
Chapter 1

Germany, Stuttgart, 05.05.2019

'Ah fuuuuuckkkk. Why does my head hurt so much?'

[ Dreamsystem initializing ]

[ Dreamsystem initializing complete ]

[ Dreamsystem ready ]

'Who the fuck is talking?'

[ Welcome to the Dreamsystem ]

' Dreamsystem… I'm either dreaming or I'm going crazy..'

[ Available options: Status, Inventory, Lottery, Shop]

'Hmm even if this is a dream, let's check it out... Ehmm, System what is Status, Inventory, and Lottery?'

[ Status: Character sheet, Skills, Equipment

Inventory: Can hold Items(can be upgraded to create sub-dimensions)

Lottery: Chance to win prizes of different value(Tickets can be bought or earned)

Shop: Buy and sell Items ]

'Mhmm.. Status'

[ Name: Ryo Winter Level:0


Strength: 2(-7)

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 1(-8)

Health: 1(-9)

Charm: 8

Luck: 10


Identify: Can Identify People and objects - Lvl.MAX

Second Brain: Can use a "second Brain" with the same capabilities as the main Brain - Lvl.MAX

Inventory: Can store non-living Items - Lvl.1 (Upgrade Lvl.2 - Can store living non-human Objects)


'Woahh, whats with these stats except for Intelligence everything is so average. But why are Strength, agility, and Health so low?'

Suddenly he started to hear a voice.

" Good evening Mrs. Martin… Yes, everything is fine"

'Oh, someones talking on the Phone.'

Ryo slowly opened his eyes.

'Where am I?' He saw a Doctor talking on the Phone. So he asked his question out loud.

"Where am I?" Ryo asked weakly.

"Yes, I will call you again next week as usual. Have a nice ev…" The Doctors stopped abruptly and turned around with eyes filled full of shock.

'Why is he looking at me like he's seen a ghost?' Roy thought, before feeling sleepy again, closing his eyes and the last thing he heard before falling asleep again were the words the Doctor screamed in the Phone.



Ryo felt something wet drop on his face, so he slowly opened his eyes only to see his beautiful mother sobbing while pressing her face against his... He thought it was weird why was she crying? So he asked

"Mom, why are you crying?"

Ryo's Mom Sakura stopped abruptly and looked him directly in his eyes.

"Ryo you're really awake?" his mom asked with a trembling voice.

"Of course mom, why shouldn't I," he asked confused

"Do you remember when you were attacked by a group of men?" she asked with fear in her voice

When Ryo heard her question he suddenly became fully awake.

"What about Sarah is she Ok?" Ryo asked his voice full with worry.

"Honey she's fine, but you…" she told him hesitantly.

He breathed out a breath of relief.

"What about me Mom?" he asked when he felt the atmosphere and looked around.

He was in a Hospital room. A TV hang on the wall, on his bedside table are fresh flowers in a vase, and he lied in the bed.

'Oh so I was brought to the Hospital' he looked at his arms and was instantly shocked. His arms held no shred of muscle or fat, you could only see bones. He looked at his Mom.

"Mom... How long have I been here?"

"Oh honey", she said with tears running down her cheeks again, "almost 3 years…."

I gaped in shock. ' 3 years, how could this happen, what about Sarah?'

"Oh", I breathed out slowly,"What about Sarah?"

" I called her already and she's on her way and so is your Dad." She told me with a smile.

Ryo smiled and slowly fell asleep again.


A few Hours later he again woke up. His mother was sleeping next to him, so he slowly stood up without waking his mother.

'I hope my legs can hold me after 3 years with no movement' he thought while taking his first step.

He started to wobble but after stabilizing he took the second then third. After he took his fourth step he was confident enough to walk out of his room slowly and down the hall. After rounding a corner on his way to the Nurse desk to find his way to the outside to get fresh air. Something crashed in his lower part of his Body and even though it was not a very hard crash he still fell on his ass. He started to curse when he looked up to see the most beautiful little baby-girl starting to cry while holding her forehead. He instantly stopped himself and slowly with the help of the Wall started to get up.

"Hey Princess are you okay," he asked the little girl

She just shook her head and continued to cry. Ryo got back on his knees and looked her eyes and was stunned.

'They look extremely similar to mine'

"Where is your mommy or daddy, princess?"

The little girl pointed toward the Nurses desk.

"Shall we go find your mommy then?" he asked low and calm as not to scare her.

She nodded and looked up. The instant she saw him she smiled the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen.

"Papa," she said with so much joy in her voice. She ran right into his arms laughing.

Ryo was stunned. ' Papa?'. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a very familiar voice.

"Claire stop running away" the voice called after the little girl.

Ryos heart started beating faster when he recognized this voice. The voice of the love of his Life.

He slowly got up just in time to see her round the corner. The woman froze and shortly after tears started to fall and the smile he loved so much started to form.

"Sarah?" he whispers while looking at her. 'She grew more beautiful' he thought.

Sarah nodded and walked toward him and hugged him gently.

The little girl looked on curiously.

"Mommy, Mommy, Papa wake," the girl told her mom while jumping up and down.

"Mommy, Papa?" Ryo whispered to himself.

"Ryo, meet your daughter, Claire," Sarah told him with a voice full of hope and anxiety.

'Daughter?" he thought to himself and looked closely at the little girl. Now that he looked closer he saw the resemblance.

He smiled with tears in his eyes and bent down and gave the little girl a kiss on her forehead. Claire smiled even brighter and started laughing again.

They walked back to his room. His mom smiled when she saw that he met his daughter. She left to give them some privacy.

After they were alone they put Claire to sleep since its already early night. After she fell asleep Sarah and Ryo talked. Sarah talked about how after the attack she was so sad and wanted to die but found out she was pregnant. She thought of this as a sign and didn't give up hope so she gave birth and raised their baby. Sarah and Claire were currently living with Sarah's parents. He asked Sarah about school and she told him she finished school but didn't pursue her dream. He understood and vowed to fulfill her dream.

His mother, Sarah, and Claire left after talking for a bit more. They were going to visit again tomorrow.

He remembered the system and asked 'Is there a way to boost my Recovery?'

[Yes, System can change Recovery rate from 0.1% to up to 1000%]

Ryo gaped and instantly told the system to change it to 200%.

'Status' he thought.

[ Name: Ryo Winter Level:0


Strength: 3(-6)

Intelligence: 12

Agility: 2(-7)

Health: 2(-8)

Charm: 8

Luck: 10

Recovery rate: 200%


Identify: Can Identify People and objects - Lvl.MAX

Second Brain: Can use a "second Brain" with the same capabilities as the main Brain - Lvl.MAX

Inventory: Can store non-living Items - Lvl.1 (Upgrade Lvl.2 - Can store living non-human Objects)


He already saw the change in his Attributes. 'I hope I'm recovering not too fast, don't want to attract attention.'

He falls asleep when he swore to himself, I'm going to change all our lives and fulfill our dreams. With this System, I should eventually be able to.

Hey, how do you like this first chapter?

In the next chapter, we are seeing more interaction with the System.

If you have Criticism, Ideas, Tips, leave a comment

Thanks see you in the next chapter.:D

HolyDragoncreators' thoughts