
Sëçönd Chànçe

This is story of Ryan and Pert,fall in love after so many misunderstandings and fight themselves.

AArya07 · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

"Parth, please get up my son."his mother said while collecting the scattered things on the floor and placing it on their respective places. ' good morning mummy. What's time now? ' Parth asked, stretching his hand and taking a long breath. 

"it's 7 o'clock." his mother replied him without looking at him. She wanted to complete the cleaning as fast as possible.Till 10 o'clock, she had to reach her office. " You'r grown up now. You should keep your room neat and tidy. "his mother kept telling him. 

Parth got up from his bed took his toothbrush and put paste on it, grabbed his towel and went inside bathroom to freshen up himself. 

After completed bathing, he dressed up, wore shoes, held his bag and walked in the courtyard. His grandpa was sitting in the armchair, reading the newspaper and taking tea sip by sip. " Good morning Pa, good morning grandma."Parth greeted them and sat on a chair, kept his bag aside. 

" Good morning Smiley, my darling."grandma replied him. She was busy in cutting the vegetables for the lunch. 

Lily came out of the kitchen, a plate in her hand full of salad, cooked vegetables and chapatis, gave the plate to Parth. " Nothing should be left in the plate. "Lily warner him. Parth took the plate, mocking her words and started eating. She was like his second-mother, cared him so much. She went to the kitchen and came with a glass of water, put it beside his plate on the table.

Mr. Harrison kept the newspaper aside and said, " I am going out for walk. My friends would be waiting for me. After spending some time, i will come back." " But Pa, have your breakfast first. " Lily insisted him. 

" Don't worry, i am not feeling hungry, already had tea and biscuits too. "he said, " I will have it after returning from the walk. " 

He wore his slippers and stepped out of the house. Parth looked at him going out from the gate. He came near his grandma. " Grandma, today after school i will go for the basketball practice. I have participated in a competition from my school. " he told his grandma in undertone, so that his mummy could not listen him. If his mother would listen, she would not allow him. 

" It's okay, my son."she turned her face to him and said, " I will handle everything. You just focus on your practice."and gave him a big smile. "I love you." Parth whispered in her ear, took his bag ,waved her goodbye and walked out of the house. She was smiling, looking at him going. 

Parth reached his school. He was one of the most handsome boy, very popular amongst girls. Someone tapped his back, he looked back, " Hey! Eva."he said, " You are looking beautiful today. " 

"I know because i was born beautiful. "she said. She was his best friend and of course she was his one-sided lover . " I said today. "Parth teased her and ran away. She raised her eyebrows and shouted, " You.." but she smiled then.

Parth entered the classroom, put his bag on a desk and went to join the group of boys who were gathered in the last row and talking and laughing hard. 

" Look at that girl." pointing to a girl, one boy from the group said, "She is damm beautiful. " 

Parth looked at that girl. She was wearing a red cropped top and black jeans, looking really gorgeous. " I had proposed her yesterday. " another boy from the group said, " But she rejected me."He sulked and turned his head to Parth and said, " Why don't you propose her?She will accept your proposal, i am sure." 

 " Me? Why would i? "Parth got surprised and said." Because, you both would be a great couple." Darsh said and smiled. Darsh was his closest friend. He was in fact one the member of Parth trio group of bestie; Parth, Darsh and Eva. They were friends since primary. 

" But i am not interested in her." Parth turned his face towards Darsh and said. 

Bell rang and the teacher stepped inside the classroom. Everyone took one's saet and opened the book. 

After school, Eva rushed to Parth and said, "will you accompany me? " 

" No, i have basketball practice." Parth replied her. 

Eva always wanted to spent more time with him as much as possible. But, Eva never opened her heart to him because she didn't know what Parth think about her and she didn't want to lose her long friendship. 

" It's okay." she said and walked away. 

Parth went to his group for going to the basketball court. This competition was important because it was going to be held among schools and colleges and the winner would get a chance to meet Tim Duncan, one of the best basketball players. He was working really hard to win this competition. It was his life-time goal to become the best player of the basketball. 

" Parth, come fast. Everyone already reached in the court. " Darsh told him and walked away running fast. Parth also followed him and reached there. They practiced for more than two hours. They got really tired, so stopped playing and gathered at a place, wiped their sweat. 

" Now, we have very less time left,just 20 days. We need to practice on Sunday too from now. " Captain said after taking 2-3 sips of water from the bottle. " Okay. We are ready. " rest of them replied.

Parth and Darsh together left for their home. He reached home. He saw the tall building was still being painted. He looked at the painted building. The building was not less than a mansion. After painting, it was looking like a palace. He entered his house, put his shoes aside and went to his room for changing his uniform. He took bath because he was completely wet with sweat. His room was upstair. So after bathing, he came down in the living room for food. He was very hungry. 

He said,"Please give me something to eat." She went to kitchen and brought food for him.