
RWBY: Fireborn (Complete)

Forged by war and reborn by fire. A lone soldier was give a second chance in his wife's once favorite world by gods of a time long since past. Will he survive and thrive, or will he fall prey to the monsters that stalk the lands and sea? Please know that this is a for fun fanfic. All RWBY characters are owed by Roosterteeth. I only claim my OC.

Hawkin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
161 Chs


[One year later]


Logan sighed as he walked the streets of Vale. A mantle covered his form as he examined the new looks of everything around him. Magic flowed through the streets as kids played with minor magics and the adult used magic in their everyday lives. The elderly looked on with smiles as the kids played and the adults worked with Magic as if it was never just a myth.

Logan held no surprise as he walked through Vale's streets. All his work was done with such precision that he ensured that no one had escaped. Logan was all smiles as he slowly made his way to Beacon, taking in the sights as he did so.


???: "Get over here." A voice knocked Logan out of his thoughts as two hands pulled him into an alleyway.


As Logan was pulled into the alley, he saw numerous people looking at the scene as it happened. All of them just looked away and did nothing to stop it. Logan was then slammed up against a wall as a silver dagger was pointed at his throat while fire illuminated the thugs' faces. Logan looked on in pure boredom as the thugs encircled him.


Thug: "Hand over all your shit and you might get to walk out of here." The thug with the knife threatened Logan.


Logan just looked at him before moving faster than they could react. Logan stripped the knife-wielding thug of his blade before using it to stab the one holding the fireball. Then before the third thug could move, Logan broke his kneecap with a solid kick. This all happened in less than a second.


Logan: "Dumbasses..." Logan muttered as he walked off, leaving the first thug to wet his pants in fear as he stumbled back while the other two screamed in pain.


Logan got back to walking, ignoring what just happened in favor of watching his surroundings to see what has changed. Unknown to him, a certain blonde saw the whole thing and smiled. As Logan walked off, the blonde made a call.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


???: "Are you sure?"

???: "Positive, the way he fights is a dead giveaway. Logan's back."

???: "Thank you, Yang. Follow him and make sure you don't lose sight of him. He's got a lot of explaining to do when he gets back home."

Yang: "You got it, Glynda."


{RWBY: Fireborn}


???: "Ruby, wait up!" A snow-haired girl yelled out to a red and black-haired girl.

Ruby: "But Wiess, you hear it from Yang too~" Ruby whined at Wiess. "Logan's back! We got to find him!"

Wiess: "Yes, I did but you heard her too that she lost him in the crowd." Weiss admonished Ruby. "We just got to keep an eye out for him. He can't be all that hard to find."


Little did they know that the person in question overheard their discussion from right behind them. Logan, deciding to be a little mischievous, ducked into an alleyway and ran away from those two. After all, one had to make their own fun. He even noticed the little kitten that was following from the rooftops.

Logan weaved through the alleys here and there to just make the kitten wonder why he was doing this. As he exited the alleyway and back into the crowd, breaking the kitten's line of sight just for the briefest of moments. When the kitten exited the alleyway, she lost sight of him in the crowd.


Blake: "Damn it, he's gone." The kitten cursed and called Glynda to inform her about what just transpired.


Logan continued to play cat and mouse with Team RWBY. Letting one or two of them catch a glimpse of him and chase after him before losing them. Little did Logan know a new team was going to join the game.


Jaune (On-call): "So, let me get this straight." Jaune spoke up through Ruby's scroll "Logan's back. THE Logan Scarlett, who you are trying to track, and you can't keep an eye on him.

Ruby: "Yea, that pretty much sums it up." Ruby admitted. "Can you help us?"

Jaune: "Well, I don't see why not." Jaune spoke. "You have my team's help."

Ruby: "Thanks Jaune, we owe you." Ruby sighed in happiness.


Ruby then hung up after giving Jaune the last place Logan was seen. But little did they know that Logan was already far from where he was sighted. Now sitting in a random rundown bar, chatting with the bartender over nothing important. Soon, Logan felt like it was time to move along and bid the bartender goodbye, and left, leaving a few Lien cards for the trouble.

Once Logan left the bar, he headed nowhere in particular as he continued to wander the streets. Not long after, Logan made it to Vale's main avenue and headed towards Beacon. Just as Logan got within eyesight of the lift to Beacon, he had to dash into a side road. He had spotted Jaune standing guard for the lift. Not much had changed about him, he still had his knight-like look to him, but his hair was a tad bit longer than what Logan remembered and he had a bit of stubble on his chin. Next to him was Pyrrha pushing a baby stroller wearing a red blouse that complemented her hair and black sweatpants. She also had a very noticeable bump on her stomach.


Logan: "Looks like those two have been busy." Logan muttered as he watched Pyrrha walk over to the lift and take it up. "They already have one baby with another on the way." Logan smiled. "I wonder who proposed to who?"

???: "It was mutual." A voice behind Logan spoke. "They proposed at the same time to each other, it was as awkward as you would think. But they just laughed and kissed."

Logan: "Thanks, Ren." Logan thanked Ren. "You here to capture me?"

Ren: "Yes." Was all that Ren said before Logan heard the racking of Ren's Stormflowers. "Please make this easy, Nora's pregnant and I don't want to leave her side for long.".

Logan: "Fine, fine." Logan surrendered since he knew that feeling well. "Congrats on the pregnancy and on capturing me. You get anything for it?"

Ren: "I'll have to ask." Ren said as he frog-marched Logan to the lift.


Logan just laughed and headed for the lift with Ren walking behind him. Jaune saw the two approach and just sighed. Jaune was hoping to at least fight with Logan before he surrendered. But he considered this a close second. Logan just laughed a little when he saw Jaune sigh.


Logan: "Hey there, Jaune." Logan laughed, "How's the married life treating you?"

Jaune: "It's treating me good." Jaune sighed and smiled "Though you might not enjoy what's gonna happen to you later."

Ren: "Don't spoil it." Ren chided

Jaune: "Don't worry, I won't"

Logan: "Whatever it is, it can't be as bad as what I had to do a year ago." Logan sighed and told them.

Jaune: "What do you mean?" Jaune asked.

Logan: "Long story." Logan told them. "A very, long story." As the wind blew and Logan's mantle billowed in the wind, showing the two his missing arm.


The two were stunned at the sight of Logan's missing arm. They knew of Logan's magic, so regrowing a limb is nothing to him. But their magic sense told them it wasn't as simple as that. Logan knocked them out of their stunned silence by stepping into the lift and coughing. The two followed along, keeping their questions silent until later. As they went up, Jaune sent a text to the members of Team RWBY.


Almost an hour later, Logan stood before the elevator to what used to be Ozpin's office. Around him were Teams RWBY and JNPR. Logan was apprehensive. He felt as if he entered, the last bits he knew of Ozpin and Salem would disappear. But at the same time, he knew it was what he needed. To let go of the last dregs of the past he knew of.


Ruby: "Logan, you okay?" Ruby asked what was on everyone's mind. "We can do this another time if you want."

Logan: "No, no. It's fine" Logan sighed and came to a decision. "Let's go."

Jaune: "If you're sure."


Minutes later, Logan stood in front of Glynda while he was surrounded by RWBY and JNPR. Logan just stood there as Glynda yelled at him for disappearing for over a year, without so much as a call or a heads-up. The more she yelled at Logan, the more awkward it got for RWBY and JNPR. Logan, on the other hand, just stood there and took it with a gentle smile on his face.


Glynda: "And you have the nerve to come back now, of all times?!" Glynda shouted at the top of her lungs. "What do you have to say for yourself?!

Logan: "I have nothing to say for myself except that I've missed so, so much." Logan spoke softly as he approached her. "Day after day, all I could think about was my family, you, and Dorothy. I did my best to come back to you as soon as I could." Logan had tears in his eyes. "For you, it might have been one long year. But for me, it was an eternity."

Glynda: "Prove it."


Logan said nothing but let his mantle drop to the floor and slowly lifted his only remaining arm up to her face. He gently caressed her lips and most eyes before leaning in for a kiss. Once their lips touched, time seemed to freeze for them. Glynda then started crying and quickly embraced Logan. Hugging him as if he'll just fade away any second. Logan felt the same way as he hugged her just as so.


As the two embraced each other, the two teams looked away in embarrassment. After a moment, the two broke their kiss and each had a smile on their faces and love in their eyes.


Glynda: "Where have you been?" Glynda asked, getting straight to the question that was on everyone's mind.

Logan: "Pull up a seat," Logan chuckled, "It's a long story." He said.




{Six years later}


Logan: "Dorothy! Henry! Dinner!" Logan called out from his front porch.

Dorothy: "Okay Dad! Come on, Henry quit playing in the dirt!" A voice called back.


In a mud hole not too far away, two children were playing in the dirt. One girl and one boy. The girl had strawberry blonde hair and a gentle face while the boy had black hair and a cute face. These were Dorothy and Henry Scarlett, Logan and Glynda's kids.

Six years have passed since Logan's return and his subsequent retirement. Having squirreled away Lien and the two's savings, bought a two-story house in Vale's residential district with a five-acre yard. Glynda semi-retired not long after Logan did, a year after she got pregnant for the second time. She still maintained a professor's position at Beacon as did Logan when money was tight, which was never, or they had nothing to do.

But Logan was far from a cripple as he seemed with only one arm. Thank's to Magus' teachings, Logan learned telekinesis easily and flame magic like he powers before. Though he did have help from an unlikely source, his [System] which disappeared after he rewrote time in the form of [Magical aptitude]. And he still had ample ability with a sword and gun.

But Logan cared less if he could use magic or weapons or not, he was happy with his life. He had a home, a loving wife, two amazing kids, and a stable income for long into his twilight years. But after a while, Logan started to write stories of his travels and experiences. Many found the writings insightful and informative. Others thought of them as just stories blown out of proportion.

But that was a story from another time. A time when Grimm roamed wild and Magic did not exist.




A/N: That's it. The end Please comment on it if you liked it. Please review it honestly if you can.

Hope you like the story and thank you for following along in this journey with me.

Hawkincreators' thoughts