
RWBY: grim evolution

what happens when someone wishes for the power of predator from that time I got reincarnated as a slime. but ends up being a Beowulf

The_Abyssal_seer · TV
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16 Chs

Frost in veil & first creation

Frost POV

As I leave the academy I began to use a blade gate to get straight to Luna. As I entered London I looked around and noticed Luna was being kissed by Felix behind a tree I blinked for a few seconds but then I smirked and left them to it. I didn't notice Luna seem to just realize I was there but didn't say anything and just let them have their moment so she continued to do her thing with Felix.

As soon as everyone else in the camp sees me they all chuckled as they probably now I ended up here meaning that I saw a Felix and Luna kissing as I start to talk out loud to them not carrying a Felix and Luna hear us.

"So I am going to say they're either hiding their relationship and doing a rather crap job at it or I'm just the only one who didn't know about it."

Everyone nodding their heads as crimson spoke up.

"It's the first one there boss man."

I start to nod my head at that as I spoke loud enough for Luna to hear.

"Luna when you're done with your business I need you to pick up the kids at single academy when they get off I got work to do and sticking out veil Another places of possible note."

I heard a loud eap as I shrugged and began to fly up in the air and began heading my way towards the mainland of Vail. After all if I'm correct to the mainland it's only an hour's flight but that's the thing that's with a machine but with me using elemental manipulation and boosting myself with the wind. I can get there in about 10 minutes or so without any problem. But now that I start to think about it I should probably get a scroll or something. And I ultimately decided to start spawning Grimm and create a small army of them probably will go to mount Glen whenever I figure where that is and use my elemental manipulation to make a large chamber and just create a giant grimm pool then I got curious as I decided to ask [Sarah] a question But like always she decided to answer my question before I ask.

"If you wish to create a permanent grim pool you will need approximately 200 grimm and a gallon of your own blood to create one."

I stayed silent at that number because that is quite a lot now that I come to think about it I have never really tested out my grim creation skill out yet. As I look around veil I looked for a decent place to create then I got curious about the extent of what I can create is it limited only to the grim I have devoured or could I play Frankenstein. And like always [Sarah] decided to speak and let me know.

"The extent of your Grimm creation is as much as your imagination though it will cost you you're a magical reserves and have to wait until they are refilled before creating more at your current reserves of 30,000 you can make up to 50 trash grade basic grim and five elite grade Grimm. And before you ask yes there is a tier system to the grim you can create. they are trash/basic, elite, epic and legendary. To put it in perspective one elite grim can kill up to 10 basic Gram on its own at the get-go it will only get stronger as it grows wiser with age and gained more intelligence. A epic grade Grimm can kill up to 10 elite level grimm. And for obvious sakes one legendary grim can kill up to 10 epic grade Grimm. Full reference the ancient wyvern from the Canon near Vail is a epic grade Grimm approaching the point where it will evolve into a legendary. End if you are curious each grade will affect your increase in reserves as well. Trash is 250 points increase in your magical reserves elite is 1000 epic is 5,000 legendary is 30,000. The difference in quality between the grades is immense. With the increases of the quality grade a grim can obtain special traits abilities or have intelligence higher than the lower tiers. A newborn legendary will be the equivalent intelligence of a human in their 12 years of life."

I quality nodded my head at this explanation I then got curious about what will happen to my Grimm creation skill when I become a demon Lord. And like always before I could voice my question [Sarah] spoke.

"It will evolve into the skill grim monarch. Any grim from the skill creation will only be able to be at the lowest grade of elite. All grim created by the skill will have a reduced cost. For example at the current state of your Grimm creation skill it would take. 80,000 magic particles to create one epic Grimm. With grim creation skill but with grim monarch it will be only 50,000. As well as with this grim monarch skill you will be able to create a legendary grim with 200,000 magic particles."

I couldn't help but take a sharp and take a breath because that is nearly the entirety of the requirements for bare minimum to evolve into a demon Lord, long requiring the demon Lord seed and 10,000 souls. Truly you could tell the difference in grade not just by the increase in reserves but also and the price to create such creatures. Then I got curious about if my grim could collect souls for me and as well act as medium for me to devour more huntsman and huntresses to gain more skills. I then got curious about something.

"Can the creation of a support skill for a scale area possess be created such as a screen that will allow me to fully customize any grim I spawn like for example I would have a digital screen in front of me that would show me the grim I want to spawn and then I can start customizing it making it bigger smaller having it being infused with a particular element such as fire a lightning or gravity. Even is going as far as to create brand new grim from ground zero."

[Sarah] actually seem to have been caught slacking because she quickly answered after a few moments.

"Yes skills like that can be created and I will begin creation of them though you will not receive the notification since they will automatically fuse into grim creation."

I nodded my head quietly because that was reasonable then I saw the screen pop up in front of me with two tabs one saying customization and the other saying creation. I absentmindedly noticed that the holographic screen is majority red with black acting as an outline of sorts. I started to look around my surroundings as I began to walk through veil. I began to think about what kind of grim I should create so I began to check to see what kind of options I have. I looked through the options of creating a new grim I noticed I'm majorly could only use parts that I could create from all the gram I've already devoured which not surprising anyone isn't a lot since majority of Grandma have devoured we're basic such as Ursa Beowulf nevermore and a deathstalker. With the only one of real note being that young wyvern. As I continue walking I saw a park and sat down in one of the Park benches as I start to go through the limbs in parts I could go through for my first creation. I decided to use the lower body of my creature to be the main torso and tail of a deathstalker and I will imbue it with the plant and fire elements so It can control plants to tie up his enemies and then blast them with fire to burn them alive like human barbecue. Then I will give it the upper part of its body will be a ursa's body with its beefy arms which much longer claws than it has normally thick armor plating covering its chest and underbelly where typically it's a bad idea for a deathstalker to get hit by. It will also have its claws be poisoned along with like it's stinger.

Then I will give it the head of the wyvern so It can breathe fire. But not just any type of flame but the flames of amaterasu since this gram will be mostly what I'll use against particularly annoying meat Shields of humans and Faunus alike. After all most people would probably think I'm an abomination that must be purged from the world as soon as they get really anything in the terms of info about me. The old wizard most certainly will be trying to get rid of me cuz I'd be too much like Salem. Salem will probably dead ass curious about me which until I am a demon Lord I want nothing to do with that hoe Very seductive and very attractive hoe but a hoe nonetheless. I've been absent-mindedly thought about giving this first creation wings but then I ultimately decided against it so I decided to add some very pointy spikes like the alpha Eartha would have on its back side and a thin set of spikes going up its tail giving a little bit of armor for its stinger not to get chopped off. Like with what happened during initiation in season 1 in quite literally the first damn episode practically.

I begin to rub my chin absolutely nothing I'm starting to grow a beard. Looking over it I started to give it green markings like myself with a pair of glowing green. After all the glowing red eyes resembled the grim that could be controlled by Salem since these grim can only be controlled by me why wouldn't I make it have different color eyes. I absent-mindedly looked at my own green markings, noticing they were similar to agnologia's human form markings from fairy tail. I didn't decide to give it some armor plating periodically through its legs after all if It no longer can walk then it wouldn't really be much of a threat.