
Ryo's Reckless Adventures in Another World!

"Fate.. Why are you so harsh to me? .... I haven't even did any bad stuff... But Why? Why? In many places why is this Market?" Was the train of thought of a young man clutching his abdomen... That young man's name was Ryoshi Kuwichi who lives at Kameoka at Kyoto prefecture.. He was stabbed multiple times by an Robber in a mini market. It was just supposed to be an peaceful day for Ryoshi but.. For his Righteous attitude.. He tried to save a lady who was threatened by an Robber.. But he failed to noticed the friend of the Robber and got stabbed in the abdomen multiple times but for that he retaliate back and punched the friend of the robber and pulled the knife out his abdomen and also started stabbing the later with the knife he was holding. As for what happened next. The ambulance came, but Ryoshi died when the ambulance arrived at the hospital due to blood lost. But Ryoshi woke up! Wait a minute.. He said while holding his hands up he saw two tiny hands! --- Let's follow Ryo with his adventures in his new life! --- A/N: Ps. I just move this Novel of Mine from Wattpad to Here. I might just Continue the story.. Since I've dropped the Story in Wattpad.. It'll be weird to continue writing the story there since I've dropped it..

Mikato_Shuken · Fantasy
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25 Chs

[Arc 1] Ch. 3 Got Attacked!?

Danish's P.O.V

Hi I'm Danish Kuwichiru an Ex-Adventurer And the Chief of a Small Village Called Enders End.

As I Finished The Paper works I was excited Going Home Early and Have Fun with my Shiina and Ryo Playing today cause I finished early while I was Humming and Putting my Coat on I Suddenly Got a Telepathy Call From Nelfa and Noticed that its not Normal for Nelfa Calling me if there's a problem or Level 4 Danger Alert . as I Answered it I Heard Nelfa Grunts "Kahn ! Wahaaa! Jaa! Ka! Master Gaahh! Emer Gahahh.. Gency!" Nelfa Said While Grunting.

As I heard that I Rushed and Carried my Sword and Runs in Full speed to the House.

As I Arrived There's a Dark Mage Summoning some Snow Wolf and Goblin and I Charged a Spell Called "Ground Shake" Ground Shake is a Sword Man's Friend Cause it can make you Run Fast and Boost your Strength like boosting your regular Speed and Strength to three times for Ten seconds but lowers your Defense for Ten Seconds as well so its a Plus Plus.

As he Casted that spell the Dark mage Noticed it but Danish Slashed his Sword towards the neck of the Dark Mage as He Slashed the Sword the Head of the Dark Mage Starts To Fall Down And Danish Goes to Nelfa and Assisted Him With The Fight After A Minute and Thirty Seconds Past They Killed all the Goblin and Snow Wolf "Where's Shiina , Ryo and the Other!?" Danish suddenly Shouted and Nelfa Answered "I Told Madam to Bring Young Master and the Others To The Basement and --- *Sigh* and there you go Breaking The Door ..." As Nelfa told Danish Where His Son And Love He Suddenly Broke The Door With a Spell Called "Boom Kick!" As its name its Makes A small Explosion and Cost So Much Mana and its a Reckless Spell to use as well He Made this spell and Gives it a weird Name.

As Danish Kicked the Door His Mana Was Almost Drained Out and He Struggled Banging To the Door of the Basement Cause it has a "Physical Attack and Magic Attack Recoil" Enchantment to it so that if something bad Happen The Door won't be Broken that easily after multiple trails He Successfully Open The Door and After he Open the Door He Heard a Little Voice and Casted a Spell "Whirlwind!" a Gust of Wind came towards Danish and a Little Boy Flew Back and the Little Boys Head Bumps to the wall and Heard Four Ladies screaming """"(Young Master)Ryo!"""" As he Noticed that the little boy Casted the Spell was His Son He Panicked and Called Nelfa "NELFA! RYO NEEDS HEALING!" as Nelfa Arrived he then Heals Ryo, Danished Ask Sie and Nelfa What Happened Here and How Did Ryo Casted a Spell.

Cause Mikara and Miki is Comforting Shiina Cause She is Crying so much while Hugging Ryo .

"Uhm. Young Master Chanted the Whirlwind and he chanted it like this -Mother Gaia Lend me some power so that I can protect my Family- and Who is This Gaia" Sie Answered Danish Question

"Hmm. Yeah Young Master Noticed The Enemies before I noticed them.. Hmm. This is interesting.." Nelfa Smiled as He strokes his Chin ..

"Ooookaaay .. And Nelfa you are Creeping me Out with the way you're Smiling." Danish said it while he Shivers A Little Bit.

"Ahh. Well its been a while I haven't been this interested in other stuff now ~" Nelfa Said That With a Playful Smile on his face .

'Burrrr. Ah yeah who is this Gaia Person that Sie Mentioned ahh. I'll ask Ryo about it later on' Danish Scratches his Chin and the He Scratches his Head Then Comes Out The Basement.