
Rwby: Guts the berserker

Guts, a warrior with a troubled past, finds himself in the magical world of Remnant. His past haunts him, and he is determined to find redemption. He is a complex character, with many layers to his personality. Guts is a formidable fighter, with incredible strength and durability that makes him a force to be reckoned with in battle. His proficiency with a range of weapons, including a massive sword, only adds to his intimidating presence. However, Guts is constantly struggling with his inner demons. Guts sets out on a journey to confront his past and overcome his personal struggles. Alongside his friends, he fights to protect the people of Remnant from the Grimm, learning to let go of his anger and tap into his true strength. As he battles and travels with Team JNPR, Guts becomes a respected and powerful ally, finally finding peace and redemption. I don't own the cover nor the Anime/Comics/Manga/Books/Movies/Tv Shows in the Fanfic. 700-1500 words/Ch. 1-5 chapters a week.

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15 Chs

Your Weak

As Guts entered the ballroom, he searched for a place to rest his heavy sword. Eventually, he found a chair and settled in, unaware of the nearby argument. Suddenly, all the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness.

The following day, Guts was the first to wake up. He had already donned his armor, a habit he had picked up from years of being hunted. As he made his way to the cliff where the initiation test would be held, Guts noticed that many students needed to be included. 'Looks like Oz did take my suggestion,' he thought to himself as the introduction began.

As Ozpin gave his speech about teamwork and the four members of each team, Guts counted the odd number of students present. When he asked what would happen if a student reached the objective, found a relic, and returned without a partner, everyone looked at him as if he had three heads. Ozpin sipped his coffee and replied, "Well, that will be an interesting time." Guts nodded and prepared to launch into the forest, which happened a few seconds later.

As he flew through the air, Guts looked for a sturdy tree to slow his descent with his sword. He found one and dragged it down the trunk, landing safely on the ground.

Glynda looked at her scroll on the cliff, watching the students' progress. "Looks like every student has a partner, except for Guts…I wondered why we had an odd number of candidates this year," she said.

"Is something the matter?" Ozpin asked, glancing over his shoulder at her. Glynda shook her head and received a warning beep on her scroll. "Yes, according to this, I have two students who don't have their Auras unlocked."

"Never mind, Mr. Arc just had his unlocked by his partner..." Glynda said before being cut off by Ozpin. "-Who is the other person?" he asked. "Um…Guts, sir," Glynda replied.

Ozpin looked back towards the forest, deep in thought. 'Impossible…fighting a Grimm, two Grimm like Qrow described, without Aura. I also saw the squabble with Glynda, powerful…but no aura…' he thought, confused about whether this was a ploy by Guts.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear Glynda ask about the relics he had chosen for this year. "Professor Ozpin?" Glynda asked again.

Ozpin made his decision. He had to hope that the outcome worked in his favor. From his scroll, he could tell that Ruby and Guts were near the objective. "Focus on Guts for now; the other students are safe," Ozpin said. "Umm, yes, professor, but what about Miss Rose?" Glynda asked. "…She is safe," Ozpin quickly responded.

As Guts navigated through the dense forest, he encountered a few Grimm creatures, dispatching them quickly. But as he ran, he heard a commotion ahead and stopped in his tracks.

Two figures, Ruby and Weiss, were locked in a heated argument. Guts approached the clearing where they were standing and interrupted them.

"Hey!" he yelled, striding towards them. "Quit your bickering. We're in a war zone; save the drama for later. That's how people get killed. And on top of that, you're attracting more Grimm." His words silenced the two girls.

Guts continued to the objective but was sent flying by a Grimm, crashing into a tree. Ruby prepared to run after him, but Weiss grabbed her hand. "There's nothing we can do!" she said, trying to hold Ruby back. But Ruby wrenched her arm free and used her semblance to reach Guts. "Don't worry, I've got you," she said, trying to lift him.

Guts, dazed and confused, muttered, "C-Casca?" The Grimm roared and lunged towards them, but a firewall kept it at bay. Ruby called out to Weiss. "Well, don't just stand there! Get him out of there!" Weiss yelled back. Ruby tried to lift Guts, but he was too heavy for her. "He's too heavy!" Ruby cried.

The Grimm broke through the firewall and charged toward them, bellowing, "Die, Black Swordsman!" Guts snapped to attention and, using the last of his strength, threw the Grimm into a nearby tree, impaling it on the trunk.

"You're alive!" Ruby exclaimed. "Thanks to you, yeah. Get out of here. Thanks for the save, but I'm fine," Guts said, trying to stand up. But he collapsed to his knees before he could take a step.

"Ha...you're weak, Black Swordsman...this time, I will feast!" the Grimm apostle sneered. Guts stood up shakily. "You got the first shot...come take it!" he challenged.

To the surprise of Ruby and Weiss, Guts and the Grimm charged at each other, their weapons clashing with a loud ringing sound. It quickly became apparent that this Grimm was much more robust and faster than any they had faced.

It was twice as quick as Ruby with her semblance, and its power was enough to shatter the cliff. Yet, despite his concussion, Guts was holding his own.

Ruby watched in awe as Guts fought with all his might, each swing of his sword meeting the Grimm's claws with a shower of sparks. But it was clear that Guts was tiring, his movements becoming slower and more sluggish.

The Grimm sensed this and redoubled its efforts, raining down blow after blow on the Black Swordsman. Forcing Guts to give ground, his feet sliding across the land as he struggled to stay upright.

Ruby's heart raced as she watched the intense battle, her hand hovering over Crescent Rose's hilt. She wanted to jump in and help but knew she needed strength to take on a Grimm apostle herself. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the Grimm and Guts as she tried to devise a plan. But the Grimm landed a decisive blow before she could, sending Guts flying.

Ruby gasped as Guts crashed, his sword clattering to the side. The Grimm sneered, its eyes glowing maliciously as it advanced on the prone warrior.

Guts gritted his teeth, his body aching from the multiple blows he had taken. But he refused to go down without a fight. With a roar, he rolled to the side and grabbed his sword, swinging it wildly as he tried to get back on his feet.

The Grimm chuckled, its razor-sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight as it swiped at Guts with its claws. But Guts was ready this time, dodging and weaving as he struck back with his sword.

The two continued to clash, their weapons ringing as they fought. Ruby could feel the ground shaking beneath her as they battled, the force of their blows sending shockwaves through the earth.

As the fight raged on, Guts began to gain the upper hand. His movements were still sluggish, but he was starting to land more and more blows on the Grimm. The apostle seemed tired, too, its attacks becoming slower and less precise.

Finally, with one last mighty swing, Guts delivered the final blow, his sword slicing through the Grimm's neck with a sickening crunch. The apostle let out a final, guttural cry before collapsing.

"You win this time…black swordsman…" the apostle spoke before its body turned to dust as it died.

As Guts stood victorious over the Grimm, he let out a triumphant roar, his chest heaving with exertion. The adrenaline that had kept him going through the battle began to fade, and he struggled to take another step before his body finally gave out and he collapsed to the ground.

(A/N: Imma release all my stock-piled chapters)