
RWBY : Soul Searching

Soulmates have existed since as far back as history goes. Emblems, burned onto your flesh at birth, linked no matter the distance. Emotions, feelings, desires - all able to be shared, with a little bit of effort and willingness. But pain is shared, too. And when your Soulmate is trapped under the heel of an evil woman, what are you to do BUT save her? OR Tai and Qrow wanna know who the FUCK is hurting their baby girls - and yes, they more or less immediately adopted Cinder into being a step-daughter regardless of having never met. So off on a quest to find one girl on all Remnant and save her. How hard could THAT be?

Twisted_Fate_MK2 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs



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Obsessive Readers, Laurel

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Beta(s) :


Requested By : Polemoduke


"What do you mean, they're already home?" Yang asked, sitting on the bed in her tiny room while her dad leaned against the edge of the door-frame. "How can they already be home? Qrow didn't run them into trouble, did he…?"

Her dad just rolled his eyes and sighed, running his fingers through his hair and shaking his head while he imagined… Something and snorted a laugh. Wherever it was, he didn't tell her. He muttered something to himself, too. But she couldn't really hear it past the sounds of the bar downstairs echoing up to the landing the handful of rooms the place ran were on. It was a hostel, rather than a hotel, and a Mistrali style one, too. Food on the bottom, sleeping upstairs - and pretty cheap for both, according to her dad.

She just wished it didn't mean having to hike out of the city to get to one of the little farming towns to get to it…

"They found her." Her dad laughed, shaking his head and smiling widely as he came over and plopped on the end of the bed. Leaning against the wall he sighed and, smiling wider than she'd seen him in… Ever, really, he said, "They even brought a souvenir, too."

"A souvenir…?"

"Mhm." Her dad beamed a smile at her, "Your uncle found his Bond. That's how they found Cinder so fast."

"He what?!?" She shook her head, setting aside the one big, wonderful piece of news to seize on one that, as bad as she felt to think it, she cared about just a bit more. But it was hard for him to compete with what Yang had seen Ruby going through for so long. Ignoring all that, she said, "Wait, Cinder?"

"Your sister's girl's name, apparently." He nodded, closing his eyes and resting his head against the wood behind him. "Cinder Fall. Qrow's is a soldier from Atlas named Clover Ebi. Both of 'em agreed to come by for a grill out after we… Get all this done."

"Cool…" 'All this' was doing a lot of work there, she knew, crossing her arms and humming. Flicking her dad a look, she asked, "So… What's the plan, then?"


"We've been here for days…"

"It's been two days, Yang." Her dad sighed, turning to give her a look with one open eye and frowning ever so slightly. After a second, he closed his eye again and sighed, "And barely that. We came in in the evening the day before yesterday, so it's… More like a day and a half."

"Yeah, here." Yang grunted, "We got into Mistral three days ago. And-"

"Ruby was lucky." Her dad cut her off, "Sometimes, work like this has a lot of waiting around. It sucks, yeah, but… It's part of the job. And if you wanna be a Huntress still, then you need to get your head around that. Running off half-cocked won't help anyone."

"I know that!" She groaned, "Still, though…"

"Look, sweetheart, I already got in touch with a… An old friend of mine." He said, holding up his Scroll and sighing. "She should be here any minute now. She just had some business to handle first, that's all."


"The private kind." Her dad chuckled, waving a hand at her from over a shoulder while he relaxed. "Stop fishing and be patient. It's all we can do, right now, and the more anxious you are the more anxious she will be."

"R-Right…" That was the last thing she wanted. Her Bond was already an anxious mess that had Yang's head aching whenever she let it get to her. Whatever she was dealing with, it didn't seem very fun, and that had Yang anxious all on its own. Shaking her head, she muttered, "This really sucks…"

"What do you-" Before her dad could ask, his Scroll chimed gently and he flicked it open as he sat up. After a second to read, he said, "She'll be here in five minutes. Asked us to grab a quiet table to eat before we get going."

"But why can't we-"

"This could be our last chance at a good meal for a while, depending on where our looking takes us." Her dad chastised her, flicking her a look with a raised eyebrow. "Are you saying you won't miss it at all? Because I know I will, and I know I'm getting food before we head out."

"I guess…"

"I know." Her dad said, standing and adding with a shrug, "Plus we can order some stuff extra and pack it away in the plasticware I brought along. Let us stretch food out that bit longer, before we have to stop in somewhere to restock. Believe me, the beef and rice they have here will feel like a god-send by the time we work our way through all the ration-packs after."

"Fiiiiiiiine…" She sighed, standing up and grabbing her socks. "I guess I'll get shoes on and lock up. You go on ahead. Get food coming?"

"Oh, hungry now?"

"I mean, now that we're talking about food…" She shrugged, "Yeah, I'm kinda hungry?"

"Roger, roger." Her dad nodded, leaving with little more than a 'thump' of the door closing.

Left in the quiet, Yang just sighed, tried to quash her own anxieties and grabbed a shoe, "Here goes nothing I guess…"

At least she could take some comfort in the fact that Ruby had found who she was looking for, if nothing else. Ruby had done it, faster than anyone had expected, so Yang had to be able to find hers, too.



Raven sighed as she stepped up onto the little landing out in front of the old, weathered tavern and bed. Outside, it was simple, with crates pressed against the walls to either side of cracked old windows and lights that sputtered in their sockets. An old man was sitting outside, on top of one crate while he leaned against the other to keep a close eyed watch on the main road of the little town he, apparently, had taken it on himself to protect with a short-barreled rifle propped against the wall beside him. And, for a moment, she felt her anxiety spike when their eyes met.

But, finally, the man just nodded, tipped his old hat, and said, "Lass."


"Deputy." He corrected her, waving her off when she hesitated. "No harm."

She only nodded, despising the anxiety she felt for it all. The vulnerability of sneaking in rather than walking openly, Omen on her hip.

Instead, she carried a simpler straight-sword with a chipped bronze hilt and a revolver right behind it on an improvised holster. As part of her disguise, she'd changed out her combat dress for a pair of long, thick cargo pants, heavy boots, and a light, long-sleeved black shirt under a sleeveless grey vest. She kept her hair in a bun, too, and without her mask, most outside the Tribe wouldn't even recognize her face. Even so, she wore a pair of of old glasses that were purely for 'fashion', to make sure anyone that thought they recognized her second-guessed it long enough for her to get gone.

Or bury them, if needs be.

Inside, the tavern smelled strongly of alcohol, roasted meat, and salty sauces common all across the southern stretch of Anima. It all smelled good, at least, but she was more focused on looking along the more private booths along the back wall, ensconced into it a bit with thin curtain veils that could be drawn. Which was also common for the region. Only one was occupied and, not seeing the two blondes anywhere else, she made her way to it and knocked on the wall where it met the corner of the room, under the stairs.

Tai poked his head out and smiled that goofy smile of his for the briefest moment on just seeing her before his immediate joy was drowned out by a wash of… Well, a lot that Raven elected to ignore, turning more to the silence of Summer as she nodded in greeting.

"Tai." She said as he slid over on the curved booth, pushing… The girl around to the far edge, across from where Raven sat. Trying to smile naturally, she said, "It's… Good to see you."

"Sure." He nodded, flicking Yang a look and grunting. "Yang, this is an old acquaintance. Raven Spring."

"Hey…" Lilac eyes met red and the teen waved gently, smiling unsurely. "Nice to meet you."

"R-Right." She nodded, swallowing through a suddenly incredibly dry throat and asking. "Is food coming? Stew?"

"Beef fried with rice and a potato soup family bowl." She shot Tai a look, but his lips just quirked up ever so slightly in that amused, prodding way it always did when he was screwing with her. She scowled and almost bapped him on the arm for it, before she caught herself and set the hand on the table, fingers drumming on the wood, instead. When she didn't say anything, he asked, "Is there something you wanna add? I can grab the waitress."

"I'm fine." She sighed, flicking the blonde girl across from her a look and, quietly, anxiously, asking, "How, uh, how is Mistral treating you?"

"Fine." She shrugged, "Rains a lot. Messes with my hair…"

"Braid it while you sleep, and wash with coconut oil." Raven suggested before she could think about it. Tai shot her a look, one brow raised, and she stammered, "W-What? I have long hair, too. It's how I keep the frizz and tangles down."

"And how can you be sure it'll work?" Tai asked, mischief in his eyes as he turned and rested a chin on a fist. "Your hair could be very different."

"Hair is hair." She snapped, anxiety and discomfort rolling around in her stomach and coming up angry. As always. "It's just a tip. You don't have to listen if you don't want to-"

"It's worth trying, maybe." The kid, of everyone, cut in before Tai could do more than narrow his eyes. Both of them gave her a look and she just shrugged, gnawing on a lip nervously. "I don't know… Just doesn't seem worth an argument?"

"Right…" Tai muttered, shaking his head as Raven sighed and leaned her head back to rest against the wall between their table and the next one. Moving on, the man said, "Well… I, uh, already filled you in on why we're here, Rae, so-"

"How do you know she's not further North?" She cut in, pushing on to work like he was. "Why start down south?"

"We landed in Mistral, north-side." Tai explained simply, shrugging and falling quiet as the waitress arrived with their food. The bowl of stew was large and wide, filled with potatoes and vegetables, and filled the middle of the table well enough while the three trays of meat, vegetables and mixed rice were sat between them. When she left, he went on, "She could still feel the tugging, and from the south, so… We went south while we waited for you to get around to us."

"I was-"

"Busy." Tai grunted, "I know. Anyways-"

"The south is a lot more Faunus than elsewhere." Raven said, jerking her head in the rough direction of Menagerie and adding. "Especially south south. What happens if we don't find anything on this side of the strait?"

"We head to the other."

"Menagerie doesn't-"

"I know." Tai sighed, closing his eyes and letting out a breath through his nose. "But… Well, we'll just have to figure it out when- If," he amended, "it comes to that. Hell, I'm sure that they'll be glad to have a couple Hunters out there if we need an excuse. And we can always say you're a donkey Faunus."

"Why would I be-"

"Because," Tai raised an eyebrow, "you're an ass."

She saw the blonde teen stiffen at his words and flick her a look, and Raven had to take a long, deep breath not to try and drive the chopsticks into his leg. His Aura would stop it, of course, but it would still hurt, she knew. She'd done it before…

Taking a long breath, she muttered, "I'm not going to let you bait me in front of the kid."

"Fair." Tai said, "But, back to actually searching-"

"You… Told me she felt her Bond get hurt?" Raven cut in, picking her words carefully. The blondess both nodded and she hummed, reaching for her food, "Describe it?"

"She was scared for a bit, after a whole lot of being mad, and then something whacked her in the side of the head." She shrugged, "I… Don't know anything else, really."

"Riots were reported up in Mistral day of." Tai offered quietly, "I was considering calling in favors, seeing if anyone had been taken into the hospitals up there. Or…"

"Or arrested." Raven pursed her lips, frowning thinly. If they were arrested, that would imply that they were more than likely on the Faunus side of the issue. Given that they hadn't sensed her when they'd landed on Mistral's north side, that meant that they hadn't stayed like citizens joining the riots or young cadet hopefuls joining the response.

They'd fled…

"Fuck." Raven sighed, turning and tugging the curtains open, "Bring something to drink! I'm gonna need it…"


Even this far south, it was cold when the sun set so close to the ocean. But they made camp where they could, and the huge, sloped ocean side cave was decent shelter. Sharp spikes warded larger ships away from the beach at the end of the mostly-subterranean hill, while the arched rock and dirt overhead shielded them from air patrols. Inside, tents filled most of the space with meandering pathways between and crates of Dust, food and weapons scattered between them. Little heaters had been set up on the ceilings, too, casting down radiant heat on the tents below.

Blake was resting in one, laid on a cot with her head wrapped up and her legs hanging off the edge, one knee bouncing anxiously. She heard her friend come in and sighed as he sat down at the stool by the entrance, "Adam?"

"Blake." He rumbled, "How's your head?"

"Better." She said, grimacing. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"You know better now. Even if you think we've retreated far enough, keep your Aura up." Adam cut her off with a grunt, voice sharp and final on the matter. "Cops shouldn't have been in our protest group. But you have to assume the worst."


"And…" She sat up and saw the frown that twisted the part of his face she could see while he crossed his arms. Finally, quietly, he asked, "Them?"

"They're close enough I can't feel them anymore…" She murmured, avoiding his eyes. "T-They have to be tracking me. I remember how scared they felt, when I woke up. So maybe-"

"They're worried about you, and coming because of that." Adam cut her off, turning away with a frown and a nod. Shaking his head, he said, "I… I understand that feeling. Or, well, how it feels to have it echo into you."

"You do…?"

"Of course." He nodded, waving a hand towards his mask. "After… This."


"I'm pulling you off missions." Adam finally said, holding up a hand when she started to argue. "You fractured your skull. Aura or not, that takes time. And with someone we don't know, possibly a Human," he stressed the word into nearly a snarl, "looking for you… We can't risk you. You'll be sent to a coastal town to rest. And… Decide."


"When I found my Soulbond, I had to choose," Adam said, standing and gesturing at the tent around them and the camp beyond it, "the fight… Or what I want. It was hard, and it took me time. So I'm giving you that time, too."

"But I-"

"Do not choose now." He snapped, voice hard and sharp. And loud, too. He took a breath and shook his head. "I know how it feels, you don't. Take the time, and make your choice. Yourself or your people. Where is your priority? But… Whatever it is, you need to understand something."


"You have to choose." He said finally, nodding curtly and coming over to kneel in front of her and gently touch the side of her head, checking her bandages while Blake sat as still as she could, "But… I believe you'll make the right choice. Just like you did on Menagerie. I have faith in you, Blake. You, out of everyone, know the right choice."

She nodded and, without anything else to say, he turned and left, the tent-flap swishing behind him as he moved on, barking orders as he went.


Adam finally stepped into his small tent and fell onto the edge of his sleeping bag, laying his sword out beside it and frowning thinly. Gently, he reached up to touch his fingers against the outside of his mask. The letters were itching, like they so often did, and he couldn't help but ask, "What does this feel like for you…"


(Sequel to Soul Searching) Ruby may have succeeded in her quest thanks to some good fortune she was owed but, unlike her, Yang doesn't have the commander of half a country to help her find who she's looking for. So they have to do it the good old fashioned way - leg work! Shame she has such short legs... But at least her parents make a good show, between the nagging and sulking!

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