
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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54 Chs


As Oscar gazed upon the holographic display indicating the nearby area where the dungeon gate lay, a sense of anticipation coursed through him. With the dungeon key clutched tightly in his hand, he wasted no time in setting off towards the designated location.

Arriving at the farm, Oscar's eyes scanned the surroundings until they landed upon the mysterious purple gate, shimmering with arcane energy. With a deep breath, he approached the gate, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation.

With a twist of the key in the air, Oscar activated the magical mechanism, causing the gate to shudder and creak before swinging open with a low rumble. Beyond its threshold lay the unknown depths of the dungeon, beckoning him to embark on his next adventure.

Steel­ing himself, Oscar stepped through the gate, the cool rush of air washing over him as he crossed the threshold into the darkness beyond. With each step forward, he knew that he was venturing into uncharted territory, but with the sword, orb, and key by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in the depths of the dungeon.

As Oscar stepped through the threshold of the mysterious purple gate, he found himself engulfed in darkness. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint echo of his footsteps against the cold stone floor.

With the soft glow of his orb illuminating the path before him, Oscar ventured deeper into the dungeon, his senses on high alert. Every shadow seemed to conceal a potential threat, and he knew that danger lurked around every corner.

As he navigated the labyrinthine corridors, Oscar encountered a series of traps and obstacles designed to test his agility and wit. With each narrow escape and clever maneuver, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he was one step closer to unlocking the secrets of the dungeon.

But as he delved deeper into the heart of the dungeon, Oscar realized that he was not alone. Shadows danced along the walls, and whispers echoed in the darkness, sending shivers down his spine.

With his sword at the ready and his orb casting its reassuring light, Oscar pressed on, determined to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic blue box and the mysteries that lay hidden within the depths of the dungeon. Little did he know, the greatest challenges and revelations were yet to come.

As then he was attacked, he jumped away, as he saw it was snake, but not just a normal snake it was grimm snake, as Oscar pulled out the sword

As the Grimm snake lunged towards him with venomous intent, Oscar's instincts kicked into overdrive. With a swift leap to the side, he narrowly avoided the creature's snapping jaws, the sound of its hissing filling the air.

With his heart racing, Oscar wasted no time in unsheathing his sword, its gleaming blade poised to strike. As the Grimm snake coiled back for another attack, he braced himself, ready to meet the creature head-on.

With a deft swing of his sword, Oscar struck true, the blade slicing through the air with precision. The Grimm snake recoiled in pain, its dark form writhing as it retreated into the shadows.

But Oscar knew that the danger was far from over. As the echoes of the skirmish faded into the darkness, he remained on high alert, knowing that the dungeon held countless more challenges and adversaries waiting to test his resolve.

With his sword at the ready and his senses sharpened, Oscar pressed on, steeling himself for whatever trials and tribulations lay ahead in the depths of the dungeon. For he knew that only by facing his fears and confronting the darkness head-on could he hope to emerge victorious and unlock the secrets hidden within.

As the system sent a few more notification, as it says Blood lust located, as Oscar turned his head as he saw few more Grimm snake, and some were giant monster snake, as she was ready, activated his agility skill, and stamina skill

With the notifications flashing before him, Oscar's senses sharpened as he detected the approaching danger. As he turned his head, his eyes widened at the sight of more Grimm snakes slithering towards him, accompanied by monstrous serpent-like creatures looming in the shadows.

With a steady resolve, Oscar activated his agility skill, feeling the surge of enhanced speed and reflexes coursing through his veins. With each step, he moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, evading the strikes of the Grimm snakes and maneuvering around the larger creatures with ease.

As the creatures closed in, Oscar also activated his stamina skill, feeling the replenishing energy bolstering his endurance. Despite the intensity of the battle, he maintained his focus, knowing that his enhanced stamina would sustain him through the trials ahead.

With his agility and stamina skills at his disposal, Oscar faced the onslaught of Grimm creatures with unwavering determination. With each strike of his sword and each nimble dodge, he inched closer to victory, knowing that he would not falter in the face of adversity.

As the battle raged on in the depths of the dungeon, Oscar's resolve remained unbroken, his determination to overcome the challenges before him burning brighter than ever. For he knew that with each triumph, he drew closer to unlocking the secrets of the dungeon and uncovering the truth behind the enigmatic blue box.

As a notification has been showns, as it says you have level up, you have level up, you have level up. As Oscar's eyes scanned the notifications flashing before him, a sense of accomplishment washed over him as he realized the significance of the level-up messages. With each notification, he could feel the power coursing through him, his skills and abilities reaching new heights.

Opening the blue box, Oscar's excitement grew as he saw his current level displayed before him: level 10. A grin spread across his face at the realization of his progress.

"Nice," he murmured to himself, a surge of confidence filling him as he pondered the implications of his newfound strength.

But his attention was quickly drawn to something else a title that had appeared alongside his level. "Snake Slayer," he read aloud, his brow furrowing in curiosity as he examined its description.

As he absorbed the information, Oscar's grin widened. The title bestowed upon him granted him additional power against snake-based enemies and those with scales a valuable advantage in the dangerous world of the dungeon.

With his newfound level and title, Oscar felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Armed with his skills, abilities, and the title of Snake Slayer, he was more than ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the depths of the dungeon, knowing that with each victory, he drew closer to unlocking the secrets that awaited him.

With the title of Snake Slayer bestowed upon him and his level now at 10, Oscar felt a surge of confidence coursing through him. Armed with his newfound power, he pressed forward into the depths of the dungeon with renewed determination.

As he ventured deeper, the challenges grew more daunting. The labyrinthine corridors twisted and turned, and the shadows seemed to grow thicker with each step. Yet, Oscar pressed on, his senses heightened and his resolve unshakable.

Encountering more Grimm creatures along the way, Oscar unleashed the full extent of his abilities. With each swing of his sword and each evasive maneuver, he demonstrated the prowess of a true warrior, dispatching his foes with precision and skill.

The title of Snake Slayer proved invaluable as Oscar faced off against snake-like monsters and enemies with scales. With each encounter, he felt the extra damage dealt by his newfound title, turning the tide of battle in his favor.

But as he delved deeper into the dungeon, Oscar knew that the challenges ahead would only grow more perilous. With the secrets of the dungeon still shrouded in mystery, he remained determined to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic blue box and the destiny that awaited him.

With his sword at the ready and his skills honed to perfection, Oscar pressed onward, ready to face whatever trials and tribulations awaited him in the darkness. For he knew that only by confronting the darkness head-on could he hope to emerge victorious and unlock the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of the dungeon.

Alright, I guess this is the boss. Oscar said looking at the gate, as he opened it. I wonder what is in it.

As the gate swung open before him, revealing the ominous chamber beyond, Oscar braced himself for the final challenge that awaited him. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, he stepped through the threshold, his senses on high alert.

His eyes widened in awe and apprehension as he beheld the monstrous creature that lay in wait—a giant two-headed wolf, its fur bristling with dark energy. Unlike any Grimm he had encountered before, this creature exuded an aura of pure malevolence, its eyes fixated on Oscar with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

With his sword drawn and his heart pounding, Oscar squared his shoulders, steeling himself for the battle ahead. He knew that facing off against such a formidable opponent would require all of his skill, strength, and cunning.

As the creature bared its fangs and let out a deafening roar, Oscar steeled himself, his resolve unwavering. With a battle cry on his lips, he charged forward to meet his destiny head-on, ready to prove himself as a true hero in the face of darkness.

As Oscar charged towards the giant two-headed wolf, his sword raised high, the creature wasted no time in unleashing its fury. With lightning-fast reflexes, it lunged forward, each head snapping at him with razor-sharp teeth.

Ducking and weaving with practiced agility, Oscar narrowly avoided the onslaught, his sword slicing through the air as he launched a counterattack. With each strike, he aimed for the creature's exposed flank, determined to find a weakness in its formidable defenses.

But the wolf was relentless, its heads snapping and snarling as it pressed the attack. Oscar danced around its ferocious blows, his senses honed by years of training and experience.

With a swift motion, Oscar activated his agility skill, feeling the surge of enhanced speed propelling him forward. With lightning-fast reflexes, he darted around the creature, striking at its vulnerable spots with precision and skill.

The two-headed wolf howled in pain and frustration, its dark fur bristling as it redoubled its efforts to bring down its elusive prey. But Oscar remained undaunted, his determination burning bright as he continued to press the attack, knowing that victory lay within his grasp if he could only stay the course.

As the battle raged on in the depths of the dungeon, Oscar and the two-headed wolf clashed in a fierce contest of strength and will. With each strike and parry, the outcome hung in the balance, and only time would tell which of them would emerge victorious in the end.

As Oscar assessed the damage inflicted by the two-headed wolf's claws, a surge of frustration coursed through him. With a quick glance at the blue box, his worst fears were confirmed: he had been poisoned.

"Damn it!" Oscar cursed, his mind racing as he processed the implications of the status effect. Poisoned meant that his strength and agility would be compromised, making him more vulnerable to the creature's attacks.

With a grim determination, Oscar knew that he couldn't afford to let the poison slow him down. Ignoring the burning sensation coursing through his veins, he focused his attention on the task at hand, steeling himself for the battle ahead.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Oscar refused to back down. With every ounce of strength and resilience he could muster, he pressed on, determined to defeat the two-headed wolf and emerge victorious against all odds. For he knew that only by facing his fears head-on could he hope to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him.

As the poison coursed through his veins, Oscar gritted his teeth and focused on the task at hand. With each step, he could feel his strength waning, but he refused to let it deter him from his goal. With a renewed sense of determination, he squared off against the two-headed wolf once more.

The creature lunged forward, its jaws snapping at him with renewed ferocity. Despite his weakened state, Oscar managed to evade its attacks with swift, calculated movements. With each dodge, he analyzed the creature's movements, searching for an opening to strike.

Summoning his remaining strength, Oscar launched a counterattack, his sword slashing through the air with precision. The creature roared in pain as his blade found its mark, eliciting a fierce growl from the beast.

But the battle was far from over. The two-headed wolf retaliated with a barrage of claws and fangs, its relentless assault pushing Oscar to his limits. With each strike, he felt the poison coursing through his body, threatening to overwhelm him.

Drawing upon every ounce of determination and resilience, Oscar fought on, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. With each blow exchanged, he inched closer to victory, knowing that he could not afford to falter now.

As the battle raged on, Oscar's mind raced with strategies and tactics, seeking out any advantage he could find. With a final surge of strength, he launched himself forward, his sword flashing in the darkness as he delivered the decisive blow.

With a sense of desperation, Oscar leaped to his feet, his hand instinctively reaching for his broken sword. As he drove the shattered blade into one of the wolf's heads, it splintered further, leaving him defenseless once more.

"Shit!" Oscar exclaimed, frustration coursing through him as he tossed aside the useless hilt. With the creature's tail bearing down on him, he braced himself for the impact, his muscles tensing in anticipation.

The force of the wolf's tail struck him like a battering ram, sending him hurtling through the air. With a sickening thud, he collided with the unforgiving stone wall, pain radiating through his body as he struggled to catch his breath.

As he lay there, dazed and battered, Oscar knew that he couldn't afford to stay down. With a determined grunt, he pushed himself upright, his vision swimming as he scanned the chamber for any sign of the creature.

With his broken sword cast aside and his body battered and bruised, Oscar knew that he faced an uphill battle. But as he gazed into the eyes of the two-headed wolf, he refused to back down, his resolve burning brighter than ever.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Oscar prepared to face the creature once more, knowing that his survival—and perhaps the fate of the dungeon itself—hung in the balance.

One head down. Oscar said getting up. One more to go

To be continued

So um yeah hope people like this and give me ch, also give me powers from other animes why because it will be playing a role soon.