
a legend, a drunk, and a battle to show the world!!! (1)

Chapter 10

"My queen one of our smaller tribes has been raided, by the winter claws. According to the report it was done by scarmother Vrynna, a lot of survivors and some of the locals at the tipsy owl have made note of her having some strong foreigners with her. Some scouts say they spotted them traveling North east to another tribe and from their route they plane to leave out territory after this next raid."

Rereading the report Ashe tells the man messenger in front of her "send the outriders [A/n: they are giant goat/horse riding calverly, that's meant to deal with the druvask boar; although they are not as strong, the goats are much faster.] To flank them and have, Gragas join them as well" looking down she noted that Shyvana name was listed and so was the new champion Sylas frowning she says "have braum go to support them and tell him to bring hawkshot incase he needs me to launch an arrow"

"ahaha brothers, I hope you have a glorious battle." Stand in front of the outriders was the Braum in all his glory. "Don't worry brothers my shields got your back and front, hahahaha" {boom, boom, boom} walking into the hall was Gragas himself and him a barrel of his fine ale.

Standing side by side towering over everyone were two men standing at 7'5, one (braum) was 610 pounds of muscle all over his body were blue tattoos and around his waist was a giant blue ram belt. Beside him was Gragas who was just as tall but a lot more fat weighted in at 735 pounds, but don't let his weight fool you the man was as fast as he is big.

[A/n: ok so in perspective 735 to kg is 333.39 and 610 to kg is 277; the mc is 300 kg, so that 661.4 pounds (I retconded it after google this, it made me realize just how tine he is, when he suppose to be a behemoth like them. And google them they look amazing.)]


"what are you doing here, if you're not a fighter why are you in my office" walking forward was a woman with jade white skin, white hair and deep blue eyes and a body that would put any goddess to shame."I've have come to negotiate with you Sett the boss, I hear you poses the greatest true dmg in the land and I am in need of it."

"What do you need my fist for? What is your name? and what are you willing to pay?" look at the man known to the underworld as sett the boss, she says "my name is Seara , I am willing to pay you with bloodline cleanser, and the reason I need your fist is because of a dragon named Drogo. He has enslaved Irelia and he plans to go and enslave the kinkou along with every other power on this land. Oh and before you say anything. Please note that I know of your mother and I can promise you that he will go after her, once he sees her beauty. Here the date he plans to raid the kinkou, and as for what a bloodline cleanser does that self explanatory and before you say how do I know." Turning around Seara walks out the room and through her silver robe you could see Drogo's dick plastered above her ass.

Before leaving she says "this is his mark, like me he has done this to many others so believe me when I say he will come for you and your mom." Slamming his fist on the table set thinks 'I must shake the rust of my body and I will kill him before he gets to momma.'

As drogo was taking turns with the girls and torching the men, Kaitha and Seara were going around in listing help through however means possible. They would not miss this chance as drogo's forces were growing faster than they thought and they didn't know how long it would take before he broke the humans. [A/N: so if drogo is raping two girls or torching the solders, kaitha or seara go out]

While this was going on Sylas was charming Thorva "so my Shamanka, will you spend the night with me?" charmed by his smile Thorva thought "of course I will, come let us each other while the nights still young." Smiling as he let her lead him in he thought 'slow northerners, oh so how easy it is to win your trust and so how basic you all are.'

Watching the show with Shyvana, lying across his chest Ryncor thought 'Sylas your not as smart as you think, these northerners might be too trusting, but they are really sharp. And will tolerate you so long as you don't infringe.' Staring into his eyes Shyvana asked "what are you thinking of Ryn?"

Looking down on her he said "shy, what do you think of sylas?" responding to his question she said "he a schemer and one day it will bite him in his ass. I know he planning something and Vrynna is suspicion of him and Thorva. "Kissing her on her forhead he said "what happen to my naïve dragon." Blowing ice into his face she turns her head and blushes.

Waking up in the dead of night the group prepares for the raid, "men let us get some glorious scars, and pray to the old gods we come out of this with wealth." Said Brokvar, looking over Vrynna just shook her head at this 'why would gods care that we kill each other?'

"shamanka, have the gods for told of our victory?" pausing for a brief moment Thorva thought 'why would the gods care?' but said " this will be a hard but glorious battle, so sharpen your blades and minds." Shaking her head again Vrynna thought 'come on, that just basic spew, we both know the gods don't care'.

"Men gather round, its time we head out." Vrynna had led her raiding party to attack the tribe. "Men, take everything of value and make sure to leave with some beautiful scares, who know maybe one you will win the heat of a scar maiden, and scar maidens make sure to lead your men with a strong spirit and carve our pray threw the snow."

"For the Winters Claw!" charging in the raiders rammed tribe's gate with their boars, but instead of running right though the wood, it held firm. "What monstrosity is this, the gate barely moved an inch." Laughing his hearty laugh Braum said "brothers go, go, do not freight Bruam will protect you."

Flanking them from both sides the outriders came charging in from beyond the horizon. "Hold firm men it's a trap!" raising his arms sylas summoned a wall of ice threw the ground. "Outsiders rush around it we have them trapped." Going around it most of the riders were blasted away by a chunk of ice, "I can't keep this up, there to many we need to retreat."

Right as he yelled that a barrel came landing on top of them, {BOOM} displaced by the blast and with most knocked off their boar's and third dead one man yelled "Gragas its, Gragas we need help."

Watching all of these from a far Shyvana asked "do we help them; I don't think sylas is strong enough to take him?" confused Ryncor "asked what's a gragas and no we can't, IF THEY WANT MY HELP THEY HAVE TO PAY!!" Yelling the last part so they could hear vrynna says "we will give you a third of the loot from this raid, just save my men." Yelling back at them he says "half" and in a rush she agrees.

"Shyvana honey, can you..." before he could finish she says "I want a third of the loot and you have to store it for me" pouting he says "a forth and I don't tax you storage fees." Agreeing Shyvana runs in and with a punch shatters the wood.

Seeing the wood shatter, braum yells "Show me you're best and let us have fun!" taking a deep breath Vrynna yells "Men forward, Sylas slow down braum!" charging forward sylas aimed his chain at a horn on braum shield. Using it to sling around the shield sylas lands behind braum, swinging his chains they wrap around braum's arm. But before he can do anything, braum pulls his arm sending sylas flying into a wall and proceeds to grip the chain; he whips sylas at the incoming raiders.

"hahaha come friend, this is fun right!" launching icicles at braum's arm, sylas tries to get free. Deciding to release him, braum throw sylas at shyvana. Ducking blow him and charging at braum; gragas comes barreling through and body slams shyvana.

"I'll drink you under the table, scrub!" throwing a barrel at shyvana, she is launched into a nearby house, as she gets out the house a nearby outrider charges at her. Picking the outrider up, she tosses him and his warhorse at grages. Catching the man and horse and then dropping him gragas and braum charge at shyvana.

Getting up sylas dashes toward braum, and wraps his chains around his waist, using the chains as a conduit sylas absorbs some of braums magic. Before braum tosses him into gragas tosses another barrel of ale in his face.

Turning back toward shyvana, they see a giant ice dragon come flying into them spewing ice all over the place and freezing anyone she touches. Seeing this as her chance Vrynna yells "men let's take out those riders, they maybe faster but in this closed of setting we will run right threw them."

As grages is being attacked by Shyvana, braum jumps and yell "GLACIAL FISSURE!!" slamming his shield on the ground. It splits apart causing ice to come out from the ground and knock all the winter claws into the air along with shyvana and grages who were still at its epicenter.

Dashing back into things, sylas summons a phantom copy of braum's shield and uses it to protect shyvana from grages barrel. Sylas slams his phantom shield and out of comes a giant frozen ram head, at the same time shyvana launched a breath attack.

But braum forms true ice around his shield blocking both blocking both attacks. Gragas takes a drink from his barrel, then shacks it.

Throwing his barrel at shyvana and sylas, it is blocked but sylas and shyvana go flying. Seeing this happen, Ryncor grows his wings out his back and fly's towards their battlefield; everyone looks up to see his beautiful wings. Folding his wings back into his back Ryncor crashed right into the center of their fight.

As he walked out the pit of his landing everyone was looking at the man because of his spectacular entrance standing 7 foot 5 weighing 300 kg was Ryncor stardust. Seeing these three behemoths everyone backs away, turning his head to shyvana he says "take sylas out of here, you can't win this without your fire, the man in front of you is damn near immune to ice magic."

Dashing towards them, braum shields up and gragas grabs another barrel, smiling he thought 'finally a real battle and no one will ruin it.'

i am so proud of how i wrote this fight, the next chapter will be a bit slower on the release time but i promise you it'll be epic.

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts