sure Dr.Joyce will be able to help us understand more about Kisarha." Jessie says kissing her husband on the lips before taking the plates of the table and put them in the disewasher.

Jessie then turned to face Justice who held Kisarha in his arms as he walked upstair towards their bedroom and placed her inside their bed.

"Can Kisarha sleep with us tonight, I don't want to leave her alone." Justice asked his wife who only nodded as they joined her in the bed together.

Justice had fallen fast asleep with Kisarha in his arms.