
RWBY: The Rose Dragon

A young man died to the mighty truck-sama and you know the rest. Wishes, rebirth, and a crazy time. Join the MC as he hunts Monsters, Demons, prowler of the night. Zzzzzzzz ah I fell asleep oh is that a bird or a giant nevermore. Yes that right welcome to remnant.

D1ablo_5016 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Patch and meeting the Xiao-Long family

Daemon was leant gazing out the window of the bullhead as he gazed down at the picturesque view of the island of Patch. He was awed at the sight of the island it was teeming with wildlife and greenery that was only made more vibrant by the light cast upon it all by the rising sun.

Summer seeing the air in Daemon's eyes couldn't help but smile as remembered the first time that she had been. She had lived in Vale as a child before coming to Signal academy which was located here on Patch. At the time she too had been awed by the beautiful scenery and picturesque views. It was why all those years later when Tai and Raven were first looming for a place to live, she suggested Patch. When she had eventually married Tai, she couldn't have been happier that he had taken her suggestion and chosen to live here. It was the perfect place to raise a child.

Daemon tried to remember what he had learnt about Patch both from his grandfather, the codex and his past life. From his past life he knew that Patch was a small island just west of Vale that housed the Signal Academy, a combat training school. From his grandfather he had learnt that the small island was originally a small beautiful island with a relatively low population that led to settlers deciding to settle there. After a while Signal was also built as it provided a safe place to train future hunters and huntresses. After Signal was built the island only became safer as the presence of professional huntsmen increased as well as groups of fourth years being led in a final expedition to slay grimm. There had also been a small village built that had a traditional market due to many living a self sufficient lifestyle and trading or buying what else they need. Anything else had to order or brought in Vale. The codex however had taught him something that fascinated him, Patch was the location where the original twenty-three families that received silver eyes first sheltered when the rest of humanity went to fight the gods.

The builds were much like the more traditional European building, traditional log cabins and wooden structures. He sworn he even saw a couple of Viking long houses in the mix. Finally, he saw Signal. It was large lighthouses shape build it was around eighty metres in height. It was largely square in shape divided to thirds that were each different widths with what appeared to an open tower at the top. Below at the foot of the tower a square court yard that appeared to be about 80 metres by 80 metres that was surrounded by a stone wall with each corner being a large tower about forty-five feet in height. Summer having seen him looking explained that two of towers held dorms for children who would stay at the school all term, one tower was assigned to boys and one tower to girls. Another tower was assigned to teachers who would stay. She then explained that the last tower was the Research and Design lab. It was separate from the main building as Students would spend a lot time there as each student who studied at Signal had to make their own weapon and it was often noisy and busy enough to warrant having its own building. Finally, she explained that each tower held an armoury, a rec room, a small bunker below it and was equipped with turrets in the case of the school ever being attacked.

Summer had found it extremely nostalgic looking at Signal as she remembered when she had first seen and began to attend Signal her self over a decade and a half when she was twelve. Due to her birthday falling just as the break between the summer term and autumn term ended she was the youngest in her year and should have technically been entered a year later into the school but was allowed to attend before her thirteenth birthday which had fallen on the second day of term. She briefly mused over how that decision had seen her being able to attend beacon with her future husband and be on the same team as him. She briefly played with idea that Tai might actually be in the building they had been looking at before remembering he had taken a weeks vacation to look after their daughters as she was away on a mission for Oz.

As Summer had been lost her thoughts Daemon had been lost in his. He was about to meet the main characters of the anime and novels that be seen in his past life. The show had literally been named after the RWBY with the leader being Ruby Rose herself and her team Yang Xiao-Long, both of whom he was about to meet. He was nervous with anticipation, suddenly the new world he had come to seemed to be a lot more real. The characters he had seen would now stop being just characters but people. It was feeling he had briefly felt with Summer but it wasn't half as bad as he didn't really know anything but basic information about her as she was only ever briefly mentioned in the stories. But Ruby, Yang and even Tai he had seen before, had formed some pre-perceived image of that he had to scrap before he would meet them.

Both Summer and Daemon were suddenly drawn from their inner thoughts as the pilot announced that they would be landing in five minutes and to prepare. Summer however had spotted Daemon's nervousness and gently reached out and squeezed his shoulder before reassuring "Don't worry Tai, Yang and Ruby will love you so you don't have anything to worry about." Daemon attempted to give her a smile for her words but found to hard as his nerves just grew worse and worse until he took a deep breath and attempted to banish the thoughts from his mind. He was just meeting new people, people he had never met and didn't know anything about. He slowly calmed down drawing a smile from Summer.

Ten minutes later Summer and Daemon departed from the bullhead after it had set and Summer told him that they would soon head back to her home and more importantly his own new home. They had to walk from the bullhead land dock that served as the main way in and out of Patch to her home. Along the way she pointed out several buildings that were the homes of people she knew. She told him about the forests that were often inhabited by a large number of grimm often beowolves but the occasion ursa also made an appearance as well as the tinctorius grimm. The tinctorius grimm was one of the smallest grimm every recorded and only every found-on patch. They appeared to bear similarities to dart frogs in size, appearance and the ability to shoot out their tongue. They were completely poisonous and not even aura would stop the poison that would be transmitted on touch. Summer said that nine times out of ten it was lethal but some had survived it.

Before he knew they were on at the end of a small pathway that led up to a beautiful two-story log cabin that was surrounded by trees on either side of it. There were six windows visible at the front all of which were closed and blocked by curtains. One of the windows was a circular window at top if the triangular shaped top part of the building. Three windows on the top floor and two on the bottom that sat behind a long flower holder made out of wood each having a beautiful rose bush planted within it. The door was wooden, oak no doubt, with glass making up the top half of it and a small wooden over hang sat about a foot about the door and came out about 2 foot to protect someone waiting from the rain. Daemon had seen it before but was shocked at how beautiful it was in person especially as the sun slowly rose up to illuminate the building.

Summer looked at the impressed look that Daemon wore internally pleased as her team had worked together to build and design the house when Tai and Raven had first married before Raven had fled. Summer had picked the location. Qrow had cut the tree and helped Tai move them. Tai had then constructed the building himself with Summer and Qrow occasionally helping to nail or hold things. Raven had been well Raven; she hadn't wanted to take part but was happy to stay and watch and shout instructions at them. In her own words it was her job to 'watch over you morons so that you don't mess it up." Although Raven might have used so slightly less polite terms.

Staring at the door Daemon became nervous again not like last time but because this was apparently meant to be his new home, his new family. What if despite what Summer said they didn't like him. He started dusting down the hoodie he was wearing aware of Lilith who was sleeping in his hood. Summer saw the nervousness in his eyes and so grabbed his hand dragging him down the path said "Come on lets not stand around all day." And with a sunny smile dragged him to the front door before quickly knocking three times then two times and three times again in quick succession with only a slight pause between each set.

The door swung open as a small blur barrelled in Summer's chest with a large squeal. "MUMMY! YOUR HOME!!' not doing anything other clinging on her like her life depended on it. Suddenly a chuckle was heard as blonde man stepped into view of the door.

He was tall with scruffy blonde hair and light blue eyes. He was well muscled as was expected from a former hunter. He had a tanned complexion and was wearing a pair of knee length brown leather trousers and wore a open white shirt with selves rolled up to the elbows and the top free buttons undone. He laughed as he joking said to Summer "I see that Ruby has already welcomed you home" stepping forward and giving her a hug and a kiss on the head causing Ruby to let out a squeak as she was trapped between them.

As they broke away Tai finally caught sight of Daemon who had been hidden from view as he attempted to hide behind Summer due to his nervousness. Tai stared at him with a slightly confused look before their eyes met and Tai's eyes widen as he quickly turned to Summer and mouthed something to which she shook her head. Tai then turned back to him with a smile and stepped around Summer with and knelt in front of him and held out a hand.

"Hey little man, I'm Tai, Tai Xiao-Long and I am Summer's husband. And you might be?" Daemon nervously shook Tai's outstretched hand and replied "Daemon, Daemon Ebon-Nix its a pleasure to meet you. Summer told me about you." Tai gave a small laugh at this as Summer smiled at the two as Tqi then asked with a slightly mischievous smile "Oh and what do my wonderful beautiful wife say about? Nothing bad I hope?" As he sent a teasing look at Summer.

Daemon decided to just be blunt "she told you can only cook deserts and burn or over salt anything else. You think your funny but your puns are really, really bad, also that you corrupted your daughter with your terrible puns. Also, that you once covered a guy called Qrow in feathers after he passed out drinking because you wanted to see if you could convince him had somehow grown feather in his sleep." Daemon had said this all in factual deadpan tone causing Tai to give a heart broken betrayed look to Summer who had began laughing at their antic as Tai gently put a squirming Daemon in a headlock and ruffled his saying "Don't list to Summer I am brilliantly punny and my puns are hilarious, eh eh, get it punny."

Daemon just groaned and looked at Summer and whines "Summer I have my mind send me back. You didn't tell me puns would be involved before I agreed." Summer just started cackling causing a pair of silver eyes to quickly peek at him from Summer's chest . Tai just looked between the two before prying Ruby off of Summer and saying "I feel that we should properly take this indoors. Just quickly before we get any further. Should I expect to hear any reports accusing you of kidnapping Summer?" Hearing this Summer gave a loud squawk of indignant at what Tai had just said before quickly starting beat at his arm "I didn't kidnap Daemon. Tell him Daemon, I didn't kidnap you did I?"

Daemon stared at ground before lifting his eyes Tai with fake tears in eyes. "I, I was at home, (sob) but then suddenly she grabbed me and (sob sob sob). I was told to play along." Tai had a look of horror plaster itself across his face as he placed a hand on Summer's shoulder and began shaking her "What have you done!? You have to return him now! You could lose your hunters license or even get arrested for kidnapping. Summer this is.." Tai trailed off as he heard the boy giggling at what had just happened. He turned to the boy and with a tone of relief "She didn't kidnap?" Daemon shook his head. "She hasn't taken you from a family that is likely out there searching for you?" Daemon gave a slower sad shake of his head at this question causing Tai to wince realising he had touched a nerve before his eyes sparkled and asked gently laying his free hand the boys shoulder and in a fake sympathetic tone asked "If I gave you a doll could you show me where the weird lady touched you?" This caused Tai and Daemon to both break out in laughter as Summer turned a bright rose colour and started to shout at both of them "Tai you shouldn't joke about that! It's not funny! No stop laughing!" and Ruby. Sweet young naive Ruby just looks around in confusion before cuddling back into Tai's shoulder.

Tai after he had finally stopped laughing asked "By the way kid how old are you?" Daemon quickly replied "five and a half". Tai looked a bit surprised then asked "Erm since you laughed did you understand the joke I made? If so, may I ask how? It isn't exactly age appropriate?" Daemon quickly blushed as he muttered "My mum's journal had way too much information in." Tai and Summer glanced at eye other before failing to hold it together and bursting into a boisterous bout of laughter. As they caught their breath and finally entered the house. Tai guided him into the living room and placed Ruby down as Daemon sat down in a seat offered to him as Tai quickly walked to the kitchen and called through "Daemon, Ruby would like a drink?"

Ruby and Daemon both just stood studying each other. Ruby was barely over 3 feet in height with shoulder leg black hair and was wearing a little red sun dress and for some reason a little rep cape over her shoulders. She was cute with a slightly chubby face and big glowing silver eyes as she stared at him before turning red and hiding behind Summer who had been watching their interactions with no small amount of amusement.

Seeing Ruby's reaction Daemon decided to try something to impress her and perhaps help them become friends. "Ruby, do you want to see a magic trick?" Summer just watched in amusement and wondered what Daemon do as Ruby poked her round her eyes gleaming with interest in what Daemon would do. As such Daemon rolled up his selves and make a show of his empty hands. "As you can see, I have nothing in my hands or my selves. Now Ruby, I have heard you like cookies? Is that true?' Ruby gave a small shy nod so Daemon reached forward behind her ear and summoned a cookie from his inventory. Tai having not gotten an answer had just stuck his head back into the room just in time to see him summon a cookie into his hand. Tai just stared before mechanically as he figured it would have to be a semblance. Daemon then showed the cookie to Ruby passing it her as she looked at him with wide adoring eyes.

Rather enthusiastically devoured the cookie her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk's as she barely chewed before she suddenly hugged him looking up at the very image of adorableness as she looked up at with wide sparkling silver eyes "You can summon cookies?". Daemon gave a laugh before nodding and adding "I can bake them as well." Ruby then looked at Summer and begged "Please let him stay. He can summon cookies. He can make cookies. Please let stay . Please." Summer just laughed and told Daemon "I think that you just gained a best friend for the rest of your life. And Ruby where is Yang?"

As Ruby pointed to the garden and said she was playing with Zwei they heard a door open and a happy barking as a small ball of black, ginger and white fur cannonballed into Summer and a small black furry head with Ruby red eyes and red fluid poked its head out from his hood to look at the other furball. Zwei like he sensed Lilith's gaze quickly came to stand in front of Daemon who knelt and put a hand out Zwei who sniffed at it before giving it a gentle lick and then staring his hood.

Daemon lifted Lilith from within his hood and placed her at his feet in front of Zwei where they just stared at each other before sniffing and circling each other. After a minute they started to jump and bat at each other playfully as they started to roll Tai and small girl with wavy long golden blonde hair tied back into twin tails and light lilac coloured eyes. She wore black trousers and brown boots with what seemed to be a brown tunic on.

Tai stepped forward passing both him and Ruby a glass of milk as he summoned a cookie for everyone there who took them with a smile as Ruby just stared in awe at the boy in front of her. Tai then proceeded with introductions "Daemon this Yang my daughter. Yang this is Daemon." The two waved at each other as Tai then turned to Summer and asked.

"So would I be correct in assuming that the boy will be coming to live with us? Should I set up the spare room?" Summer smiled at Tai and said "Yes, I found him on my mission and his last family moment his grandfather had died not long before my mission and I found him and he had no one. Also, since he has silver eyes, I figured that we might be related." Of course, Daemon and the adults knew this wasn't the case but Yang and Ruby believed this line of reasoning "So I thought we could adopt him." Tai just nodded, the second he had seen silver eyes he knew what Summer and intended and still involved Daemon in. He was a middle age between his daughters and seemed like a good kid so he supposed he could raise one more child. Besides that, way there would be another male in the house which he would appreciate. However, he also knew that wasn't the dull story but he would get that from Summer later.

As Summer had finished her previous line Yang stood up and stormed off up stairs grabbing Zwei as she went. Daemon felt worried that he had done something wrong until Tai and Summer, both reassured him had done nothing wrong. Suddenly Daemon yawned he hadn't slept since yesterday and he was really tired so Tai offered to show him the room that would be become his.

Daemon looked at the small room that had white walls and a single bed in the centre. As he went to get into the bed and sleep Tai spoke. "Don't worry about Yang you haven't done anything wrong she's just upset over something. But that isn't your problem so don't worry. And good night, Daemon

Daemon Ella's to tired to do anything else and just collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

Hi everyone slightly shorter chapter. May rewrite this one. I was a bit unsure on character interactions and conversations so any reviews would be great. Anyway hope you guys like the chapter

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