
S Rank Lost World

CptJager · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Three Years Later

I am finally five years old and can start my training in earnest. I go find Akane and ask, "Hey Akane, do you want to train with me?" Akane lights up excitedly and smiles saying "Yes of course, let's go right now! just let me grab my armor and sword." While she goes to get ready, I start to think "Hmmm what should I practice with Akane? well, first, I will see how far along her training has come and teach her how to become stronger."

While I'm in the middle of thinking of various ways to retrain myself, my mother asks, "You going to practice with your sister? Mind if I watch and give pointers?" Her voice takes me out of thinking and say "Yea I don't mind! It would help to have another point of view to help teach us." Mother smiles and says "Great let's get going. I did promise to teach you on my days off." The three of us head to the middle of town to the training grounds. I look around while we are walking and see the reconstruction efforts after the battle three years ago are almost finished.

People are bustling around town as if they are in a hurry for something. I look at Mother and ask, "Why is everyone in such a hurry?" She responds."Everyone is getting ready to go hunting, but since today is my day off, I don't have to participate." We reach the training grounds, and immediately my mother says "Alright you two get into a stance first, and once the stance is correct, swing your sword one hundred times." We do as she says I get into the stance I remember.

Mother is helping sister with her stance as I begin to swing my sword. It's only a small training sword for kids. Mother looks over at me with curiosity and asks, "When did you learn that stance it's perfectly balanced, and those sword strikes are solid, no shaking, almost like you're a seasoned soldier." I continue my sword strikes without answering so I don't lose focus. Right now, it's taking everything I have to maintain the stance since my body is so young it's hard to maintain the stance. I think to myself, "So even if I remember, my body is still not able to use my knowledge. This may take a while."

Mother is still watching while taking time to correct Akane when needed. Soon, I am done with my sword strikes and say "Sorry mother I didn't answer because I didn't want to break focus. To answer your question, i will tell you later once we get home." Mother chuckles a little bit and says "Alright but i can tell if you lie to me, so make sure to tell me properly when we get back. Now go run for two laps around the training grounds that's one mile, by the way." I say "Yes mother." I take off running around the training grounds. Akane thinks to herself, "I wonder what he could be hiding? No five year old should be able to complete the sword swings, let alone use a perfect stance like it was nothing. This goes beyond a genius. I won't be fooled."

She finishes her sword strikes and joins Argos, running around the training grounds. When she nears ne I say, "Hey, Akane, wanna have a race? The first one back to where mother is standing wins." Akane smiles and says "Sure but if I win, you have to tell me how you managed to complete the sword swings and use a perfect stance!" She takes off sprinting as hard as she can. I smile and sprint after her. We race around the training grounds, and i am keeping up with her, although I am running as fast as I can. Now we see who can hold out the longest as we are neck to neck. Akane looks at me and smiles. The next thing I know, i am face down in the dirt because she tripped me. She now has a lead. I know i can't catch up, and I sigh then think, "Good play, although dirty is quite the surprise."

When I finally get back to Mother, she is scolding Akane for tripping me. I laugh a little and say, "It's okay, Mother. we were having a race, and although it was a dirty move, it was effective. Competition or not, one must have the resolve to do anything to survive." They both look at me stunned by what I said. Mother says, "For someone so young to understand that is unheard of, but you have always been that way." Akane has a big grin on her face and says "Thanks little bro. You saved me from an ear full." I look at her and say "Your not off the hook yet, now you have to spar me so I can teach you a lesson." She looks over to mother for permission. Mother shakes her head and says, "You may be able to train, but sparing is still too early. Wait 1 year, and I will allow light sparing."

I nod and say "Yes mother I understand I won't spar until I have done more training." After three more hours of training, Lisa says "Alright that's enough for today. Now go home wash up and prepare for lunch. I headed home with Akane and let her wash up first while I helped prepare supper. Once Akane is done washing, she comes into the kitchen and says, "It's your turn, little bro. Thanks for helping me with supper today." I say."No problem, sis. I'm happy to help." I walk into the other room to wash up in our small wash tub. I have to use a rag to wipe down my body. I think to myself, "I really need to improve our daily life, but the only way to do that is to get some coins." Once I am done, I have supper with my family and go to bed. I think to myself, "I wonder when they plan to ask me about today."

The next morning, as I entered the kitchen, mother was the first to ask, "So you gonna tell me how you did that yesterday?" I sigh and tell her."Before I start telling you, I would prefer if sister was also present." She nods and calls for Akane to come to the kitchen. Once Akane enters the kitchen, she asks, "Did you need something, mother?" Lisa sits down and says,"Come sit down. Argos has something he wants to tell us." Akane quickly sits down next to me and looks at me expectantly. I sigh and say, "What would you do if I told you I was reincarnated into this world, and that I was also a demi-god?"