
RWBY: When Grimm Cry (Discontinued)

What happens when the Hinamizawa virus and the curse of Oyashiro enters the world of Remnant? Things will never be the same as before.

GangstaSaiyan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

The docks of Vale were quiet and silent. A thick fog had rolled in, one of the warehouses shutter doors were left opened as cries suddenly came out from the warehouse. Which was soon followed by sounds of tools and other things.

Weiss was latched in tight on a table, cuffed from her wrist and ankles. Her face had blood splattered on it, she struggled as she glanced over to the other side of the warehouse. "Why are you doing this Yang?!"

Yang cracked a wicked grin as she tilts her head as she tossed Ren's head to the side. "Why? You want to know why?" She walked over carrying over a nail clipper, she had a fanny pack around her waist as she had nails in them as well as a hammer hanging off the side of it.

"Yes, I want to know why...why do this? I thought you were our friend?!" Weiss yelled.

"Friend?" Yang asked as she laughed. "Please...don't make me die of laughter princess. I did this out of the pure joy for Oyashiro...she's watching and wants you to be punished, you've broke the rules Weiss."

"Rules? What the hell are you talking about?" Weiss asked.

Yang slammed the nail clipper down on the table next to Weiss' left hand. "You know what rules Weiss!" She grabbed Weiss' hand and slipped her index finger in. "Now then, let me paint this town red with your blood!"

"NO!" Weiss yelled as she felt Yang slam her fist down on the nail clipper. Weiss held back tears as she watched each nail from her left hand fly off, she winched as she refused to cry.

"Pity." Yang said as she glares at Weiss. "I was hoping you'd give in and cry...but I guess I have to do this the hard way." She reached into the fanny pack and pulled out some nails. She placed them on Weiss' now bleeding fingers, without any warning. Yang grabbed the hammer and swung it down onto the nails.

Weiss bit her lip hard, which caused it to bleed. She couldn't hold the pain back anymore as she cried out in agony and pain, her cries would fall on deaf ears. Yang was having a ball hammering Weiss into the table with nails, eventually Weiss cried out so much, her voice gave out, leaving her with a irritated throat.

"Finally, you're done screaming..." Yang said as she smirked and pulled out a knife, and started to stab Weiss' body. "Are you watching Oyashiro? This is all for you!"

----- Jealousy -----

"Wake up sleepy head." Yang said poking her sister. "Time to rise and shine."

Ruby still covered in bandages from her encounter with Torchwick, slowly woke up as the sun nearly blinded her. "What time is it?"

"Uh, almost time for class why?" Yang asked. "Did you really get beaten that much?"

"Not funny." Ruby said as she sat up in bed. "I think I'll skip today...I need to recover more..."

Yang lets out a sigh. "Alright then sis." She went over to the door as she noticed something on the desk Weiss usually uses to study at. "Hmm? What's this?" She picked up a small vile jar as she blinked. "Ruby, do you know what this is?"

Ruby was back to sleeping, which only surprised Yang. But shrugging it off, Yang placed it down and walked out of the dorm room. Weiss was waiting in the hall with Blake and JNPR, they noticed Yang walk out as they hadn't seen Ruby.

"So...how is she?" Nora asked.

"Still not in any shape to come to class, this is her first time wanting to skip out." Yang said.

"Maybe we should get going to class before we're late." Jaune said. "Maybe we can get Ruby something during lunch break, maybe head into Vale and search."

Blake shakes her head. "Not possible, they have Vale on lock down. After what happened last night, Atlas military are searching for the murderer who had killed Torchwick."

"You saw Ruby's shape, she fought him. She didn't mention anyone else." Yang said. "If there was someone else, then they were likely helping Torchwick until the very end."

Weiss didn't say anything as she walked off. "I don't have the time to deal with this now, if you're all late. That's your fault."

Yang clinched her fist as she cursed under her breath. "I don't know what's gotten into her, but she's changed." She slammed her fist into the wall as she watched Weiss walk off. "Little miss perfect, think she's too cool for us."

"Yang, perhaps it would be wise to try to talk to her." Oyashrio said since she was still Pyrrha.

Yang let out a deep sigh as she started walking. "Maybe, but I don't like her smug and rude attitude."

Nora, Ren and Jaune went on ahead. While Blake stayed back and glared at Oyashrio for a moment. "You better not be planning anything, so help me I'll drown myself to live in another timeline."

Oyashiro shrugs acting innocent as she walked off. "I don't know what you're talking about Blake, fate and destiny are wrapped around our fingers.."


Class had ended, same for lunch. However Ruby stayed in the dorm room, as she was looking out the window. She sighs as she heard a knock at the door, she turned her head a little to the side. "It's unlocked.."

Oyashrio had walked in, as she noticed the Hinamizawa virus on it's vile jar on the desk. "Hello Ruby, how are you feeling? Professor Goodwitch noticed you weren't in class."

Ruby hadn't noticed her looking at the vile jar as she turned around with her back against the window. "Yeah...I'm fine I guess, I took my a relaxing hot bath, but my body still aches."

"Is that so?" Oyashiro asked as she walked past the desk, quickly grabbing the virus up. "We were thinking of heading into Vale to buy you something, but they have the city on lock down."

"Oh I see." Ruby said as she looks away. "Pyrrha, what would you do if you were in my shoes?"

Oyashiro would think for a moment as she rubs her chin and hid a small smirk. "What I would do?" She walked over towards Ruby as she stopped half way. "I would make sure I get plenty of rest, take medicine. And relax until I'm sure I'm completely healed."

Ruby didn't say much as she turned around to look out the window again, Oyashiro would leave the dorm room seeing as Ruby didn't have much more to talk about. After she had left the room, she pulled out the vile jar and looked at it.

"I think the Hinamizawa virus can be very useful...Yang seems to be irritated with Weiss, so that gives me an idea." Oyashrio said as she hides the virus and walks off.

Yang was out in the courtyard mumbling to herself, she didn't notice Oyashiro sneak up behind her as she was focused on something else. Seeing this, Oyashiro slowly pulled out a syringe and filled it with the Hinamizawa virus. She smirked as she injected it into Yang's neck, hoping the blonde wouldn't notice. She watched the virus leave the syringe as she slowly pulled the needle out, eventually Yang had felt something on her neck.

"Yang, I killed a bug that was on your neck." Oyashiro said making a clear lie. "Don't worry, I made sure to take it off after I did."

"Huh..oh thanks." Yang said as she turns her head. "Hey, have you seen anyone else around?"

Oyashiro played innocent for a moment. "No I haven't, I was just with your sister. She seems to be doing a little better, but I gave her some advice." She noticed Weiss was off in the distance as she had a evil look on her face, she knew the virus would kick in any minute to make Yang go insane. Luckily no one else was around to see her change into her original form, she leaned in behind Yang and started to whisper into her ear.

"Have you heard the news? Weiss Schnee thinks she's to popular for any of us, even for a deity." Oyashiro said. "Doesn't that make you angry and jealous?"

Yang not knowing who Oyashiro was. She didn't say anything at first as the Hinamizawa virus flowed through her body. "That little shit...she thinks just because she's from a rich family, she gets worshiped.."

"Of course." Oyashiro said. "She thinks the world should bow down to her...what will you do? Confront her about her dirty deeds, or will you be kneeling before her?" She watched Yang shake a bit, but not out of fear. It was anger, her plan was going flawlessly. "I hear that there's a warehouse at the docks of Vale unregistered for shipment."

Yang had her fist clinched as her eyes changed, just like how Ruby's did. "Then it's settled...I must get her out of the picture then..remove her for good." She went to turn around to face Oyashiro but no one was there, expect a note with Oyashiro's name on it. "No one is going to get in my way.."


Blake was looking around for Oyashiro as she hadn't noticed Ren, Yang and Weiss were missing. She had a bad feeling about all this as she went to her dorm and saw Ruby sitting in bed with one of her Ninja's of Love books. "Ruby, have you seen your sister or Weiss?"

Ruby peered up as she held the book up. "This is Filth!" She tossed the book down, but shook her head at Blake's answer.

"My book." Blake said as she went to catch it. "Ruby, why did you have my book anyway?"

Ruby shrugs. "I was bored..besides, I'm sure Yang and Weiss are doing something fun."

Blake had a look of worry on her face as she wasn't to sure if she should trust Ruby's theory. Little did she know, Oyashiro had something to do with the absents of Yang, Weiss and Ren.

Yang was leading Ren and Weiss to the docks and straight to the warehouse, her outfit was rather different from the one she would normally ware. She wore a white robe and had her hair in a ponytail as well. "Right this way...you two."

"What are we doing here?" Ren asked glancing around the warehouse for a moment.

"Sit." Yang said as she showed no emotion on her face.

Weiss cocked an eyebrow up. "Why?"

"I said sit!" Yang yelled punching Weiss in the gut.

Weiss gasped as she clinched her stomach, she slowly sat down as Ren had done the same. Yang walked over to the boxes and grabbed some rope, she walked over to the two and started to tie them to the chairs.

"Hey what gives?" Ren asked as he felt how tight Yang tied the rope.

Yang was silent as she walked over to the table that had a display of different tools laid out, she examined them as she noticed a knife and a taser. She picked up the taser and walked over to the two, she didn't show no emotion still.

"Yang, what are you doing with that?" Weiss asked as she struggled. "You're not gonna use that on us are you?"

Yang glanced at Weiss, as she slapped her across the face. She scoffed as she started to grin a little. Her grin looking sinister with every moment, she didn't say anything as she used the taser on Weiss' shocking her.

"Yang, stop this." Ren said. "We can talk about this..I'm sure of it."

Yang would glare over to Ren. "Be quiet you..." She placed duct tape over Ren's mouth as she walked over to the table again, she then picked up a bone saw. "Let's see how high and mighty you really are when I cut you to bits Ren...siding with a spoiled brat."

Ren's eyes widen as he struggled, Weiss was steaming from the shock she got from the taser. She was unconscious, Yang walked over to Ren holding the bone saw up to his neck.

"It's time I put you down...stabbing me in the back for Weiss." Yang said as her eyes. "But first." She would cut Ren's arm, as his blood sprayed over himself, Yang and Weiss. Yang snickered as she glances over to Weiss.

Ren yelled in pain, but it was muffled by the tape. Yang unties Weiss as she picks her up, she carried her over to another table, this one had hand and ankle cuffs. She placed Weiss onto the table, and strapped her in tight. "Now then...time to finish what I started."

Oyashrio watched from the shadows, as she grinned widely watching the events unfold. She knew Blake was going to end up killing herself to wake up in a different timeline where this hadn't happened. "Everything's falling into place...when will you get the whole picture Blake? I control what happens here." She glanced up at the sky for a small moment. "You won't be able to break my curse, you're no Rika. Nor are you able to resist my power, it's time to see which timeline you wake up in Blake."