
RWBY: Path of Blood

A Young Man who was a former mercenary gets transported to the RWBY universe. A tale of the strongest soldier that takes on the greatest monstrosities of remnant. This is my first fan-fic hope you guys enjoy. Schedule: Hopefully Daily Tags: Anti-Hero, Harem, School life, R-18

FrostByte47 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Chapter 67: In the Mouth of Madness (Finale)

The elevator was silent, Winter was glaring at the elevator doors. She was gripping her bloodstained weapons.

Only one thought was racing in her mind was to kill. To kill that bastard Aaron Inferus. It felt like an eternity waiting for the elevator to arrive back at the top.

Although she was worried, she has seen Haruki's skill first hand. Even though she's clinging onto false hope. Deep down Haruki has already became someone so irreplaceable, someone who won't die that easily.

He helped her even though she thought it was hopeless. He made her see the truth, Even though it's a harsh reality. He made me realize there's more to it than that.

Now she could only do the only thing soldiers were supposed to do. What she wanted to do, To defend her kingdom by killing that bastard.

She hoped the he would be safe, She turned her focus and glared into empty space. She created Glyphs below her feet. It was strengthening and speed buffs. She felt that she was near, She sensed that once the elevator opens she would be killing people once more.

Her hands started to shake, her hands didn't falter awhile ago because, He was there...

But then something fell from her jacket, It was the picture of her sister and her mother. She remembered Haruki's words. She grinned, A fearless smile. She slowly breathed in and out. She steadied her stance...


She immediately dashed out of the elevator, She spun and kicked The two guards waiting at the doorstep. They were instantly thrown aside.


Masked men with blade rings surrounded her, She won't make the same mistake she made before. She instantly summoned A Huge Armored Soldier. Along with A large variety Grimm that she has eliminated.

The masked men slowly stepped back, She pointed her blade towards them and gave them a confident smile.


A dazzling silver flash appeared infront of them, It was the huge armor that swung it's massive sword. The three masked men that were in front were thrown into the side. Then The summoned Grimm moved towards the enemies clawing at them from every side.

She was breathing heavily, *Haaah* "I used too much of my aura..."

Suddenly a Blade Ring flew towards her, She dodged on the side by rolling. She threw her short sword towards the enemy. Impaling him right in the heart.

She created a few glyphs on the feet of the enemy. They were slowed down, giving her ample time to cut them down. She used the pillars as platforms to jump to and fro.

She leaned on a pillar to catch her breath, Then from the shadows three masked men jumped out. They threw their blade rings, She rolled sideways and the blades were embedded on the pillar.

The huge armor swept them with it's massive blade. Splattering them into the wall, painting it black with their gooey remains. She slashed towards the empty air, ridding her blade of their blood.

She sat down on a chair, She stabbed her blade into the ground. She leaned in her blade, Her two hands interlocking each other as they leaned in on the bottom of the hilt. Waiting for that bastard Aaron. She slowly rested recovering her aura.

After a few minutes of rest, She finally heard faint footsteps. It was Aaron along with his masked Army. It was more than what she faced, it's also probably more she could handle. But She's not afraid, No... Not anymore.

A strange sensation came over her, a strange calm. It was serenity, Because she finally has a reason to fight. Was it just? Was it Okay? She threw those questions away, she ignored the morality in the equation. 'I don't want to die... That's it... That's all the reason I need.' She thought to herself. She just glared at the approaching men in front of her.

They stopped their march right in front of the massive door. They instantly saw winter when they approached, She was sitting down near the entrance. Although her image was covered by the shade of darkness they could see her eyes gleam through the dark.

They all stood still not making any moves nor making any sound, The chirping and the sounds of the night were the only thing that anchored them to reality.

Winter slowly stood up and walked outside, Whilst glaring towards the fat bellied priest. The priest smiled back, greedily staring at winter not even bothering to hide his intentions to her anymore. The tall man behind the priest whispered something to his ear, Winter thought to herself that he was the only one didn't dress up like those cultists.

The tall man bowed and stepped back..The priest then once more stared at winter, he was shaking, he couldn't stop his excitement.

"Give up Miss Schnee, and perhaps I won't parade your corpse throughout Atlas." The priest said as he showed her the most disgusting expression.

She silently drew a line right at the door, "Anyone who crosses this line will die, if you turn back now... well perhaps you might still have time to run away from... 'Him'..."

She went back inside the dark room. The pot bellied priest was angered, "You arrogant bitch! You think that you could stop us? Well you fools what are you doing? Quickly get her!!!"

Winter smirked towards the man, "You're going to die you know..."

"Oh yeah? You and what army?"

Then from the darkness countless silhouettes emerged. They all stood behind winter, They growled towards her enemies. Winter just stretched her arms sideways.

Then the masked men charged towards her, not even fearing what may come. The first few were instantly crushed by the huge armor. Then the other Grimm charged towards the enemies.

She danced between the enemies as they were busy fighting the summons. She dealt quick and efficient blow. With every cultists she passed by they would instantly die. She stopped near the door, back to the line she has drawn. She sheathed her blade. Pointed at the remaining cultists and signalled them to come at her.

The pot bellied priest widened his eyes, "I didn't sign up for this!! I thought that she'd be weak enough to kill! I'm done!!" He shouted to the tall man in glasses behind him.

"But milord... The orders."

"I don't care! Aren't you just an assistant!? Just get me out of here and away fro- -"


Before the pot bellied priest could finish his screaming it was abruptly ended by the tall man in a suit. His hair was slicked back. He was wearing a cold expression unlike the subservient attitude he was showing earlier.

"Apologies Ms.Schnee This pig ruined our first meeting. My name is Aaron Inferus, One of the Faceless..." He bowed towards Winter.

"What!? I thought that..."

Aaron smiled towards Winter's misunderstanding, "Well I could understand the confusion, He's just an actor who got too immersed in his role. We wanted to show the people a more... Uh... Priest looking person."

*Bang Bang Bang!*

Aaron unloaded more rounds towards the corpse of the pot bellied man. "He really just pisses me off so much, I get goosebumps Everytime he says my name. I just needed to vent."

Winter glared coldly at Aaron, It seems that her opponent was more dangerous than she expected. But Only a few masked men Remained, And Two Guys with glowing Blue Horns sticking out of their faceless masks.

She still had aura to spare, She had ample time to rest earlier to regain her stamina. Although she doubted that it would be enough. She still needed to try.

Aaron brought out two pistols, then it slowly turned into two long swords, "As much as I'd love to play around..." He looked at his henchmen and aimed his blades towards winter. "Kill her."

They dashed towards winter but they were blocked by the Grimm she has summoned. She used her summons to distract The masked men and dashed straight towards Aaron along with the huge armor. It stabbed towards Aaron while Winter snuck up to Aaron's back to stab him.

The masked men got in the way of her stab to protect Aaron.


The masked man with two glowing blue horns who blocked the strike slowly fell down lifelessly as if it's strings were cut.

The one who stood in front of the huge blade were impaled but it stopped the huge blade from reaching Aaron. He sighed, "Well... it seems although the experiments were successful it still has a few problems. I could've dodged it but these idiots went and died..."

Winter furrowed her brows, "They died for you!!"

"Yes... That's why they're worthless, if they do that every time I would quickly run out of soldiers."

Winter spoke no further and she just attacked, Since there were no more need for her summons for Aaron was the only one left standing. They exchanged blows, their blades clashed creating Sparks.

Winter held her short blade into a reverse grip, She ducked towards the floor and tried to sweep him off his feet. But Aaron flipped into the air.

Winter created glyphs to give chase towards him, He spun midair to dodge her slash and kicked her in the stomach.

She was sent flying back inside the temple, back into the dark corridor. Aaron slowly approached her. "Miss Schnee... Although I appreciate your skills. It's time to put an end to this."

Winter stood up, she stabbed her Cutlass towards the ground to help her stand up. She was exhausted and her aura is probably in the red now. But she can't fall down, Not yet...

Aaron slowly walked inside, "Hehehehe, you barely have enough strength to fight back and yet... you still stand. How stubborn, or perhaps you're buying time for your little friend to come here and rescue you?"

Winter leapt up and twirled her blade, They clashed for a few seconds. Winter had a few small cuts While Aaron only had his aura damaged a little bit.

She slashed downwards, Aaron stepped back he sent a kick towards her solar plexus sending her flying.

"Hahahahahahaha! Don't you see? the revolution is here! Why can't you cooperate and just!! Fucking!! Die!!!" He ran towards her he raised his two blades up in the air and slashed downwards. Winter was quite far from they guy but she felt danger from his attack, so she rolled on the ground avoiding the invisible attacks.

Cut marks appeared where she lay earlier, she scowled towards Aaron. He was just smiling madly. Winter threw her short sword towards Aaron, but he calmly parried off her strike.

"The last struggles of a person about to die? Don't worry I would have a long talk with your father... and I'm sure your family would mourn their loss."

Winter shouted towards the man, "Why? Why are you doing this!?"

Aaron showed her a disgusted face, "I'm pretty sure I laid all the clues out pretty cleanly, if you still haven't figured then we'll..." He sighed and brought out a remote. he aimed it towards A screen on the side of the wall. Even though blood and black goo we're splattered on the side it was still functional.

"If you die...And by Atlas militants at that then the public would lose trust of the military."

Winter scoffed, "You can't expect my life is worth that much."

Aaron nodded his head, "Of Course not... But, we have been sowing the seeds ever since. We were slowly creating discord amongst the people, then the military. You will be the final spark that triggers the war.

I'm pretty sure they're just waiting for a nice enough reason to bite each others throat. Once you die, they'll start offing each other while we sit and wait.

Wait until they've used up their resources, it could be years, months or perhaps just days. The point is we'll swoop in and kill the remaining resistance."

Winter was still exhausted so she struggled to ask Aaron, "What... is the point of all that!?" *Breathing heavily*

"A kingdom full of believers, sacrifices and more! We could do anything since it will soon belong to all of us! We will act as the hope of the people! We will save them from the tragedy of being human!!

So many will be turned into the faceless God's masterpiece! Then when we have enough we could finally call him down here. As the eternal ruler!!!"

He raised his arms in the air like a crazed fanatic. Winter glared towards Aaron but she was too exhausted to fight. Good thing he was distracted on telling her his "Grand Plan", She wanted to know if Haruki was safe so she keeps looking at the entrance of the elevator.

This didn't go unnoticed to Aaron however so he looked towards the open screen that showed data on the experiments. He smiled madly and aimed the remote at it once more. The screen showed Haruki fighting off the kidnapped people of remnant. It ranged from young to old.


Haruki glared at the entrance where the screaming came from. He brought out both The Life Reaping Katana, and Skoll and Hati claws. He gripped his blade silently as he glared into empty space.

He was prepared to fight no matter what, The screaming got closer so he took the initiative to attack. He threw a dozen grenades towards The entrance.


Countless body parts flew on different directions. The screaming stopped as if woken up by the explosions they became more cautious. When the dust settles down he finally saw what his enemies were.

Some were children in ragged outfits, Some were teenagers, then adults, finally even old people were there. They were all wearing the same expressions. Both fear and blind rage.

They were in a trance but it felt like they were aware of what they're doing. Haruki's eyes widened and his pupils shrunk. His hands shook and he looked at them with both sympathy and regret.

He laughed inwardly, ' I've done this a million time before I'm supposed to be used to this... It's supposed to get easier. But how come it gets harder every single time...'

He gripped his white fang mask, It slowly cracked from the strength of his grip. It soon was crushed. He threw away the mask and showed his face towards them. He sighed, "I am Kazama Haruki... the one who would end your misery. Now why don't all of you come at me all at once!!"

He dashed towards the nearest, He turned off his senses as he cut down those that are in front of him. All the sounds he heard were filtered off into Oblivion.

He gripped his katana in a reverse grip and spun around the place severing them from their misery.

But then as the black goo were sufficient enough that the entire floor was bathed in it. Something weird happened captives slowly have tentacles sprouting out of their backs. Multiple eyes appeared in their body, they slowly turned into something incomprehensible.

They crawled towards him, but this time those things spoke, "It hurts... please... big... brother...end the pain quick..."


What followed was a fountain of blood.

Haruki screamed towards the heavens, "Goddamnit!!! Fuuuckk!!!! I swear I'll do my best..."

He charged once more into the fray, He freezed the black goo on the ground to prevent the others from transforming. He slammed his fist onto one of the horrifying amalgamation. He used exploding star and he imploded it from the inside out. scattering it every where. But he was expecting it to turn into black goo but it didn't. He wiped the red from his face.

His hands shook, and he frowned. As he was about to charge into his enemies once more, He heard the Voice of Ars Magus.

[Unknown strand of DNA, this blood essence is rich with energy and you could temporarily unlock the evolved versions of the Life reaping Katana and Skoll and Hati claws.]

He unlocked new powers but he wasn't satisfied. Not this way, he didn't want to gain power this way. But The Ars Magus's mechanical voice rang once more.

[Additionally, You would unlock the higher forms of two your semblances. Gravity I would turn to <<Mass Manipulation>> , and Lightning form Would turn into <<Lightning Emperor>>.]

[Proceed with force unlock?]


"Yes..." Haruki agreed, but His expression can't be seen because the darkness was blocking it. His power surged, It felt like electricity flowing in his veins. His blade turned into Absolute Demise, then his claws reshaped into Fenrir Fangs.

Electricity sparked throughout his body, His entire body turned into a bright white light that emitted sparks. He stood there like an emperor. His Expression was cold, as he stared at his foes. He opened his palms and quickly closed it and turning it into a closed fist.

A massive gravitational force pulled them into a single point slowly crushing them. The sheer force that was pressing them into the ground and pulling them towards it was enough to crush them.

Haruki then raised his hand, he changed his stance into a throwing position. Then suddenly as if matter formed inside his hands, a Huge lightning spear appeared. He threw it directly towards the pulled enemies.


A thundering sound boomed across the room. But he couldn't eliminate everything there were some left. So he zipped across the room and used Absolute Demise to cut them down. He stared straight into their eyes as he cut them down.

He was covered in blood, and his expression was cold. He stared at the ceiling, hoping that winter didn't see what happened. But sadly winter witnessed everything.

But instead of looking away in horror she watched the entire thing unfold.


Aaron stared at Winter smirking, "Well? Beautiful isn't it? That is the culmination of the research of Dr. Kingsley!! The genes of the spawn of our great God mixed with a little Grimm DNA could do that! Such perfection!!"

Winter blocked off Aaron as she observed Haruki. She remembered his words, The very same words that helped her cope with everything she has done so far.

'But why? Why does your hands shake everytime you cut them down? Why are syou showing that kind of expression? Why do you look like you're about to cry?' She thought to herself.

Winter clenched her fists, ' Can you really bury it deep down, and swallow everything you've done? If so... Why are you showing that expression!? Did you push me away hoping that I wouldn't see it? You truly are an idiot. Trying to preach to me, even though you're suffering yourself...'

Aaron's eyes widened as he saw Haruki clear the army he tried so hard to perfect. "What is that boy!? He must die now! He would only get in the way of my plans..."

He looked towards winter with a frown, "And you... you must die now..."

He dashed towards winter, But she summoned a glyph beneath her feet, and stepped back. A huge arm made of metal suddenly popped out holding a massive blade swinging towards Aaron.

"Dammit!!" He transformed his blades into dual pistols. He aimed towards winter but before he could fire a huge lightning spear stabbed him in the stomach.

*Crash!!* He was impaled to the wall. The lightning coursed through his entire being, boiling his blood and burning his tattered body as he endured millions of volts.

The lightning disappeared and he slid down from the wall with a trail of blood. Haruki appeared from the elevator. After clearing the area he copied the data but, when he saw the research... It wasn't a hallucinogenic Drug... it was a mixture of Grimm and something else.

They injected it to their captives, with different doses and formulas. Turning them into those horrifying monsters. Then a grueling laugh echoed.

"You can't kill me!! I have perfected the formula! This could easily heal me!!" He injected a vial onto his arm. His injuries slowly disappeared.

He slowly stood up with a crazy smile plastered onto his face. "I'll show you why I will always be superior than the things you call humans!!"

"Aren't you human yourself!?" Winter bellowed towards his direction. But Aaron just scoffed towards her.

"I've long thrown it away... Even if you struggle, the difference between you and me is so great that I don't exactly give a damn whether or not you know of my plans. That's how weak you are. That in the end everything you've ever valued or struggled for is meaningless."

Haruki who was silent the whole time finally spoke, "Weak huh... HehehehehheehheHAHAHAHAHAHA..."

He glared towards the direction of Aaron, "Fine...I'll show you the difference between you and me..."

He tossed his weapons aside and deactivated his semblances. He cracked his knuckles as he went into the direction of Aaron. Winter thought that he was throwing his life away, but then she saw his eyes. It was cold, It was different from his normal and cocky self. Something far sinister.

"What would you achieve by tossing your weapons away? Have you finally accepted fate, but can't take it lying down!? you still have to struggle even at the end?"

Haruki disappeared from his line of sight, And he felt a slight discomfort on his left hand. When he looked towards it Haruki has already torn it away.


He was kicked away, He quickly stood up but he was slapped by his own severed arm. He crashed onto multiple pillars. Haruki used the severed arm to stab Aaron in the stomach. He pulled it out and kept hitting Aaron with it.

He kicked Aaron away once more, "Seriously... Fucking villains like you are unbelievable. You start to think that you're at the top of the food chain as soon as you gain even a little bit of power. You don't even know where it came from..."

Aaron brought out multiple vials and he injected himself with it. His body bulged and He laughed madly, "Hahahahaha, I do admit I underestimated you a little. But this charade ends now!"

Before Aaron could even attack, Haruki has already grabbed both of his huge arms. Then a resounding crack echoed throughout the rooms.

He grabbed Aaron's head and slammed it repeatedly on the ground. He kicked him in the face sending him flying towards the air. He used the gravitational force and slammed him towards the ground once more. He then manipulated the mass of his fists, from heavy to light. Rinse and repeat, He covered himself with lightning as he mounted him and repeatedly struck his face.

"I don't even need the path of shura against the likes of you fucks."

Aaron still gave Haruki a smile, "Even so! But you can't kill me like that!! Got it now!? You can't beat me. So it's smarter to make a trade. Join us and perhaps even the benevolent faceless good could make you his right hand."

Haruki spat at the side and gave Aaron a displeased expression. "Fuck if I care!! Fuck your God! I could do this all day if I wanted to!"


Haruki slammed Aaron on a wall, Holding his neck his grip tightened. Aaron tried to break free but The small child in front of him won't budge. It felt like his body is holding so much mass.

"Urrghh... you're one of those people aren't you? You don't care if your life is on the line. But once you see innocent people you get so angry, you lose your cool. Losing information in the process. How... foolish...Uuuggrrhhh."

Haruki tightened his grip, "Unlike you I have already gathered enough data. You're regeneration ability is not endless, right? Then I'll keep hitting you until you die."

Winter felt that her body was on it's limits, but she still observed the entire battle. She has to see to it until the end.

Haruki jumped back and Aaron slowly regenerated the parts of his body that was missing. Then he howled onto the night. Countless tentacles sprouted from his back. Spikes grew on his arms. His whole face disappeared replaced by countless eyes. His entire form was twisted into something unrecognizable.

"Is this the form you're God wanted you to take? Heh, Who's foolish now." He scoffed towards Aaron. No perhaps it's not Aaron anymore it's something else.

Haruki created multiple lightning Spears and rotated them in ridiculous speeds. He threw them towards Aaron. Stabbing him on multiple parts of his body.

"It still is not enough!!!" He pulled them out and waved his tentacles around. Countless wind blades flew towards Haruki's direction.

But Haruki used Absolute Demise to destroy the wind blades coming at his direction, "Easy peasy jackass!!"

"Even in this form you still underestimate me mortal!!!!???" He charged madly towards Haruki, he summoned fenrir fangs and transformed into a wolf. He also summoned jet-black dire wolves to Bite him down in place.

Haruki leapt towards him and tore him piece by piece, He used his Lightning emperor to strike Fiercely and Hastily. He jumped off and kicked Aaron in the face.

Aaron wanted to scream, but when he looked at his body it wouldn't regenerate anymore. He stared Haruki and gave him a questioning look. Haruki smirked towards him, "What's the matter you priest fuck? Cat got your tongue?"

Haruki slowly walked towards him, To Aaron he looked like a death God Holding a scythe on his neck, waiting for the signal to reap away his life. Aaron stopped regenerating once an optimum amount of poison has entered his body.

He bloated instantly, When the regenerative cells were losing they increased their numbers, increasing his mass. Removing his ability to move, "Who...who are you!??" Shouting was the only thing Aaron could do.

Haruki looked coldly at the bloated horror in front of him, "Me? I'm the one with the gun..."

He pointed a .500 S&W Magnum Revolver at Aaron's forehead, or where his forehead was supposed to be.

"Wait! You co- -"


But before he could finish speaking Haruki pulled the trigger. Putting and end to this madness.

He looked towards Winter, She gave him a weak smile. He approached her and picked her up.

They silently sat outside the shrine on a stone stairway leading towards the bottom of the mountain. They looked towards the starry sky, It was awfully quiet. A far cry from the battle earlier... It's like it never happened in the first place.

Haruki crossed his fingers and leaned on them. He was shaking, then he couldn't take it anymore he quickly ran to the side puking his guts out.

*Retch**Cough!! Cough!!!*

Winter stared at Haruki with pity, "Haruki... we could have handled those together. Why do you have to shoulder the burden of killing those innocent people...alone?"

Haruki shook his head as he continued to puke his guts out.

"I can't let you... I can't make you do such a horrible thing. Only a monster like me could do that."

Winter frowned, "You're not a monster!!"

"That is exactly what I am!!" He shouted back.

"Well not to me!! ...not to me." She said weakly, Even though he helped her so much, in the end all she could do was soothe his tortured mid at this moment.

"They wanted me to kill them winter... They ran towards my blade... Hehehe. The look in their eyes, I've seen them countless times and dealt with them at the same time. It gets harder Everytime you do it! I can't do that to you!!" He gripped his pants and he looked towards the ground.

"I thought that this place could give me a second chance, instead of protecting the people I care about... I'm ruining something else's.

I wanted to believe so badly that I could, But deep down I also know it's a lie. A grand deception I've been telling myself.

Look what I put you through, if I had arrived earlier then you wouldn't have to suffer like this. Look what happens to anyone who cares care about me..."

"This isn't about me Haruki! I'm okay! I haven't crumbled into a million pieces because of you. I'm still here alive and breathing because you...and I'm fine. This isn't about me, it's about you... You have to stop taking responsibility for things you can't control. You need to forgive yourself."

She pulled Haruki into an embrace, "It's okay... Let it all out..."

Haruki hugged her back, "Hey, I... I don't have to act tough anymore right?"

Winter nodded silently. Haruki let all his feelings out. He cried his heart out. Everything that he has bottled inside him. For the first time he let it out. He cried his heart out. She silently wept along with this boy. Although they have only known each other for a few days. They both have formed an irreplaceable bond.

As if the sun sensed that the both of them have calmed down, It showed itself over the horizon.

"I need more power, so that I would be able to protect everyone that I care about... That's why I have to walk this path. I know it's treacherous, Even then... I won't stop."

Haruki stared at his hands, "But... can I really change it? Could I even change reality!?" He said as he breathed really heavily. Then a pair of soft Hands touched his.

"We can... we'll be able to change, together. I'm sure of it. True, we're weak creatures but that's why we could strive to become stronger.

Even if you feel it's useless, each step we take leads to something great. That should be possible even for us right?

Seeing people die in front of me... I'm sick of it. That's why I wont let anyone die anymore.

That's why I'm sure we'll be able to change. Because we're weak... and because death is inevitable... We can try our best to live and end up becoming stronger."

Then Haruki saw a familiar silhouette in a distance hiding behind a tree. He gave a faint smile. He thought to himself, ' Even you had to come back from the grave to scold me huh?'

He stared at her former fiance, She mouthed off words. He heard the words she was trying to say Loud and clear.

<If you're still hesitating... try to remember. The days we spent in that quiet countryside together...>

The sun shone brightly towards Haruki and Winter, Leaves and flower petals flew everywhere blown away by the slightly warm breeze.

He gave them a wry laugh. "Heh, You're right..."

He slowly stood up, Winter looked up towards him wondering why he suddenly stood up. "Winter... Thanks for everything."

He started walking away, "See you around ice queen."

"Wait!! I'm coming with you! I want to join your cause! I thought that we would make this a better place?"

He smiled gently towards her, "We will... but it's not the time yet. I'll come and find you after two years."

Winter swallowed down the words she was about to say and she shakingly said, "Even if we part and meet again. I want to meet at this place at the same spot."

Haruki held her face gently, "Alright you win princess... I guess I'll see you around."


Haruki detonated the bombs he planted on the temple. He made sure that no one would be able to continue the research Kingsley has made.

Winter stared at his departing back, she smiled and stood up herself and walked on the opposite side.


2 Years Later...

A lone woman stood in front of a temple ruins, staring into space with lonely eyes.

She silently thought to herself, "I can't find warmth on my own, even though my family was there for me. Your warmth was different.

By meeting you, I realized How much strength love could give me. I can't sleep by myself, because I can't dream with out you. That's why I always sleep with my little sister. She's grown up now too. I wonder what you look like now?"

Then as she was thinking this a familiar yet different voice called out to her. "It's a path even I'm not sure is the right one... Even then are you still willing to join me?"


"It's a path covered in blood, and I can't promise you that Innocent people wouldn't be involved..."

"I am prepared..."

As long as I'm with you...

She looked behind her with a smile, and she saw him. Still wearing the same outfit, the same cocky smile. But different, his handsome face was more toned. He's also grown taller. He's almost as tall as her now. His new white fang mask hung below his waist.

"Alright Princess... Let's change the world. I'm appointing you as my assistant. I want you to protect my back. Do you understand? If I'm leaving you in charge of protecting my back, it means you can shoot me or stab me anytime. If I ever stray away from my path, kill me right away with those hands. You have that right. Knowing that are you still willing to follow me?"

Winter seriously nodded her head,

"I am."

I will follow you to the depths of hell...

She looked towards his departing back, but this time she would be joining him on his crusade. To make this world a better place.

Take me to a place where uncertainty can't reach us. So long as you're with me, I can go to the world's end.

Even if I lose myself, I'll continue to walk... Walk by your side. That's the only thing I'd like to Never change.

Thus the flash back ends!!! Holy fuck this was long as shit. It felt like I wrote a lot in one go! But it doesn't matter I enjoyed writing it.

Extra long Extra spicy chapter for you! hope you guys enjoyed.

This was like 3 to 4 chapters in one or something. I really wanted to finish the flash back arc because it has gone on for too long so it might feel like I cramped in more shit than usual.

FrostByte47creators' thoughts