Chapter 7
Finally tracking Ryncor down Sylas walks up to him "I would like to use my conditional favor; I am going up north and I need more people to come with me, from what I hear they have rare metals, true ice and other valuable things." "Agreed, Shy do you want to go with me… You get to see a new land" lying on a bed of grass she says "you just want to gather most stuff; why are you looking for material are you trying to hord it?" turning his head to Sylas he says "ya she coming too, she not showing it but excited. So when do we leave?" a few days pass and you see 8 people along with an ox pulling a cart of food, clothes and demacien goods. On the far left Ryncor is dawning a red-fur coat that has white-fur lining it and on the back of it is a silver dragon with its claws reaching up; and with this coat is a matching set of pants "and another one bites the dust" says ryncor as the group drops to 7 turning back to him is sylas in a sleeveless white coat "can't you do anything to help us at this rate we will die." "Yah no I only carry valuables on me and I'm not risking anything with this weather, besides at least we look great."
"why are you were dressed in that, this cold should be nothing to you?" says shyvana dressed no differently; but if you look closely her dragon scales are turning blue and ice is forming on it, to her right one more dies of from cold. "A man must look good as he dominates those around him; even the demacien's know this, so get with the times shy and are you sure your ok? I mean you're a fire mage (they are around mages, so he won't say dragon) in this blizzard and your armor (scales) are going blue."
{rawr!} "For fuck sake, these … Rimefang wolfs are unending" [a/n: they are basically wolfs covered in frost that use ice magic] running to the group of men and woman are 10 wolfs that think they have found easy prey; shooting a magical claw from his hand ryncor rips 3 apart, as 2 wolfs bite a mage he freeze's from their magic. Shyvana fires a blast of fire from her hand killing 3 more wolfs and Sylas and his men kill the rest. "How can these people live in this weather it too cold?" Looking at him like were a buffoon Sylas thinks 'they were born and raised here, for them this is your regular'. The groups of 5 keep going, they are attack by all matter of things; finally coming across a cave they choose to rest for the night, starting a fire Ryncor notes 'shy's flames are slowing dropping in temperature, but she perfectly fine; what is going on.'
Waking up to a dead ox and a group member who froze in the dead of night everyone pauses and one man says "let's turn back this is a lost cause, well die if we stay" as he starts to panic Sylas hugs him and says "it ok brother we are almost there, now let us march forward."Continuing on their way they have the man starts to panic some more, and a few days later he has taken his life now it is just Shyvana, Sylas, and Ryncor; off in the distance Thorva sister of frost, pulled on the reins of her druvask boar to halt it alongside Scarmother Vrynna [A/n: in Freljord a scarmother is the leader of a group of people, and women have higher status then men because of Freljord history; remember this as I will expanded upon it in a later chapter just remember, in freljord queen > king] as she pulled up to Vrynna. The shaggy-Furred beast snorted in protest, and its hot breath steamed the air.
"Hush, ice-tooth," Thorva said. The bone charms and totems wrapped around her wrist rattled as she patted her-ill tempered mount.
A bone-chilling wind whipped across the desolate landscape, yet she alone among her raid party did not wear heavy furs and leather. Her arms tattooed with swirling indigo ink, were bare to the elements, but she gave no indication of discomfort, for the cold had long relinquished it claim on her.
Right beside her was an imposing woman with black hair that had streaks of gray going down, the right side of her face had a scar. Sitting on top of the tusked behemoth that was even bigger then Thorva's was Scarmother Vrynna in her heavy fur. It snarled and stamped, one massive cloven hoof, eyeing Thorva balefully before a sharp kick from Vrynna silenced it.
Scarmother Vrynna was a ruthless veteran, with many bloody victories, but Thorva refused to be overawed. Her name was not yet known across the Freljord like the scarmother's , but she was a shamanka, [a/n: they are freljord shamans] one who dreamed the will of the gods, and even the most powerful matriarchs in freljord were wise to respect the old faith.
The rest of the winter's claw raiding part had reined in, awaiting their scarmother and shamanka. Off in the distance shyvana finally falls as her scales dragon scales finally turn blue and her skin turns from violet blue to ice blue [google ice dragon Shyvana], following the group as they head deep into avarosan territory.
"A storm is coming "said thorva; Vrynna did not reply and continued to star southward. Her right eye was blind and among the winter's claw, such scars were a source of pride and reverence.
"You see something?"asked thorva.
Vrynna nodded, and continued to stare south; thorva narrowed her gaze, but could not see through the weather "I see nothing" in response to this vrynna says "you have two good eyes, yet you are more blind than I am". Like most of the winter's claw scarmother vrynna had little time for her or her beliefs. It didn't help that thorva had chosen to join this raiding party uninvited under the clam that the gods wanted her too.
"There a kilometer to the south, near the rocky outcrop. See?" pointed vrynna, noging her head she could see a giant man carrying a blue women like she were a princess and to his left was a man try his hardest to stay upright. Thorva frowned as she felt an itching sensation prickle the back of her neck. There was something strange about them…
The wind billowed, and the figures were obscured once more, yet the persistence unease Thorva felt remained. "Outsiders this far north"
The scarmother shrugged then said "the Avarosan's do not follow the old ways. They trade with southerners rather than simply take from them. Those traders must have lost their way." Vrynna spat, dismissively and hauled her boar around to continue on. All the warriors followed her cue turning the heavy, tusked heads of their own mounts back along the ridgeline, to the east. "This storm is worsening; they will be dead by nighfall. Come we have rested enough" as the rest of the group was leaving thorva turned her head and thought 'was this why I was been brought here?'
Turning and walking towards the ryncor and the group; the raid group, halt their boars and watch as their shamanka walks away from her boar towards them. "We go after her, yes?" Brokvar Ironfist asked turning her head towards the massive iceborn warrior, who had been her champion and long time lover she heard him say "the gods will bring ruin upon our tribe if anything happens to her."
As Ryncor is carrying shyvana, sylas falls again and this time he is too cold to get up 'is this the end? Is the revolution destined to fail?'; closing in on them the raid firsts spots the behemoth in red with blue skin and thought 'what a shame a man this big needs more scars.' Look at him carry shyvana most of the men thought her to be beautiful, yet to fragile for their liking looking down they saw sylas as nothing but a weak man who could not tuff the winter.
"It's too late for me, I've grossly miss judged the freljodian winter, I knew there was magic here but this is too much. My chains have turned blue and the petricite around me and ryncor has all ready absorbed enough mana to turn blue at it center. Even shyvana has changed because of it."
walking past Ryncor, Tyorva finally reaches sylas as she notices his chains she starts to poke him with her staff to see if he alive. Deciding to reach down and check out his petricite; she gets closer and before she can touch it. Sylas raises his hand and grips her wrist to absorb her magic.
For most of her life Thorva has never felt the harsh Freljord weather, when other kids were freezing to death she thought it was summer. Falling to the snowy ground thorva is freezing fast and is about to die when Ryncor picks her up to lend her somebody heat and sylas covers her with his coat.
As thorva fell, brokvar and the raid party felt deep anger. Kicking the boars into motion the ground shacks beneath their thundering charge, the sound akin to an avalanche. Rushing towards the group of three, they encircled them. Brokvar Ironfist is a man known for his strength, capable of lifting druvask boar off the ground and dependable as all hell, like all in the winter's claw he lived to fight and he did it well. Carrying the famous blade winter's wail, which had a shard of true ice embedded in the hilt and hoarfrost coated it edge. Anyone who wasn't an iceborn would suffer greatly if they gripped it, maybe even death. And this man was rearing to behead the three in front of him for their transgression against a shamanka.
Tossing the girl back to her party Ryncor thinks 'this journey has been needless hard; if I ever come back up north I do it alone without the useless mages.'
Look at the group Vrynna thought 'this man is bigger up close and that girl must be an ice mage, she is sleeping like this weather means nothing to her' looking down to sylas she notes he's shirtless and not feeling the cold winter and askes "who are you all?"
Tilting his head sylas just repeats his name along with ryncor's and shyvana's since he can't understand them. Realizing he couldn't understand what she said, she just thought 'this is a waste of time I'll just kill them' before she could strike brokvar steps forward asking to do it.
"He did this to the revered sister; it would be my honor to punish him for the god." Shrugging her shoulders Vrynna agrees and brokvar grips his sword to attack.
look at them all Ryncor thought 'New land, New Powers, New problems' these people better not be as annoying as the demaciens or i'm just going to impose my will instead and do as i see fit.
if you want to know what the boars look like just google sejuani, she riding one and is the leader of the winter claws.
sylas is dressed in his freljord skin and shyvana looks like her ice dragon form (its a skin too)