
Ryo's Reckless Adventures in Another World!

"Fate.. Why are you so harsh to me? .... I haven't even did any bad stuff... But Why? Why? In many places why is this Market?" Was the train of thought of a young man clutching his abdomen... That young man's name was Ryoshi Kuwichi who lives at Kameoka at Kyoto prefecture.. He was stabbed multiple times by an Robber in a mini market. It was just supposed to be an peaceful day for Ryoshi but.. For his Righteous attitude.. He tried to save a lady who was threatened by an Robber.. But he failed to noticed the friend of the Robber and got stabbed in the abdomen multiple times but for that he retaliate back and punched the friend of the robber and pulled the knife out his abdomen and also started stabbing the later with the knife he was holding. As for what happened next. The ambulance came, but Ryoshi died when the ambulance arrived at the hospital due to blood lost. But Ryoshi woke up! Wait a minute.. He said while holding his hands up he saw two tiny hands! --- Let's follow Ryo with his adventures in his new life! --- A/N: Ps. I just move this Novel of Mine from Wattpad to Here. I might just Continue the story.. Since I've dropped the Story in Wattpad.. It'll be weird to continue writing the story there since I've dropped it..

Mikato_Shuken · Fantasy
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25 Chs

[Arc 1] Ch. 4 Training Begins

Ryo's P.O.V


After The Attack Ryo Casted a Magic and Got Knocked down by his own Magic that Recoiled.

As Ryo Wakes Up he felt Something Down His Back Like Something is Bothering him He Goes Out The Bed and Touches Where's His Tail is And When he Reached out and Grab his Tail not only one but now there's He Has Two Tails now..

'aaa ... Theres Two of my Tail .... Since when .... Ahh .. It must be when I casted that spell and achieved my Second Tail ....'

After that he noticed that He has another tail. He Comes out from his room as he open the door, the door made a Sound *Crrrreik* to which Shiina and Danish Heard the Door have Opened, They Turned around and saw Ryo Walking Towards them with a Worried Face. Danish Asked His Son "Ryo What's The Problem ?"

"Aaa. Umm. Dad ... Lo-look .." As Ryo Spoke He Showed His Parents His Second Tail .. After Ryo Showed his Tail Shiina Runs Toward Ryo and Hugged Him While Tears Fells Down out from Her Eyes..

"Congratulations Ryo. *sobs* And I was Worried that you won't wake up after what happened Yesterday *sobs*"

"Mamaa... I-Its okay And Y-you are Ch-chooking mee" Ryo Answer Shiina while Hugging her back.

"Ahh. S-soorry Sweetie .. Mama is just afraid that you won't wake up and ... Annddd .. Annnddd--" Shiina Let's go of Ryo and Starting to be even more emotional after that Danish Hugs Shiina And Said "Its Fine now Honey .. Look Ryo is fine now, so Don't worry. And Congratulations Son on your Second Tail We will have a Feast Tonight celebrating That you Grew a New tail... Miki Can You Bring a Glass of Water for Shiina Here ?"

Later at Night time .

"Congratulations (Son/Sweetie/Young Master!)"

"Thank you Everyone"

After the Celebration Ryo Fell asleep in the Couch then Shiina Brought Ryo To His Bed.

Three Months Later

 It is summer again. I am able to move more freely now. Both my body and around the house. Nelfa has been extra vigilant whenever I go outside. I am no longer in a crib which gives me more freedom. I decide it's time to start doing something productive.  

Papa does training in the mornings he swings his sword around until he is steaming with sweat 

I make it out side with him today through our new, slightly crooked, back door. 

He looks at me, but lets me come without saying anything. 

Papa makes his stance, and I do the same. 

He grips his sword in front of him. I grip the air like I'm hold a sword. 

He swings, I swing. He steps, I step. I followed his lead for most of the morning until I got tired. But in all seriousness, I must have fallen more times than I can count, I am just a toddler after all.   

"My two big strong men, it's breakfast time!" mama calls us from the house. 


The next day I run down the stairs and find papa waiting by the back door. We went outside together, but before we go to his usual spot he goes around the house and picks up a tiny wooden sword. 

 "I'm not good for much, but I was able to whip this up if for you." Papa held it out to me. 

My eyes sparkled. I ran into his legs and gave him a big hug. "Thank you, papa." 

That day we practiced, but I caught a glimpse of mama in the window crying while biting down on a handkerchief. When we came in she inspected me all over for cuts or bruises. 

Okay mama, this is just getting ridiculous. 

"Mama, I'm fine I didn't even go anywhere." I say as she is spinning me around trying to lift up my shirt. 

 "That doesn't mean there's no bugs or snake bites." She tried to justify herself. 

I pull my shirt down and place my small hands on her cheeks and squished her face together. "Mama!"

She stopped fussing.

"Have more faith in papa." 

Mama shoulders sagged. "Okay..." as she said in defeat. 

  Seeing her sad made me feel sad too. How can I fix this... oh I know! A compromise. 


  "Yes love?" 

"... I smell bad, bath after breakfast?" I'll get clean and she'll be able to check my body for snake bites.

  Mama's ears twitched with eagerness. 



  "You know dear. I could use a good bath too." Papa said hinting at some form of sexy time.

Mama picked me up and carried me to the table. I can walk on my own, being sweaty doesn't take away my ability to walk. 

"I have faith that you can bath yourself, husband." Mama was sparkling, I almost never asked for anything especially a bath, she was in her own world probably imagining bath time. 

Poor papa, completely shot down. I didn't need to look at him to know that his ears weren't the only things to go limp.

Before you get any ideas. Bathing consists of wiping yourself down with a wet rag and a small bucket. Or filling a large tub with hot water and washing yourself behind a sheet in the yard.    

  I have my own shallow child sized tub so I can be washed by whoever has the rag and a bucket with heated water to dump on me to wash off any leftover soap.  

I spend the rest of the week doing sword training in the morning and afternoon even when Papa is gone.

  I'm sorry mama I know you worry, but I'm not going to start cutting corners here. Especially, when papa went through all the trouble of making me this sword. 

 Another month passed in much the same fashion. Now that everyone is used to me playing outside I sneak off behind one spare buildings on our property so that nobody can see me. It's the horses house, the stable.

I make sure nobody is watching and I brace my back against the stable and fire off a successful Air bullet without being thrown around. I practice with both hand and together. I have a lot moremagic power than I did when I started. I get off about 11 shots per hand before I start getting tired. 

The next day I manage 13 shots with either hand.

The next I manage 15. I follow this regiment for the next month. In the mornings, I train with papa and in the evenings, I practice magic.  

After another month has passed I get an idea. I'm getting better at controlling the strength and power of each air bullet. I can fire two at once, one with each hand but not two with one hand. But what if I could fire them with my feet! Brilliant right!

I sat against the barn and lifted up my leg and concentrated. It took a second, but an air bullet came out of the ball of my foot. The trade off... my knee was rocketed into my face.

I Hissed in pain, and clutched my face.

Ow ow ow.

I rolled on my back trying to stave off the pain.

I was not going to be able to hide this.

When I walked in the door with a bloody nose my mama screamed like I was dead.

"Baby baby, what happened! Did you hit yourself with that Evil stick!"

My voice was nasally, "No mama, I kicked myself in the nose. I wasn't even holding my SWORD when it happened."

"Oh baby, move your hand..." when mama saw the blood I thought she was going to faint since her face went ghostly pale.

 "Calm down, madam. They can hear you in the village when you shriek that loud." Nelfa came in the house behind me.  

 Was he outside too? I guess he would have to be or mama wouldn't have let me go. But I didn't see him anywhere.   

 "Nelfa, you're supposed to be protecting him! How could you let this happen!" Mama shrieked.  

 Nelfa winced. Mama had some pipes on her.

"Madam, boys do this kind of thing. Even Dan comes home covered in scratches from not paying attention to his surroundings. If you're going to be the mother of a son you are going to have to get used to some scraped knees and bloody noses. Especially when he makes friends with others his age." Nelfa scratched the inside of his ear with his pinky.   

Nelfa leaned down. "Unlike the noble brats at the capitol he didn't scream and throw a fit. Let me see your nose, boy."

Blood was still running down my nose, and I knew that I was crying... it really hurt okay. 

"So you kicked yourself is it?" He asked with a laugh on the tip of his tongue.

 I nodded, but ow that hurt too.

He smiled, "alright hold still." He held his hand up and chanted a healing spell.

That smile... I'm going to have to be more careful around Nelfa.

But now I've seen healing magic. Maybe I can use that too?

Glomp!  *Muffled Noise*

Mama buries me in her chest. She always does this when she gets worried. There is no fighting it, so I just dangle and give her attention for the rest of the afternoon. 

(A: I know what you guys are going to Comment there.. ಥ⌣ಥ .... ps.. For those who are curious.. Let me Fuel your Curiosity.. She's Double D+)

In the evening, she reads to me sometimes. This is different from her teaching me how to read which is amazingly easier in this world since I don't have dyslexia anymore. Usually, she sits on the couch and she lays me down so that my head is in her lap. It is really comfortable. In fact, I guess you could say it's my weakness. She reads and plays with my hair. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.  

Mama knows this. She often uses it against me since it never fails.

Curse you mama and your soft lap! If I ever escape... Zzz