
Ryo's Reckless Adventures in Another World!

"Fate.. Why are you so harsh to me? .... I haven't even did any bad stuff... But Why? Why? In many places why is this Market?" Was the train of thought of a young man clutching his abdomen... That young man's name was Ryoshi Kuwichi who lives at Kameoka at Kyoto prefecture.. He was stabbed multiple times by an Robber in a mini market. It was just supposed to be an peaceful day for Ryoshi but.. For his Righteous attitude.. He tried to save a lady who was threatened by an Robber.. But he failed to noticed the friend of the Robber and got stabbed in the abdomen multiple times but for that he retaliate back and punched the friend of the robber and pulled the knife out his abdomen and also started stabbing the later with the knife he was holding. As for what happened next. The ambulance came, but Ryoshi died when the ambulance arrived at the hospital due to blood lost. But Ryoshi woke up! Wait a minute.. He said while holding his hands up he saw two tiny hands! --- Let's follow Ryo with his adventures in his new life! --- A/N: Ps. I just move this Novel of Mine from Wattpad to Here. I might just Continue the story.. Since I've dropped the Story in Wattpad.. It'll be weird to continue writing the story there since I've dropped it..

Mikato_Shuken · Fantasy
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25 Chs

[Arc 1] Ch. 5 Nelfa's POV

Hmm. I just noticed that some Gust of Air Around The Ranch and Ryo was There as well , I Take A Peak and Noticed that Ryo was Casting some Air Bullet and He is still a year and half old and can do such a thing well now this boy kinda amuse me , While watching Ryo a bitter Smile was Painted in my face ans after a while when he continued cast air bullet one and another after.

The First day I watched him he casted 11 Air Bullets and Got tired the next day he casted 13 Air Bullets and the Tird day he Casted 15 Air Bullets then I noticed that he was sitting down and Suddenly He casted Air Bullet Through His feet and his knees Sprung back to his face , ouuch that looks kinda sting , After His Knees Sprung towards His Face He Suddenly Rolled Around And Hiss At his Knees and Rolls Again.

When he walked in the door with a bloody nose Shiina screamed like Ryo was dead. And I laughed a little bit cause of Shiina Sudden reaction well its normal for Mothers To Act Like This Though.

"Baby baby, what happened! Did you hit yourself with that Evil stick!"

Ryo's Voice was nasally, "No mama, I kicked myself in the nose. I wasn't even holding my SWORD when it happened."

"Oh baby, move your hand..." when mama saw the blood I thought she was going to faint since her face went ghostly pale.

"Calm down, madam. They can hear you in the village when you shriek that loud." I came in the house behind Ryo.    

"Nelfa, you're supposed to be protecting him! How could you let this happen!" Shiina shrieked.  

I winced. Shiina had some pipes on her.

"Madam, boys do this kind of thing. Even Dan comes home covered in scratches from not paying attention to his surroundings. If you're going to be the mother of a son you are going to have to get used to some scraped knees and bloody noses. Especially when he makes friends with others his age." I scratched the inside of my ear with my pinky.   

I leaned down. "Unlike the noble brats at the capitol he didn't scream and throw a fit. Let me see your nose, boy."

Blood was still running down through his nose, and  yeah he was crying... yup he is still one though its fine to cry 

"So you kicked yourself is it?" I asked him with a laugh on the tip of my tongue.

Ryo nodded, Yeah He is in pain.

I smiled, "alright hold still." As I held my hand up and chanted a healing spell.

After I healed him Shiina Suddenly Hugged Him and Read Him a Story and There He Goes He Fell asleep well That's a Day of Fun I Hope This Little Man Can Amuse Me Even More Or Maybe Pass my expectations ... I sighed and Goes to my Room and sat down to my bed "I Hope Nothing Bad Will Happen Tomorrow" ..