

"Hey if you grab my ears like that it hurts! You gotta go easier."

Yang watched quietly as Ruby tugged at Jaune's rabbit ears with a giggle.

She had never met a Faunus in person before, as Patch was a bit more isolated, despite its close proximity to Vale. The only Faunus she knew was an old couple that ran a small coffee shop that was a favorite of her parents and other Huntsman that lived on the island or worked at Signal. And they weren't super obvious about their features either, passing as normal humans without close scrutiny.

"Sowwy. Dere soft!" Ruby exclaimed cheerfully as she stroked the ears, still a touch too roughly, much to the blond boy's suffering.

"Be a bit gentler, Rubes." Yang called out, feeling her broken left arm throb as she shifted in her seat, the sling bumping against the armrest.

Normally she might have just laughed at Ruby's antics, but Jaune had saved her mommy. Ruby was too young to understand that, but Yang was a big girl. She was big enough that Drunkle Qrow unlocked her Aura to help mend her arm even though she wasn't supposed to have Aura until she started Signal a year and a half from now.

After she had gone looking for her first mom. And messed up. Almost getting killed by Grimm.

Mommy Summer had left alone on a surprise mission a week ago. And then daddy had gotten a call from a Head Master Osh-pin telling her that something called a monitor broke and it was proof that mommy Summer was… was dead.

Daddy started drinking the weird smelling stuff that Drunkle Qrow was always guzzling and wouldn't read bedtime stories for her and Ruby. That was why even though she loved mommy Summer, she went looking for her other mommy. The one that she could only barely remember. With black hair longer and wilder than mommy Summer's.

Daddy needed a mommy and there was a second mommy, even if she was missing, so all Yang had to do was find her.

So Yang decided she'd find her and took Ruby to meet their new mommy.

It didn't go as she had planned, getting ambushed by a Beowolf when they arrived at the old cabin in Yang's memories, sweaty and tired from dragging her baby sister around in their little red wagon. Little Ruby was asleep and she wouldn't have even known what happened if the Grimm had eaten them up. Yang wanted to beat herself up thinking about it, and it made the ache in her arm feel like she deserved worse.

Drunkle Qrow had swooped in just in time to save her from the Beowolf, not before Yang had been smacked, but the doctors told her it was something called a clean break and that she'd be fine.

Daddy was mad, screamed and cried as he held her. He promised to be a better daddy, but he was already the best daddy. He just needed a new mommy. But Yang didn't want a new mommy. She wanted mommy Summer back and she cried with her daddy.

But four days later, this morning, there was a knock at the door.

Daddy Tai was asleep, smelling like the stinky drinks even after washing up, so Yang opened the door because she was a big girl.

Mommy Summer was there. Her hair was white, her eyes were green now, and she smelled different. Her hug was too strong. But it was the same warmth,the feeling of mommy Summer's Aura was unmistakable, like the peppermint tea mommy Summer always was drinking. She was alive. Bad Head Master was wrong and everything was alright. She felt ashamed for not believing in mommy Summer enough and she even brought…

Brought her other mommy.

She was pretty. Super pretty. Mega super pretty. Her hair was just like Yang's but like the night sky. She smelled like the forest and campfires for making smores as she knelt down to hug Yang, even though mommy Summer had to make her do it because she was clearly super embarrassed after not seeing Yang in forever for some reason.

Yang definitely didn't cry then. She was a big girl, just had allergies that made her eyes wet and rainy. She didn't cry. She didn't cry even though mommy Raven cried.

Then they introduced Jaune.

He was a weird kid. His age and birthday were only a few days apart from Yang's own, but he had Aura too, just like her, so he was a big kid too. He didn't have a last name. He was weird. But mommy Summer said she was only able to be here because he saved her, so he was alright in her books.

She'd hugged him when mommy Summer told her that he'd saved her. His aura was like juniper berries. Like spiced pine needles and pepper with a hint of blueberry. It felt sad, but good.

He kept mumbling when he thought people weren't looking at him. He talked to an imaginary friend called Juniper funnily enough, but when Yang asked about him, he just puffed up his chest and said Juniper was his big brother like he was proud of it. He was weird.

His ears flopped up and down with his mood, and he had a tail that wagged like a doggy.

Clearly Ruby loved that and demanded to play house, making Jaune the doggy while she was a super Huntress mommy and Yang was the stay at home house-husband because her arm still hurt.

Yang nibbled on a cookie as she watched Jaune let Ruby ride his back as he crawled around. She wondered if he had a sister too. He seemed too good at playing with Ruby who normally was shy around the other kids their age.

Her arm hurt and Yang was tired. But daddy was talking with her mommies below in the living room with Drunkle Qrow on the way.

Her Aura hummed around her left arm as she leaned into her favorite sofa, comfortable and warm.

Everything was perfect. Yang decided as Jaune's tail was yanked by a giggling Ruby.

And once she was a big and strong Huntress like her mommies, Yang was going to punch the Head Master, she decided.

What was a Head Master anyways? How did one master a head? That wasn't a skill. It was dumb.

She'd ask daddy later.

"Why do I have to kneel too?" Qrow grumbled, holding his arms above his head as he sat in a seiza position.

It was a miracle his partner was alive. He was happier than anything that she was back safe, that Ozpin despite everything was wrong. That his luck wasn't something that rubbed off too hard on… Well. Ozpin was technically correct. Summer had died. But that little Faunus kid brought her back.

Wasn't that a doozy?

Kid literally made a giant purple metal coffin appear as if pulling a lien out his pocket, and had shown him and Tai Summer's original body. Hell, she couldn't have survived that, poison so close to the central nervous system. Nobody could. Yet apparently that Jaune kid brought her back by putting her brain in the body of an android the likes that even Atlas couldn't manage.

Shit on a fuckin' shingle.

Although Ironwood was apparently working on some new mechs, even losing their head code engineers in an accident, Qrow was sure that it couldn't compare to whatever an SR Tetra Nikke was. Hell even though she lost her old Huntress weapons, the Chain-Whip Shortsword Peppermint and .44 EM-Magnet-Barrel Handgun Bark the Mold that she came out of also provided her a solid replacement. A monstrously heavy double barrelled HMG (what insane motherfucker made a DOUBLE BARRELED HEAVY MACHINE GUN?!) with a massive double feed drum mag she was calling S'more.

Fucking thing weighed more than he did and Summer could swing it around like nothing with one hand. Even on a Huntsman's income potential, the ammo costs for that beast were going to be a thing to look out for.

On the otherhand the Grimm-clearing potential of S'more was fucking beautiful.

Maybe it was his bandit upbringing, but normally a machine could never replace real trained boots on the ground in Qrows eyes. Machines with Huntress brains and Aura on the other hand he felt might be able to make their own mecha-Amazoness Kingdom!

Although speaking of bandits…

Qrow side eyed his sister, who was also kneeling in a seiza with her arms above her head, holding her head up high like nothing was wrong.

He mouthed a sound like the crack of a whip and got a fierce elbow in his side, making him hack out a bit of air as he was currently repressing his Aura, definitely bruising a rib.

"Rae!" Summer's voice was stern. "No smacking my partner."

"I was smacking my brother."

"Same thing!"

Raven shrugged.

Tai was joined with them for the first Team STRQ group disciplinary punishment in… god how many years had it been now? Unlike the rest of the team though, his blonde head was currently buried into Summer's stomach, currently dressed in her normal Huntress gear. Apparently it fit almost perfectly. And provided a sense of normalcy for Summer that Qrow was sure she needed, even if she wasn't saying anything about it.

Summer was always stubborn like that.

He too was kneeling in a Mistralian seiza, his arms currently in the air, but gripping Summer's shoulders as Summer ran her fingers through his blond hair, the lucky prick. He didn't blame his friend though, who held onto his wife like if he let go she'd fade out of existence.

As far as Tai was concerned, Summer was back from the dead after all.

"Alright! Team STRQ reunion meeting! Huzzah!" Summer cheered with a preen, her fingers still tied into Tai's locks.

Tai let out a muffled, wet whoop. Qrow snickered with a grin and a lazy whoop of his own. Raven was silent.

"Raeeeeeee…" Summer's eyes narrowed.

Raven sighed.

"Woot." She barked with a grunt. "Happy, Summer?"

"It will have to do." Summer sniffed mockingly. "I shall expect better from you in the future, wifey."

Qrow snickered, this time shuffling his knees to pull himself to the side to dodge another elbow from his sister.

God, this felt good. Familiar. Right. Even if he knew it wasn't going to last.

After all, Raven had turned on them and gone bandit, breaking every promise she had made to do so.

But fuck it, in the last few days a miracle had happened outside of Qrow's eyes. Was it too selfish of him to want there to be another? That he was trying to keep his Aura bottled in so that his Semblance couldn't go and fuck something up.

He wanted to beg to any god that would listen to fix their fucked up little family.

Maybe he was better off praying for whatever luck that little Faunus kid had. If the Brothers truly had abandoned Remnant, he might as well pray to someone actually living on it. Hell if they worked out something he'd take the damn kid on a trip all over Remnant. Maybe he'd be able to spread his healing touch on everything.

Qrow shook that joke out of his head.

Raven grumbled as she couldn't meet Summer's eyes.

"Alright. Nobody is allowed to leave here until it's dinnertime where we put everything aside for the kids who are playing upstairs. We've ordered pizza and paid a premium to get it delivered, so we're all going to have a civilized discussion here like adults. Everyone agree, that's an order."

"Yes ma'am." Qrow gave a lazy salute.

Tai mumbled an agreement from his face in Summer's stomach.

Surprising Qrow himself, even Raven gave a short "Alright." in agreement without complaint or compromise, getting even a bleary eyed Tai to turn his head, gazing out at his other legal wife.

Ok. His new god was a small blond Faunus boy with two animal traits. Keep it up and he'd build a shrine.

"Stop staring at me and let's get on with it." Raven hissed, her blush limited to the flush around her neck. Something about her circulation never let it extend up much past that.

"Ok. I'm the leader so I'll admit to my mistake first. I died." Summer stated, as the whole room swallowed hard. Summer was honestly the glue that held Team STRQ together. Without her they'd fall apart for sure. "I was reckless and may or may not have tried to hunt down Salem."

Qrow snorted.

"Heh. Good one."

Summer stared back apologetically.

"Fuck, Summs, are you serious? Why the hell did you do that?"

Summer sighed.

"Ozpin. I know he means well, but he's… he's forgotten that we can't always see things from his perspective."

"He's a parasite." Raven interrupted with a hiss.

"Oi." Qrow jumped to Ozpin's defense. "At least he's not going around pillaging villages."

"What he is is what he is." Summer sidestepped diplomatically, "But he was telling me that he was hoping that I'd eventually start Ruby's training sooner rather than later. He didn't put it into words, but it's obvious he wants another Silver Eyed Warrior. He even insinuated that if we had two then we might be able to play more aggressively against Salem and help push her back. I don't think he meant it the way it sounded, but he was pressuring me to force Ruby to become a Huntress."

"What?" Qrow was confused, "Oz promised to let our kids make their own decisions. He-"

"I'm sure that if it wasn't that Ruby was special he would." Raven cut him off, smirking although its effects were undermined by the fact that she was still in a seiza with her arms above her head, looking like as much of a moron as the rest of them. "That's what I've been trying to get through all of your skulls. If we were mediocre he wouldn't care about us at all, let us all live our day to day lives as part of the cogs in his big picture. Newsflash. We're not. Summer used to be the daughter of a Mistralian crime boss even if she never cared for that business. And even though she'd never go into the criminal life and Lil' Miss Malachite took over her father's turf she still had Silver Eyes. Tai's a combat genius whose Semblance lets him know how to use any weapon he touches, even though he finds more joy in teaching than being on the field, Qrow's got a dogshit Semblance but is still stronger than most Huntsmen teams combined, and I've got a Semblance that could take me to every Kingdom and back in under ten minutes. We're special and that's why the parasite tries to keep a tight leash."

"That feels like an unfair way to look at it." Tai sighed as he pulled away, eyes still moist. Qrow suddenly wondered how his Semblance felt about Summer's current state, as those Nikke things were originally meant to be weapons against Grimm or something. "But I guess. He's still the only one really able to fight her in the long term though. We all have to make small contributions."

He glared at Raven, who shuffled at his glower.

"At the least then we shouldn't be adding to any problems in the world."

Raven held her tongue. Qrow really wondered what it was about Tai and Summer that could get his sister to do that. The bitch mouthed off to him at every opportunity, but she actually tended to listen to these two.

"If… if it wasn't me someone else would be doing it." She began to self-justify, which to Qrow was worse than being upfront about her mistakes, "And we wipe out other fledgling bandits all the time so things never get worse. I keep my tribe from razing villages to the ground or taking too much. We know not to take anything too far and I run things well enough."

"Fuck, then turn them into a merc business or something at least. Work to protect villages for cash at least, if you're gonna fucking extort-"

"You and I both know that our tribe's too rooted in banditry for that Qrow!"

"At least fucking try!"

"If there was a chance maybe I would!"

"God, I'm so damn tired of your defeatist fuckin-"

Summer cleared her throat, ending their sibling tirade.

It was still crazy how good she had gotten at that.

"We'll get to that. I'm not happy with her either. She broke her promises and me spending time with her to thank her for helping save me is completely separate from what she owes our team as well as me and Tai for everything she's screwed up." Summer didn't glare, it wasn't in her nature, but the look of genuine disappointment she pointed at Raven made her look like she was a child that got caught doing something wrong every time.

Qrow would have killed for that ability growing up. Hell, he still would now.

"She's going to come home. To our home every Saturday for the whole day going forwards. She's going to behave and leave everything else at the door. It'll be like house training a dog, one step at a time."


"If you stopped being such a bitch, Rae, we wouldn't have to do it like this." Summer replied to her wife's indignation with a grin.

"If you egg her on like that, she'll bite in the bedroom later." Tai joked, shaking his head.

"What do you mean, love? She's always been a biter."

"I swear I'll fuck you two u-"

"Yeah, you'd love that wouldn't you." Summer teased, her green eyes glimmering (fuck it was weird they weren't silver anymore) with mirth. "I'll go full minx. Don't test me."

"I hate it when you three flirt like I'm not in the room." Qrow snorted, rolling his eyes. "I shouldn't ever have let Raven date anyone."

"You say that like you ever had a say in what I did, brother."

"I'm still older than you, Rae."

"By twenty seconds, the same as your stamina in bed, you-"

"Ok. Stop you two." Tai groaned. "Your bickering is the one thing I didn't miss."

Qrow did notice though that unlike Summer who so easily slipped back into her old dynamic with his sister, Taiyang was still keeping a bit more of a distance. He always had been the most sensitive of their quartet despite his light-heartedness, but he wasn't blowing up on Raven like he might have before he learned that Raven was half the reason that Summer was still alive.

Frankly it might have been the only reason he wasn't trying to kick Raven out of the house.

He wasn't sure if those two would ever have back what they once had, even if Summer was trying. And he wondered if the thought that it was for the best made him a bad friend or brother.

Probably both.

"...If it makes you happy, I could just kill them all."

"For fuck's sake!" Qrow snapped.


"Raven please." Taiyang sighed heavily. "We want to help reform you, not turn you into a maniac."

"This ain't Dust Wars, calm down Anakiln." Qrow rubbed his temples.

"It'd be the easiest to manage in the shortest time frame." Raven shot back, clearly not even seeing what the absolute fuck was wrong with her statement as she knelt in seiza, her arms still above her head in punishment like a way too old schoolgirl being disciplined in an adult film. "I… seeing Summer die was too much. I think… I think it would have broken me, I would have run away forever! But no! I had a miracle happen. Somehow, against all logic, the brat brought her back to me. To us." She corrected herself.

She was trying. Qrow almost couldn't believe it, but his psycho bitch of a sister was trying in her own twisted, crazy way.

"I don't want to be apart anymore. If that… if that means cutting away my safety net, then fine. I-I'll do it. I want to be here, I always wanted to be here. I didn't ever want to leave, but I just didn't see another way out with that parasite having his hooks in everything in the civilized world. But I'll put up with it. For Summer. For you, Tai. For Yang, even if I…"

Raven took a deep breath, her eyes closed.

"Even if I know I don't deserve her."

"You can't just kill off the whole bandit camp." Qrow groaned, pinching his brow. "It'd be a slaughter."

And it was true. Raven was absolutely capable of slaughtering the whole tribe, especially if she had led into it with an ambush and/or betrayal. Her Semblance ensured that even if stragglers and runaways existed in the aftermath, they would be hunted down within minutes, if not hours.

Sure, this was a solution, but one that made him want to drown himself in vodka. Qrow decided that after this, he was going to buy himself a hip-flask. A high-quality durable one too. Hell he'd splurge for a depleted Dust alloy, just so it'd be borderline unbreakable.

"Sure I ca- ah. You're right."

Oh so his sister could see reason. Miracles did occur.

"We should leave Vernal alive. She's the only child in the camp, she's still young enough to learn from you guys."

"Oh my fucking god." Qrow banged his head back into a wall.

"Rae, honey?" Summer smiled.

"Yes, Summer?"

"I love you. Please shut up."

Raven grumbled.

"You wanted a solution."

"More shutting up, honey."

"Mmmgh." Raven grumbled indignantly.

"Gods she's so broken." Summer mumbled half-heartedly. "We'll fix her up again though."

"Let's be less aroused, more focused on what to do." Taiyang laughed.

"Why, you jealous?" Summer teased, ruffling her husband's hair. "Big man jealous?"

"Yes. I missed you."

"Then you can show me how much tonight." Summer nodded imperially. "We'll need a new bed frame though, because we'll break it."

Qrow groaned.

"I'm serious! I broke Raven's too!" Qrow snorted out laughter, "I mean, yeah we UGH! You're so juvenile, Qrow! My skeleton's made of metal now, I'm close to five hundred pounds, even though I'm this short and small!"

"Your hips do look thicker, sweetheart." Taiyang laughed jokingly.

"They really are. It's for recoil absorption, but apparently they're irresistible to sink your fingers into. Just ask Rae once she gets out of the doghouse. Or find out yourself tonight. Dealer's choice."

"If you two keep flirting instead of getting back to our topic on hand, I'm going to let my sister go off and be a psychopath."

"Qrow!" Summer and Taiyang both shouted back, horrified.

Qrow just laughed.

He had missed this. He hadn't even realized how much he had missed this.

Another thing to thank Jaune for. Maybe no shrine, but he'd definitely take the kid on a trip sometime as thanks. Vale was close. Maybe he could take the girls with him too. Make it a field trip. It'd be fun.

Totally nothing could go wrong with that plan.

Jaune nursed his poor ears in the bathroom.

"You did good by being so understanding with Ruby." Big Brother Juniper complimented, patting his shoulder. "Good job."

"I mean, she's the same age as Aurora, even if she's got three times the energy." He replied, focusing his Aura on his ears to help prevent any bruising. "And she didn't mean it, she just doesn't know how to be gentle."

"You good to try pulling on the Gacha now that you have some privacy?"

"Yeah. The three we had at Raven's camp was two Trashes into a Normal that was a bag of cookies from a place called Tate's. Really good cookies, too, so today has to be at least a Rare!"

Juniper laughed at him, but it didn't bother Jaune.

It was a laughing with him situation rather than a laughing at him.

The familiar red machine appeared in front of Jaune, tantalizing him with the golden arm, demanding a tug.

Jaune cranked the arm.

Just like always regardless of whether the item was good or bad, the slots in front lined up.

7. 7. 7.

A crack and kachunk later, a small blue plastic ball rolled out the bottom of the machine, floating in the air for Jaune to grab.

"Rareorhigherrareorhigherrareorhigherrareorhigher." Jaune prayed as he twisted open the gachapon capsule.

A window appeared.

SR Rarity Equipment: Anklets of Spiderclimb

Origin: City of Waterdeep of Faerun

Description: Originally crafted for a Tabaxi, the Anklets of Spiderclimb can be utilized by any race with the limbs to wear it as they resize themselves to fit the bearer.

These decorative silver shackles are artistically carved with delicate gossamer webbing patterns, with a magic gem hinge pin that acts as the source of its power. Despite being an anklet, if desired, it may be worn on the wrists.

The Anklets only function upon the limbs they are placed upon and are only

slightly cursed.

"Oooooh." Jaune immediately was snapping on said 'anklets' the moment he could see the equipment name.

"Jaune wait!" Juniper reached out in warning but it was too late.

Now that they were equipped they could not be removed.

The Anklets only function upon the limbs they are placed upon and are only slightly cursed. They may only be removed with an application of Remove Curse.

The description changed after Jaune had snapped them on.

"Uh… Oops?"

"Jaune…" Juniper sighed, scratching his head with his one remaining arm. "Next time we both read the description fully together before we use any of the Gacha items. Ok?"

Jaune felt his tail and ears droop.

"Ok… I'm sorry."

Juniper pat him on the head, making Jaune feel guilty that he enjoyed the action.

"Look, it's fine this time. Next time we might not be so lucky, ok? I don't want you accidentally getting hurt from something we could easily prevent."

"Yeah, you're right, big bro. I'll be more careful!"

"Kiiiiiiids!" Summer's voice loudly echoed from below. "Dinner's here! Come down for pizza!"

Jaune's ears flicked up at full attention, distracting himself from his traitorously wagging tail.

"Oooh!" He quickly stepped to the sink and began washing his hands. "I love pizza!"

He bounced out of the bathroom, seeing that Ruby and Yang had already headed on down. He met with Yang who was carefully taking one step at a time with a hand to the wall and offered his arm.

She gave him a pretty smile which made his dumb tail wag again as he helped her down the stairs into the first floor.

All the adults were waiting for the kids to start eating while little Ruby was already chewing like a squirrel on a long stringy slice of cheese pizza, cheeks stuffed and puffed, much to Summer's cooing as she took a napkin and extra gently rubbed off some sauce.

Jaune felt Yang's grip tighten on his arm as she looked at her sister and mother interacting.

"This is perfect." She whispered.

"Yeah." Jaune agreed. Even though her mother's hair color and eyes were different now, Ruby didn't even seem to notice as she giggled under her mother's affection. He felt jealous, but shoved the feeling down in his gut.

He did a good thing and didn't want to ruin it with feelings like jealousy.

Raven quietly slunk around the edge of the room, arriving at their side wordlessly. Yang certainly didn't seem to notice her approach, but Jaune could feel her. Maybe it was a result of their first interaction, but he was hyper-aware of her presence at all times, knowing just how dangerous she could be.

She seemed much less murderous now though.

"...Do you like pizza?" Her voice was low and gentle. Kind of rumbly, like a storm in the distance.

Yang's eyes widened, twin lilac orbs glinting in surprise.

"Y-yesth." She spoke too rapidly, biting her tongue.

Raven leaned down to put a hand her daughter's cheek, helping guide Yang's Aura to help focus and heal her tongue as the girl squinted in a little pain.

"What kind?"

"A-anything with meat."

"Anything!" Yang's lilac eyes glimmered, "I definitely can eat anything, e-even mushrooms!"

Jaune could feel that lie as much as he was sure Raven could.

Raven nodded, stepped towards the kitchen table and rummaged through the pizza boxes, coming back with a plate with two slices of pizza. A simple pepperoni as well as a sausage, olive, bell peppers, and onions with the mushrooms picked off.

Yang reached out for the plate, but Raven shook her head.

"Your arm." She stated plainly. "I'll feed you."

Yang said nothing, blushing as she nodded, staring down at her toes.

Her nose wrinkled as she saw that Raven was going for the combination pizza, her lilac eyes seeing the bright green peppers.

Jaune knew now she hated bell peppers too.

"One sec!" He stopped Raven who glared at him, but he'd become used to her mean looks.

Quickly he plucked all the tasty bell peppers and shoved them in his mouth before running away.

"You brat! That was for my daughter!"

Jaune thought Yang's laugh was pretty as he ran off to grab his own slices of pizza, an extra veggie pizza with bacon and ham added to it.

As he used Summer and Ruby as a shield from Raven, getting a kiss on the head from Summer and unfortunately Ruby's greasy fingers pulling at his rabbit ears again, he got a grateful pat on the shoulder from the tall tan and blond man that was Summer and Raven's husband.

Taiyang, Jaune remembered.

"Thanks." He grinned. "Yang hates bell peppers too."

"No problem. I could tell." Jaune said it like it was obvious as he took a bite of his pizza.

In his defense, to him it was really obvious that she didn't like bell peppers.

Taiyang gave him an odd look as he pat his shoulder again and left to join the other male adult in the room.

Jaune just bit hungrily into his pizza slices. Taiyang was a complex mix of emotions and intentions right now and he couldn't read any of it. And food was much more important to the hungry boy right now rather than trying to solve whatever that mystery was.

"Is this how you felt when you had to deal with me?" He heard mister Taiyang whisper to a grey haired man that was noshing into a folded slice of pizza while nursing a glass of amber liquid.

"Naw, he's worse." The grey haired man joked at him. "At least I could whoop your ass. Summer likes 'im and Raven's protective of him in her own weird way. If he ever grew up to steal some hearts, she and Summer would prolly just try to get them together."

Taiyang groaned quietly, only audible to Qrow, Jaune, and Juniper who was floating about somewhat jealously staring at the pizza as he was unable to eat anything.

"This is why I wanted boys." Taiyang complained.

"Them's the cards." The grey haired man laughed, taking another bite of his pizza. "Ah fuck, that's hot my tongue!"

"LANGUAGE QROW!" Summer and Raven reprimanded in unison, their daughters giggling.

"Drunkle Qrow's in trouble~" Yang sang.

Qrow threw up his hands, the pizza slipping from his fingers and landing on his face.

"Oh come on!"