

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Welp one young boy was hand picked from Gaia to be sent into another world against his will with no consent to being tranfered away. Unaware that Gaia was Remnant itself that sent Jack into the world of RWBY with the powers of a fragmented ability of [THE GAMER]. How will Jack the Gamer deal against Remnant troubles as its Destroyer, Servant, or Guardian.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 45: Team JNPR (12)

Chapter 45: Team JNPR (12)

~Third POV~

As the team JNPR has returned as one with Jack returning to normal, he glanced at the Nightmare with pure hate in his eyes once he finished crying, "So that's the Grimm that made me go all idiot arrogant master huh? I hate it. I hate the fact it used me to attack you guys…"

Clenching his fist tightly the rest of the members sigh in relief seeing that their leader has returned to normal as he released a breath of relief, "Sigh… I really am lucky to have great friends like you guys. Now then… how the hell do we force it out of my mind?"

Hearing this Nora raises her hammer, Ren his Stormflower, and Pyrrha the relics in her hands while Jack smirks at this smacking his fist together getting the message, "Oh? The good old fashion beatdown plan? I like it."


"SCHREE… - "

"Shut up."

Having enough of that regaining control of his mind Jack used <Telekinesis> stacked with <Aura Trapping> keeping the Grimm in place as it flailed stuck in place as he forced it to get closer to them as all team members of JNPR had a sinister glint in their eyes as the Grimm tried to escape.

Jack is the most angered by this whole event asked Nora a question catching her attention, "Oh I personally want some payback you fucker. Nora? Want to break some legs?"

Nora then caught the question of what Jack wanted to give to her as she grins wickedly at the order in pure joy, "Hmm… Hehe… most definitely fearless Leader. I still want to payback for the Nightmare forcing you to use Ren as a shield. Mama needs to let off some steam."

Thus the beatdown of the Nightmare Grimm commenced.


Nora begins with strong momentum as she rushed at the Nightmare with her hammer as she roars at it, "This is making leader harm Ren!"


Slamming with enough force the Grimm Nightmare was suddenly smashed through buildings as the Grimm slammed through multiple buildings.


A coating royal blue color soon took the Grimm as it was forcibly came rushing back towards them as Ren comes in with his twin weapons at the ready as he rushed at it.



Ren has pulled a cross-slash attack with his weapon as the thorns on the Grimm's body have been cut up Ren makes a comment about the Nightmare, "This is for harming people in need. You don't deserve my sympathy."




Ren doubled tap on his guns at the Nightmare as it screams of the bullets pierce through its thorns and bone armor of the Grimm as it continues to be rushed in as Pyrrha soon comes wielding her weapons again.

A cold glint appears in her eyes as she has, her weapon powered up thanks to her Semblance <Polarity> as she comments on the Nightmare, "All this trouble you monsters caused. Don't think we won't retaliate back."



Screeching out loud as the Nightmare thorns were launched at Pyrrha multiple of them began to attack her as they come closer but…





Blue rose petals appeared along with all the thorns cut up into pieces as the blue rose petals assembles to reveal Jack wielding the Dream Sword and Sheild as he coldly glares at the Nightmare, "This is payback for mind fucking me. Now do me a favor and die like the monster you are."


Pyrrha landed the final blow as she changed her weapon into a spear mode slamming it on the center of the Grimm mask as it began to crack in half as the Grimm Nightmare glares hatefully at the team.

But in the last moment as the Grimm began to dematerialize into particles as it leaned toward Jack and no one moved as it began to be destroyed.

However, no one noticed except for Jack as the Grimm Nightmare eye in the last second looked at him with a curious gaze as if someone else was looking at him making Jack pale lightly as he saw the title change from the Grimm using <Observe> skill seeing the screen pop up only for Jack's eyes…

[Nightma- ERROR!!?!]

[Name change….]

[Salem Nightmare Scout – Lv.? Salem's Eyes and Ears]

[These things are Salem personal scouts collecting any info like Seers or any scout-based Grimm as well as acting as a communication device and eyes…]

As the Nightmare is returning into the real world it did leave a final message to Jack's ear making him shiver to hear a womanly voice in the end only loud enough for him to hear…

"I'll keep an eye on you…"


Returning back to the real world as the members of team JNPR were asleep on the dream catcher web everyone inside the private room noticed a change in Jack's body.


The black vines that were inside his body began to evaporate into nothing as Jack's body was returning to normal again.

As that happened the inner chest of his body opened up revealing a small red bone-like rose with thorns jumped up from there in an attempt to escape elsewhere.

But Shion noticed this as he waved his weapon around as the gravity strings began to entrap the escaping Nightmare.



With a click of his weapon sparks soon appeared on the Grimm as it was forced to follow the direction of where the strings would inside a pot trapping it inside as Shion spoke, "Now it's your turn to be trapped, Nightmare. Stay in there and turn back into a seed."

When the Nightmare Grimm stopped it was an attempt to escape it reverted back into a seed as Blake glances from the window on top of the pot as she spoke, "A seed… It's like a plant."

Glynda began to explain to the members of Team RWBY about the different types of Grimm as Ruby viewed the Nightmare seed inside the pot, "Typically, Grimm take on a beast form. But some Grimm are unique. Be mindful to keep it in mind."


With that done Shion began to unravel everything of his gravity string on Team JNPR as the mission was done and undo the voodoo dolls attached to them waking them up first as they glance at their leader.

Opening his eyes immediately as if forgetting everything that happened in the Dream World, he woke up worried immediately about being late for class, "I overslept! Damn it is class – "



That was before Jack stopped himself as he glanced around in his pajamas as asked the obvious, "Wait a second why am I here, and what exactly is going on?"

As Team JNPR gets Jack up to the speed of the events that happened Shion glances at the trapped Grimm as he spoke in relief of its capture, "I'm glad that we caught the Grimm before it grew too much. It's probably due to the fact that because his Aura is undeveloped enough it allowed the boy to have a fighting chance."

Glynda makes a point to comment on Jack's work in the class and in sparring matches, "While he used his semblance his aura in combat seems to be a bit below average. That proved to be fortunate for him."

Ruby was there along with Jack's team Blake and Weiss as she wished him luck for his recovery Yang listen to what the professor heard, "I'm glad you're, safe Jack."

Smiling at this at ease he replied, "Thanks."

Yang for her part is confused at this as she talked to herself aloud about having a weakness as a strength, "I've never seen someone benefit from a weakness before."

Shion then began to give Ozpin and Glynda the news of more Nightmares in the area to them in the Emerald Forest, "I sensed other Nightmares in the Emerald Forest. The more sensitive or emotionally conflicted you are, the more susceptible you become. Please tell the students to be more diligent."

Everyone nodded at this as Glynda began to talk to Team JNPR about the remaining day to them, "Ok. Team JNPR you may be excused for the day to ensure that your team leader is doing well. I don't know what you have gone through in his dreams, so a fresh breather is necessary after the trouble you have gone through today."

Team JNPR nodded at this as they all sighed a breath of relief as they were all mentally exhausted and physically as well as any actions in the dream world also correlate to be the same in the real world.

The damage of the voodoo dolls as shown expressed it.

Like that they left the outside the room.


As Team JNPR left the room into the Dorms Team RWBY was talking about countermeasures about against a Nightmare Grimm as Yang spoke first, "Listen up everyone! If you're feeling down talk to each other about it."

Weiss not believing what she was hearing instantly protested about Yang's plan to counter a Grimm like the Nightmare, "You must be joking. You can't be possibly expecting a Grimm to possess me."

However Ruby soon agreed to Wiess as she saw her unlikely to possess her teammate if they were careful, "Yeah. I'm sure you'll be fine, Weiss."

Blake agreed with Ruby's words about Weiss not being affected by the Nightmare Grimm, "It certainly does seem unlikely."

Yang being playful around Weiss's personality and emotions replied to her with a smile, "She's got her own thorns to use for keeping the Grimm out."

Weiss being unsure if Yang was genuine or joking around replied to them about it and what's tomorrow, "I don't think I like the sound of that. Anyway, since tomorrow's a day off, shall we go into town? The festival is said to start soon tomorrow."



~Jack POV~


[Through being mind controlled and free, a skill to resist mental control was generated allowing the user to defend from supernatural-based mental attacks.]

[Skill: <Mind Resist> has been learned]

Skill list.

<Mind Resist>.


<Mind Resist> (Passive) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 1.0%

Description: The user will feel a tingle in their head to know that someone or thing has tried to attempt to control the user's mind. This skill resistance allows the user to fight back against the controller and won't be controlled easily.



As I stand there in my Dorm I glanced at my teammates as they were on their beds I began to talk to them about how much they know, "Ok… can you guys tell me how much you know in my dream? I remember bits and pieces of it from what my Negative Jack said to you guys… care to fill in the gap."

Hearing this Nora couldn't hold it any longer as she spoke to me directly about the secret I wanted to hide, "Sure but can you tell us what is with your dream? And what was that place it looked like Argus?"

Wincing at that I was afraid they would find that out but…

After everything they did to save me from being controlled…

It's only fair I share it with them after they risked their lives to save my own.

At the very least as much as I could relent on a few topics about me.


Being silent at this I was a bit reluctant to speak but that was when it was Pyrrha as she spoke aloud from her bed we merely look at the ceiling ahead of us as she spoke, "Jack how about we talk about your secret for another time. When you are ready ok? It seems like something you want to keep hidden so we won't ask any more than we have is that alright?"

Smiling at Pyrrha I nodded thanking her a bit before finally answering my own promise to them, "Right. And I want to keep my secrets. And my real shocking one ever than before… but… After everything you have done for me, I think I might tell you guys in the near future sooner than expected. I'm sorry if I'm still hesitant on the subject of what happened in my dreams."

But soon enough they smile at me leaving me a bit shocked as they each gave me their word to keep it a secret.

"No worries friend will wait until you're ready to reveal your secret."

"Hehe… I promise fearless leader to wait."

"I feel your burden Jack I promise not to force it out of you."

Smiling at them I really do feel lucky to have good friends to rely on.

Since we have the day off tomorrow, I did overhear about a festival starting soon.

I do need some time off to have my mind relax so it is best if I start tomorrow but right now though?


[The Daily Quest is created.]


Daily Quest: Preparing to Become Strong

Description: This is merely the first step to becoming strong in Remnant as you will need it to face unknown threats be prepared.


-Complete Push-Ups [0/100]

-Complete Curl Ups [0/100]

-Complete Squats [0/100]

-Complete Running [0/10 Km]

Rewards: Choose your Rewards upon Completion:

-Reward #1: Status Recovery

-Reward #2: Stat Points +3

-Reward #3: Random Item Box

Failure: Nothing.

[Accept: Y] or [Deny: N]


The Grind never waits.