
RWBY Xenoverse

Shallot and Giblet were in reality not just twins, a third brother hidden and exiled on a hostile planet from a very young age because of his difference and the fact that he was considered an anomaly by his own species. Several years later the young Saiyan found himself absorbed by a strange portal which allowed him to leave the planet on which he had been stuck for several years but at what cost. Embarked on an adventure involving two universes completely different from each other and adversaries coming from all temporalities, the young saiyan will have to unleash the rage sleeping deep within him in order to face everything that stands in his way.

caleb_flint · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 : The fruit

- several years later / in an unknown place


A man with blue skin, white hair and beard, dressed in a white scientist's coat was running as fast as he could as if his life depended on it.

He was holding in his hands what looked like some sort of red fruit with black symbols on it that was moving on the surface of the fruit.

The surroundings consisted only of mountains and rocks, all overlooked by a black sky with red clouds.

"I need to get out of there as quickly as possible!"

The man stopped and put his right hand in front of him, which made a sort of portal appear.

* Ziuuummmmm*


Without him being able to react, a ray of red energy pierced his stomach which made him spit out a good amount of blood.

"How...how did he...how did he manage to catch up with me so quickly?!?"

He didn't have time to think about that, he had to run away at all costs. He gathered all the energy he had to keep his balance after the fatal blow he had just received and with a final effort jumped into the portal which closed behind him.

Once the portal closed a silhouette appeared in the clouds.

A man looked at the spot where the portal had just disappeared with a serious look on his face.

"What's the situation mira?" asked a feminine voice.

"Professor Warlow managed to escape with the fruit..."

*Sighs* "It doesn't matter."

"But....the fruit has an astronomical amount of demonic energy comparable to an entire universe! With this power we could easily bring back the demon realm."

"I know that well but knowing Professor Warlow he probably had to use his ability to move across dimensions and worlds so we would waste a lot of time trying to find him, plus he is seriously injured by your attack and the fruit will be of no use to him."

" What do you mean ?"

"When I made this fruit I made it to bring back an entire world not to be used for a single person, Professor Warlow stole the fruit in order to gain an extraordinary powerful but the only thing that wait for this idiot if he tries to eat the fruit is death. The energy of the fruit cannot be contained by a simple person, a simple bite would be enough to make the body of the person who eats it explode.


"Come on...we've already lost enough time, the portal to the new world we've just discovered is finally open, it's time to move on from our plan...things are going to get really interesting! "

- Planet Raycorn / somewhere

Among the many trees of the planet a portal emerged from which the professor came out, falling heavily to the ground while uttering a cry of pain. He had one hand placed on his stomach where he was injured and where blood was flowing profusely.

"Argh....I....I did it...hahaha, that stupid bitch really thought she could stop me! *cough* Now with the fruit in my possession nothing can stop me!"

He went to grab the fruit he had stored in one of his pockets when he couldn't find it.

"Wh....what! Where is the fruit!" he searched everywhere on him in panic but with each movement he made he could feel his strength leaving him and the wound he had was getting worse with each movement.

Suddenly he saw the fruit a few meters away on the ground. He must have dropped it from his jacket when he fell from the portal.

He started to crawl on the ground to pick it up but the further he got, the more noises he heard all around him.

Before he could reach the fruit a figure emerged from the bushes in front of him revealing what appeared to be a shirtless young man wearing black pants torn in some places, a gold belt with pieces of red fabric hanging down in front. and behind him as well as white and gold boots. He had a scar above his eye

Warlow looked at him with a surprised expression, not expecting to meet anyone here.

The young man looked at him fixedly before looking at the fruit that was right in front of him. He bent down and picked it up.

"No...no...he...he's mine!"

Warlow desperately tried to reach for the fruit but his body just wouldn't move.

He had lost too much strength from his injury and now he had his face against the ground, breathing his last breath.


The young man watched the old man die in front of him with one of the most stoic expressions on his face before refocusing his attention on the fruit he held in his hand.

He inspected it, turning it every which way, sniffing it but he didn't smell anything. He stared at it for a moment before swallowing it whole in one go.

Suddenly he felt a horrible pain run through his body, he clutched his stomach with his arms and fell to his knees, his vision began to become blurry, everything around him began to shake until the entire planet shook. .

A red and black aura began to emanate from him, and with a violent scream of pain a gigantic explosion of energy erupted from his body, creating a dome of energy soaring into the sky before continuing its course through space.

Once the blast of energy completely disappeared, a giant crater appeared where the young man was and in the middle of it was the young man in question, unconscious.

At that moment a strange portal appeared above him and sucked him in before disappearing.

When he regained consciousness it took him a moment before his vision returned to the same as before, once it had returned he looked around and noticed that he was no longer on the planet he was on but that he was in a completely different place.

The sky which was originally blue was now replaced by an orange-pink sky and it seemed to him that he could see planets on the horizon. The greenery and trees present here were also of a different color but what intrigued him the most was this gigantic leafless tree right in the middle of the place where he had just arrived.

He continued to look around when he heard a voice that made him turn around immediately.

"Well well...what do we have here?"

When he turned around he saw a tall man with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. he had in his hand a long scepter with a gem that floats above it. Around his neck floats a large light blue ring. He was dressed in a maroon robe with a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations on it as well as a blue sash.

Suddenly another voice was heard.

"Whis! I felt a strange energy, do you know what it is?"

"I think I have just found the source of this energy my lord."

Behind the man appeared a purple anthropomorphic cat with golden yellow eyes and large pointed ears. He wears Egyptian-looking black, blue, and gold clothing with the same white and orange diamond decorations as the man next to him.

The strange cat man looked the young man up and down before speaking.

"You...Who are you?"