
RWBY Grimm Renaissance

I didn't have an amazing life before, now I find myself reincarnated in the body of one of the monsters that persecuted us for thousands of years....... Oh well, I never achieved anything in my human life, let's see what I can do as a grimm!

toby_gwack · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

"To be honest, I didn't expect better....to be killed by a group of bandits and left in the middle of a forest to wait for the creatures to come and eat what's left of my body, a rather predictable end. for someone like me."

"People like me are considered parasites by others, contributing nothing to society, abandoned by my parents from a young age, growing up in the world of crime, stealing or killing to be able to eat for more than twenty years, I haven't even had the chance to have a girlfriend.... at the same time who would like to go out with someone like me."

"Anyway, all of this to end up being killed in a forest for trying to steal the loot of a group of bandits...when I think about it, that was by far the worst idea I've ever had!"

"Never mind! No one will remember Caleb Flynt anyway."

He closed his eyes after bleeding out on the forest grass and let out his last breath. At last ! Everything was black, not a sound, no pain, no fear or other emotions, just complete silence.

His life was far from perfect and now that he was dead he was counting on getting some rest... well, that's what he thought when a voice sounded all around him.

"Your life is over...but your rest has not come yet...get up again it's time for you to walk the lands of the world of Remnant again!"

The only thing that crossed Caleb's mind at this moment was very simple words.


The voice disappeared and he could feel his mind absorbed in a whirlwind. His mind was like tearing everywhere, several images appeared in front of him in a subliminal way, too fast for him to see them all, some were places he had visited in his life and others were completely unknown to him.

His mind continued to get sucked in when everything stopped in what appeared to be a rather dark room, at the back of this room was a throne on which a woman sat. She was dressed in a black dress and her skin was completely white with black veins everywhere. He could feel her pierced gaze through his soul as she watched him with an evil smile on her lips.

Suddenly everything disappeared around him and he found himself back in the void. It stayed like that for a moment when a new image appeared in front of him.

He was on a cliff and in front of him was a woman with her back to him, dressed in a white cape and a black dress, black hair with red ends.

She turned and he could see her face. She was young and beautiful but what caught his attention the most were her silver eyes.

She walked towards him slowly, he tried to move but couldn't. She came right in front of him and their eyes were on each other, so she lifted her hand and placed it gently on what appeared to be his cheek even though he couldn't see her body.

They remained like that for a moment, she looked at him with a soft and reassuring smile which was strange for him who had always known the looks of contempt and disgust.

the woman opened her mouth and said to him in a very calm tone.

"It's time to wake up."

Suddenly everything around him started to disappear, the woman started to fade away but she kept her smile until the end.

he found himself once again in complete darkness. Several minutes or even several hours passed and he was still plunged into complete darkness. He thought about everything that came from this past and who were the two women he had seen, it was all strange, he did not imagine that at all when he thought about what was after death.

Not knowing what to do he began to think and quickly an idea came to him, he decided to try to move, something he had not done since he died.

He concentrated and tried to move whatever he could when he felt his body move.

"Strange...I thought I didn't have a body after I died!"

He moved what appeared to be his limbs but when he did that he felt like he was in what appeared to be water or something liquid.

By reflex he started to swim and quickly he could see a source of light appear in front of him. he continued to swim in the direction of the light, strangely he did not feel the need to breathe.

He finally emerged to the surface and it took him a moment before his eyes adjusted. He looked around and saw that he was in what appeared to be mountains with dark crystals scattered all over the place. The sky was extremely dark covered with cloud with a red tint. The shattered moon could barely be seen in the sky.

On the ground were several puddles of black water, suddenly something came out of a puddle next to him, when he saw what came out his mind went wild.

A grimm had just come out of the black water. By reflex he retreated but lost his balance and fell to the ground, the grimm who had just appeared turned his head towards him, looked at him and then ended up leaving.

Caleb remained shaken by what he had just happened, he expected the grimm to throw himself on him and tear him apart but no he preferred to leave.

At that moment he looked down and saw his hand or rather he should say his paw. A paw completely covered with a dark fur with claws.

He got up hastily and examined his body. A black fur that covered him completely, spikes coming out of his arms as well as his back and a fluffy wolf tail behind him.

He stood still for a moment realizing what was going on. He was back on Remnant, he was really resurrected but not in the way he thought he was.

"I'm...a grimm...I'm...a beowolf!"