
S T A L K E R .

Cai has a stalker. She doesn't know it, but Aeson does.

coooooookieee · Realistic
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2 Chs


Everyone in the International University knew her. Her name was whispered on the corridors, she left low gazes and envious murmurs when she walked by. She was full of kind smiles and blushed cheeks, always willing to help, always willing to laugh with everyone. Focused on her studies, without letting anything interrupt them, turning down a lot of dates and a lot of activities, but still very present on the chaotic university life.

The perfect definition of a perfect student.

Cai was good at everything you could be at such a college: fluent in languages, quick in maths, with good ear for music and good eye for arts. The Inter's pride, and the most liked, hated and envied person of the University.

She had a lot of friends, but she was rarely seen with them out of class hours. She had some partners, but none of them lasted more than the summer vacation period. Her relationship with her family was nice, although it was strange to find them together. She was humble, but had too much money for a girl in second year. She was stunning, the type of girl you turn around to see twice on the corridors.

Cai was amazing.

And now she's dead. But no one cries for her.

No one but a hidden shadow, between the trees of the graveyard. He was the only one in her funeral. The only one who has came to visit her. The only one who buys her favorite flowers and talks to her in quiet voice. He always apologizes before kneeling in front of the grave, as if his words would help her. He spends long afternoons there, in the woods, on that empty stone that marks her rests. He caresses the pale pink gerberas with the tip of his finger, kneeling, another day, in front of the tomb.

That was what Cai would have wanted, right?

May he always find her.