
Chapter 4

It's been 2 years since Nova met the old man and we made a lot of weapons. One of them is a bunch of throwing knifes filled with dust that can explode. It also remote controlled. Nova loves these things. They also made bombs, containers for sleeping gas with one of them making the container to explode releasing the gas all at once spreading it in the air, and a sword that uses dust to coat the sword in that specific dust. Like using lightning dust and then the sword gets coated in lightning.

As for levels he managed to get to level 67. Nova wanted to grind so he kept going into the densest part of the forests of where Grimm are at different places. He also went and destroyed bandit camps as well killed different groups who have money. He did this to earn more cash as well get used to to killing. When he first killed he felt nothing. He was worried but gamers mind calmed him down and he got over it.

However getting exp was hard. The process was slow. The Grimm couldn't give enough exp. So he took what he got and kept going.Even the humans he killed gave exp but they were so low level that he basically gained almost 0 exp each time.

His cooking level is at peak level. He once had some taste testers try his food. They had liquid flowing down their legs and wet spots on there pants. His reaction:

" I have finally made it. I have reached enlightenment. "


Anyway we now see our mc walking to the Turkon bookstore. He walks to Turkon and says,

" Hello how's the White Fang doing? " Nova asks.

Turkon looks at him with a nervous expression on his face. His body tenses up while his eyes watch Nova for sudden movements.

" Relax I'm not going to tell anyone I just want information. "

" Information? " Turkon asks.

" Yep. I just want the White Fangs hide out locations and what they are doing. "

" I see. Not to sound rude but why? "

" Simple I want this stupid discrimination to end. There is no difference between humans and faunus except for the fact that faunus get lucky with extra skills in order to survive. "

" What's the point of telling me that? "

" Simple I'm jealous. "

" What??!!" Turkon had a disbelieving look on his face.

" Oh it's true. In exchange for some discrimination you get skills which increases survivability. In a fucked up world like this having extra skills will help you live longer. "

The bookstore was silent. Then chuckling slowly started to fell the store before turning to full blown laughter. Turkon lost it. Once he calmed down he looked at Nova with a smile.

" This is the first time I've heard someone be jealous of Faunus. Alright I'll be your information broker on the White Fang and other things. "

" Thanks. " Nova replied with an eye smile.

" No problem. Here's my number. It's to an intrackable scroll. " Turkon said.

" Okay. I'll take my leave. "

" See yea. "

Once Nova left the room Turkon thought to himself.

' That's the first time someone was jealous of Faunus. He's quite interesting. Let's see were this goes. '


Meanwhile Nova headed towards a little no known Dust shop that was about to be robbed.

' I could make forms to get into beacon but that would be a pain. Ozpin would probably try and find out my origins.

It'll be easier just to tell him while in jail and I can get into beacon. Saves a lot of hassle. Besides I needed to restock on some dust anyway. '

Nova headed inside. The door hit a bell which making the person in charge look at him.

" Hello I would like some lightning dust and some others. "

" Hmm go around back. You should able to find what you need. "

" Alright thanks. "

Nova heads to the back but on the way notices a girl wearing a red hood.

[ Ruby Rose

Race: Human

Title: The red reaper

level: 20


' Ruby is here which means Roman should be coming soon. Let's finish shopping first. '

After picking out the dust he needs and how much he needs he goes to the counter and pays for all of them before storing them in his inventory.

' Seems Roman is almost hear. Let's have a chat with Ruby. '

Nova walks up to Ruby.

' Player should know that if doesn't want to change cannon it's best not to reveal information that can change the future to main character's. '

' Hmm I know. '

Nova walks up to Ruby's side and taps her shoulder. Ruby notices and takes off her headphones and looks at you.

" Prepare for trouble. "

She gets confused and looks around before looking at you.

" You'll know in 3, 2, 1.... "

The door was then slammed open. A man wearing a tux and a top hat come in. He then talks to the owner before pointing his cane which is also a gun and pointed it at the owner.

[ Roman Torchwick

Level: 25

Race: Human


" Do you know how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late? "

Ruby looks at you with stars in her eyes.

" How did know? "

" Questions for another time. Want to take them out? "

Ruby grins at Nova.

" Sure. "


' For the love god. ' Roman thought while having his cane pointing at the owner.

" Listen I want you to get all the dust you have so we can then leave and...

*crash* * sound of glass breaking*

Roman looks behind him and see 2 kids in front of him with knocked out guards at there feet. He looks at the remaining ones and said

" What are waiting for? An invitation. Get them. "

As the men approached Nova and Ruby took them out as they were basically cannon fonder.

[ minions

level: 5

race: human


Silence continues as Roman looks at Nova and Ruby with deadpan face.

" Truly you are both worth every cent. Well red and black I believe this is where we say goodbye. " Roman says as he shoots at them.

Nova saw this coming so he just cuts the bullet in half. Roman just looks at him with a blank expression.

" Okay time for plan B. " He says as he smashes a Dust crystal on the ground making a smoke screen. He then proceeds to run.

Ruby swings her scythe to get rid of the smoke before looking around. She saw Roman going up a ladder.

" Mind if we go after him? " She asks the shop keeper. He nods and she runs off.

Nova follows to the roof.

" Hey." They both say.

" Persistant. " Roman says. Then a jet comes up to the roof and Roman jumps on.

" Well this is the end of the line. Here's a gift for you to remember me by. "

He then throws a red dust crystal at them. He then readies his cane to shoot it and fires. Nova just watches this with a bored look in his eyes before slicing the bullet again.He then raises an eye brow at Roman.

Roman just stares back before silently going into the jet to the cockpit.Thanks to is enhanced hearing he hears Roman say,

" Can you deal with them? I'll just pilot the jet. "

After a couple of seconds a masked person comes into view.

[ Cinder Fall

Title: The false maiden

Level: ????

Race: Human


'Hmm I can't see her level. Screw it let's just give her a nice hello. ' Nova thinks. Cinder then attacks using glass and throws it at Nova and Ruby.

Nova gets in front of Ruby and spins his scythe quickly creating a defence that's destroys the attack.

Cinder then then prepares to raise fire pillars from under their feet. Nova grabs Ruby and dodges the pillars. Glynda Goodwitch also appears on the roof.

Nova ignores her and activates his silver eyes. He creates a spear made of energy with a silver colour. He then throws it at Cinder.

Cinder felt danger from this move so she blasts a huge amount of fire at the attack. They meet and created an explosion while cancelling each other out.

The jet then leaves. Glynda and Ruby come back from shock while Nova just watches the jet leaving.

Ruby then rushes over to Glynda while having stars in her eyes.

" Your an actual hunter. CanIgetyourautographplease?" She asks.

Glynda just looks at her with a deadpan expression. Nova just looks at the interaction while eye smiling.

Glynda then traps both of them in a pink bubble.

' Well at least I don't have to walk. ' Nova thinks.

Next chapter