
Chapter 72: It's Very Cool

<<You have now unlocked the second seal of Tier Two. We Have changed your body Overnight to suit the weapons and Power you Have unlocked. Only one of your present weapons got an upgrade. Proceed with the explanation?>>



So, care to tell me my new Power?"

The Ars Magus's mechanical voice resounded in his head.

<<Affirmative, I will first Discuss The New 'Semblance' To you.

The Eyes of Takemikazutchi - Passed on To those who follow the path of the Sword and Lightning. The Thunder God and Sword God blesses you to be able to see through the weakness of the strikes of the enemy. You also gain a speck of his sword intent that once belonged to the said God. This also transforms your lightning form, Into the Lightning Emperor.>>

Haruki opened His eyes wide, This was a massive power increase. Perhaps if he fought Eris once more, He could probably take some of her swordsmanship and implement it on his own. This could Help him train the others Well. The thought of seeing his own flaws with the sword could make his attacks more formidable.

He clenched his fists tightly, he couldn't wait to test out this new power. A wide Grin surfaced from his face.

"So it's like the Sharingan?"

[The what? No it's not! Did ice cream girl hit you in the head that hard?]


<<I will now proceed to explain your Upgraded Weapon First.>>

Haruki nodded his head, His excitement went back to it's peak. Good thing He's already in costume. Half of his face was covered with the mask, So to other White Fang members he only looks like an idiot only half as much.

<<Echoing Fury - The beings you have conquered can be summoned once again. Their Dying Screams are burned in your memory. Bringing them back as angry revenants. At the cost of their own emotions, leaving them with nothing but bitter Rage and Hatred.>>

Haruki smiled wryly, "Motherf*cker... stop reminding me of my sins you fuck."

[Gahahahahha! How fucking ironic! Why don't you just listen to their screams like a symphony? You humans have no class...]

"Because I'm not a fucking monster..."

[Gahahahaha!!! Keep telling yourself that brat.]

Haruki continued to argue with gluttony on his mind. He clicked his tongue, Glaring at the sky.

"Whatever, Ars please continue..."

<<Affirmative, The next one would probably be familiar to you...

Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi - The Legendary Blade. One of the Three Treasures, back when Neo JPN still existed. It was the same blade that came from the Eight Headed Serpent. Yamata-no-Orochi.

Cutting Grass - An Extremely Sharp Slice that could cut through space itself. It is similar to Dimensional Bite, Except for the fact that the sword does not cut the enemy instead the essence itself is cut. Every strike could set fire towards the direction you struck.>>

Haruki's pupils shrunk, "This sword was lost in WWIII... Is it the blade itself?"

<<No it is not, It is just the copy from the records of The Ars Magus.>>

[Think of it like this kid, The Ars Magus is a large Library of weapons recorded in history. It has amassed countless weapons from every mythology. Every Legendary Artifact in recorded history. But like a Library, Those weapons are just copies of the original from their Peak state. So even if they're just copies it's still a perfect copy down to the finest details.

But the Ars Magus could Absorb the essence of the original weapon. But once it gets absorbed, it will cease to exist in every reality. Then the original would be the one recorded in The Ars Magus. Confusing ain't it? Gahahahaha! I'm probably the worst person to explain it! Gahahahaha!!]

Haruki slumped his shoulders, He thought he could role-play as Yamato Takeru. But sadly his dreams were instantly shattered when Gluttony explained to him the truth.

"That's fine... A legendary sword is still a legendary sword!!" He raised his fist up in the air garnering the stares of the white fang members on the airship.


"Alright Ars, What's next on the menu?"

<<The next one is a Defensive Artifact,

Pendant of Balance - Symbol of the Tao, You could summon the two Avatars of Light and Darkness. The two could be summoned with Mana or in your case your aura, as long as you have aura they won't go away.

Yang - Capable of using dark magic, She wields the Scythe named Yuè Liang. She's a very gloomy girl because she uses dark magic a lot. She detests the sight of blood, but an efficient killer nonetheless.

Yin - Capable of using Light Magic, She wilds the Greatsword named Xuè Rèn. A very energetic girl who revels in destruction. And her true home is the battlefield.>>

"Are they cute?" He accidentally said it out loud.

[Gahahahahahaha!! That's the spirit kid! You're asking the right questions!]

Then as both Gluttony and Haruki were thinking about the looks of Both Yin and Yang Someone spoke beside him.

"Ugh, Our master is a pervert. Just great... I really want to die RN..." The girl said as she was chewing gum.

Haruki opened his eyes wide,

The girl Was the same height as Cinder, and her hair was Short, fashioned into a bob cut. Her hair was black and had blue highlights, and her long bangs were covering one eye. She was wearing black lipstick, and pure black eye liner. She looked like a goth doll, gloomy... but cute nonetheless.

She was wearing a Black short biker jacket, with zippers, like a lot of zippers. Below it is a white tank top. A black checkered skirt with white frills at the end, and a fishnet stockings that covered her long legs. Her black high heels showed when she raised her feet to rest on the table as she sat beside Haruki.

Haruki was stunned. He thought to himself, 'Isn't this kid just a rebellious teenager? why the hell does she have her own scroll?'

Then a laugh escaped the person in front of Haruki, that seemingly appeared out of thin air.

"Hahahahaha! Ain't that fine Yang? We finally got summoned! We weren't used at all in the span of all of history! We're just gathering dust in the Ars Magus's library!" The loud girl named Yin said energetically.

Yang rolled her eyes to the girl. Haruki stared at the girl who appeared from across the table. The girl had medium length Black Hair, It was tied into a messy ponytail. She was wearing a red Sports zipper Jacket That has a black stripe in the middle. Underneath it was a black shirt. She was wearing a black sports skirt and black leggings beneath. She was wearing white running shoes.

Haruki gave her an exasperated sigh, It looks like she has seen the gate of truth and sacrificed her girl power, in exchange for power...

She's still cute, but she's dressed like her next kendo match is today. You can really get a feel that she was a girl that lives in the moment.

"How come you guys are here? I don't remember summoning you though?" Haruki questioningly looked at the two of them.

"Ugh... Have you forgotten that this is a world once governed by the two Gods of both light and darkness, Master? The thought of you as my master is extremely depressing..." Yang Said as she fiddled with her phone.

Haruki's mouth twitched as he looked at Yin to give him additional explanation. "Well you see master, this whole world is made up of light and darkness so we could exist indefinitely until the world ends. So we could pop in and out as long as the pendant is outside. Anyways Master~~ Forget about that boring explanation stuff~ and just fight!"

Haruki nodded his head, he was slightly convinced that these two are just bratty teenagers. He rubbed his temples, Thinking that these two brats would probably constantly annoy him to no end.

"Ars Please continue with the explanation... Or else I'm gonna lose it..."

Yang rolled her eyes towards him, "uhm... Master? you see... We need new names... don't you have a girl named Yang too? I don't like overlapping with others so like give me a new name. Yang is such a basic and lazy name. Ugh." Yang said as she twirled her hair with her fingers.

Yin agreed with what Yang said, "Yes! I agree! Yin doesn't fit my personality! I wanna cool name! Like Blazing Thunderstorm! Please name us Master!" She said as she raised her arms like a student.

Haruki covered his mouth with both hands and breathed in deeply, "How about just annoying 1 and 2?"

Yang rolled her eyes, "please just kill me RN, That's totes lame..."

"Keh! If you weren't our master I would've cleaved you in half!" You said as she threateningly raised her massive blade.

"Fine! Yin, You Would be Ryuketsu Kurenai! Yang you would be Tsukikage Yushu! Happy now?" Haruki said, just dealing with this two sisters exhausted him.

The two nodded, "Are our names on your language Master?" Yushu asked. Haruki nodded. "But why are our last names different?" Kurenai asked. "Your names Have certain meaning to it. Just like in magic words Have power, and I think those names fit you two perfectly."

The two gave Haruki a bright smile for the first time, "Now that you have given us names, The contract is sealed and you're not allowed to throw us away at all cost!" Kurenai said as she crossed her arms confidently.

"Whatever, It's not like we like to be ordered around anyways." Yushu said apathetically, but she can't contain the smile on her face.

Ignoring the two, Haruki asked the Ars Magus once more. "Ars do I still have some weapons that I unlocked?"

<<Yes, do you wish to proceed with the explanation?>>


<<Nidhogg - A Giant Cannon, A huge maw like a dragon is at it's muzzle. It pulls in the souls of the damned as it's ammo. It fires a massive laser capable of destroying almost anything on it's path. Requires massive amounts of blood essence to summon every single time.

It's skills are...

World-Eater - The giant Cannon turns into a giant serpent like Dragon to eat every Evildoer on it's path. It uses their soul as nourishment.

Nidding - Roots from the Tree of Yggdrasil wraps the target slowly squeezing as time passes. If World-Eater is active, The dragon would try and chew the roots along with the bound Target.>>

Haruki was slackjawed, "Fuck me... That's a little too powerful..."

<<The next one is a defensive artifact.

Adamas- Tempered by the Flaming Torch of Prometheus itself, this diamond earring is one of the strongest materials known to man.

Skills are locked For now.>>

Haruki raised his eyebrows but ignored it, he told Ars to go to the next weapon.

<<The Next weapons is a long sword.

FrostBite - Very cool>>

"Uhm... Ars? is...is that it?" Haruki asked worriedly.

[Hahahahah! What the fuck kind of weapon is that?]

<<It does However have one skill.

Absolute Zero - Makes you cooler.>>

"Motherf*cker! Is this weapon a joke or something?" Haruki summoned the sword out. It looked like it's straight out of the depths of the Freezing abyss. It looked like a normal blade but it's blade had inscriptions inscribed in it.

Yushu nodded her head, "It's very cool indeed."

Kurenai took the sword from Haruki, "Yeah, It's really cool..."

Haruki quickly un summoned the weapon. He sighed, looking out the window he finally saw the drop point. He ran straight towards it. He peered from the top of the open hatch as his jet black coat fluttered in the wind.

He faced the two twins behind him, "Stay Frosty!" He said towards the two twins, He jumped backwards and saluted them both. He fell down without wearing a parachute.

The two looked towards their first master, "I think he's alright." Yushu said as she jumped to follow Haruki. "I think he's gonna be great!!" Kurenai also Jumped, following her sister to the ground.

New characters!? Well I'm thinking if I should include them to the harem or be just like little sisters to the MC. Let's Do a Poll! Comment down below on what you think.

Anyways this chapter was a huge info dump, I tried to make it as interesting as I could I hope you guys enjoyed.

FrostByte47creators' thoughts
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