
RWBY Ultimate Fighter

A young man living only for the fight fought all his life thanks to the only force of his fists but one day he ends up dying in the fight. He then received the possibility of reincarnating in the world of RWBY one of his favorite anime but with something more that will help him on his journey. Is the world of Remnant ready to face one of the fiercest fighter ever seen? A/N: In this fanfic there will be a lot of changes so those who hope to follow the original story and who don't want changes I prefer to warn you. As for the changes: - Much stronger and non-canon enemies. - A use of magic much more important than in the original work (noted that I will use it the way it suits me) - World travel but much later in the fanfic. And I think that's all, if I ever want to change things I'll do special chapters to explain "

toby_gwack · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Already dead?

Everything was black when suddenly I felt a huge headache.

The pain was so strong that it made me open my eyes. Once my eyes opened my headache disappeared.

I looked around me to see only trees as far as the eye could see.

- Where the fuck am I?

I think it was pretty safe to say I was in a forest but damn I had no idea where I was.

I got up brushing the dust off my white t-shirt and started walking through the forest.

While I was walking, several things crossed my mind, where should I go, I must not have unlocked my aura, how do I use my powers?

Forget the kaioken for now, using it with my current body would be suicide.

-What about the Tokitobashi .... how do I activate it?

I stayed still for a moment, closing my eyes trying to see if I felt something inside me but nothing.

I resumed my walk in the woods hoping to find a village or something.

- Haaaaa... fuck it I should have said where I wanted to appear but he didn't ask me....

- He could have sent me to a city at least I don't know Vale, Mistral or even Menagerie at the point where I am but not in a random forest.

- All that's missing is a grimm that shows up and it will be perfect!

- Grrrrrrrr!


I turned to face a beowof coming out of a bush growling at me.

By reflex I put myself in combat position my fists in front of me ready to parry any attacks. I have no idea if I have a chance of beating this thing without aura but fuck it if that's a fight he wants then a fight he's gonna get.

The beowolf began to turn around me, probably trying to find an opening, but my gaze was fixed on him, my concentration at the maximum, ready to counterattack.

Suddenly the beowolf charged right at me, seeing him coming I shifted to the side dodging both his attack and hitting him in the face with my right fist.

Surprisingly the monster was disoriented by this blow which he clearly did not see coming, seeing this I took the opportunity to give him a knee kick directly in the sides which made him back off a few meters.

Seeing that I was not an easy prey as he imagined the beowolf got up on his two hind legs and began to roar.

I wasted no time and rushed straight at him hitting him with a barrage of fists in his chest, he tried to hit me with his claws but I dodged the blow by lowering myself while following my chain with an uppercut directly in his jaw .

The beowolf was clearly disoriented after such a blow, so I took advantage of it and hit him with a huge elbow in the throat.


The grimm fell heavily to the ground and began to dissolve.

- Wait... I managed to beat him?!?

A smile began to appear on my face, the thought of having beaten my first grimm without an aura filled me with joy.

But this joy did not last when I heard noises coming from the bushes. Suddenly a new beowolf appeared then a second and a third, in the end a dozen grimms surrounded me.

- Fuuuuuuck .....

I was clearly in what could be called a shitty situation. I got back into a combat position ready for anything.

A beowolf went on the offensive and charged in my direction, I managed to deflect his blow and kick him right in the stomach but I did not have time to see a second grimm arrive in my back and scratch my back.

My t-shirt was torn revealing my bloody tattoo.

- Damn it hurts

I turned around and hit him with a straight punch in his face followed by a knee in the stomach and finally a big elbow in the neck.

CRAAAAKKK!!! One less !

Two other beowolf charged at the same time, I managed to dodge them by throwing myself back then rushed straight at them.

I swept one with my leg causing him to lose his balance and kick him back, then I turned around to the second and hit him in the guts with my fist forcing him to drop which allowed me to join my hands together and give him a terrible blow in hammer mode above his head, crushing the pheasant to the ground.

- And two...

unfortunately I haven't had time to see a third beowolf rush at me. I barely managed to put my arms in front of me to protect myself.


Two large scratch marks appeared on my bloody arms.

My whole body hurt, I was in the worst possible situation and yet I never felt so alive.

The fear, the adrenaline, the excitement of the fight all mixed up inside me made me smile.

-Fuck what an incredible feeling I had never felt before!!!

- Come, approach you that I smash your mouth!!!!

The remaining beowolf all charged at once in my direction and I did the same.

What followed was a fierce fight, I fought like never before against Grimm's pack, each blow I relived I sent it back even stronger.

After a while the last grimm fell heavily to the ground and dissolved.

- Haaaa.....haaaaa.....haaaaa

My body was covered in blood and wounds, my t shirt was completely torn but a big smile was on my face.

- Hehehehe what a rush !!

Suddenly heavy footsteps were heard behind me, I went back with pain to see where they came from.

- Haaaaa ..... are you fucking kidding me????

An alpha beowolf bursts through the trees growling in anger.

- What ? Are you mad because I smashed your little pack?

The alpha rushed at full speed on ayden by launching a huge claw strike.

He dodged to the side but not fast enough because the blow hit him in the face leaving a mark on his right eye as well as on the right part of his lips. But the grimm didn't stop there he followed up with another blow that Ayden didn't see coming and received in the chest which sent him flying up to a tree leaving claw marks on his chest.

- Fuck am I really going to die like this?

-I haven't even been reincarnated for a day, there's no way I'm dying here.

Despite all his injuries ayden found the strength to get up and started walking towards the apha who was watching him carefully.

He stopped a few steps from him and with a smirk said to him.

- Come on.... let's bleed!!!!

The alpha roared with all his lungs and charged at full speed towards Ayden.

Ayden got back into a fighting stance and charged towards the grimm.

The beowolf prepared its final blow as Ayden continued to run towards it.

Once in contact the monster threw his blow at full power on aiden but aiden did not pay attention to the mortal blow which was coming in his direction he positioned himself ready to launch a huge kick.

- There is no chance that I die now, you hear me .... NO CHANCE!!!!!!


Suddenly the world around ayden froze and became black and white but ayden didn't pay more attention to that because he was concentrating on his fight.

He did a 360 degree turn on himself before throwing his kick with all the strength he had inside him directly into the blow of the alpha beowolf.

The moment his leg connected with the Grimm's neck a sour noise sounded.


Suddenly the world around Ayden shattered like a mirror and the beowolf was propelled through some trees and died instantly.

Ayden who still had his leg in the air stood still for a moment before putting it on the ground.

The forest was silent for a while and then Ayden finally collapsed to the ground.

The only thing he could hear were footsteps approaching him and the silhouette of a woman he could see before losing consciousness.