
RWBY Ultimate Fighter

A young man living only for the fight fought all his life thanks to the only force of his fists but one day he ends up dying in the fight. He then received the possibility of reincarnating in the world of RWBY one of his favorite anime but with something more that will help him on his journey. Is the world of Remnant ready to face one of the fiercest fighter ever seen? A/N: In this fanfic there will be a lot of changes so those who hope to follow the original story and who don't want changes I prefer to warn you. As for the changes: - Much stronger and non-canon enemies. - A use of magic much more important than in the original work (noted that I will use it the way it suits me) - World travel but much later in the fanfic. And I think that's all, if I ever want to change things I'll do special chapters to explain "

toby_gwack · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

The Emerald Forest

It had now been a month since ayden had met ozpin and yet no calls, he was lying there in his apartment doing nothing, he spent most of his time training his body in kaioken and mastering tokitobashi but he was a point where he could no longer progress.

For some reason the training he was doing wasn't enough anymore, he had to find something to push his limits and reach a new level.

He decided to go to the emerald forest since it was infested with grimms which could perhaps allow him to improve and then it had been a month since he had fought and clearly he was starting to get bored.

He left his house always accompanied by Vigil who flies in the sky

above him, after casimen an hour of walking he finally arrived at the emerald forest, it was not long before he came across beowolfs and ursas that he defeated in the blink of an eye.

"Oh man! there's really nothing better in this forest than beowolfs or ursas...."

He stopped on a rock after having spent more than an hour wandering in the forest, Vigil who had remained in the air to indicate to him where the grimms were in the surroundings descended to pose next to him.

Ayden looked at vigil for a moment thinking about what ozpin had said to him, then he took vigil in his hands bringing him close to him.

"So according to ozpin you have something special?"

Ayden looked vigil in the eyes who looked at him with a questioning look then ayden started to shake vigil as if he were a piggy bank which did not please vigil who freed himself and hit ayden's head with his beak, which made fall ayden from the rock.

"Ouch man....it was just to see if something was going to happen!"

Vigil flew up into the sky leaving Ayden alone. He got up and leaned against the rock and decided to take a nap after walking for so long.

He closed his eyes for what felt like 15 minutes and then heard the vigil's scream in the distance but his scream was not as usual. He got up and walked in the direction of the screams. He eventually emerged from the forest and found himself on what appeared to be a cliff, vigil standing on the edge of the cliff looking down.

Ayden approached him intrigued.

"What did you find buddy?"

He looked down to see ruins, a broken bridge, two groups of people as well as a deathstalker and a nevermore.

"Don't tell me that....."

He was watching team rwby and team jnpr during their initiation.

"You're talking about a coincidence!"

Ayden sat down next to Vigil to watch the fight below.

Seeing it through a screen was cool, but seeing it in person was something else. Seeing them fight in teams was really impressive, looking back on it he almost never fought as a team, there was the time with Weiss which strangely was fine, their synchronization was natural as if they had always fought together .

But he was a fighter who liked to fight alone, who knows maybe he will have to work as a team again in the future.

The fight took place as in the series, team jnpr impales the deathstalker with its own stinger and team rwby decapitates the nervermore by dragging him up the mountain.

The show being over, the two teams rejoined and Ayden prepared to leave when he heard a noise coming from the forest and the sound of heavy footsteps approaching him. He and Vigil turned their heads to see where the noise was coming from and see a beringel as big as a nevermore come out of the forest.

"(whistle) Big monkey!"

The beringel roared with all his might when he saw ayden, Vigil flew away and ayden got up calmly and started to approach the grimm.

"Looks like you want to fight don't you?"

The beringel raised both hands and hit the ground where ayden was standing creating a cloud of dust. When the cloud disappeared the beringel was surprised that ayden was no longer there.

"I take that as a yes."

The grimm turned to see ayden standing behind him, he activated his gloves and with a kick to the gut sent the grimm flying over the cliff.

(Team RWBY and JNPR POV)

Jaune: "Oh my god guys! what you did with that nevermore was amazing!"

Ruby: " Ah ah ..... thank you but you were not bad either with the deathstalker!"

Pyrrha "it's a good thing we were able to defeat them without anyone getting hurt."

The group continued to discuss their fight against the Grimm when Ren asked.

Ren: "hmm....guys?"

All: "Yeah?"

Ren: "What is that?" he says pointing above him.

The group looked up to see a huge shadow fly overhead and crash down a few meters away.


Yang: "What the hell was that?"

Suddenly a smaller shadow passed over them and crashed into the same spot as the other shadow.


The group remained silent not understanding what was happening in front of them. After a moment a silhouette took shape in the cloud of dust created by the two impacts. Ayden came out of the cloud stretching his arms.

Weiss: "Ayden?!?"

"Hmmm.....Oh! Hi weiss."

" What are you doing here ??"

"Good question."

Ayden didn't have time to finish his sentence when the cloud dispersed, revealing the huge beringel that slammed his fist down on Ayden.

Ayden reached up and grabbed the beringel's fist as he continued to stare at Weiss, the ground beneath him cracking from the force of the shock.

"Give me a moment I have something to settle."

He grabbed the beringel's arm with both hands and lifted it above him crushing the grimm to the ground then jumped on top of him and riddled his chest with punches.

He jumped next to the grimm and with a kick in the ribs sent him flying towards the two teams who had to jump backwards to avoid the beringel which went crashing into the mountain.

Ayden rushed at full speed towards the grimm passing between the two teams. The beringel tried to get up but was stopped when ayden came and grabbed his head and banged it repeatedly against the mountain leaving a crack that grew bigger and bigger with each hit.

Team Rwby and Jnpr watched in shock as the huge ass breaking happened before their eyes. How come he has such strength and smashes such a big grimm on his own when they had to team up to beat a nevermore.

Ayden pulled the beringel's head off the mountain and hit it with a huge punch, sending him flying several meters away.

Jaune: "Who the hell is this guy!"

Nora: "I don't know but he's fucking strong!"

Ruby: "Yang...he's the guy who...."

Yang: "Yeah that's him....." yang said slightly irritated by ruby's remark that reminded her of her defeat against ayden.

The beringel got up with difficulty clearly confused by all the blows he received, some part of the bones on his face were broken.

The Grimm howled in anger and sped towards Ayden. Seeing this, Ayden closed his eyes for a moment, the air around him began to vibrate and the stones to levitate, then there was an explosion of red aura which covered him completely.

Ayden opened his eyes again and raised his right arm then activated his glove in fire mode. A flame completely covered Ayden's arm, he took support then rushed forward in the direction of the beringel.

The Grimm reached out and tried to hit Ayden but he dodged the blow by ducking then landed a punch directly into the beringle's stomach with his flaming arm.

Ayden and the beringel remained motionless for a second then a huge beam of flame pierced the grimm and shot out of his back, the beringel took a few steps back with a huge hole in the middle of his torso then fell to the ground and disintegrated.

The fight being over ayden shook his hand to put out the last flames that remained on his hand then heard Vigil in the sky who came to rest on his shoulder.

"I hope you enjoyed the show!"

" YOU !"

Ayden turned to see Weiss walking towards him clearly pissed off.

"How many times have I told you to be careful when you fight you could have hurt someone by throwing the grimm like that!"

The others looked at them as if they saw a mother yelling at her child and ayden plugging his ears with a poker face clearly not caring what weiss said to him.

Suddenly a bullhead appeared and landed next to them, the doors opened and Miss Goodwitch exited.

"Congratulations on having succeeded in recovering the different relics children, now get on the bullhead we are going back to the academy."

Hearing this ayden turned around and got ready to leave.

"Well... time to go!"

He wanted to leave but found himself levitating in place unable to move forward.

"What the....."

Glynda: "And you .... you come too, I would like to have an explanation of why a citizen was on a place reserved for the initiation of new students."

"Oh....are you fucking kidding me!"