

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Welp one young boy was hand picked from Gaia to be sent into another world against his will with no consent to being tranfered away. Unaware that Gaia was Remnant itself that sent Jack into the world of RWBY with the powers of a fragmented ability of [THE GAMER]. How will Jack the Gamer deal against Remnant troubles as its Destroyer, Servant, or Guardian.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 206: Battle of Beacon (9)

Chapter 206: Battle of Beacon (9)

~Third POV~



Slamming his desk with his own two fist clenched up with his eyes widening in pure rage seeing SMG4 and Mario viruses destroying Watts life work, "Ahrgh!!! You blast it one's and zeroes annoyances are so done! You hear me when I break you down to zeroes when I'm through with you all there won't be anything left!"

However, SMG4 and Mario viruses continues to ignore Watts destroying all of his life work data in seconds with their singing, "HERE'S NO ESCAPE YOU DUMB APE!!"

Watts eyes twitched being referenced to a ape of all things trying to counter typing away as fast as he could to save any data in his own servers, "Ah! You dare compare my genius to that of those filthy animals?!!!"




Typing down with everything Watts have with his mustache twitching furiously at SMG4 and Mario losing all of his data beginning to see everything being deleted and transferred with his eyes widening in horror yelling out loud, "Wait, no! My life works! YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY TAKE ALL OF IT! That brat doesn't even have a degree to be compared to my genius!"

SMG4 smirks at this beginning to point at Watts from the virtual world while grinning in pure victory as all Watt's data and life work gone in an instant, "Whoops, sorry time's up, ya clown! It's time for the main finale!"




Falling to his knees Watts views everything being gone with pure fury in his eyes at the viruses swearing to come back with vengeance, "No… my life work… my… LIFE WORK! You insufferable ignorant fools! Don't think this is the end you will hear of me! You hear me Jack Nights?!! YOU HEAR – "

"Hear what Watts?"

Watts froze in place coming inside his workshop as SMG4 and Mario took their cue to leave taking everything inside a banana bus to the internet as Salem expression is not amused in the least with Watt's sudden yelling, "Watts what exactly are you doing yelling at the top of your lungs attracting Grimm?"

At this Watts sweat as he began to carefully explain to Salem as her eyes narrow at her ally for losing his work and data on the 'GRIM Project' along with other planning of info with each student in every Academy abilities, Semblances, family, and friends ready to exploit any info needed.

Hearing that they lost everything valuable when Theodore was brainwashed along with Cinder providing the info and data didn't make Salem all that good listening to all their gains gone in an instant.

Her voice is chilling as Watt's sweats feeling Salem's Magical Pressure emitting from her walking slowly towards Watt's, "Arthur Watt's…. let me get this straight… you lost ALL the valuable information that could've been used for future plans. People to turn… and promising influence in the world and leading certain groups for our cause… all gone in an instant. By one boy?"

Watts could only swallow his own spit while Salem slowly gets closer to him feeling fear through him with Salem expressing her fury in the glints of her eyes replying to Watt's silence with no words to speak, "Watt's… you do know what happens to FAILURES. Now do you?"

Watt's could only swallow waiting for punishment to happen and yet only Salem passes by him continuing to speak, "Fortunately for you… you have much use alive than dead Watts. BUT you will do EVERYTHING in your power to recollect the missing info stolen and lost. No matter HOW long it takes. Do you understand?"

Watts immediately agrees to Salem's demands as he mentally grits his teeth expressing his clear murderous intention, 'ARGH!! Jack Nights you and your little viruses will rue the day you mess with one of the greatest minds that Atlas ever had! One that tinman would spit his blood for making the mistake of taking that fools Pietro work than mine if I'm not Arthur—'


Before anyone in Salem's group could notice they were suddenly enveloped by a sudden explosion wiping everything in its path away to nothing leaving a gigantic dome of radiation erupting from the sudden atomic bomb.


Earlier in the last few hours ago on the very top atmosphere of the Dragon Continet where the Realm of Darkness Salem's home base castle located underneath 2B's aircraft.

Looking down immediately having in the aircraft with large assortments of heavy artillery along with assortments of weapons of mass destruction could be seen inside of how much fire power that would be enough to blow off a Kingdom away from the map.

2B on the other end receiving the call to initiate the order 66 activating Code: Buster Call.

Initiating Code: Buster Call is the ultimate form of military attack Jack has issued with the following using all the weapons that the Future Foundation has along with all experimental and Kingdom annihilating weapons with enough fire power to destroy a Kingdom wiped off the face of Remnant.

Those were the orders that 2B has to follow when she received the order looking down on the floor area of the where Salem's base of operations coordinates talking to herself as she looks at the amount of weapons Jack prepared in ahead of time, "Sigh… Master sure knows how to practically become a war criminal with these number of weapons alone would send him to prison for life… Good thing were safely dumping them for a good cause. What was the saying that master always says…"



Activating the button to release the first rounds of bombs of the atomic bombs landing slowly down on Salem's base of operations 2B snapped her fingers remembering what Jack spoke about a saying, "Ah! Right, there is no such thing as over kill right?"


A loud booming explosion along with a large dome of radiation killing off any Grimm nearby while eliminating Salem's remaining forces that were unfortunate to be there at the wrong place and wrong time.

2B could see the situation below using her highly advanced drones and cameras to zoom in seeing the destruction of the Grimm disintegrating from the bomb seeing the building of the castle crumbling down not able to with stand a sudden attack from the sky as 2B views everything.

Activating the video recording as 2B makes her observation video of the results of radiation met with magic of Grimm talking out loud, "Video recording experiment #1: When radiation makes contact with few varieties of Grimm their atoms or magicules are not taking the radiation very well as they scurry around running or…"

Viewing from the video of the Grimm collapsing but still move trying to stand before slowly disintegrating into dust as 2B continues her report, "… collapsing under themselves due to the sudden introduction of radiation present in the area. Due to the heat produced with the high concentration of radiation the effects of Grimm seem to vary depending of variety. Now then how is subject Witch taking the sudden introduction of radiation?"

Taking a closer look using the cameras on the aircraft viewing the effects done to Salem soon coming out summoning her own magic beams getting out along with Watts coming out with his aura still active.

2B looked a bit impressed seeing the two survive the atomic bomb before continuing her observation, "Oh? Seems like as expected Salem managed to survive. However, the dear doctor seems to have survived the blast. Seems like even Aura can protect the host even molecule-based attacks that could harm their atomic bonds. Fascinating discovery… and yet…"



Activating a button splitting one portion changing the screen to show a radar to show the highest concentration along with the visual effects happening to Watts with nuclear radiation being present, "Ah… despite the Aura can protect the user from attacks… but not from the nuclear radiation surrounding the area. Interesting? Seems like the symptoms are finally showing."

Proving her point 2B soon sees Watts with severe burns from the atomic bomb with her scanners showing immediate problems with Watt's as 2B begins her diagnostics, "When subject is within or survive a atomic bomb they develop quite some nasty side effects. Notice of DNA and genetic damage has been detected along with an unknown disease present within Watt's brain? Notice dictates an abnormality in the brain function notice of abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues?"

2B ponders the new disease created from the exposure of the atomic bomb along with another data input to add for her research of radiation to Remnant, "Hmm… I shall call this new disease Cancer. Yes, cancer seems like a fitting name for what's happening to Watts with how crabs look like finger looking disease. But on another note, the exposure to fallout can result in radiation poisoning, which can damage the body's cells and prove fatal. And what about subject witch?"

Zooming her camera towards Salem seeing how the sensors are finding the same disease within her but then suddenly as it came disappeared with 2B raising an eyebrow of how Salem managed to cure herself and responds her hypothesis, "Interesting? Notice of subject Witch did or rather had the same symptoms as Watts had but soon became healed instantly upon notice. Good to note that the immortality Salem has is able to beat cancer and counteract with the radiation fallout… however…"

Noticing Salem is grasping in pain within the sensors showing it has healed the source of the disease but Salem shows signs of feeling in pain when 2B came up with another hypothesis, "Hmm… seems like the subject Witch does show the stimuli to pain as her own body nervous system hasn't built up resistance to it causing the nervous system of the witch to experience the pain instantly… this needs further testing."

2B seeing that the whole situation with Salem managing to survive the fallout of the atomic bomb with her clothes intact showing no signs of being endangered next went for another weapon activating the main weapon of the aircraft.


Releasing the door 2B began to record her next test beginning to experiment on Salem talking to herself activating the recording function, "Experiment #2. Testing the effects of what my master dubbed The Poor Man's Rose."


Dropping the bomb and activating it 2B raised an eyebrow at the smoke explosion above the atmosphere questioning the shape with a small chuckle escaping her lips, "Hahaha… it seems like Master quite literally made a rose made bomb. Maybe his showing this off to Ruby later or not."