
RWBY: The Rose Dragon

A young man died to the mighty truck-sama and you know the rest. Wishes, rebirth, and a crazy time. Join the MC as he hunts Monsters, Demons, prowler of the night. Zzzzzzzz ah I fell asleep oh is that a bird or a giant nevermore. Yes that right welcome to remnant.

D1ablo_5016 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Waking up in a New World and Birthday

Daemon stirred as a ray of sunlight fell across his eye making him sit up on the bed he was laying upon. Having sat up he began scanning his surrounding realising that the room was fairly sparse in terms of furnishings, with a small bed/cot with a small bedside unit and a small hand held lamp that used dust, a handful toys strewn around in the corner of the room and by the door to the room a shelf holding some books, two however caught his attention the most, one a small red and black leather bound book covered in creases with a gold writing titling it 'Fairy Tales of Remnant', the other a slightly taller but narrower black leather bound book with the tittle 'The Maidens and the four seasons'. The walls appeared to belong to a rustic log cabin with long logs laying atop each other on their side.

Having looked around the room Daemon gazed out the window to see the settlement that he had been reborn. It was small village with a few houses and log cabins and even a few huts strewn around what appeared to be a small trading market in the centre in the centre of the village. Small wooden markets stalls covered in different colours of tarpaulin each appearing to worn, mended or otherwise damaged. Some stalls sold food, while others sold clothes and another what looked like bits of scrap metal or machinery. One thing that didn't escape his notice was the distinct lack of luxuries in village or rather said there weren't any.

Daemon decided to stand and go explore his new house. However, as he did so he fell as he was assaulted with a furious headache as memory of his new life up until flowed into his mind as well as some glimpses of what seemed to be the life of his character in Skyrim.

Slowly he began to work through the memories that had just assaulted him in an attempt to workout where he stood in his new life and what he found both upset and made him relieved at the same time. Daemon in his newest life was the son of a huntsman and huntress who had been part of a small team who had come with the villagers in an attempt to help setup this settlement in what was regarded as the most dangerous part of Remnant his Grandfather, his mother's father, came along with them on this expedition as his wife had died only a year before the decision to move here was made. His Grandfather came along in the hopes of helping by looking after him while his parents had to work. This decision was made when he was only a year old meaning it had been four years. Yet his parents had both died protecting the village from a sudden Grimm invasion when he was four, this was also when he found out that his grandfather was a former hunter from a long line hunters who had come before him yet his wife was a civilian without aura, hence why she had died to an illness years earlier.

Since he had turned 3 his parents and his grandfather had taught him maths, how to read and write, basic foraging, about different weapons and also what seemed to be the basics of armament Haki even if he couldn't use it till his aura got unlocked. Yet since his parents had died his Grandfather seemed to become more frail and less lively with each passing, it seemed that their deaths had taken a lot out of him. After his parents had died he had also made a habit of helping around the village whether it be helping to water fields or seeding them or run notes from one person to another as due to the lack of a CCT tower they were unable to use scrolls for even basic messages.

As the headache began to subside he stood up and realised a letter was sitting by bedside on the small unit that according to his newly acquired memories most certainly hadn't been there the night before when he went to sleep. Curious as to what it could be Daemon went and picked up the letter before carefully tearing into the envelope retrieving a fold piece of paper that had writing on.

'Dear Daemon Nix-Ebon,

Hi its your favourite almost omniscient being... Did you guess who it is? Yes it is indeed me the greatest magician of all time, THE GREAT MERLIN!!! Anyway you should have just received your memories of your life so far. It may be of interest for you to know that Summer's mission will occur in 6 months time. Exactly 2.47 miles northeast of the settlement in a clearing is where she would die fighting against Tyrian Callows. Your Grandfather however will die in 5months and 23days of natural causes as such I advise to ask for training as your birthday gift.

Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Now if you focus and say this "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality through tales and remembrance of our legends. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all and achieve victory eternal. Infinite in distance and unbound by death nothing but a distant dream from the heights of the throne, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect and guide thee on your heroic journey."'

Daemon repeated the words written down realising that they were similar to what was used by Pyrrha in the novel to awaken Jaune's aura in the Emerald Forest during their initiation into Beacon. As he had finished he felt a wave of energy flood through him and was over his surroundings as a thick silver light enveloped him.

'Congratulations you now have Aura and a hell of a lot of it. You may not have realised when you made your wish but by wishing for the powers of your Skyrim character you also gained the boost that came with eating so many dragons' souls. You have roughly 15x the amount the Jaune had when he unlocked his in the novel and it will continue to grow over time but right now that all you can use. After a month or two of intense training you will be able to use both your semblances.'

Now I want to stick your hand and imagine grabbing a cupcake from a bag.'

Daemon did as the letter said and in his hand was a cupcake with a little silver 5 candle alright atop it. Rolling his eyes Daemon decided to play along and made a wish, "I wish to survive whatever it Merlin wants with my sanity intact", blowing out the candle and taking a bite out of the cake before imagining putting it back in a bag and it disappearing. He then proceeded to continue reading the letter.

'Right so that provided you did that properly, that is how you access your inventory and take items out. If you can't mentally image the item just focus on its name and then pull it from your inventory. Anyway you should instinctively what you have in your inventory. Now I have done you a favour and given you a few extra gift including Uzumaki sealing training guides and Minato's flying Rajin technique so that you can learn them. You also have a Haki training manual and an infinite supply of cookies. Your armour and weapons have all also been edited so they will grow in size with you so that they are usable to you at any time.

You also have a another gift but is not one that you need to concern yourself with at the current moment as even if you knew what it was you wouldn't be able to use it.

Any how good luck in your new life, Merlin

P.S. This letter will explode when you have reading it.

P.S.S Nah only joking it will disintegrate though'

Daemon having just finished that line watched as the letter and envelope disintegrated and disappeared in a breeze of light particles. After all this Daemon laid back on his bed and stared up at he wooden ceiling as he thought of what he would do in his new life.

A sudden knock on his door broke him from his inner musing and a low gruff yet strangely musical sounding voice called out to him through his door. "Daemon are you up yet, my boy? It's unlike you to still be in there this late, are feeling okay? I'm going to come in."

Having set this his new grandfather open the door letting him get his first actual look at the man that wasn't just his memories. His grandfather was tall man with broad shoulder and well defined muscles, his hair a salt 'n' pepper colour with a equal blend of black with a purple hue, much like his own, and grey fell across his shoulders in wavy half curls. The man's face weathered yet he still had sharp and angular feature but most striking was the mans eyes a bright shining shade of silver that seemed to glow with a otherworldly ethereal quality. He wore a pair of sandy brown combat trousers, brown leather boots and a white shirt with his top two buttons undone and his selves rolled up to his elbows. His fore arms had a crisscross of small white and silver lines and his his hands were covered in callouses.

The man noticing his grandson staring at him, analysing him with such a meticulous intent stood in the doorway and waited before he noticed something and his silver eyes sharpened and narrowed before he took a few steps towards the boy and asked "How did you unlock your aura boy?". The man's body tensing slightly his posture suddenly giving a feeling of danger to Daemon as he though of how to reply. The man's eyes continued to narrow and Daemon started to feel a slight pressure build on his shoulders.

Daemons finally replied "Grandpa I'm not really sure how I did it. When I woke up this morning a sentence came to mind and then I said and got a really big head ache which is why i am still in bed."

His grandfather seemed to consider what he just said before lightly humming "and what were these words that you said that awakened your aura?"

Daemon took a moment to remember before reciting the words "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality through tales and remembrance of our legends. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all and achieve victory eternal. Infinite in distance and unbound by death nothing but a distant dream from the heights of the throne, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect and guide thee on your heroic journey. When I said I saw a white haired in a white cloak with a staff and as I finish he tapped me on the forehead with his staff."

As he said this Grandfather let out a low drawn out hum before relaxing slight and with a low chuckle said "While seemingly impossible its not the weirdest thing I have heard in my days. However, having heard this it seems that I have a lot to teach to teach including the history of our family and more specifically eyes. Now you have aura we will start training.... but that can wait till tomorrow as today is 5th birthday!"

Having said this his grandfather swept in picking him up in a great bear hug before setting him down. "Right get ready and come have some breakfast and you can open your gifts."

Daemon quickly threw on a pair of desert khaki trousers and white t-shirt and a brown leather aviator jacket. Having down this he exited his room and walked down the short corridor down to kitchen and dining room that connected to the small living room. Like his room the rest of the house was barely furnished with only the basic necessities being present along with just a few family pictures. He stopped to examine one of the photos of his parents holding him as baby. His mother had straight purple hair and a stunning pair of silver eyes, aristocratic Italian features and mischievous smile on her face as her glittered with mirth. His father was tall man with broad shoulders and black curly hair, green emerald eyes and wiry frame. A small resign smile on his face as he was clearly bemused and accustomed to his mother's antics. The family photo brought a smile to his face as he gazed at before continuing to the kitchen where his grandfather was standing over a stove with a couple of frying pan containing sausages and bacon in one and some hash browns and mushrooms in the other.

Daemon approached his grandfather as he served up the sausages, bacon and mushrooms and hash browns before cracking a couple of eggs in each pan and grabbing a couple of slices of toast out of the toast as it popped and buttering before returning to the eggs and quickly finishing them and adding them to the plates before picking them up and turning to the table with a smile.

" What you waiting for boy. Pull up a seat and sit down lad." His grandfather placed a plate in front of him "Happy birthday my boy enjoy your breakfast then you can open your presents."

Daemon and his grandfather sat and ate in a comfortable silence as he savoured his first meal in a new world. After about 10 minutes passed and both had finished their breakfast his grandfather stood up and picked up both their plates before taking them to the sing humming a soft tune under his breath as he washed the plates they had just eaten off before placing them on the draining board.

He turned to Daemon with a smile and motioned to the living room where Daemon followed him.

In the living room was large rug in the middle of the floor and a large coffee table in the middle of the room. A large ragged sofa on one side of the a rocking chair covered in blankets across from it. On the table a small array of 5 gifts were spread wrapped in a plain brown paper.

His grandfather gestured for him to sit on the sofa before handing him a gift softly saying "Happy Birthday. You would have had one more gift but you already managed to unlock your aura. Well open it"

Daemon took a moment to look at parcel in his hand is hand it was a small rectangle covered in brown paper and gently tearing into it he found a small leather bound book. His grandfather lightly spoke up a small sad smile on his face "Thats your mother's journal from when she first attended Haven right up to the point she died. It contains all her knowledge and experience. She would have wanted you have it."

He gently opened the front page and found written in an elegant cursive 'Selene Ebon', his mother in this lifes name. He gently ran his finger over the name before gently placing the journal on the table in front of him whispering "Thank you".

His grandfather gently smiled before nodding to the next present a large rectangle shaped gift in the same brown paper. tearing the paper open he found a cardboard which he then opened to reveal a book titled "Mecha-shift construction, use, design, all you need to know." It was thick book that when flicked through showed detailed diagrams of components, designs and information beneath a pile of weapons magazines that contained images and articles on famous and new hunter weapons.

Daemon looked at his grandfather with an inquisitive look to which responsed "I planned to unlock your aura and start your training making weapons and knowing how to use them is an important part of that.' Before sliding the next brown paper parcel across to Daemon who then opened it to reveal what it contained, 4 metal brackets. Yet before Daemon could question it his Grandfather interjected "They are a special relic called aura weights they creates with a ancestors semblance, they let you use your aura to increase their weight for training." At this Daemon gave a huge grin as he went put them before his grandfather snatched the with a chuckle as he said "Wait until tomorrow i will help teach you how to use them but I love the enthusiasm!" before passing the next gift to him a slightly longer and wide present about 6 foot in length and foot or so wide. Daemon tore off the paper and into the box to find a wooden staff about 5 and a half foot tall and 4 foot long wooden sword. He turn to his Grandfather who smiled and said "By learning to use those weapons it should be easy to learn wield any other weapon later in life." before finally passing the last gift a another small rectangle present. He opened his last gift to reveal an empty journal with a small timetable to the front dictating different activities starting tomorrow. His grandfather smiled at him "your training starts tomorrow my boy and it will be hard but I will make you a great huntsman like you always wanted. But for today relax and enjoy it before training starts tomorrow." With this he stood "Sorry my boy but I promised to help plant the fields today so I have to head off now."

With that his grandfather stood up and left the house giving him a small wave. After his grandfather left Daemon stood and went back to his room taking his gifts with him. Daemon decided to practice with the wooden sword and found it natural to run through a set of katas and then after half an hour of practice decided to read some of the entry's on grimm in mother's journal before finding an entry on aura and how to control and the first step was meditation in order to reflect upon and understand how your own aura and then attempt to manipulate and direct it through the body as a whole and then to only specific limbs, then muscles, then bones and lastly the blood vessels themselves. With little else to do he started to meditate and attempted to follow the steps. As he did so he came into contact with a bright brilliant silver energy that he gently poked and prodded at to see how it reacted, it understand it. It felt playful but obedient it wanted his attention to help him so he started to attempt to flow through his body and slowly but surely to started to obey and began. However as he was about to make a breakthrough he felt something shake and break him out of his meditation. Daemon looked up into his grandfather eye before looking outside where the sun had already began to set. He had been meditating for also 12 hours.

His Grandfather just raised an eyebrow before passing him a plate of fish and chips and asking "How long have you been meditating?" to which Daemon replied "12 hours" too which his grandfather eyebrows shot up as he gave a light 'hmm' and said eat then get some rest we start training tomorrow. Daemon didn't argue and did as he was told. As he went to bed sleep came quickly.

Outside the door after Daemon had finally gone to sleep, Daemon's grandfather was deep in thought, he was amazed that the boy could even observe his own aura let alone begin to grasp and direct his aura with only a book for guidance it normally would take at least a year of training if not more yet he did it in a day he also know he would have gotten to the next stage of actually being able direct his aura through his body but then again the silver-eyed warriors did always learn quick but not that quickly. As he finish this thought he started to cough and cover his mouth before pulling his hand away and giving a pained laugh at the blood in his palm. Looked like he had less time to train the boy than he hoped maybe 3-5 months but in that time he would teach him everything he could despite how young the boy was he needed to learn, he had to, he was the last of their family and their techniques and knowledge needed to be passed down to him.

The old man sat down and pulled out a half filled leather journal where he had already began to record what need to be passed on in case he didn't have the time to teach the boy. He sat writing for almost 2 hours before realising it was almost midnight and closed the book.

He lumbered to his room to sleep ready to start the boys training the next day. His mind burdened by all that he knew he had to pass down and what he would put his grandson through for him to learn. Knowing sleep would not come easy he reached into his bedside draw and took out a bottle of menagerie mead and a sleeping tablet to help to sleep on a night it would otherwise evade him.

Hey everyone still not sure about this admittedly I'm not a great writer and prefer to read but if anyone can give some feedback or advice that would be great thanks.

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