

Ryuuzen merupakan dokter terbaik di dunia dan merupakan otaku yang suka membac novel, manga, dan menonton anime yang bukan hanya dari jepang tetapi juga dari cina. meninggal karena rasa cemburu dari musuhnya. tetapi yang tidak disangka ryuuzen bahwa itu bukan akhir dari hidupnya. IKUTI PERJALANAN RYUUZEN SAAT DIA BERJALAN MENUJU JALAN TERKUAT.

KaiSaR · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


In a room a small boy with black hair was lying down on the bed the boy's appearance may be regarded as cute and lean. After a while the boy opened his eyes and checked his surroundings. He suddenly got some information or rather memories in his head. He clutched his head and gritted his teeth from pain.

After a while, he panted and sweated too. He stood up from the bed and started walking towards the bathroom. While walking he said, "So my name is Kamito Ryuuzen too and my nickname is ryuu. I live in Spring City, my father is a handsome man with black hair, sky-blue eyes and sword-sharp eyebrows.

Whereas my mother was a beautiful woman with long, beautiful black hair, smooth white skin, and beautiful red eyes, and I was a mixture of both similar to mini raizel with black hair, sword-sharp eyebrows, white skin, and red eyes ".

When he reached the bathroom he firstly took a bath and then checked his body. After changing his clothes he went to the bedroom and started to think what he will do in future and made a training regime for himself.

Suddenly he thought that he had not checked his physical condition and strength, so he used his thinking 'System are you there'. A sudden surge of current passed through his body.


1%.... 8%









"Well from now on your name is Rose and also call me by my name".

[Bip... Starting to change the name to ROSE ....

The name has been successfully changed.]

[ Hello ryuu from now on I will help you to become stronger, greetings.] Suddenly the sound of the system turned into the voice of a cheerful young girl.

Alright Rose opened my status.

[Ok Ryuu


Name: Kamito Ryuuzen

Age: 4

Strength: 5 (Average adult male is 10 and demonic killer is 100)

Agility: 6 (The average adult male is 10 and the demon killer is 100)

Stamina: 7 (The average adult male is 10 and the demon killer is 100)

Unique Expertise:

- Heaven Path Library: A large library that contains techniques from various worlds.

- Ultimate Learning: Ability where you can understand techniques 100 times faster than usual.]

"If I'm not mistaken I got the initial package where it is".

[Ryuu isn't wrong, the package is in the inventory, try saying the inventory in your mind.]

[You have an initial package whether you want to open it ...]

[Yes No]

"Of course, open me, I wonder what's in it".

[You get:

- A summons that will call Frankenstein a loyal servant of Cadis etrama in Raizel.

-10,000 SP

-A mysterious katana that contains the power of the sun in it.

-A training ground that contains a complete set for training.]

"Wow, really really complete, thank you roses." Ryuu who saw the present he was getting started to be happy.

[Hehe, it's nothing Ryuu.] Rose who was praised by Ryuu answered shyly.

"Now is the time for me to start planning what activities I need to do for the future." While Ryuu was thinking he got a notification from the system.

[Beeping ... Activated Quest.



- 1x world travel ticket

- mystery box (???)]

"Hehe alright, I seem to have a goal. Be careful, your head is mine".

After checking his status, Ryuu went to the living room to greet his parents. After walking into the living room he sees his parents. his father was sitting at the dining table looking at the newspaper and his mother was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning, mother and father." Ryuu greeted his parents with enthusiasm, because although in the past he was raised with affection for the two couples he still felt the distance that separated him. But here he did not feel the limitation because they were his biological parents.

"Ohh ryuu in the morning, you seem to be really excited today." Ryuu's father named Kaito Kamito answered warmly from Ryuu.

"Ara ryuu-chan, it is very rare for you to wake up in the morning, what's up." Ryuu's mother named Rin Kamiko was looking at Ryuu with a warm smile.

"Yes, mother I'm currently in the spirit, hehe."