
RWBY: The Rose Dragon

A young man died to the mighty truck-sama and you know the rest. Wishes, rebirth, and a crazy time. Join the MC as he hunts Monsters, Demons, prowler of the night. Zzzzzzzz ah I fell asleep oh is that a bird or a giant nevermore. Yes that right welcome to remnant.

D1ablo_5016 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

12th Birthday

(Summer POV)

I was in the kitchen with Yang and Ruby putting the final touches of icing on the cake that we had baked the previous day for Daemon's birthday. As I watched my daughters flick icing at each other and laugh and play, I couldn't help but think back to how Daemon first came into our lives.

It felt strange to think that it had only been just over six years since Daemon had come to live with us and honestly it felt like he always had. In this time both me and Tai had come to love like he was just another one of our children. The girls also adored him but I would hesitate to say that it was because they saw him as a brother. Even Qrow liked him and Qrow didn't really like anyone except us, his family.

Looking back over my own memories of the last years I couldn't help but smile as I thought of how close everyone had grown. As well as how much both of my little girls had grown. Between Daemon and Qrow they had become adept at most forms of combat and would no doubt grow into formidable huntsman.

My little flower had already begun to show interest in all different types of weaponry. Of course, Daemon didn't help this by always encouraging her efforts and indulging her obsession. But it warmed her heart to see them together, when they would huddle in the corner and begin to draw diagrams and discuss designs together and fall asleep and she would have to cover them in a blanket as Ruby would snuggle into him for warmth.

The way her silver eyes would sparkle and she would bounce around excitedly every time the two of them spoke or she would propose an idea that he would think about and reply to with a small smile on her face. Their current project was an idea for her daughter's future weapon a mecha-shift scythe.

While young I could already see a glimpse of the woman my daughter would become. Bouncy, loving, optimistic and no doubt a little bit childish. Given her current progress I also had no doubt that she would an incredibly powerful huntress.

Her little sunny dragon had become more level-headed, in combat at least. She had also began to grow into a young woman. She would often spend hours just caring for her hair each day. Ironically a habit that she had inherited from Raven. For a bandit and huntsman in training she had been very protective and fussy over her hair. A habit that she didn't manage to shift until maybe their final year at beacon. She was also very much aware of her and Daemon's morning ritual where he would brush her hair or occasionally attempt to style it. She grinned as she thought about how Yang would only let Daemon or Summer brush or even touch her hair without getting annoyed.

Yang had grown exceptionally close to Daemon since he had saved her. Whenever she could she would all over him or attempting to get his attention. She did know she would have to talk to them both soon as she realised that Yang had been getting a lot more physical lately, almost always touching him in some form or looking for a reason to wrestle with him.

Tai had also loved having another boy in the house and would often look to teach him all of those 'manly' tasks. Tai would spend time doing things like barbecuing things, fishing, hunting. They had also began to look at things like motor cycles, Tai used to love his bike in his youth but rarely used it anymore. It was still in the shed and the boys had been fixing it up and upgrading it over time. Tai said that on his thirteenth he would teach him how to ride. Yang had also extorted a similar promise that when Daemon got taught, she would to. But she could tell that Tai loved having another boy around to spend time with.

Finally, myself. I had initially come to care for the boy since he had saved me and because he was so young and like me had silver eyes. Over time however, as I spent more time with him and saw how he always had a positive effect on our family I slowly grew to more genuinely care for him. But what really cemented my view of him as my own was the day he called me mum.

I know that he didn't mean to say it aloud and said it in exasperated tone, I knew that the sentiment behind calling me mum was genuine. Since that day if anyone asked I would tell them I had a son. Of course this also meant that he had suffer through a lot of bonding activities and family days like my daughters. But like them he always did so with an exaggerated eye-roll and a smile.

I felt a slight tug on my sleeve that draw me out of my inner thoughts as Ruby stared up with her bright silver eyes. "Mummy are you okay?"

"Of course, sweetie. I was just lost in thought." I looked at my daughter who was covered in icing and ruffled her hair. "How about you and your sister go and shower and get ready before Daemon gets back? I will clean up in here."

Both of the girls rushed out of the kitchen and went to go and get ready. I pondered on how Daemon would react to the gift that all of them had pitched in for.

As she cleaned up and put the cake in the fridge she could help but speak to herself.

"They grow up so fast."

Deciding to relax for a minute she sat down and gently rubbed her stomach with a small smile and muttered again.

"They all grow up so fast."

(Qrow POV)

I was out with Tai checking over the gift for the kid as we went over everything and make sure that it was fully in place and working. Damn even I was jealous, what I wouldn't have given to have something like this. But if anyone was deserving of it the kid was. He would also be the one to get the most use out of it.

I had been admittedly unsure of what I thought of the brat at first. Yes, he had saved Summer and Yang and that earn him the benefit of a doubt. When I had gotten to know the brat, I had to admit he grew on me.

He clearly cared for my nieces and wanted the best for them. He even used the debt I owed him to get me to train them. He was brilliant with weapons and learnt new things quickly, quicker than anyone else I had ever known. These things made me respect him.

Finally, his attitude and personality. The kid was snarky and rude. He was also not afraid to argue and banter with me when started. Yet the rest of time he was always polite and friendly. He was quite fun and wouldn't just put an end to any fun but would often join in. I came to like the brat, he was fun.

Once Daemon had gone on the mission yesterday, it had taken the whole day with the help Glynda and Ozzy's semblance to increase the time they had and get the work done efficiently for them to get the gift ready in time.

As we finished up I heard Tai speak as he looked around. "Daemon is going to love this."

I agreed before I remembered something that I had been meaning to ask Tai when we were in private. "So, Tai I noticed that Summer has been acting weird lately. Is she okay or is something going. You know that if either of you need any help that I am here for you right. You are both my family."

Tai smiled at me and came over before wrapping me in hug. "I appreciate it Qrow but nothing is wrong. I think that Summer just isn't dealing with all of them growing up well. Daemon is twelve today and Ruby turns eleven in a few weeks and Yang will start Signal in the coming year. I think she doesn't know what to do with herself now.

It doesn't help that she is not an active huntress anymore. While she will take the occasional mission she doesn't really do many anymore and all her time is spent looking after the kids. I think that she is just finding it hard.

But nonetheless I appreciate the sentiment behind Qrow."

I looked at Tai and I could tell that he had told the truth, at least as he knew it. I couldn't help but feel that while his point was valid that it wasn't just what he described it to be. But at the very least it doesn't seem like something to worry about at the very least.

"Your well Tai. Now let go and clean up and get ready. It will probably only be a couple of hours until he is here at most."

Tai threw his arm around me as we walked back to the house and we engaged in small talk discussing everything from what chaos the munchkins have caused to the classes Tai had taught at Signal.

(Ozpin pov)

As I sat looking at my clock waiting for Nine am to come around so that I could wake Daemon with breakfast for his birthday I couldn't help but reflect on the past six years since I had met him. When I had first met him six years ago I had assumed him to be a threat but I couldn't have been more wrong.

Daemon was a descendant of my first life, when I was still Ozma. I had been reasonably shocked but had been overjoyed upon realising the truth in his claim. I had family for the first time in centuries. I felt less tired and withdrawn than I had in so many years. I no longer felt the need to stay withdrawn and avoid people so that I wouldn't miss them when they were eventually gone like so many of the people that I had befriended before them.

Yet as I spent more time with Daemon, I become less withdrawn and more interested... In life in general, I guess.

I had come to anticipate our weekly Saturday meetings with joy. Each week we would meet and discuss history, theory, magic or anything that could come to mind. All of the conversations were always interesting, even the ones where we just spoke about the most innane of subjects.

Some of ideas that Daemon came up with or thought about were absolutely fascinating. Some that even I had not considered before. It is why I encouraged him to write and publish his paper.

I even found myself less bothered by the prospect of war with Salem. For Daemon had given me back something I had been lacking for a long time. Hope.

With every ingenious idea or invention. With every mission he took. With every bit of progress and ability he showed. My amazement and my hope grew.

The alarm on my scroll went off indicating that it was about the time that Daemon would wake. He always decided to sleep in until 9am after a day of doing missions without setting an alarm to wake him up anyhow.

I quickly plated up the fried breakfast I had made for us and knocked the door of the room that Daemon had been sleeping in.

I heard a mumbled "Come in."

I chuckled knowing Daemon was not someone who woke up easily when he didn't want to or have to.

So, I threw open the door and with the biggest grin possible on my face and in the most joyously exuberant sing song voice possible.

"Happy twelfth birthday Daemon!"

(Daemon POV)

I had just woken when I heard a knock at my door. I mumbled 'Come in." Remembering I was at Beacon and it was likely Gramps.

Then he threw the door open and came in with a massive smirk and with a happy sing song voice.

"Happy twelfth birthday Daemon!"

My response to this was to roll over and bury my face in my pillow while groaning "Asshole."

Of course, this did not have the desired effect that I had hoped for. Instead, he just carried on with his singsong voice in a mock sad tone.

"Now that's not nice. Your grandfather makes you a delicious cooked breakfast for your twelfth birthday and you insult him. Come on get up. It's a day of celebration."

I gave another groan before rolling over and sitting up. Gramps was smiling at me with an unrepentant grin as he placed one of plates he was holding on my lap and sat at the end of the bed with the other.

It was a full English breakfast or as it was called on Remnant, a full Valean breakfast. We ate in silence as I enjoyed the food.

When I had finished Gramps stood up and grabbed my plate before walking out of the room calling over his shoulder.

"Get ready quickly Daemon. We have a bullhead scheduled to leave in about thirty minutes and we want to be back at Patch before midday."

Obviously the second the door closed I rushed to the bathroom and went through my morning routine and then got changed into a pair of black combat trousers, a white t-shirt with a white hoodie with silver lines running downing the arms. I also put on a pair of black combat boots. I stored my worn clothes from the previous away in a seal as I knew it would be easier to give to Summer like this.

I quickly jogged out to the airport where Gramps was waiting with a small private bullhead. He smiled at me before pulling out a pocket watch.

"Twenty minutes. Good job. Shall we be off then?"

I nodded and got inside the bullhead with Gramps right behind. I paused realising that Gramps was coming with me. He hadn't visited me in Patch before as he was always busy.

"Wait gramps you're coming with me? Why?"

He gave me a small amused smile. "I did say we were going to Patch. Besides it is your twelfth birthday and your gift is waiting for you at home. All us pitched in so I want to be there."

I just shrugged and got on the bullhead with Gramps following me. I couldn't help but wonder why he was coming with me really. The gift must be extraordinary for him to want to come with me to Patch. Oh well, something to look forward to I guess.

(1 hour later)

We had set down at the landing pad not far from the house and had began to walk back home. We were just approaching the house and it had come into sight. I glanced at the woods around the home and couldn't help but feel that something was different to what it had been the day before. I shrugged it off as it didn't feel like a threat.

We walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Summer opened the door with a bright smile on her face and said "Happy birthday Daemon." and went to hug me. Before she could however a large squeal came from behind her as Ruby spotted me and suddenly a storm of rose petal with small sparks of red lighting amongst appeared and Ruby slammed into me hard enough that I went over.

I stared at her in shock as she began to babble in a rapid tone about how it was my birthday and how she had been looking forward and how she missed me and so on and so forth. She didn't even seem to realise that she had just unlocked her semblance.

Meanwhile everyone else was staring at her with dropped jaws as they realised what had just happened. But what really caught my interest was the small crackles of red lightning amongst the storm of petals. Was her semblance different to canon. Did she have two or was it something to do with just unlocking it. Nonetheless I just ruffled her hair and gave her hug.

"Thank you Ruby. Also congratulations on unlocking your semblance. " She looked at me with wide eyes when I said this. "Also could we get up please."

The next few minutes were spent receiving happy birthdays and hugs as well as a kiss on the check from a heavily blushing Yang which drew a raised eyebrow from Summer and Tai. Tai however looked ready to start frothing from the mouth and pass out when Ruby kissed my check a second later also blushing while glaring at Yang.

We also discussed Ruby's semblance until Summer coughed and said that we could focus on that another day and that we should get on with the celebration. Summer then flashed away and I watched closely to study and saw a slight crackle of white lightning in the flash. Something to ask about and study at a later date.

Summer then reappeared with a stack of presents all wrapped in various shades and designs of wrapping paper. She quickly placed them all on the table in front of me and sat down again. She and Ruby were both vibrating in place as they watched me look at them.

Summer pressed one of the boxes into my hands. I smiled at her as she explained that this one was from her. I tore the paper off to reveal an intricately carved wooden box. I opened it to find several jars full of different colour inks and several high-quality mistral ink brushes.

Summer then began to explain. "Well, I am sure that you are wondering why the different colour inks. Each is infused with a different type of dust. I remember you saying that you could use ink for your semblance and wondered if you could use this to create something. I also know that you love your experiments so I thought it would be perfect."

I got up and hugged her and then Tai, my mind already racing with different ideas for what I could do. Something all the adults could clearly tell as evidenced by their chuckling. "Thank you."

Qrow then passed me a small wrapped object. I opened it to reveal a very nicely designed flask. I watched as the adults began to glare at him and Summer when to grab his ear before Qrow held up his hands and spoke.

"Whoa, everyone calm down. I didn't get it for him to put alcohol in but as something to experiment on. With his seals he could make a practically endless water supply for missions. A flask was just the most practically sized thing I could think of for him.

I mean just an idea kid, not sure if it would work. A seal that would absorb water vapour from the air constantly, filter and condense it before storing it for future in a seal that could release it to fill the flask whenever it is empty."

Everyone, including me, stared at the man in surprise. That was a brilliant idea and one I could probably achieve as well. I would have to put that at the top of my project list. Also make one for everyone here. Qrow had gotten fed up of the looks however and began to get annoyed.

Glaring at us. "You guys do know I am not stupid right. I am an S-rank huntsman and have had plenty of brilliant ideas."

Thankfully Gramps was a skilled diplomat and held up his hands in a placating manner and spoke softly.

"Of course, Qrow my apologies. I didn't mean to insult you or your intelligence. I was... merely surprised by how well thought out the gift was and just how valuable such an item could be. My apologies for any insult however."

Everyone nodded so I gave him a hug as well. "Thanks Uncle Qrow. This is a really good gift and an amazing idea. I can't believe I didn't think of it I guess you are cool after all."

This made Qrow puff out his chest like a pigeon and say "Of course I am. No one is cooler than your uncle Qrow. I am just glad you finally recognise."

This made everyone smile and roll their eyes even Qrow was smiling at this. Oz then stood up and hand me a small box. I opened it to reveal a large gold and emerald signet ring. It had numbers around the edge like a clock with a sword and staff with a crown resting over them engraved on the front with the emerald fashioned around the emerald.

I looked at Oz as he explained carefully. "It is a family heirloom. The one our fellow ancestor wore when he was a king still."

This made everyone especially those of us home knew just whose ring this would have been stared at him in shock. He then continued.

"It used to be traditional that an heir would receive the signet ring of the family on their twelfth birthday from which they would be trained in family matters before being acknowledged as an adult on their thirteenth birthday. I thought it only appropriate I give it to you."

I could see the slight glistening of tears in his eyes so I got up and hugged him and whispered "Thank you." In his ear before putting, it on my left pinkie finger where it resized to my finger.

Seeing Ruby and Yang's faces and shock and awe on them I hummed and have a reasonable excuse. "Maybe he had similar semblance to me to enchant things, hey. After that is cool." girls just nodded accepting my reasoning without question thankfully.

I could feel however that there was further magic upon the ring but I couldn't determine what. I looked at Gramps and he just gave a small smile and a nod. I would get my answers later it seemed.

While I was distracted another present had been slipped onto my lap but this time an envelope. I opened it to reveal one of the storages scrolls I had given everyone. Tai nodded at me unsealed.

When I unsealed there was a motorcycle engine in front me and various parts that I knew nothing about. Tai then spoke.

"I figured you would have more fun building your own bike and that putting it together may give you a better idea of what you can afford to edit or add with your semblance. It may also give you a chance to enhance the inner components."

I nodded and thanked him for the generous gift. I absolutely loved the idea of building my own bike and it would probably be a good idea if I was going to use my seals or runes or enchantments on the bike to have a better understanding of how it worked.

Only a few gifts remained. The next one handed to me was a small journal. It was written by Glynda for me. It described the growth and advancement of her semblance. It was a topic I wanted to study and telekinesis was a fairly common semblance but none them were as strong as Glynda's own semblance. I couldn't wait to read through it.

I set it to the side and asked Gramps to pass on my thanks to her for the gift.

Yang was the next to hand me a gift. It felt a bit heavy and seemed to be shaped like a book. When I opened it, I saw a leather-bound book. When I opened it, I saw photos of all of us. All them had me apparently.

There were some of me and Ruby huddled together or me showing her how to hold a bow. Some of me and Yang play fighting or training or playing games together. There were some of the whole families together. Some of me playing with Lilith and Zwei. There were even some of me and Oz at Beacon working on something pointing at different parts of various papers and books at his desk, both completely immersed in our activity. And my favourite photo. It was from the night I woke up from the coma. Me and girls along with the puppies all cuddled up on the sofa peacefully.

I looked at Yang with a soft smile as she had a slightly red face and said "I got a little help from Mum but I hope you like it." I could feel my eyes getting a little misty.

In my past life I had never been particularly close to my family or other people in general. In this life I barely had any time to spend with the only remaining member of my family. But looking at all these photos I realised that I did have a family and how much I really loved theme.

I got and wrapped Yang in a tight hug and gave her a kiss on the check. "I love it Yang thank you." Ruby was mumbling about how she helped to so I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as well knowing that, that had been what she really wanted.

I then through a few more presents mainly containing clothes that were huntsman grade so they would be harder to damage. A few books and weapons magazines. I was finally handed my last gift which was from Ruby, who had used one of my seals to store it in.

When I removed it from the seal I was surprised. In my hand sat a beautiful walnut coloured long bow with rose vines and flowers engraved on the arms. It was perfectly made and felt comfortable in my hand. I draw lightly on the string and felt that it was high draw weight was well as the bow didn't even creak. I hugged her again and thanked her as she turned red when I complimented how well made it was and how beautiful the cravings were.

Finally, after a few minutes of re-examining my gift Summer cleared her throat.

"Daemon, we have one more gift for you but it is one we will have to take you to. So here." She finished this sentence why thrusting a blindfold into my hands.

I looked at them all unamused before putting it on and standing. I couldn't sense or see anything with the blindfold on. Something I imagine Gramps is responsible for.

I was then frog marched outside and about twenty or thirty minutes of walking away from the house. I could tell we had walked through the forest due to the terrain.

I was finally told to remove my blindfold and I was. Amazed.

I front of me built by a large cliff face was a tall stone tower. It had an octagonal base which was about 20 meters in diameter and rose about thirty to forty meters in the air. It was made out of large grey stone blocks giving a medieval feel. It had slits in the side of it and an open top.

Around the tower was a semi-circular 10-meter-high stone wall with a large wooden gate. About 25 meters in diameter from the edge of the cliff to the to outer edge. The courtyard was massive.

In the courtyard there was a traditional forge, grindstone, tanning rack and armours table as well as archery targets and practice dummies. (Imagine a Skyrim setup). This took up about a third of the courtyard. Another third was filled with a sand garden and a pond.

It looked incredible but I couldn't help but wonder why I was brought here.

I turned to face everyone as Oz tapped my shoulder and passed a rolled-up bit of parchment. I opened it and saw that it was a deed and a land claim in my name.

I stared at Gramps numbly as he chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Congratulations Daemon. This is all yours. We all agreed with your semblance and your love of experimenting you needed somewhere to do it. So, we built this tower and got this land for you.

It is close to your house so you and come and go easily. It also gives you somewhere to keep all your notes, books and study without having to worry.

We all got together on this however including Professor Goodwitch. Happy Birthday Daemon. "

I was stunned this huge tower was mine. Then I panicked. Was I getting kicked out of the house, was I expected to move here.

Clearly Summer could tell what I was thinking and quickly wrapped me in a hug. "Just so that you know Daemon I will be expecting to stay at home. However, should you wish, you may stay here for two or three days a week on. You are not however allowed to move out am I clear.

And the only reason I am allowing that is because it is so close and I know you are likely to horde up to do projects occasionally and lose track of time."

I felt at ease hearing this and whispered "Thanks mum."

Gramps then clapped his hands and spoke with a delighted grin.

"Shall we start the tour then?"

We were led into the courtyard Oz passing me a remote for the wooden gate to open and close it. He then led us straight to the door of the tower and pushed it open.

Stairs sat behind a stone wall on either side on the entrance. A small space at the front of the tower and I'm space between the walls enclosing the stairs. Metal doors, like the kind you would see in SYFY movie of a space ship. They had a hand scanner on them. Oz asked me to present my hand and it opened to the room behind it.

I was surprised at the interior. It was modern with high tech lights and machinery. The floor was white marble with veins of Amber running through it. There were some computers on the outer wall with several different work stations and tools in the centre of spread across the room. I recognised some as 3D printers or laser cutter. As well as grinders and welding equipment.

Gramps explained aloud. "This Daemon is a workshop with everything you could need to design and build any weapon or item you could think of. Everything has a manual with it to explain how to use and is already setup for your use.

I hope that you will enjoy using it and will hopefully make some amazing creations."

I had a quick look around before we continued the tour. We went up the stairs on the left to go upstairs.

The second floor was a large corridor with with one door on each side.

The door on the left led to a large open plan room. It had a small kitchenette on the left-hand side of the room. The centre was taken up by a large inset circular sofa placed before a large scroll projector for TV or similar. The right side of the room was separated by a sliding partition that hid a large double bed and dome built in wardrobes.

At the back of the bedroom section was a bathroom partitioned by a white wooden door.

Everything was in duck-shell blues, greys and whites. It felt lovely and light and comfortable. Ruby and Yang had thrown themselves onto the sofa in the centre of the room. Wrestling on it and having fun whilst I had walked around and had investigate.

Summer spoken up this time. "This room is meant as a relaxation room as well as bedroom and kitchen. I expect if you stay here over night to carry on a project that you get at least some sleep and eat plenty.

Anyway, let's move on shall we."

We went across the corridor and I found a room with a dart board, pool table and a few arcade machines. I also found a small sound proofed area with a music studio style setup with a ton of top of kine equipment. I also saw a few computers and other gadgets around the room as well as some bean bags, an ice cream machine and a ton of other little things I could entertain myself with.

I also sound some end speakers and what looked like a control panel for something. Ruby was practically vibrating while looking around the room, not that I could blame her.

Qrow spoke up on this room. "Well kid this is your entertainment room. It has a ton of cool gadgets and games for you. At the back of the room there is a hidden projector for the TV and a few other goodies you need to find.

The computers are best for games and music, both playing and creating. It also has high end surround sound speakers. Enjoy kid."

We then went up the stairs ag the end of the corridor and stooped outside a pair of huge red oak doors. Pushing them open we went into a huge office room.

The carpet was a deep burgundy and at the back of the room sat a large ornately made red oak desk with a comfortable chair behind it. On the desk sat a built-in scroll projector and a bbuil-in computer.

The walls were lined with red oak book shelves, only one of them was filled however, all around the room except for a section of the wall that contained a pin board as well as a whiteboard. There were a few filing cabinets and a pair of comfortable seats with a small desk table next to them.

Oz spoke up again this time. "This Daemon is study and office. Somewhere, where you can come and brain storm and plan for projects or ideas. It had places to keep books and documents as well as a secret storage area for more dangerous ideas that I will show you later."

He then walked over to the pin board and stabbed a pin into the bottom left frame of the board and a click sounded as the wall moved away and revealed a set of stairs that led up to the top of the tower. We didn't bother going up there now however as while it was nice view there wasn't anything particularly great up there.

We made our way back down to the ground floor and went down a floor. This floor was a huge gym area with a hot spring in the back corner of the room. It had a huge rack of weights as well as several machines. There was also a punch bag and a few training dummies for boxing and holds and throws. The hot spring was a pleasant touch. I could also see a set of lockers in the corner and a couple of shower.

Tai explained "This room was created for you to train in and also to be able function as a gym. The hot spring was put in by Oz and he also assured me that you would be able to do something to edit the weights if there became to light for you. We also thought you may use this place to help train the girls hence the lockers and showers."

We went down to the next floor which was just a corridor of doors leading to cupboard sized rooms. Oz explained that he remembered my project about expanding space and thought that when I would be successful this would be a good way for me to be able expand. I was touched by the faith that he had in me that he said when and not if.

At the end of this floor however Summer, Tai and the girls all left to go back to the house as Ozpin showed me to the final basement floor. We went up to a metal door that opened to reveal a lift, Ozpin had me put my finger on a scanner and the lift slowly started to descend downwards. It took almost five minutes to reach the floor where the door finally opened.

The space it opened to was a large hollowed out cave which seemed reminiscent of the bat cave. It was a large open cavern which had bee floored and had lights installed. At the back of the cavern sat a large steel vault door, much like something out of a game or comedy movie. It was almost 20 feet tall in diameter. There were no viable seems or handles on it only solid metal.

Ozpin then put a hand on his shoulder and spoke softly "Go and place your hand on the door my boy and channel your magic into it." I walked through the cabin and layered my hand against the cold metal door and funnelled my magic into the door. Blue line spread across the door before it began it forms seams on it and started to un-spiral from the centre outwards to reveal a large room full of different metal boxes, drawers and secure storage obstacles. Several glass cabinets lined the walls, once of which contained the spear that we had created, Gae Bolg.

Ozpin had walked up behind me "This vault door was made in time in which I was king and is indestructible. It can only be opened through magic of those related to me. Thankfully the magic of maidens does not work to open it. Here you can keep all the valuables or objects to dangerous to store anywhere else. The cavern outside can be used for a bunker, workshop or whatever else you may wish to use it for."

I then spotted a bust with a crown sitting upon and walked towards it to investigate it. Ozpin followed me before standing beside with a melancholic smile as I investigated it. "This Daemon is the relic of Choice. I had stored it under Beacon but I feel that it will be safer here with you then anywhere else."

Suddenly the world took on a grey hue as time stopped around me and Ozpin had been frozen. A flutter of petal circled from the edges of the room and congregated in front of me to form a man in a white cloak. Merlin.

"It is good to see you again Daemon. Have you been enjoying your second life?"

"It is good to see you again as well and yes it has been incredible. But Merlin how are you here?" I was uncertain of how he came to be here. I thought he could not interfere any further.

"Ah, yes ,that. I was able to piggyback off of the minor wisps of divinity that surround the relic. It naturally resonates with the world as it was made by the dame gods who made Remnant. I have a little leeway. I have come to give you a final gift and some information."

He poked me on the head with the end of his staff and the knowledge of how to perform the Fidelius charm from Harry Potter appeared in my mind along with variations using my enchantments and runes. As well as how to tie it to an object like a ward stone or ring that could then be used to pass the secret. He had passed over a hundred variations as well as a ton of knowledge on wards and bounded felids.

I could use one of them. It would require a drop of blood on a bracelet which I would then use to connect them to a ward stone and reveal the secret to them. This way I could only reveal it purposefully and to a selected few. I realised this was my gift and spoke.

"Thank you Merlin."

"Not problem my friend but there is also the information that I want to reveal to you. The sword of destruction is a mix of my worlds Excalibur and that damned lance. In the presence of magic and aura it has the ability to shake space and tear apart the laws of this world and others. It may be anchored to this world but it has the ability to at its peak allow the user to travel into new dimensions or timelines. It has the ability to destroy on a conceptual level or it target specific concepts to destroy.

When the brother gods made it they used stolen divine weapons from other universe that they then recreated and re-forged, warped into the weapon it is now. They then used the power of creating a universe to heat and temper it.

It is a weapon like no other and it would best serve in your hands Daemon. Should Salem acquire it and manage to research it enough to use all of its abilities then this world and countless others would be destroyed. With it however you can beat her by seve...."

Merlin fell to the ground with a cry as he cut off midway before sitting up. He winced "Apparently my chosen method of appearing has placed limitations upon me. I cannot tell you how to kill her however I can tell you with. Her immortality is of this world. Beyond that I can only wish you luck. We may meet again in the future.

Of course killing someone isn't the only method to death someone either. Do not limit yourself in such a manner."

He then dissolved into flower petals as time started again. I smiled at Gramps and carried on where we had left off. "Thank you for the trust Gramps. But a question, would it be worth moving the sword here also. And moving the relic of knowledge to Beacon."

Gramps looked at me with a troubled look and asked "Why my boy? Surely they are both safe in Shade and Haven."

"Gramps I have looked at statistics and investigated and I don't trust Leo. In the last three years especially huntsmen having been dying on missions assigned by him in droves. Often following reporting of highly differing circumstances to the briefs given to them.

Theodore while trustworthy I fear he is over zealous. If Salem pressures him through his students he may cave or charge in recklessly. Besides the sword is the one I fear her getting the most.

And well, it may sound silly. But my gut says we should it move it here. Please Gramps. I know how important it is and that it is a lot to ask. But please just ...."

"We shall go and collect them both in a few days. I trust you my boy and if you feel the sword is better in your hands then that is where I wish it to be. I need not know anymore than that.

And I agree that Leo has been suspicious as of late and it may be wise to move the relic to Beacon instead."

He gently squeezed my shoulder and I felt bad and like I should show him some trust. I summoned out a lump of Starlheim. Ozpin looked shocked at the ore.

"What is this Daemon, I have never seen its like before. Where did you get it. I can sense how well it conducts magic, it is drawing it passively."

I had already long planned an excuse for the ore and I knew that it would be believed. Merlin had been subtle but had reassured of it the time before which when we had last spoken. "I found it when I buried my Grandfather. I had noticed its magical aura and dug over a tonne of the stuff so that I didn't have to worry about anyone else finding it. I theorise that some kind of metal has been infused with ice dust or that it is perhaps a piece of an ore vein from when the moon shattered and it fell to Remnant."

Ozpin appeared fascinated as he nodded his head before asking why I was revealing it to him now. I explained how he had felt it was so good at conducting magic before explaining the fidelius spell I had decided upon and used my semblance to create and rune and enchant a ring and an obelisk out of the material. With Ozpins help I had managed to perform the fidelius and put the whole tower under it in a little under two hours.

When we had finished Gramps had staggered and his glazed until I took a drop of blood from him and put it on the ring linking him to the ward stone and revealing the secret. He gazed around in wonder before realising what had happened. "It worked. I completely forgot about the tower and I couldn't look around me without feeling disorientated. This is incredible."

I then paused. Summer, Tai and the girls would have forgotten the tower and that I would be here. They would be panicking. "Shit Oz we need to get back to the house ASAP!!! I need to reveal the secret to everyone else."

(Two hours later.)

Both me and Gramps had gotten an ear full from everyone. Even Miss Goodwitch and called up as she panicked and had forgotten why Ozpin had gone to Patch. I explained that I would explain beyond saying it was a secret when we next met in person.

The lecture was for worrying everyone as well as getting distracted by magic and forgetting people were waiting for us. I had used the ring to reveal the secret to everyone and we let it drop after both of us had been scolded.

Finally Summer and others calmed down and we continued to enjoy the afternoon until we ate. Apparently kebab was a thing was a thing on Remnant so we order several different thing so that I could try everything. Summer them brought out the cake she had made with girls. Everyone singing me happy birthday as she carried to me and I blew out the candles.

Until about seven we all played games and watched films. Gramps was very competitive. Finally, though he had to return to Beacon and he had to catch the last flight back.

We stayed up a little longer until around nine when Summer presented me with an envelope. She looked nervous and was fidgeting badly as she looked at me.

"We have one last present for you. You don't have to accept if you don't want to however."

I opened it to find adoption forms. These would make me be legally considered Tai and Summer's son. Summer looked like she was close to crying due to be so nervous. Tai was also fidgeting like crazy.

Ruby and Yang also seemed nervous and a little unhappy. Qrow just looked amused at them all.

I hugged both Tai and Summer and said "I would to Mum, Dad."

I could tell Yang and Ruby were frowning behind me but I couldn't work out why. Clearly Qrow could however as he just snorted ruffled the girl's hair and said "You do know it is still legal to marry and adopted sibling, right? At least it is in Vale and Atlas."

Both girls turned bright red and growled at Qrow as he laughed.

Summer smiled before giving a gentle cough as we all turned to look at her. She smiled and spoke quietly and softly but we all heard her clearly.

"I have some news to share with all of you." We were all a bit nervous. With a small smirk she then carried on. "I am glad to say it isn't just Daemon joining the family and you will and soon have a little brother or sister."

Tai stumbles before asking in shock. "Your... Your pregnant?!" Summer nodded. "Your pregnant! You're really pregnant." This time with a massive grin as he swept Summer up his arms and spun her around.

The girls were positively beaming and throwing a barrage of questions at Summer. 'When will it be born?', 'Is it a boy or a girl?', 'What are you going to name them?" and countless others.

Qrow merely raised his glass in congratulations and said "Congrats." I could feel the I was beaming as well.

It took almost an hour for everyone to calm down and then we were all tried and half asleep. Me and the girls had fallen asleep on the soft with the dogs.

Both Yang and Ruby were soundly asleep. I could feel myself drifting as well. My final thought before I fell asleep with a smile on my face was of how interesting things were going to get around here now.

(So, guys sorry for the delay. I rewrote this a few times until I was happy with it. Daemon now has a base and can advance things now which will be a key part of future chapters. I am also admittedly going to change cannon quite drastically when I get to it. I have already started now with the relics. Merlin has shown up once again.

Also, there will be another member of the family soon. Training will soon increase as well. A lot of things will change. Also, some of the things in this chapter are hints at things that will be a part of the story.

I have planned the next main event I will be writing and have ideas for others but I want to ask who you guys would prefer to have Daemon meet first out of Pyrrha, Weiss and Blake. If I don't see any comments, I will randomise it.

Anyhow hope you all enjoyed the chapter. )