
RWBY: Edgerunner Pilot

Reborn as Whitley Schnee a Titanfall 2 Enthusiast and "Average" fan of Cyberpunk 2077 gets to have another chance in a world where crazy shit like a 15-year-old girl can wield a High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe why can't he have a "Military grade Sandevistan" and a titan to boot! But what's the twist? Surely there has to be something wrong right? Fair warning, Volume 1 is the 'Before Rewirte' and is completely skipable.

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11 Chs


Port: "Ah, what an exciting match! Vale fans are sure to be hurting after the brutal beatdown Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi suffered at the hands of Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black!"

Being broadcasted live across the kingdoms were Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck, both eager to report on the Vytal Festival matches, Looking to his left Port hands the attention to the good Doctor Oobleck.

Oobleck: "Miss. Adel and Mister. Daichi certainly were a crowd favourite, but their opponents were just too strong."

Whipping his head right back as the camera follows, Port gets ready to start the next match.

Port: "Of course, it's time for the next doubles round, Who do we have fighting today Dr. Oobleck?"

Again the camera changes to Doctor Oobleck.

Oobleck: "Well it would seem are the first duo would be, Flynt Coal and Neon Katt of team FNKI(Funky). And the other being- Hold on..."

The camera changes to Port as he begins talking.

Port: "What seems to be the problem, Barty?"

It swings back to Oobleck as he re-adjusts his glasses while reading something from his scroll.

Oobleck: "It seems that due to special circumstances, we will have a new contestant that won't be participating in the singles round."

It swings back to Port who raises an Eyebrow.

Port: "And just who will this new person be and what team will they be on?"

Back to Oobleck, who puts his scroll down as a picture of a young snow-white-haired boy with tinted goggles appears on the screen. He wears a black bandana and a white long-sleeve T-shirt, He has a bright yellow with white stripes and a neon-blue inside collar jacket on. The image appears at the top left of the broadcast screen.

Oobleck: "It would appear are sponsored fighter is none-other than THE Whitley Schnee!"

Oobleck quickly takes a sip of coffee as his glasses fall down his nose, and Port stands up and shouts.

Port: "THE WHITLEY SCHNEE?" Getting a nod of confirmation he turns towards the camera "For those of you joining us that aren't part of Atlas or follow Atlas news closely... Whitley Schnee is the third child of the Schnee family, he had secluded himself after an accident involving the White Fang caused a debilitating injury and hasn't been seen in public for over 2 years!"

Port settles down into his chair as he finishes, and the camera moves back to Oobleck who continues.

Oobleck: "You see, that's why it's such a surprise to see the young man here today ready to fight with Hunters who have years of experience on him!"


Down in the area Stood Flynt Coal and Neon Katt were waiting for Ruby Rose and Whitley Schnee, Neon was skating around the rink as an announcement rang out calling Team RWBY's representatives.

Appearing out of nowhere across from Team FNKI's representatives Ruby and Whitley stood back to back, with Ruby facing them and Whitley messing around on his Scroll.

Flynt: "Hey, you're Whitley Schnee Right? The youngest one." His glasses were on a lower position allowing him better sightline.

Whitley: "That I am, Coal, and if you want to talk about dust you'll have a better time talking to my sister." He didn't pay much attention to Flynt while messing around with his scroll, lines of code sped across its screen at blazing speed.

Flynt: "Is that so? My dad was good too, owned a little dust shop of his own... Til ya father's company ran him out of business." He looked at Whitley with a bit of scorn, as if it was his own fault for his father's actions.

Whitley: "Ruby, do you think he deserves an 'Ace in the Hole'?" Whitley turned his head slightly to the left as Ruby moved hers to the right, they made eye contact as Ruby kept her enemies in her sightline.

Ruby: "I believe-" Ruby was rudely interrupted by Neon,

Neon: "'I believe' That's what you sound like." Neon dips and points at Ruby "Hey where did you get your hair dye done?" She asked with a slight tilt to the left of her head, Ruby's classic 100-yard stare wavered as her eyebrow twitched.

Ruby: "You are very annoying" Ruby was aloof in her delivery and monotone in her voice.

Neon: "You should try rollerblading sometime!" She proceeds to skate around a bit, not having any more to say, as both appeared to be aloof and uncaring of their insults and in return she pouted.

Screens appear around the arena choosing the Terrain, and the floors move to make room for the terrain, being "Geyser, Lava, Desert, Urban" FNKI appears to get ready for the battle 

Announcer: "3"

Whitley puts away his scroll and pulls a rifle from his shoulder, Ruby pulls her scythe from her lower back.

Announcer: "2"

Whitley changes his mind and puts it back and instead readies his fists.

Announcer: "1"

Ruby changes her Scythe into a Bow configuration and draws an arrow made of Ice Dust back.

Announcer: "BEGIN"

As soon as the announcer finishes Music beings blaring across the speakers, FNKI paused at that for but a second leaving all the time needed for both Whitley and Ruby to launch an Attack, Both used incredible speed as Whitley seemed to just disappear before everyone's eyes and Ruby moved in a cloud of Rose Petals.


Port: "What's this?" Port whipped his head to his co-star.

Oobleck: "It would appear that Ruby Rose and Whitley Schnee have activated their semblances and quite a remarkable spectacle at that! Ladies and Gentlemen, Feast your eye's on Ruby Rose's 'Petal Burst' and it would appear that mister Schnee has Master the Family Semblance down so well that his 'Glyhps' are invisible to the naked eye!" Oobleck readjusted his glasses.

Whitley: "Interesting theory Docotor Oobleck, but what you are seeing is the power of TECHNOLOGY! This message was Pre-record if you wish to discuss more find me after the match." Both Port and Oobleck did a Spit-take at hearing Whitley speak over the speakers and everyone could clearly still hear the announcer's voices over the music.


Right in time with the beat Whitley appears beside Flynt and kicks his legs out from under him causing him to land on his hands and knees, Whitley took a seat on Flynt's back before Flynt launched a swing up at him with his Trumpet.

On the other side of the Arena Neon chants her mantra "Never miss a beat" as her blades hit the ground in time with the beat of the song, jumping up she hits a rail and Narrowly avoids an Arrow that almost hit her.

Standing on a building not far away was Ruby who posted themselves up and was sniping at Neon with a clear focus, all of her shots just barely missed and Neon took the time to pull her eye-lid down and stick out her tongue only for a Fire dust Arrow to fly by and miss her face, singeing her tongue as it flew.

Back to Whitley as he moves around the field erratically and forces Flynt into the Urban area before taking full advantage of the terrain by running on the walls without using his Sandevistan, jumping off the wall he slides across the ground and under a sound wave from Flynt.

Instantly he's in front of Flynt again with a punch aimed straight at his solar plexus only for Flynt to narrowly avoid it by dropping to the ground and rolling out of the way of a stomp quickly scrambling up he uses his 'Killer Quartet' to send Whitley flying through the air to a wall.

This turned out to be a mistake as Whitley, with quick wit, turns to the side and starts to run on the wall while drawing his pistol from his lower back, following up he fires 4 times in a row, each bullet flying to a Flynt's head. Ducking Flynt dodges the bullets which end up hitting a railing and bending it slightly each time.

Riding on that Railing was Neon who hit the off-path rail part and was sent flying through the air, she does a front flip to land on the ground only for the ground in front of her to be hit by an ice Dust Arrow coating it in a layer of ice right before she lands.

Neon: "WATCH OUT!" Landing on it she takes a second to regain her balance while sliding on the ice toward Flynt.

Flynt looks back at her shout and Dive rolls out of the way as Neon is assaulted by Whitley, Flynt now has to deal with Ruby's arrows as they prevent him from trying to help Neon. A fire dust Arrow prevents him from moving forward and forces him into cover.

Stepping out of cover Flynt uses his semblance to stop an arrow midflight but doesn't do much more to it, sending debris in front of him Flying they impact the building Ruby's on as she uses her Semblance to reposition herself.

Flynt had a moment of reprieve before Ruby appeared in front of him and with her Bow now a Scythe she swipes down. Blocking it with his trumpet he's pushed back by a kick to his stomach. Standing up he spares a glance at the Arua meters and isn't happy with what he sees.


Neon Katt Whitley Schnee

65 98

Flynt Coal Ruby Rose

39 88


Jumping back just in time Ruby's Bow hit's the ground before she slingshots herself into Flynt with the string and lands on his stomach with both feet, Flynt is sent flying and Ruby sticks to his body from the sheer speed launching them into a fire geyser.



Port: "It appears we have a Bouble Knockout at hand!"

Oobleck: "In fact, it looks as though Mister Coal's aura has been completely depleted! It would appear Miss Ruby sacrificed herself to take out Flynt... Wait a minute... WHAT'S THIS!?"

Port: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Ruby Rose remains standing!"


Neon Katt Whitley Schnee

65 98

Flynt Coal Ruby Rose

0 49


Neon: "Flynt!" The momentary distraction was all that was needed for a lock-on with Whitley, numerous Ice Dust rounds fly through the air at Neon who is already starting to move. Only for her to fall flat on her face as another Ice Dust Arrow makes a rink around her feet.

4 Rounds impact her legs, 2 for each, as another 4 hit her arms and drags her to the ground from the weight and ice floor, standing right above the immobilized skatter was Ruby with her Scythe blade over Neon's neck.


And with that, the song ends with a final "Ain't Nothin' Like A Funky Beat".

Walking over to Flynt, Whitley sticks a hand out to pick the guy up, after a moment of looking at his hand Flynt grabs it and stands up coughing.

Flynt: "That music you Schnee?" Getting a nod of confirmation Flynt looks Whitley up and down with a cough. "Ya ain't got that bad of music taste... *Cough Cough*... I dig it." Flynt walked over to Neon with a bit of help from Whitley as Neon took a moment.

Neon: "That... That was... AMAZING!" Ruby started to break the ice apart to get Neon out "Oh my gosh, you guys were super duper crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime, right Flynt?" Standing up she looks at Flynt, who shakes hands with Whitley and Ruby giving Ruby a nod of respect for her gutsy move.


Port: "Ladies and Gentlemen, what a dashing display of humility as both Ruby Rose and Whitley Schnee Help up their enemies."

Oobleck: "Indeed Port, but what about that match did you like the most?"

Port: "The absolute blood-pumping battle!"

- End -

I only realized like 12 hours after I selected the song and was in the middle of writing the fight that the song name "AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A FUNKY BEAT" kinda matches team FNKI because, well, They are Team Funky and Neon has her mantra of "Never Miss a Beat".


Original post [ 7:45 PM 5/6/2023]

Edited for better grammar and clarity [ 12:18 AM 5/7/2023 ]