
RWBY/ Remnant Slayer

Glenn Buster is a boy who has never had anything since birth. Abandoned as a child by his family, he had to manage on his own to survive in the most disreputable streets that could have existed among bandits, murderers and other dangers. His dream of becoming a hunter was his only solution to leave this hell but all that was destroyed by a damn blonde bitch with glasses who refused his admission to the Beacon academy without even giving him a chance to prove himself. Now he had nothing at all, at least that's what he believed until he fell into a place that would make him something greater than a hunter, a being able to compete with the most powerful entity that inhabits this world. With this he will discover that an even older and more dangerous threat than the grimms threatens the world of remnant and that he is the only one who can protect remnant from this unknown danger. Info: -This fanfic is based on the original story of RWBY as well as the visual novel JPDE and CBLT so for those who do not know these games I invite you to inquire because the characters and the story of these games will be present in the story. - Several elements of the DOOM universe will be used and modified so don't expect everything to be identical to the games base universe. - As for the romance there will be some but no haren and for those who are only there for the lemon it is not planned in the story at the moment (May change over time) so if you hope to see a mc who fucks a new girl with each new chapter it's not here! I think that's all I have to say for the moment, if I have to add or modify things I will indicate them as the story progresses, on this good read!

caleb_flint · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

"Wait wait wait!!! If I'm here....and it's standing in front of me that means...."

"Affirmative! We are currently in orbital station around the planet Remnant."

"But.....we were clearly underground a minute ago....how is that possible?!?"

"It's one of the many features of the Fortress of Doom."

"Ok but... why among all the possible places it had to be in space!"

"Because it will be useful for us to recover valuable information."

" What do you mean ?"

Suddenly the fortress began to vibrate and a gigantic shock wave sprang from it traversing the space at full speed and crossing Remnant before disappearing in the infinite void of space.

"What...what was that?"

Without warning, a huge bluish hologram in the shape of a remant appeared in the center of the room.

"Scan complete! We now have a complete view of the planet's surface which will help us locate ourselves more easily when we need to intervene."

Glenn didn't know what to think anymore, the overflow of information and new things prevented him from being able to think properly.


"Is there a problem Slayer?"

"Yes...that. All that!"

" What do you mean ?"

"It's all just surreal, I mean...this morning I failed an exam that could have made my dream come true, then I fell into a hole and now I'm in the fucking space! What kind of day is this?"

"I can understand that this faces a lot to assimilate."

" Indeed, so if you could start by explaining to me in more detail what a slayer is, that would be quite a lot."

"Well, as I have already explained to you, the slayers are individuals who have been chosen to become almost immortal warriors capable of fighting all the horrors of hell when the demons began to want to invade entire worlds in order to extend their power.

The ancient slayer to whom this sword belonged fought the underworld for thousands of years but during his fight against a darklord he was mortally wounded and before he died he came to this world knowing it would be the next target of the underworld and died here hoping someone would find the crucible and become the next slayer. During this time I deactivated myself until that day came.

Glenn listened to what he told her carefully trying to understand every piece of information that was given to him.

"So what you're telling me is that I'll have become one of those warriors."

"Exactly! The mark etched in your eye is proof of that."

Glenn put his hand to his eye in reflex, thinking back to the pain he had felt.

"You said they were almost immortal warriors, does that mean that..."

"Affirmative, your new slayer status has granted you near immortality!"

"What does that mean exactly?"

"It means you can't die of natural causes like old age or disease and most weapons or other dangerous things won't work on you but..."

" but what ?"

"There are two things that have been shown to be able to kill a slayer, the first being demonic entities possessing power beyond the slayer's own."

"You know what they say, there's always a bigger fish, and what's the second thing?"

"Well the second thing... is that a slayer can be killed by another slayer."

"So there are others!"

"Yes, but they are responsible for protecting their respective worlds and you are responsible for protecting this world, so the chances of you crossing another one are unlikely to exist."

"Okay....you said the former slayer knew remnant was the next target from the underworld, are they already there and what drew them here?"

"These are questions we don't have the answer to yet but for what concerns the presence of hell on remnant I need to run a scan but all the features of the fortress haven't all been reactivated yet so this It's going to take a while, as to why they're coming all the way here I have no idea but there must be one."

It was a lot to take in but Glenn decided he was going to make sure to follow this new path that had just opened up before him. He who thought he had lost everything today but now he had a new goal, as crazy as it seemed but he still wanted to follow hit since he had nothing else.

"So... how strong was the former slayer?"

"Extremely strong, his power had reached a level comparable to the levels of the gods."

"Seriously! So what about me? Did I get super strong too?"

"If I had to compare your current strength with that of the old slayer I would say that it is insignificant!"

"Wow....thanks...and how do I get stronger then?"

"The same thing all slayers do, slay demons. When you kill demons you absorb demonic energy from their bodies which strengthens your body as well as your strength, speed and other abilities. is how the ancient slayer who slaughtered millions of demons was able to reach such levels of power."

"Okay, killing demons to get stronger seems like something I can do!"

"Perfect! Since it will take me time to recover all the functionality of the fortress, I advise you to explore the surroundings and rest as much as possible, slayer.

Glenn nodded then put his hands in his pockets before leaving to explore then he stopped before asking.


"Yes slayer?"

"Forget that slayer thing, just call me Glenn okay!"

".....As you wish Glenn."

he resumed his journey and began to explore the fortress. He went from room to room finding that some were filled with strange weapons of other things that were unknown to him.

he ended up arriving in a room that he recognized easily, it was a single room with a bed in the center, nothing too extravagant

but that will be enough for him.

he lay down on the bed before closing his eyes, before he even realized it he fell into a deep sleep. After all that had just happened to him it was normal for him to be exhausted and rest was the best thing he could have for the moment because the future is sure to be hectic.