
RxR : Reincarnator X Regressior

Andrew dell is an orphan and a light novel author. one day after finishing reading a novel, he heads out to buy ingredients for his breakfast and meets with an accident and dies . He Reincarnates into the world of novel he read before he died. The world is harsh already but he also has deal with a regressor who is the main villain(female) who will destroy this World and the hero too! --- Author's Note : This novel is no BL, Seriously! that's all enjoy! The novel cover is not owned by me but just edited. if the owned have a problem please email me on : aditya.manoj.shinde@gmail.com

Intellectual_Being · Fantasy
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Inside a small apartment that looked perfect for a single individual to live in comfortably, a youth who looked to be 19, was reading a book while continuously changing positions while scratching his butt on a bed.

"Achoo! Who is badmouthing me?"

He was an orphan, the number of people who know him could be counted on hand.

"Must have been my imagination."

he shrugs his shoulders and continues to read while shifting his sitting posture like nothing else mattered to him in this world.

- - -

A Few moments later…

What the hell!

The novel ended just like that?

Is the author smoking weed!? Or something!

Is he out of his damn mind!

It's like creating a masterpiece painting only to paint a picture of shit at the end to ruin the whole art.

Imagine Da Vinci creating a painting of the Mona Lisa only to at last, turn the realistic painting into a childish drawing of circles and squares at the end.

"Apocalypse of the End "

The novel I've been reading for the last 2 days.

At first, the novel was very good and I was hooked up immediately.

But the ending ruined it!

It's like the author couldn't come up with a proper ending and ended the novel with whatever came to his mind like he was tired of writing.

At the end, both the villain and hero die while fighting,

Hero's comrades die, their families die and the whole world is destroyed due to the main villain who summons a damn asteroid!

Bravo! What an Ending!

I curse the author a few more times, only to feel the recoil from staying awake for 2 days kick in.

Arr my head hurts, In the future, I should not read novels like doing a crash course of 24 hours without sleep.


My stomach protested with a loud embarrassing sound.

Ha my stomach, I should eat something first.

I head to the kitchen only to find that my stock of instant noodles ran out, and I didn't have anything else left to eat.


I should head out to the nearby store to buy some more instant noodles which is my staple food most of the time.

Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, how rude of me.

I am Andrew Dell, your friendly neighborhood Light novel author.

I earn more than enough to live on my own now and I bought my own apartment at a young age...

I am not bragging or something!

At present, I'm 19.

I am not particularly good-looking but nor ugly but your average guy who is a little introverted.

Due to my introverted personality and lack of communication skills my natural habitat is my apartment where I spent most of my time laz-


Back in my school days, I was thought of as some rare animal who was rarely spotted on school premises. Due to me being absent most of the time.

Well, I got the principal's permission with some bribes- Aahem! donations after my work were published and I started to make money.

While researching on the internet about some new materials for my next novel, I came across this novel named 'Apocalypse of the End' which had many bad reviews but I knew better than to never judge a book by its cover. The same goes for novels.

So, I read a few chapters and I got so grossed in reading that I barely ate for 2 days even sacrificing my sleep.

Don't underestimate an author's passion for his work. we can go to any length to make our work more interesting that includes going on trips and even climbing mountains and crossing seas!

Ann my back- Oo crack* Ahh that hit the spot Anyways

After pulling 2 full-nighters, I finally finished reading the whole novel.

And just realized the bad reviews made sense!

If not for the bad ending of the novel so abruptly, this novel would have rocked the market but, alas

There is no point in crying over spilled milk.

Speaking of milk, I should also get a carton of milk and cornflakes too.

Let's go!

- - -


"Sir the total amount you have to pay is 50 dollars…"


I exited the store from the sliding door with a bag full of instant noodles packets and a few cartons of milk and corn flakes.


I don't feel like eating after remembering the bad ending of the novel.

I wait for the traffic signal on the highway to turn red while putting on headphones to Hear some music to better my mood.

Current it's morning so not many vehicles could be seen running on the road

While listening to my favorite song , I started humming…

Oh the light turned red, time to go!

I hop on the road while humming a tone.

- - -

"I do the same thing that I told you that I never would~ …"

" Ohh ohh~"

"I'll be-"

Before I could complete singing the remaining line of my favorite song. I never knew that I would really be

'Fucked up' by life for real.

When I crossed the half of the highway suddenly…


something collided with my body heavily Sending me crashing on the road.

Hot, Cold, pain, numbness, and many sensations ran through my body at once. I could feel all the blood rushing out of my body and I started to feel cold and sleepy.

"Am.. I -dying? "


"Like hell I'll die like this!!"


I got up with all the strength I could muster up from my body and looked ahead with blurry and red vision due to my bloodshot eyes with blood flowing down which looked like tears of blood.


I couldn't hear anything due to the ping sound after the loud crash.

After a few seconds, I could make an outline of a truck.

A blurry solitude approached me while I was struggling to stay conscious.


My hope was soon crushed as before I could ask the person coming towards me for help. He took something out of his pocket, I felt a sudden hit on my head and the world turned dark.

