
S.I.C.K - Prolouge

The wind swayed the waves back and fourth as the fireflies were dancing in the gloomy sky. The grey clouds had barely let the moon trespass it's null embrace whilst the shadows were playing as little figurines. The trees surrounded me, whispering a silent yet bone chilling melody. It was as if they were calling to me. I shifted my position, my head facing the old cabin and my body facing the lake. I stared at the old, chipped golden plaque as it's nasty handwriting announced that someone had died here at 1940, at the very same cabin. The victim's name being Dustin Oshird and the murderer being Ryan Helswhin, also known as 'The Doctor', for every one of it's victims looked like a failed surgery. But that wasn't important anymore. I lifted myself up, and started walking towards thr cabin. As I creak open the door, the story unravels.